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My hempy grow

I'm gonna start this diary to keep track of my grow so I actually have a record of it! This is my fourth grow. I've flowered 2 scrogged ladies in my ghetto cab twice, and run a perpetual SOG for about six months in Dr. Bud style, all done in soil. I have intermittantly posted results and what I was doing during the grow, but have not done a true "diary" yet. I am going to try and keep it up and going this time, just so there is a record to look back at.

I will definitely screw up, I have many times on my past grows, and will greatly appreciate any suggestions from those who know their shit and are willing to offer their opinions.

I appreciate that everyone has opinions on growing, and some will not agree with my growing style, lighting system, ect. Please, however, keep your comments on topic. I don't need to hear how soil is better, or aero is better, or DWC is the only way to go, or that hempy suck balls. I get it. Thanks in advance for this consideration. Flamers are assholes, 'nuff said.

So on we go!


I started my seeds (bagseed from some decent mids) in my handy-dandy cloner/seed popper on May 6, I transplanted them into 100% pearlite, hempy style, 10 days ago. My plan is to veg these plants until they are 7 or 8 nodes then top them. I will use the tops for clones. After they recover and reveg back to about 12 inches, I'm gonna flower them to determine sex, pitch the boys, and keep the female clones taken at the first topping as mom's (I'll bonsai them) The flowering girls will then be aggresively pruned to lillopops and flowered for 8-10 weeks. After the 1st run is harvested and I have enough bud to last me a while, I will start a 3 in and 3 out every two weeks to get the SOG up and running.

I am waiting for my nuts. I haven't decided which brand to use yet. I'm leaning towards using AN, but like the price on the Foxfarm stuff. I will not be using any additives until after I have my clones responding predictable to the main formula. Then I can try additives to see if they help at all. I will be using water from my 75 gallon koi tank, so the nitrogen cycle has already been established, and the Cal and Mag are still in there. I am currently using an "organic" nute mix of Schultz 10-15-10 (I know that's chem, but the bacteria in the fish tank water will break it down in the root ball), 1 tbsp. molassass, 1 tbsp. 5-1-1 fish emulsion, and 4 drops superthrive per gallon. I have seen an explosion of growth in the past 2 days since the tap root hit the hempy res. 10 of the 12 kids have literally doubled in size in the past two days with nice green, flat, healthy leaves, so I feel comfortable holding off on the hydro nutes for now. I have had 3 new nodes grow out in two days.... really. I had the CFL's quite close after the transplant. There was more than enough light, as a matter of fact I had the first 3 nodes within about a half inch of each other. I lifted the lights a little to get some stretch and height going. Hard to clone when the nodes are that close to each other...

Here's all 12 lined up 2x2 under their CFL's

The container on the left is a 1 qt. chinese soup take-out container. This is what I am planning on using once the perpetual gets going and I'm flowering lollipops in my sog.

Thanks for looking!


Active member
looks good SCT.
i use those 32 oz containers to. Better tape 'em up though so they're not clear.
i am new to hempy but the bigger containers hold more water so you don't have to water so often. I've founnd that these girls can drink! the small containers are fine if yu aren't going away for any length of time.

Not much to update. The girls (hope...) are veging and getting some legs. I am going to take some cuts from the sativa-looking ones tonight. There are 4 really good sativa growing, and they are at 7 nodes already... The indica-looking girls are a bit slower, and the the nodes are much tighter. I doubled up the light bar, so I've got 368w (16x23w) of CFL's for the rest of veg and clones in a 2'x3' area. Should be enough for now. I bought a new 150w HPS bulb at Lowe's as well for when I start flowering, the old bulb was the one that came with the light when I bought it from econolight and was more than 6 months old. I imagine it was the cheapest bulb they could find, so I am hoping with a new GE bulb the cab should produce a little better than the last run. I really wasn't that impressed with the 150w compared to what I got from the CFL-flowered run I did. I hope it really was the bulb, but time will tell.

I will try and get some pics up tonight, but you all know what a vegging plant with 5-7 nodes looks like....

Peace out all!
Took some clones, 4 were ready. Two more weeks and I can start flowering. I can't wait to find out who is what.


Great little plant, gonna have to get it out of the clear pot soon...


Here you can see the 4 on the left that have been topped for the clones.

4 more were ready to be topped today, so the clone box is filling up! I figure that the clones from 6 days ago will be rooted in the next few days and I can top the last three for clones then. I also started 10 new seeds on the 16th as well - 9 popped and are on their second set.


For those of you that use the ice cube tray cloner like I do you can see that the unit makes a great seed starter as well! 9 of 10 with no presoak, from brickweed. Not bad....


Hey hey, the gangs all here! I've culled one runty one and taped up that one clear container.


