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Window Ac work in cool weather?

i need some help...my window ac seems to be not working and the outside temps r like 60 during the day and at night going as low as 40 and has anybody ran window ac during winter?
save your self money and save the enviroment (most elecrtic come from coal fired power plants) tak the a/c out and use a fan walmart has a duel fan set up (intake and exit) with temp controls


full time daddy
^^^^^ but to answer your ? yes they work in winter just fine your's more then likely just needs cleaned
i've also noticed that the humidity levels are high...i thought the ac was suppose to be a dehumidifier....so i dont know if its because of the humidity level why the ac isn't working as well


full time daddy
pokerman2006200 said:
i've also noticed that the humidity levels are high...i thought the ac was suppose to be a dehumidifier....so i dont know if its because of the humidity level why the ac isn't working as well

mine run's with 70% humidity just fine as well........ it dose act as a dehu but it can only pull so much depinding on setup

you have something setup wrong or it is truely a bad a/c
just to say it's not working is very blunt.... give us details on your room size lights style of growing size of a/c ect...
ok the ac works when the temps outside are warm say around 75.....but when its like 55 outside it doesn't work....any ideas? ........the room is 13x10 and have 2k lights. the a/c don't know what the btu's are got it from a friend.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
When you say the AC doesn't work, do you mean it just doesn't go on or doesn't blow any air? The AC should work regardelss of the temperature. I know the older models use to freeze up like a block of ice if the temperatures got to cool outside, but newer ones seem to handle the cold. But like someone stated already, save some electricity and just vent in some cool air from outside. I don't think the AC is going to cool the air anymore than what is outside at night this time of the year (depending on where your at). I have my AC on also, so I am not one to talk, but I am very soon going to switch to a vent in like I do every winter.



Hey pokerman,

I just lift a window.

I rig up a light trap. (It works. But I'm still not happy...)

I make sure security is not comprimised. (Don't want peeps usin' the window...)

So far, I have found that good negative air pressure will prevent odor from escaping thru the window.



Active member
Hello all,

To answeryour question...the thermostat within the unit is being influeneced by the outside temp...making it think it is cold inside when it is cold outside.

If you remove the grill, you will find a copper tube with a probe on the end.

Gently, I mean very genly, taking care to not kink the copper tube, re-position the end of the probe away from the unit and more into the interior of the room.

This worked for me as I had the same issues.

But now I just use a Walmart two fan temp controlled intake or exhaust at night and the AC during the day until the temps stay lower.



Tom 'Green' Thumb
Minds_I, that is great to know! I never thought that could cause a problem but I guess it can. I am going to input air from the outside when it gets cold enough. I find if my carbon scrubber is exausting more air than I am allowing in, it keeps the smell contained. Just like Peat stated, negative pressure is the way to go.



Active member
ICMag Donor
When you do look for the thermostat probe...clean the grill and any material in front of it. I bet money it's clogged up and choking the unit down.
And if it is, take a good think about how to filter the intake ports just like the AC vent is filtered, and you will catch that stuff before it gets to the AC next time.