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My Current Grow - 10 Varieties

Elevator Man

Active member
Thanks mate - appreciate the comments. It might be a bit slow for a while until I can get the outdoor grows documented a little better.

One good bit of news is that I finally found a new place to live. However, it's going to be tricky to grow much more than stealth in this place - it's just too awkward in many ways, and I think it might be better if I can convince someone else to let me use their space.

Tricky - but then they've all smoked the results of this thread now, and it might now be a little easier to persuade the more adventurous members of my social group...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
A chink of light...

A chink of light...

There's progress of sorts on the future growing plans - only tenuous at this stage, but I may be able to rent a room from a friend who's possibly going away for the summer - he grows in there already, so no big change. It wouldn't be as big as the last grow, but it's something. No guarantees yet, but it's a start.

I can definitely grow seeds, seedlings and small plants at my new place, but not a full grow - I couldn't vent it safely, as it's in an apartment block, and it's just not possible without modifications that I couldn't possibly get away with! So I have to move home this week, and get internet re-connected etc., so I may disappear for a week or two...:)

As for the larger of the two outdoor grows - the rain finally stopped the other day, so I went to have a look. Two Deep Chunks have been eaten completely - just bare stalks. Whether rabbits or slugs I don't know, but they ain't growin' no more...:(
The other 13 are all fairly untouched and growing at last - not interesting enough for pics yet, but I will.

However - one or two of the plants have acquired a weird kind of bronze highlight on the leaves - not patches or necrosis, but an all-over metallic sheen. It doesn't look completely healthy, but I'm not sure what it is - there was also a slight twisting to the new leaves on these plants. I read that copper deficiency can cause this, but is that likely in decent soil surrounded by healthy vegetation? If anyone might have an idea, I'd love to hear it...:chin:

Elevator Man

Active member
Well I have to pack up my computer network today for the first time in six years - I have to leave this house by tomorrow, so I'll disappear for a while until I can get the internet re-connected...:(

I was hoping to check all the outdoor plants this weekend, but I've just been too busy with the move - once I get in properly I'll go and check them all, and have a nice report ready for when I get back online! The rain seems to be diminishing somewhat now, and the sun's out, so hopefully they'll be looking a lot better.

Until then I'd better sign off, so hopefully see all you folks again before too long...:chin:

Elevator Man


Active member
Good Luck with everything ElevatorMan! The Goldfingers are doing VERY well outdoors here! Thanks again! Talk to you soon.


Elevator Man

Active member
Back on the block...

Back on the block...

Well...here's some news - at last. Not much to tell yet, as I've been moving into my new place the last two weeks and trying to design a growroom that will fit into the tiny space available, and not stink out the whole block! I think I can do it, but until I get some work done, I'll refrain from speculating.

And so to outdoors - these are a few of the plants in my first grow spot, not the ones previously shown. These are all female clones, as opposed to seed plants, so these have to work! However, planting late, followed by no sun for a month and the worst rains of all time have hardly helped them grow! But they're all alive, and finally starting to grow some new leaves.

This spot is very heavily brackened, and the spots are now metre-diameter circles cut into 1.5 metre-tall ferns - it's grown so fast with the rain that one or two have been overgrown somewhat, leaving them a little stunted. But they're all cleared now, and we have a week of sun forecast, so fingers crossed.

Purple Flo pheno#2:

Purple Flo pheno#3:


I'm hoping to get out to the other grow this week also, and hopefully here should be some decent growth on those as they're more exposed to the sun, and should be plenty vigorous as grown from seed, so I'll update then with some more pics.

It's good to be back...:)

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Happy News! Love the purple thai in that Flo of yours. See ya round.

Elevator Man

Active member
Mr. A - you spotted it - nice one! It's still the strongest PT pheno by far in my Flo roster. Surprisingly, that #2 pheno is the one that always showed indica-dom traits indoors, but looks more much sativa (and vigorous) outdoors. That specimen is the one that nearly got cooked to death in my 'oven-baking' incident, and was then left in the dark for two weeks, then back under lights for a week until I decided to give it another chance outdoors...it's thriving now...:)

I checked my other outdoor grow yesterday, and some bad news - the other three Deep Chunks have been eaten. Whether slug or rabbit I don't know, as they haven't touched the others - but decimated the DCs. What's going on there then? 5 out of 5 Deep Chunk eaten and no others. A rabbit did run away when I arrived...:chin:

As for the others - pulled one male and all the rest still not indicated, so I'm assuming female until further notice! They all look a little light green for my tastes though - lack of sun and too-vigorous undergrowth have contributed to light and nitrogen deficiency (I think), so I'm taking a bottle of nute mix next week. There's a stream very close with good pH, so I can just take the concentrate and mix it up on-site.

I'm not going to get a good yield from these really, but it's a good place to experiment with - and the all-female grow at the other spot is more of a good 'store' for my mothers, and I'll obviously take lots of clones around August before they flower...:)

Elevator Man

Active member


Here's a crude mock-up of what I'm hoping to build in this new place, with flowering, veg and seed/clone areas separated off from each other, though the seed/clone and veg sections would be vented as one unit. The system would actually sit at the end of a 1m wide corridor, so those walls will extend considerably - the system would be 75cm deep, leaving me room to pile stuff in front.

There would be sufficient venting at the bottom to allow a passive airflow through, drawn by the extractors at the top - these would both vent into the roof-space, mixed with ozone as it exits the system.

