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My First Hydro Grow!! E&F


New member
great looking plants wcbg and it's funny because that is the exact same setup I hope to be running in the not so distant future. I was debating about algae growth too and when I saw how you fixed the problem, I was happily relieved to see it working so well for you. I hope to learn alot in this thread, keep the updates frequent ;)



Active member
Highya Sinoptik: That cool! I'm loving my E&F system , it's the 4x4 table /w 30 gl. Rez. Hope all goes well with yours when ya get it set up!!

OH: :wave: Yeah they are goin off the hook right now, i gotta get my ass in gear :spank: and take clones,, been distracted for a couple weeks though,, We'll get it done though! Our buddy is patiently waiting :biglaugh:

We'll time to grub!! Later Ic'ers Keep it clean, and Keep it Green!! :whip:

Hi wikid :wave: ,
what's new sweets ? got any photo's for us to check out ?
i talked with your sis the other day , she seems to be just as nice and sweet of a person as you :D , it must run in the family :biglaugh: .

talk with ya soon



Active member
:wave: Highya IC'ers :joint:

OH: Well ask and you shall recieve! :biglaugh: Sis told me you two talked too,, she said you were a "Hella nice guy" :wink: We are a lot alike too (yet :chin: alot different too :confused: but i guess that siblings for ya! ) Hahahhaaaa!
WOW,, something I just noticed,, with the little tracers from the falling snow, it looks like it's falling UP,,,, Trippy :eek: :biglaugh:

We woke up to snow this morning, good quarter size flakes,, it was really pretty! This pic was taken after it started to stop. Starting to melt already though :frown: ohh well, sure there will be more :rolleyes: Here's a couple pics taken this morning of the ladies ,,Enjoy! Clones being taken tonight too!
O O O!! :friends: a friend of mine who's down from Oregon is gunna hook me up with a friend of his ,up the Other side of the hill from me, who has some NYCD too! Can't wait for that! My plate is filling QUICK! :wink: :biglaugh: :canabis:

hahahahahaha, snow :biglaugh: we've been done with that sh!t here for afew weeks :tongue: :abduct: better you than me wikid :smile: plants are looking hella good hun , nice and lush and healthy , i hope you end up getting that NYCD cut , i smoked some nice nugs of it in the de dampkring coffee shop last year , it was some nice tasty smoke.

((((((((((((((((((((((((still sending those positive vibes for your sis ))))))))))))))))))))))))

all my best wikid , talk with ya soon



Active member
Hahahahhaa!!! :biglaugh: Snow is pretty though,,, IT's All Gone now! might get more over night, but who really knows, whether-man always wrong 'round here :biglaugh:

1/2man1/2amazin: Hey man : You right! You must be too :confused: maybe? lol anyways i like it , but I like being warm more FOR SURE!

OH: You lucky dog you! The plants are just exploding with growth ,, lights are being moved up tonight because the NL's are huge but it'll help with a little height incouragment for the Nebula just b4 flowering anyhow :wink: I'm really hoping for the NYCD cut's too,, this lady is looking to maybe grow that NYCD exclusively too , so ya know it's a "cut above the rest!" as she's got several other good srains right now,, Finger crossed!!
OK guys.... I'm Lite, and I guess :chin: I'ma go cruise the forums! Later Yall ! Stop by and say "HIGHYA!!" people! Love Yall!!


Active member
Well,, my smallest skunk( the one still in the small tray) decided to sex itself,, and it went the WRONG WAY! ohh well . Other two bigger ones haven't started to show yet.
Has anyone heard therory on this: That if you have a male, to leave it in the room as long as you can keep up with taking the balls off b4 they can pollenate anything. Someone told me this will make the females in the room LESS likely to go hermie in self-preservation efforts? anyways,, just wondering :smile:
Take Care All!!


