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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
You know...........I/we sit and laugh and jest about the "addiction" aspect..........and maybe sometimes that's just how one deals with it, refers to it......

If anyone has any experience with addicts (real, true, hardcore junkies)........they do things which they fully know are wrong........will get them into trouble.....will lead to serious trouble........)

But they can't stop it.......

I've seen people steal $5,000 from people who will kill you for stealing $5....

They know
this...........they are well aware of this....they enter into that situation knowing full well the outcome already.....

Even from the start........they begin the walk down a path which it's known from the start there is no upside........no "winning".........

Then you get to other forms..........name one....and there might be temporary upside and "victories"..........such as gambling..........etc.....heavy wins..........

The negative (or realist :smoke:) side of me some times ponders the world as I have known it in that for the most part........there is no "winning"....

It's merely a "temporary loan"
from "the universe".....

I also believe the universe dictates in the end everything as it is supposed to be.....

And ponder again of it all being just a loan.....

You want it now?........no problem........but demand for payment comes eventually in one shape or another..........

Just a temporary loan.......

And I sometimes fear this..........

Indoor thread we hit on the basics of knowing when enough is enough.....

I'd need a calculator to count all those who were millions, even millions upon millions ahead.......and didn't make it......

I can count on one hand those who called it quits early enough...(and, realistically, after the "cool down" break, started right back up....smarter, wiser........so.......still not "out" themselves"........)

We also touched on, along those lines "breaks"...forced or voluntary....

Which leads back to the negative side of "Out"?

Sometimes it seems as though......in the end........There is no "out".


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
All in thread. (with even a picture) . Personal preference, maximized space and efficiency for the specific method used.


Julian: what is your take on cages. Do you use them in your more highly populated areas? or just way back in the wilderness?

My concern is that putting a metal mesh cage out there (disguised for location) just doubles or triples the risk of the plant being found. However, I fear that anything w/o a cage will get eaten. I've got to put some giant bagseed monsters out just so I have more room in my grow cab. These don't get cages b/c they are big, woody bushes and I don't like the high from their buds. A dear could graze on one until it gets spooked, and the plant will just put out more shoots.

I think I'll be making some feminized seed as my Satori strain does not take well to cloning.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
All in thread. Cages far out, not in city. Cages for me talking about 2ft. Once they start to grow through and hit them, they come off. I've had losses in city....somewhat minor.....far out ops?....would be serious losses without caging early on....


Thanks man, that was my dilemma. The deer come right into my city. I have heard that they don't like large woody plants so much.

That is about the size of cage I was planning. I've got some 12" tall ones I'll probably use for autoflowers.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
One always has to be aware of their method and approach to cages, because it's entirely possible for it to grow through at an angle, which will lead to problems later, stability, etc (ie: crooked stem, not straight, etc)....so.....ideally should be able to grow straight up, so, maybe pinch, but leave top center open a bit, etc, etc....sure many, many ways to cage, some completely enclose, some have worse problems with pests than others, etc...I always just cage, when they grow through, pull it off, etc...


Active member
Well, the season is surely upon us now.

I went back to the site I used as a tester last year to find that this site, which has been unperturbed for at least 10 years, has now had the hole in the fence fixed and is possibly under video surveillance as a result of some fucking graffiti put in a place where NO ONE will even see it! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! I have to go back and check to see if there are cameras anywhere, but Im very upset about this recent happening.

Good luck to everyone this season. STAY SAFE


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
Well, the season is surely upon us now.

I went back to the site I used as a tester last year to find that this site, which has been unperturbed for at least 10 years, has now had the hole in the fence fixed and is possibly under video surveillance as a result of some fucking graffiti put in a place where NO ONE will even see it! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! I have to go back and check to see if there are cameras anywhere, but Im very upset about this recent happening.

Good luck to everyone this season. STAY SAFE
Is what it is man....happens, nothing you can do, don't give it a second thought. Write it off and turn your back........effort could be spent on future spots....

Went to one of my favorite city spots which I did many years last year fully loaded, ready to plant..., got there, dripping with sweat, loaded down with plants, nutes,water, etc, only to find they had mowed everything down flat...(Was heavy growth and nothing behind a factory........they had cleared it and put in lights and walkways for security and such....which is really pointless because was just a solid brick wall, no windows, no doors, etc......

Is what it is, it happens......(I just went a block down to another factory and did it there :biglaugh:)

(Was a fuckin nice spot also............very nice product, direct sun, heavy wind, open, nothing at all.....)
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Julian said:
Sometimes it seems as though......in the end........There is no "out".

your a wise man,my friend,a very diffrent way of thinking then most.Weather is good now,it's go time :headbange


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
BreederBrad2 said:
your a wise man,my friend,a very different way of thinking then most.
Thank you......but I guess time will tell if wise enough...

