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My 13 year old just got expelled for 2 years over a bud of marijuana

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Thirteen does seem a tad young and I’m sure the parents of all involved will be severely perturbed by the incident. But the punishment is just a reflection of how petty, intolerant and apathetic our societies have become.
Also if you’re growing, extra caution is advised. Take it easy & may good fortune find you.


Cannabrex Formulator
Let me start off by saying I don't condone marijuana use by kids whatsoever but I would like to hear others thoughts on this.

My son who just turned 13 last month was given a small bud about the size of a quarter from another kid in his school who had taken some from his moms stash. Who knows why he accepted it but he did. So him and another kid were in the bathroom and my kid was showing the other kid the bud and in walked a teacher. So they took them to the principals office and called me to come down there. When I got there the principal told me he had called the police and he was going to push for felony distribution charges, he apparently had it in his head there was a sale trying to take place. Neither kid admitted to this and both said he was showing it to him. So the police come, asked me if he could speak to my son and I told him no. The cop said 'thats fine, we have everything we need anyway' and wrote us a ticket for possession. In the meantime the principal had typed something up expelling him from the district for 2 years! There is a hearing date to go in front of the school board but the principal said at the hearing they will determine if he will be allowed to go to a school for problem kids. WTF?

All this over one small bud? My kid has never been in any trouble whatsoever at school or any other place, he actually is a pretty damn good kid and now they want to fuck his education up over this?

Welcome to the United Puritan States of Corpo-Nazi America......where the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness are king....as long as you enjoy a life of liberty where your happiness is defined by working a 40 hour week, paying yer taxes and buying the crap the Corpo-Nazis sell yas.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I feel for you and your kid. It´s just the usual bullshit :(
It makes me quite angry to read some very negative and narrow minded opinions.
If you don't have any positive please shut the fuck up...my fear is the poor kid not getting a proper education and ending up a a damn twat,like you, just because of some bud.
Just to finish, how can someone that grows, sells and uses cannabis supports the idea that 13 year old kids should not be aware of cannabis....WTF!!!!!!
My thoughts and best vibes are with the OP


Putting aside the retards that have way too much control over our choices. Don't let your kid sit around doing as he pleases all day. Make him do his school work everyday. Legal hoops have to be jumped through but, your job is to make sure he knows the "MAN" doesn't get to decide which kind of person you are and will be.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When i was in school about 20 years ago, my buddy got expelled for smoking hash on a school trip, i was with him and got suspended, luckily it was after exams and everything so it didn't matter. He got expelled because he had been caught with a knife a few years before and been suspended for that already. Silly thing to do.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Let me start off by saying I don't condone marijuana use by kids whatsoever but I would like to hear others thoughts on this.

My son who just turned 13 last month was given a small bud about the size of a quarter from another kid in his school who had taken some from his moms stash. Who knows why he accepted it but he did. So him and another kid were in the bathroom and my kid was showing the other kid the bud and in walked a teacher. So they took them to the principals office and called me to come down there. When I got there the principal told me he had called the police and he was going to push for felony distribution charges, he apparently had it in his head there was a sale trying to take place. Neither kid admitted to this and both said he was showing it to him. So the police come, asked me if he could speak to my son and I told him no. The cop said 'thats fine, we have everything we need anyway' and wrote us a ticket for possession. In the meantime the principal had typed something up expelling him from the district for 2 years! There is a hearing date to go in front of the school board but the principal said at the hearing they will determine if he will be allowed to go to a school for problem kids. WTF?

All this over one small bud? My kid has never been in any trouble whatsoever at school or any other place, he actually is a pretty damn good kid and now they want to fuck his education up over this?

I am VERY VERY outraged right now.... for a couple reasons....

Baddog, please please please do not just sit around and take this situation lightly.... i am getting vibes that you are being very lackadaisical with the matter at hand... you should not be one bit...

you should be out fighting for your life... in fact, scratch that, YOU SHOULD BE FIGHTING FOR YOUR SONS LIFE.... because it is very much so at stake here... if you love your son, and care for his livelihood, his mental being, as well as his social being, oh yeah...and his future, then you would be doing EVERYTHING and ANYTHING possible to ensure that none of the aforementioned attributes are affected in the slightest bit...

this is a very unjust situation you have on your hands here. unless you live in singapore, dubai, or korea, then you should get yourself a lawyer and get to work...

this is a time where you need to show the school board that you are not a lazy stoner, and that expelling your child is more less doing him more harm then good.

seriously... i will personally come and fight the entire school board myself... i will even fist fight the principal for his decision to lay down such a harsh punishment...

i will say it once more, if you truly love your child, you will be fighting for his life right now. No child should have his education interrupted over a principals decision to expel him over a dried up piece of a plant that grows naturally out of the ground. 2 years of being banned from the school system may seem like nothing to some, but imagine all of the friends that the poor kid will have to say goodbye to? That is some traumatic stuff for a kid. Imagine all of the changes he will have to go through by being home schooled, or even going to another school where they are most likely in the midst of much different scheduled set of curriculum...

