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Quality and Yeild?

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I know he's not popular round here with some people (still not sure why?!?!), but I'm still interested in his gear, JTR and Jilly Bean are the two I'm most interested in. Ever run the Jilly, Count? How's she compare to JTR yield wise? I see it says Jilly is good for SCROG or SOG and I'm moving towards a SOG set up so....

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Be sure to get Mr. Nice SSH. There are MANY, MANY strains I want to grow LONG before running any Greenhouse beans. :2cents:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No greenhouse uh? I like the HS. and NH but I haven't tried much else. So your saying go with SSH from Mr.Nice not greenhouse. I did find where JTR is for sale (thank you) and I think I'm going ak47, JTR, Would love some Sour Deisel IBL but it doesn't look like those will be around anytime soon. Looking for one more.. I was thinking sensi bigbud but i hear such mixed stuff about big bud. I've smoke great big bud before but i don't know if it was Sensi's or Jordan's or what.. Anyone got any experence with big bud.

If I do grow out anything form greenhouse I think i'll stick to the sativa mixed pack. Seems there best genes are all sative dom.

I'll do alittle research on SSH from mr. Nice..

Thanks for all the suggestions,

Evil 1

If this is being done for commercial sale (the chosen varieties) pot prices differ from strain to strain so instead of getting something like big bud that you can only sell at reduced prices, rather use something like nebula where the you still get a good yield and can punt it off at a higher price and probably balance out the yield to the financial gain, and have better dope than the rest of the punters out there :joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No not comercial... Our problem here is that we have to many members of the co-op in spain and not enough weed. We keep running out. We are looking into getting another apartment and thought why not get some big yeilding strain. I mean this is a vacation for like 6 familys from the USA now so going there for a few months and not haveing enought weed to get and stay high kinda sucks.. (Call us pot heads we don't care)

I think the list is JTR from subcool, D39 from Res, and last but not least ak47 from serious.

I may add mr. nice SSH but I'm thinking of finishing out the list with super high quality stuff. Anyone got beans they have popped and thought "whoa this shit is great"?

Thanks for all the help,


Rez offers DSD at $40 bucks or so! A+ smoke and yeilds like a mother! Good luck. :joint:
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned Durban Poison or Sensi Star.

I havn't grown Durban but I did do both Sensi Star and Critical Mass this year.

The Critical is a bit difficult to clone and a slow starter but finished nicely in late October.

The Sensi Star was definitely a smash hit with high yields, fruity flavor, and uplifting stone.

Almost forgot to note this was outdoor.


anyone try a strain called The Black yet from bc bud depot? read some good stuff about it in high times and.just wondering if it would be worth a go.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
DSD and gonzo #2 Anyone smoked the gonzo? I'll look around for more smoke reports.

Is DSD a a yeilder? I hear the smoke was great but I never read that it yeilded well.


I'm thinking Maple leaf I (this could change), JTR, ak47 (this could change), and something from res. Gonzo (are these seeds still being produced or is this part of the res line that isn't in production this year?) or d39 or DSD and last but not least SSH (this could change) from Mr. Nice

Keep um coming.
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yeah lui or sensi star

i havnt tried those m39 crosses but i think m39 sucks. big yeailds super spicey smell and spicey dirt taste. But the high is anti-motivational, and very unclear kinda dirty feeling. m39 is a super commercial strain, decent potency poor quality of high, imho.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
LUI or sensi star? How heavy is sensi? I've hear mostly average but i could have heard wrong.

I think I am going with DSD from res. I agree about the m39 being cloudy.. just didn't know that it carryed into poor quailty in the gonzo#2

I know nothing at all about LUI never smoked it, never knew anyone who grew it. Intrested to hear more feedback on that one.


Thus far I think the undistubited champs are Jack the Ripper, AK47.

Anyone had good yeild with Blue Cheese? THey say about 400-700grm/m2 in bbd3?
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Also what does everyone think of Blue saelite 2.2 from SOL I hear she is pretty and stinky and big yeilding. Anyone grow this one out before?

And which LUI SOL or Legends seeds?

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i have some serious seeds bubblegum growing now that looks to be a medium to high
yield er and this one pheno is out of control on smell its the smell of the old road kill skunk i kid you not i took it out to take pictures and could not believe what i was smelling it got some bubble gum smell but the most part it smells like the old rks we got in the late 80s to early 90s. any one buying this all they need to do is smell this and you could name the price. i am going to re grow the plant and take clones from her .if not only to isolate the smell gen to pass on to other plants. its sticky as hell and the stems to the fan leafs has crystals on it hanging like ice cycles. ther are pictures in my photos.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
anyone still out there?

anyone still out there?

Ok i think the list is.. Jack the Ripper , Ak47, LUI, DSD (looking forward to it), Now however I'm torn... someone just told me recently (could have been because of the high times issue) that fucking incredible is really really good.

Now I was thinking of pandor's box from TGA but i ready got some TGA gear so... I my next thought was Blue cheese (does this really yeild well with longer veg times?)... But I thought i should ask if anyone knew one more incredible plant with decent to high yeilds.

thanks for all the opinons,

p.s. if not i'm getting a pack of destoryer for my head.
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rizraz said:
Super Silver Haze uh? I love SSH I've smoked it once before. Didn't know it yeilded that well..



P.S. anyone got pictures of so super SSH buds? Maybe a real SSH grower with his M2 yeild? Just thought i would ask.
Meet Lilly
a Mr NICE SuperSilverHaze F1 from a pack of Shantibaba seeds...
this plant will yield excessively,
so much so that most of the branching colas must be staked or risk breakage from weight of flowers.
2000 gms outdoors/greenhouse at 30 N.



rizraz said:
P.S. anyone got pictures of so super SSH buds?
Maybe a real SSH grower with his M2 yeild?
Just thought i would ask.

riz,out of 1 pack of Mr Nice SSH ,16 seeds,I got 12 females...
10 were stellar potent,heavy resin babes
#8Lilly,#7 heavy pepper plant,#4 SuperSilver HAZSHPLANT ,#5 fine sativa hybrid colas
all are excellent in their own way and have managed to pay this years tuition...$$$$
