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My first Seed SPROUTED

Kanye WeED

Active member

i got a male g-13 plant that i was hoping was a female from a seed company but it turned out male, but the LSD seed i ordered with it turned out to be female

any way i let the male g-13 cutting continue to grow in a seperate chamber of mine and it ended up producing a few pistols so i pollinated the pistil with its own pollen and it produced a seed that i didnt think would sprout

but low and behold today after like 48 hours in water i have a HOPEFULLY G-13 HAZE plant fem seed

thatd be sooo cool

what do u guys think it will be

ill just be happy if it grows man, ohhh my god

this means that all my crosses might grow

whit widow x g-13 haze

blue berry x bubble gum

lsd x bubble gum

lsd x g-13 haxe

blue berry x g-13 haze

damn i wish thats all i had to do is just sit around and watch my plants grow!!

Have u sowed ur own seed today???:woohoo:


So you had a male hermie on you? Or do you think it was a female that was stressed so she showed balls first?

I wanna see some pics!

Oh yeah, congrats :D

Kanye WeED

Active member
thanks man, and yea i have like 1 pic of my lil boy

im thinking it was like 90% male and 10% female, not many female parts at all!

heres a pic tho, and keep ur fingers crossed that i got a fem seed out of him for sure!!!


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thanks man, and yea i have like 1 pic of my lil boy

im thinking it was like 90% male and 10% female, not many female parts at all!

heres a pic tho, and keep ur fingers crossed that i got a fem seed out of him for sure!!!

That's really weird, I've got my fingers crossed and J lit backwards for ya :D

Kanye WeED

Active member
That's really weird, I've got my fingers crossed and J lit backwards for ya :D

lol, j lit backwards huh, lol for sure thats funny

yea we can hope for the best, hell lets not count our chickens before they hatch!!

she aint even sprouted yet!!!


lol, j lit backwards huh, lol for sure thats funny

yea we can hope for the best, hell lets not count our chickens before they hatch!!

she aint even sprouted yet!!!

Haha, I couldn't think of anything abnormal to do besides crossing my fingers and I had this freshly rolled J sitting right next to me...

On that note, is there any possibility that it could have been a male that hermied and thus produced a male seed? Don't know if I've heard of that before, this will definitely be fun to follow along.

Kanye WeED

Active member
Haha, I couldn't think of anything abnormal to do besides crossing my fingers and I had this freshly rolled J sitting right next to me...

On that note, is there any possibility that it could have been a male that hermied and thus produced a male seed? Don't know if I've heard of that before, this will definitely be fun to follow along.

very good question, i guess time will tell, so having said that does this mean if a female hermies that it will thus only produce either other hermie seeds or fem seeds?

never herd of a masculinized seed but i guess ill find out, itll still be cool having my OWN seed that i produced grow for the first time

ohh and she popped up outta the soil today 10/5/2009 so lets see how it goes

mozel tof, lol

i hope shes a gurl fellas, but i bet u guys are probably right!!!

Kanye WeED

Active member
99% sure that this one is a masculinized(sp?) seed.

god i hope not thatd be soo disappointing but ohh well like i said before its my first off spring seed and i think its just cool thats all!!

im in that 1 percential.

just like always, lol


very good question, i guess time will tell, so having said that does this mean if a female hermies that it will thus only produce either other hermie seeds or fem seeds?

never herd of a masculinized seed but i guess ill find out, itll still be cool having my OWN seed that i produced grow for the first time

ohh and she popped up outta the soil today 10/5/2009 so lets see how it goes

mozel tof, lol

i hope shes a gurl fellas, but i bet u guys are probably right!!!

I could be wrong, but...

I am under the impression the tendency to hermie is usually genetic (or at least how prone the plant is) but of course stress can cause it as well. If a female hermied due to stress, the plants should be female and shouldn't be more prone to hermie than normal. However if it is a genetic mutation that is causing them to be asexual, then more than likely the offspring will as well.

It will be very interesting to see what happens, here's some juju :D

But a female that hermied and produced balls will only produce female seeds as it is not able to supply the male chromosome? Right? So if a male hermied and produced pistils, it should be the same but opposite, right? :)

Kanye WeED

Active member
I could be wrong, but...

I am under the impression the tendency to hermie is usually genetic (or at least how prone the plant is) but of course stress can cause it as well. If a female hermied due to stress, the plants should be female and shouldn't be more prone to hermie than normal. However if it is a genetic mutation that is causing them to be asexual, then more than likely the offspring will as well.

It will be very interesting to see what happens, here's some juju :D

But a female that hermied and produced balls will only produce female seeds as it is not able to supply the male chromosome? Right? So if a male hermied and produced pistils, it should be the same but opposite, right? :)

wow, thats really good thinking, and sounds really logical, tho im no scientific master mind i can partake in the understanding of what u did just say, and id say u sound correct....FUCK a male made first seed, lol just my luck

never thought of it down to the not being able to produce the female chromosome gene, wow what a good thought

i dont understand how i could have stressed him to do so tho i really dont i think he may have already been hermie or some thing cause when i chopped down the fahter plant last night he had a branch full of nothing but female pistils on just one branch.


so does this mean that all the pollen that i pollinated the other plants with will be hermie also now, or does it depend on how likely and close to being asexual the mother plant is


i like that im learning this shit, but its a bad way to learn it ya know

def dont wanna be producing no freaking hermie plants if i gotta shut down shop and open bac up in the future.

i dont know what could have stressed him to hermie like this

only thing i can think of is maybe a flucuating ph from like 6.2-6.7 thats about it!!!

any other ideas??


