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marijuana potentcy


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Marijuana Potency Hits 30-Year High
Posted: 2008-06-12 13:43:23
Filed Under: Health News
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A chemical analysis of marijuana seized by police in 2007 showed that the drug has more than doubled in potency since 1983.

WASHINGTON (June 12) -- Marijuana potency increased last year to the highest level in more than 30 years, posing greater health risks to people who may view the drug as harmless, according to a report released Thursday by the White House.

The latest analysis from the University of Mississippi's Potency Monitoring Project tracked the average amount of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, in samples seized by law enforcement agencies from 1975 through 2007. It found that the average amount of THC reached 9.6 percent in 2007, compared with 8.75 percent the previous year.

The 9.6 percent level represents more than a doubling of marijuana potency since 1983, when it averaged just under 4 percent.

"Today's report makes it more important than ever that we get past outdated, anachronistic views of marijuana," said John Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. He cited baby boomer parents who might have misguided notions that the drug contains the weaker potency levels of the 1970s.

"Marijuana potency has grown steeply over the past decade, with serious implications in particular for young people," Walters said. He cited the risk of psychological, cognitive and respiratory problems, and the potential for users to become dependent on drugs such as cocaine and heroin.


Smokes, lets go
lol thats all i have to say just lol

wait till they find the white widow with 22% thc...

this morning on the radio the traffic guy who does the news said outta no where

well folks, theres some strong weed going around! a report released.... blah blah blah

i laughed my ass off when the news comes on and first thing they say is well folks, theres some strong weed going around! i was thinking damn where can i get some! but only 9% thats just mid grade IMO


Rubbing my glands together
John Walters is Bush's chief nut sucker. How a man can lie like he does and still sleep at night is beyond me. This is one bastard I'd love to see get hit in the head by an asteroid.


Where I am I haven't seen a consistent supply of really potent weed since the late 70's,early 80's.It was still pretty good until shortly after the World Trade Center disaster,at which point it went to hell,and is still there.The homegrown isn't even any good anymore because most everyone is planting it from seeds from bacteria infested,THC deficient imported weed.Wish I could get some of that high THC stuff,wherever it is! :confused:


I like how the government is purposely downplaying the truth regarding the prevelence of extremely potent marijuana, saying that 9% THC is something to worry about, as they hold that trumph card knowing the stuff that *they* grow is well above 25%THC.


I wuz gettin ready to post on this news article, you beat me to it. Personally I think it is absolutely amazing that those pink nosed dirt bags haven't a clue about potency, that's probably why they use the NEW Viagra Nasal Spray----------cuz they are DICKHEADS.

What is truly amazing is that 2 generations of growers, constantly improving and crossing strains, accomplished this without one damned dollar of Federal or State funds, and have fun doing it !



Wait till they do more stories on bubble, iso, and bho. I'm sure they'll find a nice way to spin it to make it sound like crack, meth, etc. We should be so lucky that they haven't jumped on that one yet.

Of course, the whole idea of weed potency is still ridiculous. Its funny that most of the "strongest pot you ever smoked" stories start with "sometime in the 70's or 80's......", yet the pot nowdays is way more dangerous. Weird.


New member
Refudean said:
Where I am I haven't seen a consistent supply of really potent weed since the late 70's,early 80's.It was still pretty good until shortly after the World Trade Center disaster,at which point it went to hell,and is still there.The homegrown isn't even any good anymore because most everyone is planting it from seeds from bacteria infested,THC deficient imported weed.Wish I could get some of that high THC stuff,wherever it is! :confused:

I'm down-south and I concur.....totally subpar weed down here now.
The late 90's was a totally different story there was all kinds of potent MJ.......


platinumbuds said:
I'm down-south and I concur.....totally subpar weed down here now.
The late 90's was a totally different story there was all kinds of potent MJ.......

My dream is that we could all get our doodoo together and boycott imported weed for a while,and let it be known why,and force the producers to take some relatively simple measures to keep the weed in good shape until we get it.They changed their way of doing things and the weed suffered,but we have kept on buying it,so why should they change?All they have to do is dry it out enough and keep it from getting too hot. :joint:


New member
I agree Refudean....but as the quality has gone down, times have gotten more stressfull for many here in the U.S. leaving some folks no choice but to either quit, cutback, or just accept it....unless you have a green thumb.....

I have actually taken a break from smoking due to some life business I must handle and I really haven't had any major cravings to smoke, I think it is because what I was smoking wasn't of any quality anyway so It wasn't like I was getting any type of head or body high I was just getting by with something to smoke.....I'll be cranking up a GO in the future though.....so I am not to worried about the Market at the moment..hopefully I will never have to depend on Street Dealers as much as I have in the past again......
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My little pony.. my little pony
Gee, what a shocker. Whoda thunk by tightening the mexi border and keeping out the schwag would increase the THC levels in seized weed in the US? I cant wait til next years data.