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Reversed Backcrossing:)


heavy dank nugg

i do think its perminatly rearanged yes . you might be able to get it close but not the same imo.


ICMag Donor
i like chattin to you Heavy D....

do you think the DNA "re-aranges" in sex revercal ?,,,,and that in-turn affects inheritance?

il agree with alleles jumping through loci,,,an that sh1t happend


ICMag Donor
sorry man.....i deleted my post and re posted it without the word "Preminantly"...

sorry man,,,i cant edit my posts

heavy dank nugg

think like this if a person is traumatised they are changed for life. they can recover and move on but the trauma remains even if its pushed way down


ICMag Donor
thats a funny example

if a person has an naturaly overactive cannaboid recceptor, they can get over everything...the only scars will be phisical ,,,,so why not help people forget the trauma by filling people full of cannabnoids,,,,,,,,this is 1 of main arguments for medical weed

heavy dank nugg

i have to agree with that but just cause you got over it its still there even if only a scar.

heavy dank nugg

vBulletin MessageYou must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Weedninja again.
that was funny. i hope it was playfull. ER is a good dude man even if hes into femed seeds


The Tri Guy
I still can't help wondering if such an event, never mind repeated events of such magnitude as to cause sufficient stress as to have these effects, could have epigenetic effects upon the offspring.


I still can't help wondering if such an event, never mind repeated events of such magnitude as to cause sufficient stress as to have these effects, could have epigenetic effects upon the offspring.

**looks up epigenetic**

I guess the only way to find out is to try it repeatedly, and see?

heavy dank nugg

I still can't help wondering if such an event, never mind repeated events of such magnitude as to cause sufficient stress as to have these effects, could have epigenetic effects upon the offspring.[ excatly if you keep stressing and stressing for generations that stress is passed on to the offspring


ICMag Donor
your right,,,,,i hold grate importance to the donor parent,,,,,,

this is something i wrote beffore

Rick said:
Quantitative trait locus location is indicated only by looking at which markers give the greatest differences between genotype group averages,...

ITS THE SPECIAL CLONES THAT ARE THE MARKERS THAT SHOW the greatest differences between genotype group averages,,,,,,,they actualy have a "special" coding, that makes "special" protine an thus a special phenotype,,,,,,,an it differs from the others in the same line.....

im sure we want to isolate AMAZING quantitative traits,,,, then we can outcross

surly the donor is the one we need to work on, when trying to isolate polygenic traits shown in the mother.....am i wrong?

hay col....when i say DONOR PARENT,, i mean main parent plant that donated the entire genome

will that make a difference?


ICMag Donor
We HERE are all little Mendelian`s, and we abide by our own laws. I Love That. rick


vBulletin MessageYou must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Weedninja again.
that was funny. i hope it was playfull. ER is a good dude man even if hes into femed seeds

I wasn't trying to be funny, playful or a smart ass. I was just making sure that he knew that it stains the hell out of any skin it touches.


LOL, WN...Whether you meant it to be funny or not, it is not unfunny, bro. Also, being a "smart ass" beats being a "dumb ass" any day of the week.

Uneducated guess to GMT's question:

I don't think there are any "archetypes" that are passed down.

My (very limited) understanding of it is that what inbreeding (S1's would be the ultimate case of this) does is kinda "double" both the positive and the negative components of a genetic makeup. So, where we might see a trait that is desirable, get fixed or increased, the problem with inbreeding (as opposed to line breeding) is that if there is a weak gene -- say for example one that is prone to hermi or disease- it is exaggerated to a dangerous level. This is why marrying your cousin is illegal ;) There are many more, stronger genes that can lose or mitigate the weak gene even if there's a relatively (compared to selfing) small amount of variation between the mates....

big, BIG, BIG Caveat: This is all just, of course, my hunch/ speculation... I was an English Literature major back in the day, not a Genetics major :)


ICMag Donor
this is something i wrote on another thread,,,,,,,,,,do you guys all agree with the 1st statement?

what about the 2nd?

an 3rd?

englishrick said:
id say put the ChemD into an A homozygous seedline.......ya know what im sayin bro!?...im sayin this because,,,,,,a plant containing the following alleles: (RR) an (rr) etc. will breed true with another plant containing the same homozygous allels [RR] an [rr].......so if you isolate the pollygeneric trait that makes Chem D "the best plant ever"....all you have to do is get the sequence of alleles identical in an similar framework, an then traits WILL BREED TRUE....

englishrick said:
all you have to do with the ChemD clone is

1)identifi the Quantitative trait locus , for the manifested trait you love
2)isolate the sequence ......ie find the "Quantitative trait locus"
3)input or just identifi the sequence in a carrier
4)outcross the 2 carriers with the isolated Quantitative trait,,, and the Quantitative trait will breed true

then you have the essance of Chem D in seedform!!

ya know what im sayin bro?

englishrick said:
i theroize and this is just imo,,people hate me for this,,,,,,

that aslong as the 2 carriers have the same Quantitative trait an loci,,,,it makes no difference if the genes are homozygous or not,,,,,aslong as the Quantitative trait is identified in the 2 carriers , the trait will breed true!

what do you think guys?