Active member
thats funny

thats funny

Hey sis that was a good one LMAO. :biglaugh: Where are some more picture :moon: come on now. :biglaugh: :friends: I love ya chat soon. :wave:

Okie grown

Active member


Does it help to have that plastic over the table? Heres my e & f table i just built.I got a bunch of clones rooting for it rite now.Im thinking that i may add some plastic to the top of mine.Just cut an X where ever the little 32 oz. square pots i use are gonna be and pop em in there.Outta help keep alge (sp) from sliming up the bottom of the table.Great Grow too by the way!! http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=10007
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Active member
Definately use the plastic hun!! I had a problem with algea growing on the table within I'd say,,,2-4 days. Mine was easy to clean though as I could just pick it up carry it outside and wash it out. With your (Awesomely built btw<<) table that might be a little difficult to do. Good Luck and Great job on building your table!! :wink: :smile:

:frown: We had a disaster in the cloner last night,, not sure :confused: when but the way I had the spinner tube set up to the pump, it allowed it( the spinners) to fall over to one side sometime during the night :mad: So for an unknown length of time all but like two clones were not getting sprayed. So i rigged up the thing so it WONT happen again, but the damage was done to these. I took 11 clones and I think( I HOPE) all but 2 will survive.

( UPDATE- all clones but two look like they'll survive!! WHEW they're perking back up and lookin better. I've also trimmed the bigger leaf tips down a bit earlier to less water trans.~ seems to have helped too )

b4 i use it again i will be modifying it to have three rows of sprayers, like Mr. Wags has his set up (they're the same cloners) I have the "sprinkler" type spinners right now, and think I'll be going with misters insted. We'll see how( if these, or most of these survive) well they root b4 making a final decision on that though.
The rest of the ladies are doing Awesome!! My other two skunks haven't showed sex yet, so I'm hoping these are females. We'll be switching to 12/12 in a week or so. Let the FUN BEGIN!!! :friends: :canabis:
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Good save wikid , sounds like you've got everything under control now :joint:
it'll be cool to see these babies start flowering for ya , so another week ya say , :chin: , sounds like a plan :wink:

talk with ya soon



Active member
OH: Yup Yup!! and guess what?? They ALL made it!! woohoooo! I just gave all but three away to my buddy yesterday,, he has to head back to Oregon, so we re-dipped in root gel and stuck um in cubes for the trip,,, I was hoping he was gunna stick around a few more day so they could root in the cloner but,,, he misses his kids too much to stay,,so off he went! BUT,,, before he left he brought me,,,,
:canabis: I know it's a chity shot, But you can see what they SAY!!! :eek: :grin: :friends: I'ma be hand watering these indoors under my Compact Floro'ss till they can go in the table,,, they are four days from cut today.
Here's afew more of the room this morning too,,,

And one for Okie Grown showing the corner of the plastic folded back for added fresh air to the rootzone!

Don't know if I can wait a week to 12/12 um,,, :wink:


Active member
Lookin Goood!

Lookin Goood!

Hey sis the garden looks great :wave: :yummy: . So glad to hear the babies made it :whip: them into submission :biglaugh: Keep up the great pics! :friends: :smoweed: :smoke:
Looking GREAT wikid ,
hard to believe that your plants were no bigger than those NYCD cut's you now have ,[congrats on scoring them by the way] they grow so fast when they get nothing but love and good vibes :smile: , i just know they'll give you BIG love inreturn :wink: , hey , thanx for telling me about the POTM nomination , i would have never known if ya didn't mention it , so nice of Ms.G to do that after the little mis-understanding we had , but it's all good now and we made nice,nice to each other , and for that i'm happy :smile:

your just the female grow dog wikid :biglaugh: , so nice to know your sis is in good health and most excellent to see your babies returning the love you give them , i'll be voting for gwfh's pics as they clearly out shine mine in the lovely color dept , and let's face it , they did one hell of a nice grow on those and deserve that POTM title way more than i do :wink:

all the best luv


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Nice Grow Wikid...

Nice Grow Wikid...

From the beginning of this thread I was wondering what the plastic on the top was for. I'm just over 20 days into a flower period for my first run on a 3x3 table, and I haven't noticed any algae growth on the bottom of the tray. I think the reason is that I have 23 plants on the tray and empty spots are filled with buckets and hydroton. I vegged a bit long; so I'm on the edge of having too many plants, but having the table full has kept algae away it looks like.

I also have that timer with 98 settings. I flood my table every 102 minutes for 6 minutes. I noticed that OH said that you don't need cycles during the dark period. Why is that?

Looking forward to more,
GreatLakes THC