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My 1st Grow! 5 CFLs in two 26 Gallon Rubbermaid Cab!


take small steps and dont add too much at once,fix one problem at a time,let the cal/mag do its work,and if the plants seem to do ok with that,maybe see about getting them a little mild K,like maxicrop or any seedweed based product like thrive alive

Oh, I see! Awesome. Thanks Uncle! I'm sure glad I found your kitchen remodeling thread. Hahah. It's nice having people that know shit help me out. I'm high. hahaha. fk.

Here's a picture of the plants. The small one is getting white speckles on the leaves. Dunno what that's about. The small one is also turning a tad red/purple. Also, the bottom leaves on the Nor Cal (small one) are curling under pretty bad. Not sure if I should be worried or not. :/ Thanks guys.




Sorry for the flash. It's hard to get a good picture in there.






Grow like nobody is watching
Those spots don't look good, man. Someone will know what they are but if you have a trich scope or loupe check them out under that. It kiiiiinda looks a bit like thrips, but not quite. Have you sussed out the infirmary part of the forum? Mynamestitch has a great pinned thread with most problems + photos and shizzle. Good luck and lol, I love the toaster oven. :yes:


Those spots don't look good, man. Someone will know what they are but if you have a trich scope or loupe check them out under that. It kiiiiinda looks a bit like thrips, but not quite. Have you sussed out the infirmary part of the forum? Mynamestitch has a great pinned thread with most problems + photos and shizzle. Good luck and lol, I love the toaster oven. :yes:

Hey Scrub. For sure, I was totally thinking those were going to be an issue. I'll try to figure out what it is. Thanks for lookin' out! I'll search around in the infirmary for a while, and if I can't find anything there, I'll just complain about it elsewhere. Hahah.

Lol, the toaster is pretty sweet. Right?! hahaha. Thanks!


Grow like nobody is watching
Damn straight! The only way it could be any cooler is if it went "BING!" when the clones were rooted :cool: I've been eyeing off my microwave as a clone chamber for a long time.

What are the brown specks around the white ones? Dirt or...insect poop? Did you look at them close up? Do you see anything on Stitch's thread that looks similar? What are your thoughts on the economic crisis? Should I upgrade the RAM in my laptop? Seriously though, good luck :wave:


Lol, that be some dirt. I've checked the plants over and over for any sign of bugs, but nothin'. I checked Stitch's thread, and I saw pictures of both thrips and potassium defic. and I still can't really tell what's the deal with my plants. I'm pretty positive the Bubbas are getting not enough potassium, but I'm not too sure about the Nor Cal! I dunno, I'll keep searching around. I didn't even know there was an economic crisis! Hahahah just joshing. And, really, what type of laptop do you own? I've been running my 1000HE Eee PC for about 4 months now, and I think I need a RAM upgrade too. 1 G doesn't cut it anymore, specially when I'm trying to run a bootleg copy of Windows 7! :D


Oh, by the way, the toaster still 'RIIINNNNGGSS' when the timer goes off. Lol. Too bad I couldn't rig it up so when a seed sprouts, or a clone gets tall enough, it rings. Hahaha. a


FARTS! I just read something that said my plants my be suffering from a Phosphorus deficiency.

"Leaves are dark green or red/purple. Stems and petioles may have purple & red on them. Leaves may turn yellow or curl under. Leaf may drop easily. Growth may be slow and
leaves may be small."

First of all, leaves are getting dark. Secondly, the stem is VERY purple, and reddish, and the leaves are starting to curl under. FK. I guess I've gotta get something for that. What does anyone else think?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hahaha excellent. And wow, I have an EEE too, one of the first ones, I think a 701? The messed up bit is that I DID upgrade the RAM already, lol. I think I just need to rebootleg (errr, re-install) windows! Tried running AVG, Spybot, Crapcleaner, and a few other things.

Yeah about the purpling, I forgot to say, I fixed mine a few days ago. My purple kush (cough, cough) even though a little purple is genetic, it was going mad purple, way too purple to be genetic. In the main stem, and especially the leaf stems were like blood red almost. It also got a weedy, wiry, anaemic look and wasn't growing fast.

I gave mine the regular veg nutes with some added guano (high in P) and liquid kelp (high in K) and that's what I think you should do. I forget all the important shit like your medium etc, but I would hope you have veg nutrients, as well as flowering nutrients. If you give a little of the flower nutes selectively (one or two light feedings), that should have more P and K and the purple should fade in a couple of days.


