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Must See: Monsanto Exposed


Active member

Groady Ho that woman has issues and the only reason I saw her post is because you quoted it in your reply. I have her on ignore as she IS QUITE OBSSESSED WITH ME and tries to get my threads binned.
I think she really WANTS granny....te he
She is not "normal" so just ignore her smarmy spew!

She has major issues IMHO!

But please don't use her quotes as I would like to IGNORE the vaginaless TWIT INDEED!


Your obsession with your perceived perception of my obsession is obsessive.


Active member
From a practical point of view, organic farming cannot feed this world. Shave several billion off the world population and try again. DDT? Probably one of the most important pesticides ever invented. Where did it go wrong? The "If a little bit is good, more would be better" syndrome. User error ! As a farmer who does feed the world, IMO, chemical companies, while not always honest in yesteryears R & D, play an important role in helping farmers feed the world which include all the city folk that would die without food. And don't get me started on the BS that is organic produce is healthier stuff either.

It's ironic that i read new threads here with references to Gibberellic acid, cytokinens and enzyme products that I have used for over 25 years commercially on food products (at a fraction of the price in the local hydro store). Growers here are just as interested in increasing their yields and quality as other farmers on other crops.

Am i for responsible companies? Of course. But believing a documentary from Sundance as gospel truth is silly. Bayer aspirin alone has saved more lives then all chemical combined have claimed. Bring a little logic to the table. Oh - and sometime i use a Bayer product called "Elite" for mildew with no ill effects what so ever. It can be used on food products up to 7 days before harvest (and thats in CA. where chemical safety has gone overboard to the extreme). Not all Chemicals or Chemical companies are bad. Be realistic.

there is a differance between using gibberellins, cytokins and manipulating who can buy what from who.

your small mind cant wrap itself around big concepts like this anyways.

what does asprin have to do with manipulating the gov and tresspassing/planting evidence (haha planting...)??

how do you know smoking asprin residue causes no ill effects??

haha you tool :moon:
you sound exactly like monsanto..
"bt crops have no ill effects"
where your proof? rats? studies? years of reaserch?
i think not.:nanana:

ill let you thank monsanto yourself for the 2ppb of pcb's in your system.:joint:

maybe you should have fought in the vietnam war, cuz id like to expose you to agent orange right now.:dueling:
no one said everything they do is bad, just 90%

pfffttt morons these days.:2cents:


Active member
It's called risk analysis. If I owned stock in Monsanto (I don't), I would want them to profit so I could send my kids to college.

Nothing is 100%. Just ask the folks who ate organic spinach last year. Oh, sorry you can't. they died.

I try to be. But Monsanto is much more realistic, which is why they have a steady stream of ex-execs and board members serving in the FDA and FTC, and vice versa. In the real world we call that "influence peddling", and it's not practiced to help improve peoples' living conditions.

Europe is largely resistant to Monsanto's aggressive marketing; less-developed areas - Asia, Africa, South America - put up token struggles and get steamrollered. Surely this must indicate something besides those uppity fucking French are at it again!

If you're cool with Monsanto and their tactics - more power to you. If you're not, and you'd like to help resist their encroaching dominance, please visit


Active member

You don't know what I have been exposed to or not. In fact, we used the precursor to agent orange as a weed killer on our farm in the 1960's. So in fact, I have been exposed. Nothing ever grew there up to 20 years later. But you are a kool-aid drinker so I will not engage you further here. I don't want you to hurt your brain.
This person you just called a moron is far more educated and has grown far more crops then you ever will. My point is and was, if you are relying on a Sundance documentary for you facts, then you are probably waiting for Obama to come pay your mortgage also.


Active member

You don't know what I have been exposed to or not. In fact, we used the precursor to agent orange as a weed killer on our farm in the 1960's. So in fact, I have been exposed. Nothing ever grew there up to 20 years later. But you are a kool-aid drinker so I will not engage you further here. I don't want you to hurt your brain.
This person you just called a moron is far more educated and has grown far more crops then you ever will. My point is and was, if you are relying on a Sundance documentary for you facts, then you are probably waiting for Obama to come pay your mortgage also.



