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My Crohn's patient is in remission !!



Great news!
I have been helping patients with MM. One of my patient's has suffered for a long time from crohn's. Recently she has began medicating daily with marijuana butter and vaping. In addition she has also been taking humira , a immune suppressing drug. My patient just finished a check up . The doc did a physical and colonoscopy . He informed her that she was in clinical remission and had 0 signs of inflammation! The Doc was amazed ! Even more amazed when she told him of the daily butter and vaping!


This is after less then a year! Amazing! Her quality of life has also dramatically improved ! No more uncomfortable worries at work! Also , now she has the strength and comfort to work out and enjoy life! Just in general she has been much happier!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Chefro thanks for sharing this with us, just wonderful to see. Thanks as well for your compassion with patients like her..DD


ICE Cream eater
This is really great man.
Good for you being able to help people :ying:

I`m happy for you patient too (;


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
yep great new's....wonder what the Doctor thought about the whole situation...way to sling that budda' chefro420!


Active member
How bad off was she before hand? Does/did she have any diet restrictions? I ask because I to have crohn's, and even with extreme cuts in diet, smoking, eating everyday. I still am yet to find better then 70% relief. Can you go into more detail about Humira? Is it a pharmaceutical or like a probiotic? Most pharms bother my actual stomach so I won't take them. Thanks for the info my GF told me I was crazy when I first told her an edible every nite drastically improved my bowel function. Seems I'm not the only one though!


To Have More ... Desire Less
very g00d info.......know maybe my Colan....can get sum relief.....
suffering from Cohn's.......is a miserable long painful way of life.....
and takes its toll in every aspect of ones life.....

blessed BE.......the BUTTA......:thank you:


That really has to give you joy there Chefro!!!! That is great news!!! Keep doing what you are doing!! You are obviously making a substantial difference in the lives of your patients.


Kronically Ill
Great news!
I have been helping patients with MM. One of my patient's has suffered for a long time from crohn's. Recently she has began medicating daily with marijuana butter and vaping. In addition she has also been taking humira , a immune suppressing drug. My patient just finished a check up . The doc did a physical and colonoscopy . He informed her that she was in clinical remission and had 0 signs of inflammation! The Doc was amazed ! Even more amazed when she told him of the daily butter and vaping!


This is after less then a year! Amazing! Her quality of life has also dramatically improved ! No more uncomfortable worries at work! Also , now she has the strength and comfort to work out and enjoy life! Just in general she has been much happier!

Chefro, thats great to hear! I'm a fellow Crohn's sufferer. Similar situation but I've been solely using MMJ(edibles/vape/smoke) with probiotics for ~2yrs now....absolutely NO pharms. Its awesome to hear how your patient is doing better, and with some time she might be able to get off the Humira! Please post any updates with her, sending positive vibes....

Just curious, do you know if she has she tried a gluten free diet? Or had any specific allergen testing done?

How bad off was she before hand? Does/did she have any diet restrictions? I ask because I to have crohn's, and even with extreme cuts in diet, smoking, eating everyday. I still am yet to find better then 70% relief. Can you go into more detail about Humira? Is it a pharmaceutical or like a probiotic? Most pharms bother my actual stomach so I won't take them. Thanks for the info my GF told me I was crazy when I first told her an edible every nite drastically improved my bowel function. Seems I'm not the only one though!

DC, Humira is an immuno-suppressant medication, a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blocker. It seems to be a fairly effective drug for several autoimmune disorders, Crohn's, RA, etc.

Another similar, popular, medications is [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]infliximab ([/FONT]Remicade). Downside of these drugs is being an immuno-suppressant they increase chances of developing cancer. There is a lot more to it, but hope that helps.


Active member
Yep brother thats what I wanted to know, thanks. I hope she can answer about the diet allergen testing too. Just curios about your probiotics more too? I tried an over the counter one, can't remember what but diddn't really seem to help.


Kronically Ill
Yep brother thats what I wanted to know, thanks. I hope she can answer about the diet allergen testing too. Just curios about your probiotics more too? I tried an over the counter one, can't remember what but diddn't really seem to help.

Check your pm's. :)


How bad off was she before hand? Does/did she have any diet restrictions? I ask because I to have crohn's, and even with extreme cuts in diet, smoking, eating everyday. I still am yet to find better then 70% relief. Can you go into more detail about Humira? Is it a pharmaceutical or like a probiotic? Most pharms bother my actual stomach so I won't take them. Thanks for the info my GF told me I was crazy when I first told her an edible every nite drastically improved my bowel function. Seems I'm not the only one though!

