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My 1st Grow...Help Please! Gettin my Hands Dirty...


Active member
i wouldnt take it all on oct 4.th.. Looks to me like it could even go 2-3 weeks into october.

Watch out for mold if you leave it.. I would harvest the fattest buds when your ready and leave the rest for when nature is ready :D

i agree with everything said above. i have some stuff coming down on the 4th... its the full moon AND officially the "harvest moon" best day of the whole year to bring down a crop. However, not of the stuff that looks like yours in terms of maturity will come down until 2-3 weeks later as advised by Mr Bean. as for the fungus... i see lush green around your plant... not like the desert conditions that make Cali a great place to grow (if you have water) and that means lots of mold potential. Do you know the strain that made it? You started out with quite a few as I remember.... Anyway... watch out for the fungus. I actually saw a spot of white on one of your pics that made me think of powdery mildew, but they look more like birdshit. wash that off carefully... don't liquify it and let it slide down into the nugs.


Hi guys! Thanks for the posts...

The only reason I want to harvest so early is I am worried about frost...I live in the northeast in a kind of mountain valley, so it gets cold pretty quick here...I can hope for a mild fall though, perhaps the frost date will be late?? I feel like i'm playing with fire a bit here...

nomaad - What you see is powdery mildew...whats the best way to handle it???

Thanks in advance!!


Active member
potassium bicarbonate (greencure) at 3/4 Tbsp per gallon. Spray the whole plant, concentrating on the areas where PM is building up. good stuff to have on hand.


I picked up some Organica ready to use Potassium Neem Insecticide Fungicide...Couldng find Greencure anywhere....It says its good to use til the day of harvest, but I'm not so sure I wanna use it that close...

Harvest date set at around Oct 14th unless it gets colder sooner around here...So when is the latest I should spray this stuff?

Also, should I be worried about this stuff getting on the bud and causing mold? Or making the buds smell/taste funny??? Or should I just spray it all down??


Thanks for the advice nomaad...Should I worry about it getting on the buds or is it no big deal? I'm gonna be harvesting in like 2 weeks, so I really dont wanna be smokin this shit im spraying on it.

Also, it rained hard last ngiht and is still raining now so i am holding off til a dry period to spray it...is that alright?


Active member
well... i can't speak for the product you are using, but greencure is a contact fungicide. so... tehcnically, if a little water gets into your buds, it won't cause mold because its got the KHCO3 in it which should kill fungus. so...

Since you are only talking about a single small plant, you could apply the solution directly to the PM with a q-tip or something.


Thanks again nomaad, sorry for the stupid questions. This product just claims to be made with Neem, and I have been advised against spraying neem on developing buds as it can develop mold/rot faster this way.

I think today I'll give em a good spray down of the stuff. I hope it takes care of the powdery mildew!!


Hi all, sorry for the lack of pictures lately, its hard for me to get a camera to the spot!

She is doing well though, almost 6 feet tall, showing some purple in an interesting way, lots of red on the stems and petioles...It's looking pretty cool.

However, the weather here has been kinda meh...The past few days have been rainy and kinda cold....Temps still havent gotten too low, but I'm stressing about when to harvest.

Im putting it at a week from tomorrow - October 7th or 8th. There shouldn't be any nights that go below 32 degrees before then, but there may be one night that gets close to 32 itself....I hope this is ok...Someone was telling me that 27 is what kills cannabis....so I'm looking out for the hard frost...

So about a week i'll harvest. I sprayed some of the potassium stuff in a last-ditch effort to get rid of the powdery mildew and fight off any impending mold.

I was looking and I found some white web type stuff on one of the lowermost buds...Freaked out! So I cut that bud off and plucked the mold off...I looked at other buds for it but it is hard to spot! I didn't wanna pry apart my buds just to look for mold....I don't know if I should harvest since I did see some on that lower bud, but I want to give it another week.

Should I be worried? Hopefully the potassium stuff (its like greencure) works. I hope I'm not spraying it too close to harvest.

i have some pics of the bud that had the mold, and took some pics after trimming it up and getting rid of the moldy part. It's the lower most bud on the lowest branch so it's probably the least impressive, but it's something to look at and try. Let me know what you guys think.






very worried about frost and mold!