Hahaha excellent. And wow, I have an EEE too, one of the first ones, I think a 701? The messed up bit is that I DID upgrade the RAM already, lol. I think I just need to rebootleg (errr, re-install) windows! Tried running AVG, Spybot, Crapcleaner, and a few other things.

Yeah about the purpling, I forgot to say, I fixed mine a few days ago. My purple kush (cough, cough) even though a little purple is genetic, it was going mad purple, way too purple to be genetic. In the main stem, and especially the leaf stems were like blood red almost. It also got a weedy, wiry, anaemic look and wasn't growing fast.

I gave mine the regular veg nutes with some added guano (high in P) and liquid kelp (high in K) and that's what I think you should do. I forget all the important shit like your medium etc, but I would hope you have veg nutrients, as well as flowering nutrients. If you give a little of the flower nutes selectively (one or two light feedings), that should have more P and K and the purple should fade in a couple of days.

Haha. I've been too poor since I got this thing to upgrade the RAM. Lol. I'm tryin' to save up for a touch screen! about 80 bucks on eBay. Lol. It's getting slower too, my harddrive is getting fullllll and the temporary files haven't been deleted since I got it.

Anyhow, I have been giving it veg nutes, but I think it just needs the P and K. It's growing slow as hell. I'm bummed. On top of that, I found the Borg. I ordered some Avid online today. Some creepy fool in the hydroponics shop told me to forget lady bugs and get Avid. Hahah. Oh man, I want Purple Kush, so bad. SO bad. Anyhow, I'll up the dosage of the veg nutrients. I forgot it's been diluted some since I just recently started giving the plants nutes. I'll make a new batch of water/nutes and see how that goes. Thanks Scrub! Always come through. :D


Grow like nobody is watching
Heheh, I do what I can, no worries brah! And yeah mine was underfed too. Deficient plant -> feed it..... an idea so crazy it just may work! lol

Hope you don't mind, this reminded me of some old pics so I upped 'em. Note the eee size reference. The second pic is the half trimmed harvest on the eee's bag!

:wave: Happy growin'


nice microgro! i love seeing people getting their herbs with such a tiny amount of power...wish everyone would try something small like this.
and regarding the borg, neem neem neem, not hydrophobic essence of neem , not neem extracts...NEEM! (and a no pest strip to knock em down, but be carefull that stuff is evil) good luck!


Hey Ray, how far are you keeping those from your lights? I was wonderin because as ya know my tubs/wattage are similar but I am seein some bad heat stress. I am lowering the plants to about 10 inches away in hopes they recover, i gotta get some fans after work today. hope all gets fixed with your purple issues!


Heheh, I do what I can, no worries brah! And yeah mine was underfed too. Deficient plant -> feed it..... an idea so crazy it just may work! lol

Hope you don't mind, this reminded me of some old pics so I upped 'em. Note the eee size reference. The second pic is the half trimmed harvest on the eee's bag!

:wave: Happy growin'

Awesome pics, man. Is that a 7 incher? Woah, I thought my 10 was small. That bud looks chron, I'm jealous! My first harvest, I'll have to lay it on top of my lappy. Lol, you'll see. That shit looks great man. I can't wait till I can get that stuff someday off of one of my plants. Ugh. Thanks for the help Scrub. I'm getting some of the necessary nutrients via the internets, cause hydro shops are way over priced. Thanks for the help Scrub. You've come through quite a few times! :D

nice microgro! i love seeing people getting their herbs with such a tiny amount of power...wish everyone would try something small like this.
and regarding the borg, neem neem neem, not hydrophobic essence of neem , not neem extracts...NEEM! (and a no pest strip to knock em down, but be carefull that stuff is evil) good luck!

Oh shoot! Alright, I'll remember that. I'll order some Neem right now, actually. :D It's so much cheaper to get stuff online. Thanks for checking my thread! I love this micro grow. I think, even when I do end up getting a bigger set up, I'll keep going with this box. I've learned a TON since building that thing, and

Hey Ray, how far are you keeping those from your lights? I was wonderin because as ya know my tubs/wattage are similar but I am seein some bad heat stress. I am lowering the plants to about 10 inches away in hopes they recover, i gotta get some fans after work today. hope all gets fixed with your purple issues!