Sorry, I need to remember to subscribe to threads!

I'm not too familiar with these strains, where did you get the seeds from?

It sounds to me like bad genetics, as you've grown before and would know if you were stressing them that badly.

I think it's going to be a male seed, and I definitely wouldn't want to cross it with anything in case it is a genetic defect. Don't want to pass on those genes!

Kanye WeED

Active member
Sorry, I need to remember to subscribe to threads!

I'm not too familiar with these strains, where did you get the seeds from?

It sounds to me like bad genetics, as you've grown before and would know if you were stressing them that badly.

I think it's going to be a male seed, and I definitely wouldn't want to cross it with anything in case it is a genetic defect. Don't want to pass on those genes!

lol yea i too have a prob wit remeber ing to subscribe to threads and am just now doing this one lol

yea i crossed it with a white widow already but have not yet planted the seeds

i do really hate to pass on the jeans but i really am anxious to see what a female turns out to look like

i just really hate to order more seeds

just wanted to produce some seeds so i didnt have to order again ya know.

i have some more seeds i gotta sex coming up, including purple bud, and PINK KUSH

do u think that the pink kush f4 plant male could prove to be a good surogate?

i like to get a purple bud male out of the 2 plants that i do have, but i dont wanna cross it with 2 much, i dont want ALL my plants to have purple buds

but yes the male g-13 plant was a mono sex because both sexes didnt appear on the same flower but on dif parts of the plant

do u know what this means???


Active member
good luck with those crosses!
and hopefully you will share those with some homies to try also!
enjoy your harveyyyy


I definitely understand not wanting to order more seeds, hopefully the cross gives you a nice female you can at least clone. If nothing else, I'd stock up on some Mandala genetics. I'm getting ready to order some along with a variety pack from greenhouse seeds.

If the pink kush has the traits you're looking for (quick growth, stocky, small spacing between internodes) then I'd definitely use it for breeding.

As far the location of the male and female flowers indicating whether it's a stress or genetic issue, that is new to me. Where did ya find that?

Kanye WeED

Active member
I definitely understand not wanting to order more seeds, hopefully the cross gives you a nice female you can at least clone. If nothing else, I'd stock up on some Mandala genetics. I'm getting ready to order some along with a variety pack from greenhouse seeds.

If the pink kush has the traits you're looking for (quick growth, stocky, small spacing between internodes) then I'd definitely use it for breeding.

As far the location of the male and female flowers indicating whether it's a stress or genetic issue, that is new to me. Where did ya find that?

where did i find what? if u r refering to the stress issue http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=140098 this is a great topic on it, but if u r anything like me when some one posts a link i RARELY follow it so ill just tell u whats in it

just basically the question u asked is answered in it tells all about hermaphroditisim, and what to look for while breeding and stuff like that i do believe, hell imight just go have a look at the thread my self for a little bit!!!


where did i find what? if u r refering to the stress issue http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=140098 this is a great topic on it, but if u r anything like me when some one posts a link i RARELY follow it so ill just tell u whats in it

just basically the question u asked is answered in it tells all about hermaphroditisim, and what to look for while breeding and stuff like that i do believe, hell imight just go have a look at the thread my self for a little bit!!!

You linked to what I was asking an answer for. I was unaware that a hermie (due to stress) would show it both male and female parts on the same flower, whereas an intersexed plant (due to genetics) would have male only and female only flowers on the same plant. That's new to me, thanks for sharing!

Kanye WeED

Active member
just found out i can post from my cell phne, YES!my seeds doing good, think it is gonna be a male.got some seeds from my blue berry, more than 5 it should be so im sure i should get a few HOPEFULLY blueish/purple bud color having plants like there mom.


just found out i can post from my cell phne, YES!my seeds doing good, think it is gonna be a male.got some seeds from my blue berry, more than 5 it should be so im sure i should get a few HOPEFULLY blueish/purple bud color having plants like there mom.

Now you're really not going to get anything done :D

Blueberry is on my list, waiting till I have the money to afford the quality genetics though. Have you set up one of the OBBT's yet?

Kanye WeED

Active member
Now you're really not going to get anything done :D

Blueberry is on my list, waiting till I have the money to afford the quality genetics though. Have you set up one of the OBBT's yet?

hey what up mr green.

no not set up yet but i have everything i need i gotta HARVEST a few plants before i have the room to start a big bucket grow, im gonna do 2 of those OBBT buckest, and the rest probably hydro on 12 plants, and like 2 soil grows

actually i should be working right now, lol

see u soon

is ur grow gonna be hydro, or soil, or OBBT?

i really gotta recommend hydro seeing as i cant ssay to much about OBBT from expierence, but im sure thatd be my second if not first rec if i had done it!!!

talk to u soon!