This all depends of course on me gaining access to the roof-space, but for now it's keeping the dream alive...:)



Active member
Looks awesome. How would the ozone enter the exhaust for the flowering chamber?
What drawing program did you use to sketch that design? It looks great!
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Elevator Man

Active member
Well I was thinking the ozone would be drawn up with the other exhaust, and then mix together in the roof-space before leaking out - somewhere! It should fairly smell-free though - the carbon filter is just to the right of the HID, so the flower-chamber air would be scrubbed before going through the lamp.

And it was 3D Studio MAX I used to produce the model/image.

Elevator Man

Active member
I've been out to check the Flos and NL X BB etc. again today - we're getting some serious sunshine at last, and they're slowly picking up - however, they're so behind schedule that I'm taking out nutrients once a week at the moment to try and give them a helping hand. It seems to be working - they're a lot greener and more vigorous now.

Also, my last remaining green Flo in the whole world is coming home again. It got attacked severely in the first week by slugs and has spent the last month re-vegging again. It's now six inches tall and healthy. However today I found it covered in broken bracken, with a deer-turd nearby. I pulled away the broken bracken and there was a hoof-print literally six inches from the plant! The deer had obviously just crashed through the lot without looking where it was going - clumsy oaf.

But that was enough for me - this particular pheno is too nice to lose now, and it's almost the third time I've lost it for good, so I'm not risking it any more - it's coming home on the next visit, and I'm putting in the windowsill until it's big enough to take clones from! And maybe make some seeds of it this time...:)


Active member
Sounds like you are lucky to have saved that FLO! The Goldfingers are still doing very well on my end. I really like the more indica leaning ones. Man the smells from them are wonderful! So far I've got 3 out the 4 confirmed females! I would love the 4th to be male so I could have some beans!

Elevator Man

Active member
Well I haven't brought it home yet, so there's still a chance something else could go wrong - maybe a tree fall on it, or something like that...:)

I was hoping to go see the others today, but a business meeting has come up, and I really should attend to that first! Maybe tomorrow...

I found the smells from my two Goldfinger phenos to be divine - really sweet and fruity, but not at all sharp or citrusy. I'm so pleased you like them...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
I managed to have a look through the hatch in my ceiling, and joy of joys, it's all been refurbished with new beams/felt and slates, and it's also got a solid brick wall between me and the neighbour. 'Excellent'...(rubs hands)...

So, here's a modified version of the proposed cabinet - I realised I don't need two veg shelves, and I've also added slatted shelves for the plants, to allow much better natural airflow. In addition, the gap between the two spaces can also be used to hold power points/extensions if needed. The top chamber holds the exhaust - one straight from the air-cooled HID, and the other from the veg chamber, mixing with ozone.

I've designed the shelving so that when a flat door (or fabric cover) is added to each chamber , there'll be a significant airgap allowing ventilation, but still be pretty much light-tight - in this new space, that's as important OUT as well as in! :)

But this should all work I think - and can be stripped down to a fairly innocent-looking shelf unit in an hour or so if need be. Obviously I'll be keeping the original roof-panel for re-installation when I eventually move out - very important...:)



Ahh shit EM, I missed a bit here. Sorry to hear about the deep chunks being eaten alive! Your gallery is full, almost lost your flo, deer trampling the plot, heavy rain, man I missed a good bit.

What happened to the one with the odd coloring? Did that work itself out? Anyway...love your grows man, keep us updated! :wave:

Elevator Man

Active member
Stoned2Death -
What happened to the one with the odd coloring? Did that work itself out?
It seems to have - I think it was a Nitrogen deficiency then allowing a mineral overdose of something else - hard to day for sure, but given the site is an old mine from the 19th century (probably lead or fluorspar), it's possible that there are higher than normal levels of minerals around. I chopped back a lot of the surrounding vegetation last time as they were getting blocked from the sun - that had made a big difference after a week of good sunshine.

I took a big bottle of nutrient solution up the other day, and will check them in about a week - but I'm going to keep adding nutes, as I know they're good, and it'll hopefully pick them up after this abysmal summer. I've never known such little sun and so much rain in one season - it's a disaster really. Still, onwards and upwards, as they say...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
The Elevator almost complete...

The Elevator almost complete...

I think I'm getting close to a final design for this cabinet now. I'm trying to work out light-proof passive air intakes that don't have any projections to the outside. Also, the side walls of this thing are actual walls of a corridor, so everything must happen in the front:

I just started 8 Grape Krush seeds on a 24 hour soak - I couldn't help myself. Nowhere to grow them yet, but like all reckless conceptions, you somehow find a solution...isn't that right...? :)

Elevator Man

Active member
Prodigal daughter returns...

Prodigal daughter returns...

I dug up my sole remaining green Flo plant from its outdoor location today and brought it home, repotted it, drenched it in neem, and it now sits proudly on my windowsill - sigh - it's good to have her back. It was way too small to thrive out there, and I need to make clones and seeds from this, which I can do without a growroom, thouugh it's an incentive to start now!

The NL X BB is doing the best outdoors so far, and is finally putting on some growth. The two purple Flo phenos have also begun to put on some new leaves - the weekly nutrients are definitely paying off. The Mystery Strain plant is the only one not happy - just doesn't seem to want to grow. Oh well - I was fed up with that strain anyway...:)

In addition the eight Grape Krush seeds all sprouted in 12 hours, and are in soil - should be up in the next couple of days.

So now I have to build a growroom...:)

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