Gonna have a real crazy flower schedule. I will have to track each plants schedule individually, but it will force me to pay closer attention to each plant. It will make for a great staggered harvest and get the perpeptual going.
are they all bagseed? if so, how will you know the flowering time of each? unless they are from the same bag they could all be different.

just a thought.

i love hempys, i have been running perpetual since Jan 1 and I love them.

are they all bagseed? if so, how will you know the flowering time of each? unless they are from the same bag they could all be different.

just a thought.

i love hempys, i have been running perpetual since Jan 1 and I love them.


Hi OSG, thanks for stopping in! Yes they are all bagseed. I want to get my methods down and dialed in before I drop the cash on some good genetics. No sense killing off a bunch of $40 seeds! Plus the wife sees ordering seeds as a way to open up the grow to strangers. Something that she sees as an absolute no-no. Until I can convince her that a drop ship to a rented mailbox is as safe as it gets, I'm playing with bagseed. But as one of the regulars here has in their sig "Every elite was once someones bagseed"

The flowering times are gonna be all different, I have some very sativa phenos and some very indica phenos. I am trying to get a bunch of girls going to find a couple or three good phenos that I really like and keep them going. Until I have their flower times noted and their schedules dialed in, I'm gonna have to check all of them daily for amber trichs towards the end of flower, ~60-65 days, and take LOTS of notes on who is who. This is going to be the hard period: getting all the info on the phenos that I like and will keep in the perpetual.

I love the hempys too. It seems that some of the "other" grow sites are much more geared to hempy. ICMag peeps are not that big on it yet, and I don't know why. If any method was geared towards both organic hydro and chemical hydro, with no moving parts to break, and is basically idiot-resistant, I don't know what it is! Passive hydro rocks for small-timers like me.


Active member
Nice grow SlowCala :D i tried hempy but didnt care for it and bounced back to RSWC but right now im tryn organic soil :yummy:
i also started with bagseed it was fire real racy sativa made you noided out all in the blinds :crazy: but i didnt clone it :wallbash: we get some nice bagseed down here :cool:

stay safe


Active member
So why don't you use a Perlite/Vermiculite 70/30 mix in your hempys? I am a big fan of hempy buckets. I have 4-5 going now. Some have my old mix of P/V mixed with half coco. One of those has perlite on the bottom. So far they all are kicking butt.
I see you have the bottled water ice tray with verm? cloner going. I'm anxious to see how that vermiculite cloning goes.
Nice grow SlowCala :D i tried hempy but didnt care for it and bounced back to RSWC but right now im tryn organic soil :yummy:
i also started with bagseed it was fire real racy sativa made you noided out all in the blinds :crazy: but i didnt clone it :wallbash: we get some nice bagseed down here :cool:

stay safe

I am having a hard time believing how easy this hempy thing is toast. I've had some decent looking plants on my other grows, but they were nothing compared to these at the same age. The plants didn't miss a beat after being cloned, and mind you, I only left the bottom two nodes on the plants when I topped to clone. I wasn't even using commercial nutes made for this yet, just leftover stuff from my soil grows that I bubbled. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm using active-culture water as the base for my nutes or if hempy really does work that good. I was all hot and horny to build an aero system like Pirate's, but am going to take my time and save my money to build it right when the kids are out of the house. This passive hydro shit works pretty well for me. That RSWC looks pretty cool, I've seen some kick-ass grows in it. Organic soil is cool, basically maintenece-free. I got tired of soil and wanted an organic hydro. Passive and hempy seems to be the only way to get a good organic grow without using soil to harbor the organisms.

I've got some wicked stretchy sativa phenos growing out of this batch, you lookin for a clone? LOL!

And you're right about our bagseed! I had a hybrid on one of my last grows that smelled and tasted exactly like grapefruit, it kicked royal ass on one hit from the bong. I really wish I had been able to reveg it (since my dumb ass didn't clone it...) but it died. :badday:

Peace out, amigo and thanks for checkin in there homeboy!

So why don't you use a Perlite/Vermiculite 70/30 mix in your hempys? I am a big fan of hempy buckets. I have 4-5 going now. Some have my old mix of P/V mixed with half coco. One of those has perlite on the bottom. So far they all are kicking butt.
I see you have the bottled water ice tray with verm? cloner going. I'm anxious to see how that vermiculite cloning goes.

Hey Hazy, thanks for stoppin by! I wish we could get more hempy converts here on IC. The only reason I ever go to any of the "other" growsites is because there is so much more info on hempy over there. I like IC much more for the "community". I decided to go with the 100% pearl after reading a bunch on other grows. I think that I may have to go to a 70/30 mix though since I'm in such small (22 oz) containers and they are drying out in 2 days with these small plants. I will most likely need the extra moisture holding of the verm if I don't want to be watering twice a day at the end of flower. I'm gonna experiment and play with clones in different mixtures while they flower to see what mix will be best for my situation. Thanks for the suggestion.

