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Must See: Monsanto Exposed


My apologies if I'm placing this in the wrong section, but this is of vital interest to everyone on Earth and particularly those of us in the growing community.

The expose/documentary THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO will air on the Sundance Channel on Sunday May 17 at 9.35am EST. If you can't see it there, you can see the whole thing on YouTube, viewable at:


If you've recently read about such efforts at organic seed preservation as Norway's Svalbard International Seed Vault, or the Vavilov Institute in St. Petersburg, then it's time you learned more about the sinister machinations of the US corporation that's making such last-ditch efforts at saving organic growing and genetic diversity from disappearing off the face of the Earth forever a vital necessity: the Monsanto Corporation.

Literally responsible for thousands of deaths, and tens of thousands of major illnesses and deformities, the good folks at Monsanto have been responsible for bringing the world: saccharin (for which they were sued by the US govt in 1917 unsuccessfully - only the first of many ominous victories they would score over public health), 2-4-5-T, DDT, dioxin, PCBs, polyurethanes, Agent Orange, bovine growth hormone, and oh yeah - they also helped develop nuclear weapons for the Manhattan Project. They have been responsible for the worst industrial accidents (such as the Texas City Disaster that killed at least 581 people and injured 5000) and most toxic pollution events in recorded history, many with full knowledge beforehand of the long-term health implications (as discovered via class-action lawsuits forcing the release of confidential internal company memos; some dating back to the 30s!) Their toxic-waste dumping in Alabama alone (for 40 years!) has been responsible for generations of disease and early death, dumping tons of mercury and PCBs into local creeks and millions of pounds of PCB into open-pit landfills (which they then encouraged local residents to use as topsoil!)

But that was then - compared to their current work, the preceding represents the benign Monsanto. They have since moved into genetically-modified crops and seed, seizing such a stranglehold on the industry (they control 75-100% of the market on all GMOs) that they have literally embarked upon a program of world domination. If you're one of those folks who thinks the evil corporation is a cliche born of liberal propaganda and bad made-for-tv movies....think again. Monsanto is today more powerful than most governments, wielding power undreamed of through an arsenal of lawsuits, bribes, lobbyists and coercion, and they are rapidly changing the face of agriculture - via their ruthless marketing of GMOs, which have wiped out hundreds of natural and traditional plant cultivars, and their insidious business practices (such as patenting plant varieties as intellectual property (!), and introducing Terminator-gene technology to render plants sterile - not only forcing farmers into yearly purchases of seed stock, but rendering neighboring, organic cultivars sterile through wind pollination!).

Folks: I could go on until this site runs out of bandwidth; even the documentary can only scratch the surface of this company's sheer evil. When Orwell wrote "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever", he was only half right - he thought he was talking about a totalitarian government; he was actually referring to the Monsanto Corporation. Compared to this living symbol of capitalism run amok, even the most repressive government would come off as the good guys.

I can't stress this enough....see this movie. On Sundance if you have it, or YouTube if you don't. And be prepared to be appalled, furious and absolutely terrified.
Thank you for posting this. By far the most important thread I have ever seen at IC mag. I hope you hippies and stoners check this shit out. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more significant than legalizing marijuana or what you can do to save your ass in court. This is some sinister shit that you people living outside the influence of "mainstream" society really need to focus your attention and energies on.


This is kind of old news.....but regardless of Monsanto and Bayer doings or "undoings" they are still in business and stronger than ever. It is really sad that we are poisoning ourselves in the 21st century and have no respect for living beings.


stone fool
We old hippies don't need a movie. The evil heart is the corporation. YOu want to fix the world? Find a way to break the corporations, make them responsible for their actions.

This should be simple, because they are evil and do harm that can be proven. But the fucking lawyers............... we need a lawyer to look at the articles of incorporation in the us, and find us a way to break them. I can figure it out, but the fucking lawyers double talk around the truth till it dies.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
that's what i thought..i try to boycott all chemicals..


Active member
Yeah they killed my husband with AO but he did not get prostate Ca till after Monsanto settled with the vets affected by OA in Nam.. But I hate to say it as it might provoke anger.....but it is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY and they don't give a damn about the suffering their chemicals do.
And many many of the chemicals that these chemical plants make are carcinogenic.

I guess I worked both sides of the fence by once being an operator in a major Chemical plant in Texas making VCM to produce PVC.....it comes from crude oil.

You are drinking out of an oil byproduct.

nobody is ready to give up plastic bottles of their favorite beverage and bottled water so you can't have it all in life. You have to have the chemicals to live the type of life we demand. Disposable America.


