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Buliding a 4x5 ft ebb and flow table

Okie grown

Active member
Well i just won a nice pump on e bay.Prob. alot more than i needed but thats fine.Its a daimond 1200 gph i won it for $20 and others like it new cost $175 so i feel lucky.Im makin a home made edd & flo system and was wondering how big a footprint a 600 watt hps with a sun system large super hort. hood would be 4x4 ,4x5 ft. ? Seems like more light comes out the sides of the hood so a 4x5 might be best or 4x6.Ill get pics of the hood and pump up.


Active member
Howdy Okie!! Glad to see you got a great deal! The footprint of a 600 can vary with distance, if you are air-cooled its a few inches above the plants so the footprint is dimenished some to 2x3, with periheral plants needing to get rotated. If it isn't air cooled distances are easily 12"s so the footprint grows to 3x4 but is much weaker! If you are in that situation, use reflective sheeting to get 15-20% more light! Good Luck!


Active member
You may wish to add a Venturi to add lots of aeration to the pump, check back later and I'll PS this post with a site!

Okie grown

Active member
Thanks badmf.Its not air cooled but i do have the glass and it helps with heat a little.The hood says its made to be hung close to plants and still have a wide footprint.50 watts psf otta be enouf rite?Im just gonna use the flood table to flower clone off my mothers.So thay wont be but 2 to 3 ft tall at most. Im thinkin about doin a 4 x 5 ft table.How deep ought it be ?And how bbig a rez would be best?Thanks for the help!I got these neat bread trays in gonna put on the bottom of the trays so the pots are and inch off the bottom of the tabble (H.O.G'S GREAT IDEA I BORROWED ).anyway 4 0f these strays all layed out flat together is like 4 1/2 x 31/2 ft.So of i build a 4 x 5 it would be perfect!Heres a pic of a tray i got 7 lol


Active member
I hate to burst your references bubble but they have a lot of lets say "misinformation" in the contents, I spent about an hour perusing and they should know the light distances are closer than mentioned. I won't go into the others here. But I have a 1k at 12 inches right this moment, so what is this 24 to 30 inches stuff? If you want truly correct info get it "from a grower" not a manf'er, imo. I only do this to get the correct info out, I am not flaming you Fredster,but I couldn't let that go as accurate.

Okie grown

Active member


Heres 4 trays laied out together.Thay are 3 1/2 ft x 4 1/2 ft. So the 3in. gap around the sides is ok rite?I realy think these bread trays are kick arse.I was wondering how to bulid something like that outta wood lol.I guess make all the water drain the the middle? Or one end? And how deep does the tray need to be? Be better to e to deep than not deep enouf.Any ideas on what to use to cover the wooden tray.I dont have a waterbed matteress .I have a bunch of panda film.Bu i think something more thick and rubbery?Any ideas?Thanks OG


Okie grown

Active member
Well i am gonna keep the glass on for sure.I keep it clean and if a 600 in a 4 x 5 is 33.3333 watts per sq ft. I think that will work.But if not i got plenty of other lights to help her along.With the glass i can keep the topps of my plants within 8 to 10 in. from topps easy.And this hood i got is made to cover more of a foot print hung closer to plants.What is was made for.I use 1 600 and 2 400s (hortilux hps) in a 7 ft x 6 ft room now .Witch is only 33.3333 wpsf and i have been pullin nice fat buds outtta there.The key is to have all 4 walls covered in mylar , white side of panda film,or flat white paint..And just like in my tree garden 2 walls will be white panda film the other 2 mylar.Just got new rolls of eac.I think you both for youre input.I think tis is gonna be fun.I gues ill use 1/2 inch plywood
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Hey Okie, how bout a piece of pond liner for box? You can get it cut to fit where I'm at. Or you could try a commercial roofing contractor will have pieces of rubber roofing scrap you can probably get on the cheap.

Okie grown

Active member
Youre rite tofat lol.But i was rite on the 2nd 1400 in my 5 x 7 is 33.333 lol.Annd my plants look great. doob those r good ideas.Have to see where to get pond liners.think home depot or lowes has em?
Yes seen them today at home depot.I'm making my floor like basin.I got a buddy in roofing business that gave me idea.(told him I was putting fountain in my yard).Also I got some perforated metal from hvac guy for a scrubber.They line insulated pipe with it.Peace


Active member
You can use common visqueen to line it, its availible at most hydro stores for cheap comes in black/white. I double it and I would staple it under the edges of the table, over the edges I used 1x2 to make ridges for drainage. You need a rez that will hold the contents of the table and a little left over. A table with 3" sides thats 4x4 is aprox 576 cubic inches, with a full table(of water) it shoud be just under 30 gallons, so any rez just over that should work(40-60 gallons). Use some Simpson ties to secure the joints, or similar. You have the reflective angle down to a "T"! It addds aprox. 20% lumens too!


Active member
I'm with Badmf.... a thick visqueen...or even a pond liner like mentioned above. Those work great. I think you know what you need and want. I would go with at least 3-4" sides so you can use a 6" pot or bigger to flower in. I use a 55 gallon drum....if height is a problem....make sure end caps are leak proof and turn it on its side and cut a big hole for easy access. I would put the fill and drain kit on the side in the middle of the table with the res right under neath table. That way res stays under table and it all leaks back into res. The racks are a great idea....they work great for me. You can put a minor wedge under the opposite side to ensure all water clrears off table.

Good luck....keep us posted...

Okie grown

Active member
Thanks H.O.G.What pots best? Is there a good site to order em from? Guess ill do 4 inch walls or peraps bigger.Im gonna get a 4x8 sheet of plywood.So ill cut 3 ft. off and ave 3x4 ft. to make sides wit.So i will have plenty of ply wood to make em 5 to 6 inches tall. or taller.But 6 in sounds good.Ill use the drain tube to determen (sp) how high it floods.Think 1 or 2 gal grow bags would work good with chunky perlite? I got 2 gaint 4 cu ft. bags of perlite commin ups tomm.Or you think perlite and coco would be better? With just perlite i would prob. have to flood more?Plants might like that?And about nute temps,Whats the way to go.Do i need a cooler or heater?Thanks for all you guys help.

Okie grown

Active member
Almost done

Almost done

Heres the tray mostly done.A buddy is sending me a fill and drain kit so when i get it drill a couple holes put in my pond liner and im ready lol.O and the trays go on top of the liner hehe.Just for show

These things are handy and STRONG!


Active member
Oh least I forget; all hoods are not the same, some have a wider dispersion, others a very narrow more concentrated footprint, ie; PL lites have several of these. Hydrofarm has medium footprints. So anyone reading this thread doesn't get information that may not apply equally to them. Check with the man'frers website to see if they give that information in detail. Keep in mind the distances and footprint are going to be much larger than we use!!

Okie grown

Active member
Yes this is prob. gonna have a 600 & 400 hps over it.Or 2 600s???????????
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