This punishment will have a domino effect if you do not do something. so please, stand up, and fight for your child's life. :ying:

....the second issue that has me fired up here is bud bug, F@#% YOU DUDE..... seriously... get a fucking grip here.... NOBODY should EVER be punished severally, or even at all for that matter, for possessing a plant that comes out of the ground naturally.....

seriously dude, F you... F off... get off of this site..(this website is for respectable human beings only) ... everything you post from here on out has no merit in my eyes, and most likely the eyes of many other members here...you have lost all of my respect.. and i am POSITIVE that I am not the only one who thinks similarly... i can understand your harsh words if the 13 year old had raped a girl, robbed someone, murdered someone, but carrying a dried up plant? come on dude... you clearly defined yourself, and who you truly are as a scumbag human being... how you have even compiled 3 green blobs of reputation under your name has me confused.... you better HOPE that you live by every 1 of our governments laws to a T, because after the comments in this thread by you, KARMA will surely be feasting on your ass.... real talk ;)


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
If you have the cash, send him to a local private school or boarding school.

Public schools are garbage. Your son's education is the most valuable asset he will ever have.
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Active member
Felony?..... FELONY? For one small bud?A 13 year old? That's crazy.Even the cop thought that was stupid, I'm sure. Get a lawyer and go after that principal full bore. This is a perfect example of what's wrong with our schools. They're supposed to be supporting and teaching our children. Demand that asshole be fired.
Much love and understanding to the OP, mate, JCChronic is right, do not let your kids life/edu be derailed by this bullshit.

oh, and bud bug, one more time, just for the record. Fuck. Yew.


Active member
+1 to the lawyer route. I think the principal was handing out an excessive punishment because by the time it comes down to it, that 2 years will be plead down to a few weeks (I would imagine)

Sadly as well, this also appears to be a knee jerk reaction by the administration based on the 'Drug Free School Zone' set up by the state. (A good portion of the schools budget)

I too think it sucks and is excessive, but also look at it from the principals perspective as well. It just sucks that it has to be YOUR kid that becomes 'the example'
Good luck :)

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
more rant........if you follow my lead, ( like i HIGHLY encourage you to do)and you go to the school demanding they re-consider the severity of their punishment, and the school board tells you to eat shit, please remember: you will have hundreds of thousands if not millions of marijuana proponents cheering you on for even having the "cajones" to stand up for what is TRULY right... i am surprised that this story has not hit the news-stands .... you should take this opportunity to get into the media and let your voice be heard...

if the school board does not re-consider, then i advise you to be on your sons team. be his life coach. guide him in the best way you possible can. Set yourself to the side, and put some time into your son. Be his personal shrink... let him understand that the punishment that the principal laid down on him was unjust, and that the principal is following old, draconian laws that were established a long time ago before man was able to truly realize how important marijuana is to our society. Let him know how bad it really IS NOT.

Do everything you can for your son to ensure that he does not dwell on this situation. this situation very well could do a lot of mental damage to the child. That is what frustrates me here with this situation. The principal punished the kid as if he brought a loaded gun to the school. Hell, the kid would probably still be enrolled if he had brought a loaded gun to the school by the way this school district sounds...

fight for your sons life man!

do everything you can for him from here on out to ensure that he becomes a stand up citizen! send him to the best prep academy in your area! grow a few plants to help pay the tuition! then, when you son graduates, and enters college, grow a few more plants and pay for his college!

then when he graduates college, be sure to tell him "hey you know what son? If it weren't for marijuana, you would not be the great man who you are!"...

..then teach him how to grow!.....

...then hopefully he will do the same for his kids....

....now if only the rest of the country would catch on to how influential marijuana truly is, and CAN BE to one's life...


Active member
Please don't have kids.

Again please don't have kids.
Hey! It's officer bedbug!
What are you so upset about officer bedbug?
That the father wouldn't let you speak to his son at the school?

20+ unhelpful post ratings, lmao, that has to be a one thread record.
Keep preaching the truth officer B

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Hey! It's officer bedbug!
What are you so upset about officer bedbug?
That the father wouldn't let you speak to his son at the school?

20+ unhelpful post ratings, lmao, that has to be a one thread record.
Keep preaching the truth officer B



Active member
If you have the cash, send him to a local private school or boarding school.

Public schools are garbage. Your son's education is the most valuable asset he will ever have.
Totally agree

Look at this event as a blessing, the day the door closed on a crappy public school education.

It's like the lord of the flies at these public schools anyway, get him into a nice private school, or look into home schooling.


Active member
This thread is dEEEEEEp......wow!

Some one sounds like they work for big brother.......

I guess if ole Bug got busted by some chance and got 2 years of jail time for what the kid had he'd be okay with it....just lay down and say "oh well,it was against THE LAW,get what i deserve"

I feel ya to an extent dude.........but ya really gotta open your mind some bro.I will say this.

Your intentions seem to be good,to do "the right thing"....but you don't seem to be lookin at ALL of the puzzle pieces,and it's kinda hard to put it all together that way.

If it was you in the OP's shoes.....would you have said the same thing about the situation about your 13 year old?
I'm glad you did not allow the police to question him, since we all know that they plant & manipulate nieve people, (especially children) into saying stupid, & incriminating shit.

Like some others said, It is best to take all resources necessary to get a lawyer in this. This is your son's life after all, and to put a good kid in a bad environment is a catastrophe in the making!


Active member
if my 13 year old got caught with pot at school, being expelled would be the least of his problems...
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