The ice cube trays kick ass! It's the best way I have found to clone yet. Inert media that will transplant to both hydro and soil equally easily. Can't beat it! I use a 70/30 verm/pearl mix in there to keep the moisture right up against the stem. I always have roots in 5-7 days. Not nubs -full root systems that pull the whole plug out of the tray at transplant. Love it.

tagged, gl with the lil ones :D

Muches gracias, FF! I've been watching your "reality" grow and you're kickin ass yourself!

I am getting myself on a schedule now and will be updating every Mon night or Tues morning.

Thanks for looking everybody!


Active member
SlowCala i def wasnt knockin the hempy i just like fillin a res and not checkn again for a week :D
and thank u for the offer but my cab is pretty full right now but thank u anyways :joint:

stay safe
Hi! I am going hempy style too. I have small containers as well and am looking to sog, like I said in my thread that you commented on (thanks for that btw). I have mushroom compost, peat and perlite over solid perlite. Just today I finally say vermiculite so I will likely be picking that up since you and others have mentioned how thirsty the girls are and how quick they suck all the water down in small containers.

I will be watching your grow!
toasted - amigo, I know you know your shit, and I know you aren't the type to bag on someone else's style (unless they are using an incandescent and MG... LOL!) I wish there was a cheap, passive hydro setup that let's you have that week walk-away. Alas the best comprimise I've found for now is the hempy. I do have my eye on Pirates aero cave, and am saving my pennies now for that future. Then I'll have that week-long walkaway! Thanks for keepin and eye on me!

Minty - glad you stopped by! Your thread got really hijacked and fucked up! I hope you took some good info from DM, he knows his organic hempy! Dali tends to go over the top in defending his "creation" (even though he will be the first to say it was someone else's creation) He is sold on the salt-based nutes above anything else, so what you gonna do? Anywho, I don't know if you've got 50 posts for the PM feature or not, but just PM me or post in here if you have any questions about anything. We can keep it cleaned up and the "animated discussions" out of here! Good luck and ask anything you want, we really are here to help each other!
Update: Moved the 14-day cones and seeds to their new digs. You can see how well the seedlings do in the cloner/seed popper. The final tally was 8/10 seedlings popped and transplanted. Not a bad ratio for bagseed with no presoak, huh? They are a little streched, I kept the lights up high for the clones' sake, but when I transplanted I buried that extra stem up to the bottom set of leaves. You can see the roots that squeezed through the cap on the right.


You can see what the plug looks like when it comes out. The clones come out real easy, just grab the stem and slide the whole plug out. The seedlings don't have a strong enough stem to pull with, so I use a penny and a pencil to push the plug out from the bottom. The top 3+ nodes are new growth in the cloner, It's cannibalized those bottom leaves for the nitrogen already.


Other than that everything is going great. I am stopping by the hardware store for a new timer tonight, I was going to put the first plants in to flower as soon as I had the clones rooted to determine sex, but I only had one timer, and it's keeping the veg area at 18/6 right now. Tonight they go into flower. They will have about 36 hrs dark then on to 12/12. Pray for girls!
LOL I didn't know what to think about the little war on my thread! I'm not at 50 posts yet but I am working on it, but thanks for the offer of help.

What is that you use for a cloner? That is wicked cool. Do you by any chance have a thread on its construction/use?
lookin good :yes: those are some nice healthy roots ya got there :D

stay safe

Thanks T! :joint:

LOL I didn't know what to think about the little war on my thread! I'm not at 50 posts yet but I am working on it, but thanks for the offer of help.

What is that you use for a cloner? That is wicked cool. Do you by any chance have a thread on its construction/use?

Yea, anytime DM posts on the benefits of organic hempy, dali is close behind to tell him he's full of shit. Take it for what it's worth, just don't be afraid to chime in!

The cloner I use is an ice cube tray for water bottles. The construct thread is here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=42847

I wish I could take credit, but like EVERYTHING else on this site, it's been done before! The offer to help is always out there, don't wait for an invite to pop up and ask. As you are here for a while you will see the good folks to ask. We all have our favorites; Pirate, Freezerboy, Whiskeytango420, etc. Too many to name really. They may use different methods, but chances are they have already done what you want to do and know which way to steer you. Have you read the Dr.Bud thread yet? Want to talk about someone who has influenced a GREAT nunber of folks around here (including me!)... he's the man! http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=69713&highlight=dr+bud

I finally got the timer and started the flower on three of the bitches. Pray for pistols! (It's not just a ICMag handle....)