Hey buddy your grow looks great! Good job! Im having the same dilema with frost and when to harvest, this past week temps were in the upper 30s, but got down to 33 one night, and now temps are back in the 40s. So I think as long as you can hold it out without too much drastic change I think your plants will be fine. Im really hoping more people can chime in on the topic of frost tho


Well, thats it, game over, went and chopped her last night. It's been pretty cold here lately (30s-40s) and I saw some mold start, that combined with the upcoming weekend of rain and I just decided it was time. She could have used more time, but I did what I had to do. Pics later on today


Thank you so much for the kind words coxswain, JamieShoes and nomaad!!!!

I just thought I'd take this time to give a big thank you to ICMag. My grow would have been nothing without it, ICMag both provided me with the motivation and knowledge in order to get this project really going. This is an amazing community and I've never been apart of anything like it before. You guys are so helpful and so positive its surreal.

nomaad - thanks a bunch for giving me some help in my thread when I asked. you've been here for the long haul man, nice!

Everyone else that's posted in my thread, thank you and forever thanks!!! K+ to all and I hope to remain a part of this community for as long as it is around, and I want to start another thread just like this before too long!!!


Due to seeing some mold on a lower bud, and the coldish temps and rainy weather we've been having and are going to have....It just seemed like it was time to cut her down. It feels good, but she could have used more time of course. It is what it is, let me know what you guys think of the pics.

I have the buds drying in a stand-alone closet. I am keeping it closed to leave it dark in there and opening it every couple days in order to make sure it doesn't get humid in there. I don't think it is since its cold and somewhat dry here, but I wanna be careful during this process.

I have some laying in 2 small cardboard boxes also.

There's a lot of pics, just to warn..

before cut




trimmings: (same bag)











sup downtown people, got nugget?

sweet illy pic











I didn't feel like taking pics of every single one or even the top ones yet, so i picked some random nug to take pics of, a pretty small one, just wanted to give an idea of coloring of the bud. It's lime green with some purple in it.

These shots are all of the same nugget







Thats all the pics for now. I may snap more pics once they are dried and then more as curing goes along, but thats it. I have no idea on weight, kinda curious as to what I'm gonna get. Hopefully an ounce or 2. We shall see!! Any and all comments would be great!!

Once, again, thanks a bunch for everything ICMAG!!!!
congrats bongcitter. ive been following your posts ever since we both started talking about how we need more time and we live in the general area (i think from what youve described i'm a little to the southwest of you).
you say you wanted more time, which i can understand, but they look pretty good! me, on the other hand...i don't just want more time, i NEED it. keep your fingers crossed for me while you enjoy your new smoke!


Active member
You guys are so helpful and so positive its surreal.

I think you have to be positive in this game, or no bud would ever make it to maturity.

Too far either way is a bad thing, as with most things IME, so stay positive, but don't get too cocky.

Next time consider hedging your bets, and just harvest the top half of your plants perhaps if you are unsure. I like to harvest a little at the time, which gives me a chance to see for myself when ideal time to harvest is, as well as keeping me in smoke.

Looks like you got a few nice buds there anyway bong! Enjoy your harvest bro :joint:


Thanks ErnestHemingway...I could have left her for another week, but the anxiety was really getting to me. I had a bad feeling about frost and mold. I really kinda wish I left it now.

neongreen - a special thanks to you my friend. You have been in my thread through thick and thin and it is much appreciated!!! You have given some awesome advice and motivation.

So, as you said, I'll try to stay positive about this. I just hope the buds dont dry and become tiny shriveled pieces of popcorn bud and I get less than an ounce...but oh well, free smoke is free smoke!!!

I considered doing a multi harvest, but I thought it would be too stressful on the plant. Well, now I know!

I hope the nugs are good! Still waiting on them to dry. I quick dried one yesterday and smoked it...It wasn't harsh which surprised me (from the quick dry)...kind of smooth smoke. Didn't get me too high though...we shall see.
Thanks again guys! K+
i had the exact same dilemma yesterday. my buddy was fed up with these cold snaps because his tomatoes died so we pulled our crop early..kinda a dissapointment, the smoke looks pretty good, its just that it had alot of white hairs yet and some trichs with immature heads. its been raining since we cut it and will be for a few days now...no more frosts go figure....do you think it was a good idea to cut? this is my first year and i got 2oz off one plant...well about 100ish g's wet which im figuring should be 50g's dried...right?