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My 1st Grow...Help Please! Gettin my Hands Dirty...


Active member
Any time bro - always happy to offer advice where I can.

When you quick dry, there is often moisture left in the resin I think, and THC needs to be free of water before it does what we want it to do. If you dry it slower, the water leaves the THC much more readily, and the bud will be much more potent.

If you want a quick sample of what the high will be like, try trimming off a few of the smaller/frostier leaves from the bud, and put them on some newspaper or a drying rack to dry till they are crispy (3-6 days depending on your room's temp/humidity).

I'm smoking some trim from mine right now and I'm pretty ripped :D

How are the trichs? Have you checked with a jewelers glass? (IMO investing in a good digi-cam with macro mode is the best idea, and then you can study the pics. PM me if you want some help choosing one).

If they are mostly cloudy, then you should have some decent smoke there. If they are mostly still clear, then it was probably a bit too early to get close to the potency potential of the plant, although that is not always necessarily the best time to harvest, depending on the type of high you are after.

Regarding the final weight, yes they are bound to shrivel a bit. I think you can expect the nugs to loose about 2/3 of their weight in moisture once properly dry, but it's just one of those things... hopefully the quality of the bud will more than make up for it, but make sure it's well dried, and if possible give it at least a couple of weeks to cure, as that can help a bit too with the potency. I think some strains benefit more from curing than others, so it's not always necessary.


Hi Pistil Part09, thanks for posting!

The cold snaps really were annoying. And we've had nothing but grey and cold weather since I cut...which makes me feel OK about what I did. I was really worried about mold, and there was some mold starting on the lower bud. The fact that it was gonna be cold and rainy for the next week, and the fact that this is the last 2 weeks before hard frosts, I just said screw it this time around and did it early....

I'm trying to not regret it too much...The bud seems kinda fluffy/leafy, but thats the nature of outdoor bud, correct? I'm actually pretty baked off some lower buds that dried a little quicker than the rest....

Still waiting on a full dry though...I have it all hanging up in my closet from dental floss, haha...I didn't bother to do a wet weight...I will take a dry weight...Hoping for at least an ounce!!!

Thanks a bunch for the post neongreen, I wish this board would let me give your more rep!!!!!

I don't have the means to check the cloudiness of the trichs...But it is what it is...I could have let it go, but I would have risked mold a bunch, so I said fuck it...i'll try to start earlier next year!!

The bud is going to get a full week to dry since I am leaving town late tonight and not coming back til early thursday...Pointless to jar it at this stage, as it would just mold in my absence....

So it will get a full 7 days of drying...Hopefully this doesnt over-dry it, but I'm not too worried about that. An old buddy of mine told me that the more you let it dry, and the slower it dries, the better!!

I will take some pics once it's all dried and said and done. Until then, thanks again all!! Feel free to leave any feedback!!!

This bud is decent! haha


Hello all!

Just checking in for a post-harvest update on my buds!

After 7 days of drying the buds were really crispy dry, so I jarred them up. Not before weighing them though....Total came out to 45 grams...A little over an ounce and a half! I'm pretty happy with that, considering I only harvested one plant.

The bud now has a kind of hay smell and taste to it...Not terribly appealing. Between the time of them being fully dry and curing them for a week I smoked about 5 grams of the bud....it doesn't taste bad, but its not great. I'm hoping curing it more will bring out more taste...Otherwise, I don't know...I guess it could have used another week but I don't think that would worked out.

It gets me pretty high and it has some decent trichomes on it...so I can't say I'm disappointed! I just have higher expectations for next time...

Here's what I did for curing...

First, I jarred them up once they were crispy dry. I then proceeded to burp the jars for a few minutes every few hours as per the Bible.

Then, I decided I wanted to add more moisture so I put in a very small lemon peel into each jar overnight. This added some moisture, hopefully not too much. I did that about 5 days ago.

Ever since I've been burping the jars for a few minutes every few hours, and they now seem to be pretty dry.

Should I keep burping the jars? When do I stop burping them?

Really anxious to try another grow now. It's a fun hobby, and I feel like if I did an indoor now, I would be on top of my game.

Well, I hope the bud gets better with curing, heres some pics I got of the bud recently:

Jarred up, next to a handle of fine tequila (Milagro silver)

These shots were taken a few days ago



These shots were taken very recently. I condensed the buds into 3 jars.


40 grams:


One of the nicer buds:

other side:

Botched attempts at macro shots of various buds:








Thanks for stoppin by...:joint:

Would love any advice on the curing process!!


Active member
that looks like some fine cannabis you've got there, bro.

put it in mason jars, but never pack it in. for the first couple of weeks, open the jars every day to get out any residual moisture. after that crack em every few days. keep an eye out for any condensation inside the jars... if you see any, make sure you keep burping them until you're sure they are dry. everything I know about drying weed (compiled in July at 28% humidity) is out the window because now we're running between 40 and 50% humidity in the drying room. keep the jars someplace dark and cool.

I feel like it was at the 3 week mark that the flavors really started coming out and blowing me away. from that point on everything just got better every time I opened the jars to take out some smoke.

I am down to my last few schnibblies from the last harvest... managed to save a few nuggs of my favorites for my homies who came to trim... after a few more bong loads i am at least 3 weeks from having well-cured herb again. after this harvest, I hope to never have to smoke anything with less than a month's cure on it...except those harvest time tasties.


Thanks for the advice nomaad!!! I hope on week 3 that this stuff actually starts to have a decent taste to it....It's not terrible now, but its not great either...Just kinda tastes a little like dirt. But clean dirt, like organic dirt!

We shall see what happens!


New member
The first harvest is so special!The first time we smoke our own buds,oh yeah priceless