Yeah they killed my husband with AO but he did not get prostate Ca till after Monsanto settled with the vets affected by OA in Nam.. But I hate to say it as it might provoke anger.....but it is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY and they don't give a damn about the suffering their chemicals do.
And many many of the chemicals that these chemical plants make are carcinogenic.

I guess I worked both sides of the fence by once being an operator in a major Chemical plant in Texas making VCM to produce PVC.....it comes from crude oil.

You are drinking out of an oil byproduct.

nobody is ready to give up plastic bottles of their favorite beverage and bottled water so you can't have it all in life. You have to have the chemicals to live the type of life we demand. Disposable America.

Can hemp plastic replace the petrol plastics? Hemp plastic bio degrades.


Active member
I don't know about that one. The chemicals in the soda might corode it but I don't know.
But many fabrics....upholstery....plastics are made out of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil.....I remember quitting wearing polyester in the 70's when I realized it was derived from crude oil. Chemicals are all around you dear.
We have a tragedy currently here in Florida where all the drywall brought here from China and used to rebuild after our hurricane hell season is making ppl so sick they are having to move out of their homes but still have to pay their mortgage.

So chemicals are everywhere in the products you use daily.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my


Active member
Can't win this battle guys. We can't go back to the dark ages and America is spoiled and feeds the greedy corporate coffers. It is the American way. Gotta have chemicals to make them SUV's...boats......motorcyles. And bottle that water and leave a nasty carbon footprint.


Active member
From a practical point of view, organic farming cannot feed this world. Shave several billion off the world population and try again. DDT? Probably one of the most important pesticides ever invented. Where did it go wrong? The "If a little bit is good, more would be better" syndrome. User error ! As a farmer who does feed the world, IMO, chemical companies, while not always honest in yesteryears R & D, play an important role in helping farmers feed the world which include all the city folk that would die without food. And don't get me started on the BS that is organic produce is healthier stuff either.

It's ironic that i read new threads here with references to Gibberellic acid, cytokinens and enzyme products that I have used for over 25 years commercially on food products (at a fraction of the price in the local hydro store). Growers here are just as interested in increasing their yields and quality as other farmers on other crops.

Am i for responsible companies? Of course. But believing a documentary from Sundance as gospel truth is silly. Bayer aspirin alone has saved more lives then all chemical combined have claimed. Bring a little logic to the table. Oh - and sometime i use a Bayer product called "Elite" for mildew with no ill effects what so ever. It can be used on food products up to 7 days before harvest (and thats in CA. where chemical safety has gone overboard to the extreme). Not all Chemicals or Chemical companies are bad. Be realistic.


Active member
No different than the federal governments R & D giving syphillis to all those guys to research and giving LSD to soldiers to experiment with them. Goes on EVERYDAY experimentations on vets in the VA Hospital.

But you are right....you can't feed the world organically yet! Wish we could though.

What about the hormones they put in chickens that make little girls get breast and sometimes vaginally bleed.


Nothing like a good vaginal bleeding to go along with my chicken sandwich.
No need for ketchup.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
They already have biodegradable plasticware. Many sports/entertainment venues are starting to go this route to comply with their in-house "Green" Initiatives

Also, to add when DDT use was slowed/ceased, Malaria, Dengue Fever etc began running rampant again. Now, I never said these chemicals are GOOD for you, but much like anything else sometimes you can "have too much of a good thing"


Am i for responsible companies? Of course. But believing a documentary from Sundance as gospel truth is silly.

Don't tell me - tell it to these people:


Bayer aspirin alone has saved more lives then all chemical combined have claimed.

No one is claiming these companies' products are 100% toxic, or not well-meant. But Monsanto's own internal memos indicate they're perfectly willing to trade public safety for profit. It's like a stopped clock giving the correct time twice a day.

As for Bayer - Bayer Pharmaceutical is a different, and differently-motivated, entity than Bayer Crop Sciences.

Not all Chemicals or Chemical companies are bad. Be realistic.

I try to be. But Monsanto is much more realistic, which is why they have a steady stream of ex-execs and board members serving in the FDA and FTC, and vice versa. In the real world we call that "influence peddling", and it's not practiced to help improve peoples' living conditions.

Europe is largely resistant to Monsanto's aggressive marketing; less-developed areas - Asia, Africa, South America - put up token struggles and get steamrollered. Surely this must indicate something besides those uppity fucking French are at it again!

If you're cool with Monsanto and their tactics - more power to you. If you're not, and you'd like to help resist their encroaching dominance, please visit


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