So because Sundance made that documentary we should just dismiss scientific data by scientists, testimonials of people and corrupt connections between multinationals and politics presented by documentary authors ?

While the case is not white and black I find comments from farmers who use poisonous products on their crops like "we are feeding the world" and "world would starve without pesticides and herbicides" pretty hilarious and pure propaganda especially if we look at that intro that farmer with acres of soy bean fields made. He said it saves him money and work. So he is after all not driven by saving the world but is driven by profit like almost everyone else.
I don't preach not to use pesticides and herbicides but please think about it, educate yourself and you will find a way to produce food commercially without any "added vitamins" like neonicotinoids or glyphosates, thank you. It can be done and it is done at this very moment in some parts of the world where smarter people live.

So please some of you spare us with "world will starve and we cannot produce enough food without ***enter bunch of different names for the same chemical product here*** because it is simply not true and is pure propaganda.
While we are at this. How much food is wasted daily in developed world ? Too much, agreed ? Well maybe we should think about optimizing that first before poisoning our fields.

Who lied ? Sundance reporting the case of "biodegradable" or did someone else lied in the first place. Who to believe ? Sundance or the company ? Who lied ? Who was hiding their own research ? Why did they do that ? And why there is no "biodegradable" on the label today ? Or there is in some countries and in others it is not ?
I didn't watch all the videos, I've been busy.

I took a course on Technology and Culture when I was at the University. It was explained to me that Monsanto has aggressively eradicated diversity of food crops in order to favorably advance their genetic mutations that require their products to survive.

If you go to Mexico in the 1940s and 50s there you would see many different species of rice, peppers, corn. These varieties have been decimated. I believe India has seen similar effects to the diversity of their grain crops, due to Monsanto corp.

Monocrops are used to force famine around the world in under developed nations.

People who died from organic spinach is PROPAGANDA.

More people die from simply choking on whatever they stuff down their throats than all cases of salmonella combined... I would imagine. I don't have a factual basis for that claim, but I can imagine.... and then you would suggest that if we were all forced to be fed through IV tubes in our arms, well that justifies why we dont chew and swallow our food anymore, right?

I mean, it doesn't matter if you want to taste and enjoy your food, right? Because what really matters is that we can all consume the same crap safely.
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My point is and was, if you are relying on a Sundance documentary for you facts, then you are probably waiting for Obama to come pay your mortgage also.

Whoa - hold on a minute. Sundance is a network that happens to run a lot of documentaries & independent films. That's the beginning and end of the Sundance connection. It's simply the venue it was shown on; it didn't fund or produce the documentary, which was made independently over a three-year period, and shot on four continents in conjunction with years of research, interviews, and followup.

You obviously did not bother to watch it or you would never dismiss it so offhandedly. There are on-camera interviews with dozens of farmers, scientists, recognized authorities on plant science, gene modification and public safety, former and current heads of regulatory agencies, investigative reporters, victims of Monsanto company tactics, and the only existing footage of former Monsanto chief executrive Robert Shapiro addressing his critics (via remote-tv hookup).

To wave your hand derisively at the entire project with "it's only a Sundance documentary; dude, do the math" - and then add a completely superfluous Obama-the-Commie-is-coming-to-get-you! crack - is an avoid-the-issue tactic I'd expect from FOX News (who have long been in bed with Monsanto, as seen here), not from someone with a serious approach.

If you think the ends justify the means re Monsanto, ok - that's one thing. But relying on a bogus crutch like smearing the message and the messenger both, by implying, and then ridiculing, some (nonexistent) ideological agenda dictated by the cable network that happened to air it - it could have just as easily appeared on IFC, PBS or any network that regularly broadcasts documentaries - is really beneath contempt.


Active member
Whoa - hold on a minute. Sundance is a network that happens to run a lot of documentaries & independent films. That's the beginning and end of the Sundance connection.

Ahhh no. Sundance has a Definite agenda. You can't seriously not know that. You didn't know that? Al Gore telling the truth too?
Give me a break.


Ahhh no. Sundance has a Definite agenda. You can't seriously not know that. You didn't know that? Al Gore telling the truth too?
Give me a break.

lawl al gore??

I love how he made that movie about global warming and right about the same time he bought heavily in the companies that will get control of the carbon credits.