Hey Bass. I'm keeping the plants on the bottom of the tub, so they are well away from the lights. I had them up closer for a while, but the smaller clones kept getting a little heat stressed, but it wasn't a big deal. I'm going to get some nutes and see how the purpleing goes. Thanks for hangin' guys! I'll get an update soon.

Oh, by the way, I ended up just getting rid of the little Nor Cal plant, just because I didn't want the spider mites to get onto the Bubba's. I can get another Nor Cal clone like, no problem. I've been thinking about trying to make it perpetual. Well, as close to perpetual as possible. I'm going to make a box for clone veg, and after they get the right size, I'll throw them straight into 12/12 in my original box. I want to have at least 2 plants to harvest per month. I think I could do that. Thanks guys.

Stay high.


Yeah, I am moving mine down even farther to the bottom of the tub. I had the seedlings on a tupperware cd case kinda dealie, but it's just a matter of time before they get stressed too. Everyone is always so intense about having your plants "RIGHT AGAINST THE LIGHTS" and maybe you get better lumens, but I think with this amount of space (small!) I don't know how big a difference it's gonna make. Well, actually it seems like it will kill my bitch if I don't move her...hehe.

Can you verify or have you heard that the lumen rating for CFLs is the lighting from a foot away??


Yeah duder. I've kept my plants at the bottom since the very beginning. Wait, I had them on a shoe box for about a week. I haven't really read much on CFL lighting besides what I used to put this setup together.

Yeahhhh, but after a night out of town, I checked the two lasting Bubbas. They look pretty stinkin' good, besides the purple/red stems. They are pretty rubbery too, not very strong, which I'm attributing to the K deficiency. They are both getting SUPER bushy. I started poking around and noticed that there are leaves behind the leaves behind the leaves. Hahah. I'm going to go get bakeddddd as fuck, and go to sleep. Later homies!


Hey guys. I would post some pictures but my camera is dead at the moment.

Yesterday, I used some twine and tied down some of the branches. The plants are SOOOOO thick and bushy. It's pretty nuts. There are a bunch of leaves and new growth on the inside of this little bush, but they don't get hardly any light, hence the tying down. On one of the plants, I gently pulled a branch to tie it down, and I noticed that the stalk had split into two branches, and at the 'crotch' of those two branches, the one branch I was pulling on broke and split down the middle just a tad! I took some twine and wrapped it around the stalk so it wouldn't split anymore. I hope it doesn't hurt the plant. I'm betting it's from the deficiency. Weak plants, rubbery branches and such. By the way, the purple stems are slowly going back to green, which is a great sign. Alright, as soon as my camera is charged, I'll get some pictures goin. Thanks guys. Stay up.


MAKING THE SWITCH TO 12/12 TODAY! They are already about 9 inches tall, both of 'em. One tub is ~15 inches. So, ~30 inches total, minus the room the lightbulbs take, which is ~6 inches. So I have clearance of about 24 inches. I figured they might even double in growth while in flower, so they should be about 20 inches tall when they are ready. That will leave me with some smaller plants, but some space between the lights and the top leaves. Hopefully they produce some high quality shit! Or at least a bunch of crappy bud! Hahah. Pictures to come later today. I'm sick, again, so I've got nothin' but time! Stay up!

Oh, also, I received a Purple Kush seed from a friend the other day. It's been in a cup of water for almost 40 hours, and no crack. It's sinking and everything, just nothing coming out of it. I suppose I will wait and see. I can't wait to grow some PK!!!!


Grow like nobody is watching
I would just plant it bro. The water is going to rot it.

With the split stem, drip some liquid kelp on the split, if you've got some. Best of luck man :yes:


I would just plant it bro. The water is going to rot it.

With the split stem, drip some liquid kelp on the split, if you've got some. Best of luck man :yes:

Aw, good thinkin' man. I didn't even think about it. There's a tiny bit of string around just the beginning of the split that seems to be holding it together rather nicely. I can see it's growing back together too.

Oh, that PK seed cracked and it's in a Jiffy pellet now, gettin' ready to sprout. Wooppp! Can't wait for that!!! Also, I just realized, last night, that I've been reading my thermometer ALL wrong. I've been reading the temperature of the entire closet, instead of inside the box. Haha. Apparently it's been about 81* the entire time, and I've thought it's been ~75. Had to add another elbow PVC for an intake, but it's all good now.

Here are some pictures! This is flowering for about 5 days. (Wednesday will be 1 week), Oh, and don't mind the dirt on the leaves. I got all that off. Hahah.