Fairly severe episodes for a while . Humira is an immune suppressant. She is going to cut back now on that. Side effect - increased cancer , and risk of infection.

She finds just small amounts of butter will work wonders , maybe 2x daily . The butter isn't even really potent either . It's something else that is having an anti-inflammatory effect or something . I say this because the trim I use for her butter has already been bubbled or tumbled . I also add stems to my butter too. Hope this helps


Chefro, thats great to hear! I'm a fellow Crohn's sufferer. Similar situation but I've been solely using MMJ(edibles/vape/smoke) with probiotics for ~2yrs now....absolutely NO pharms. Its awesome to hear how your patient is doing better, and with some time she might be able to get off the Humira! Please post any updates with her, sending positive vibes....

Just curious, do you know if she has she tried a gluten free diet? Or had any specific allergen testing done?

DC, Humira is an immuno-suppressant medication, a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blocker. It seems to be a fairly effective drug for several autoimmune disorders, Crohn's, RA, etc.

Another similar, popular, medications is [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]infliximab ([/FONT]Remicade). Downside of these drugs is being an immuno-suppressant they increase chances of developing cancer. There is a lot more to it, but hope that helps.

She is on a gluten free diet . Not sure about the allergy testing , but I think she has. I will ask. Thanks for the info!!:ying:


"Chefro, thats great to hear! I'm a fellow Crohn's sufferer. Similar situation but I've been solely using MMJ(edibles/vape/smoke) with probiotics for ~2yrs now....absolutely NO pharms. Its awesome to hear how your patient is doing better, and with some time she might be able to get off the Humira!"

I've dealt with Crohn's disease for the past 15 years of my life and I have to say that while cannabis is great, it can only provide symptomatic relief at best. These new biologic therapies (Remicade, Humiria) are far more effective in providing long-term relief and remission than regular maintenance medication (Mercaptopurine, 5-ASA's, Budesonide, ect). They have the actual ability to induce long-term remission, rather than just dull symptoms.

I've spent 4 years being steroid dependent, because my regular maintenance medication was ineffective. Every time I would taper off prednisone, I would get terrible migraine headaches, and my disease would flare up again, leaving me in the same place I was before. Eventually, Remicade was invented, and I was fortunate enough to have access to it. Because it was administered through an IV line, I felt perfectly fine 8 hours later, and I was able to successfully taper off of the steroids. This was the first time I felt like a normal person in 7 years.

Eventually I developed antibodies (resistance) to Remicade and had to discontinue its use. I tried various maintenance medications with varying degrees of success, but I still experienced frequent symptoms and flare-ups.

When I was introduced to cannabis, I found that it was good for appetite stimulation, bowel control, as well as pain relief. All of these things were wonderful, and helped improve my quality of life, yet, like other maintenance medications, it was not the end-all to my health troubles.

Because Crohn's disease is a progressive illness and a life-long journey, symptomatic relief would not be enough to keep my Gastrointestinal tract from destroying itself. I first became sick at the age of 8. With many years ahead of me, I felt that if, eventually, I didn't find an effective treatment, something that actually treated the disease, then I would face the very real possibility of a colonostomy, or some other super fun surgery.

Over the past 3 months, I have been using Humira. While injecting ones self is less pleasant than using cannabis, the effects of Humira have been incredible. I've put on more muscle, have had more energy, have been far more active, and over-all, healthier than I have been in 15 years. If my luck holds out, I'll be able to avoid surgery.

While cannabis is a effective stop-gap measure, please don't allow yourself to end your search for treatment with cannabis. There are some highly effective pharmaceutical products on the market that can radically alter the course of your plight, with many more in the works.

There is a huge difference between achieving a tolerable level of functionality through symptomatic relief, and actual remission. I urge anyone who deals with Crohn's disease to continue their search for a more effective treatment. In time, you will find it.

I believe that cannabis has had an appropriate place in my treatment, and has provided significant relief, but it could never achieve the results that these new biologic therapies have.

Now that I've gone totally off course of the OP's thread, I'd like to thank the brave people who provide cannabis to those who need it. When I had barely eaten anything in weeks and was too weak to take care of myself, it was the work of people like chefro420 that provided a respite from my suffering, and gave me hope.

Thank you, I am eternally grateful.

Glad to hear you are finding relief too! Thanks for all your experiences and info! All priceless!