Those trains of thoughts do not come about always when in the best of moods............

I myself had one period for about 5 years.....completely clean....working.....didn't talk to anyone who did anything...worked....family...business............................

So much for that huh?...........

Now I am....have been, leaning towards the same again...........aside from tremendous one I have in the works and the numerous things going in ready to go out...........but, alas.......I would be kidding myself to think I would never grow another plant again........that I would never touch anything more than personal again................

Not going to happen............and, that's reality of it...........

I see, have seen, have known many with stashes in the high 7 digits and over............

Your going to risk 7-8 digits , retirement, bright future for temporary pleasure?.....

To people who don't know?.......re read that, because that, is addiction....

That's a junkie.....

Risk everything.......family......everything........and then lose everything

Textbook addict....

I recently did something......granted....I had done it numerous times before....(and, no, not referring to offing someone :smoke:)..if anyone was able to get it done....(my knowledge of topic surpasses those who usually do it professionally) ..it's me.........and........I don't find myself doing well after the fact....and, was sitting and talking with some people...outside, nice weather...having a drink and a smoke.......and realized..(someone asked) that my hand was shaking so much I was spilling my drink........

This is what it's about?.....what it's come to?......perfectly relaxed in safe setting with not a care in the world and can't hold a drink without spilling it (sober)..........

(maybe I needed that....maybe that's why "the universe" put me in that position of having to carry out that task.......)

Yet.....here I sit.......unphased in direction, preparing, planning, and ready to execute a project of.......well...proportions few can comprehend and understand (plant count or finished product......)

No my friend............

Wise?.........I think I am anything but lately............

Then one has the issues of "Cowboyitis".........people who "want" to get caught....which I used to think was an amusing take on those who don't approach and execute as they know they should......and, sometimes....again.....I find myself wondering?.......

Is "cowboyitis" an inner cry from the self for one to stop?....because certainly, nothing else will make one stop...

Then I ponder if my recent act was such.........I shouldn't have been successful....and, maybe deep down, I knew I wouldn't be.....and was self sabotage....

(But I did.......and, now......bolder than ever before and ready to take it even further :smoke: :biglaugh:)

Now this.......is a meaningless rant :smoke:


(just in case anyone was wondering....)

I do believe the above.........have never known a single person to make it out successfully...(sure...couple here and there and yr or 2....5 at the most they're back at the bullshit :smoke:.......) which is the category I seem to fall into............and unable to fall out of.....
Weather is good now,it's go time
It is.....time to go..........and my seed runs for the big one.........

The best of luck to all.............be safe....be secure........be careful.......be wise........


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
He'd pay everyone well. Even from inside the prison, he paid everyone. He was a very good boss. I worked for others. But I should have worked for him because he was better.


That's what it's all about :smoke:.....story illustrates from another perspective what a difference a little generosity can make in ones outlook...mindset......

I liked that story....Thanks......(felt a little bad, cause know some are pricks, etc.....)

For those who like math.......run the bubble yields on trim from 160 tons :smoke:


All that trim up in flames..........and they think they're smart :smoke:....the stories I could/can tell :biglaugh: (They really do think they are smarter :smoke:...)...again...the stories I could tell...(conflict, pride, arguments...finished product and samples kind of help in such discussions :biglaugh: :smoke:....)

(Dry sift more effective with those volumes though ala Moroccan....with a touch of Afghani rubbed.....:smoke:)

(As he himself states.....they're not all like that btw.....so.....people shouldn't let that story allow them to believe they have an overview of the worlds ops when merely a glimpse of a worse one..........)

I'd agree with shooting troublemakers though who don't heed a warning the first time..........no one likes repeating themselves and having one upset the crew.......conflict.......unrest....not good for morale.......at all...

All ships must sail in the same direction :smoke:

It was all arranged with the government.There was good water, good land, good fertilizers -- the best from the U.S

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Very Good Read Indeed...

Very Good Read Indeed...

To anyone growing in Mexico you better have your bribe money,reminds me of that mansion in Mexico city that had 200 mill...they raided it then a week later the two Feds that found it got clipped and then the money disappeared.....high ranking government officials are probabley sippin tequila in their new pools LOL.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
BritishColumbia said:
To anyone growing in Mexico you better have your bribe money
I'd disagree........it's the reverse...Couldn't even set up without it all being arranged first.....and it's not a "bribe"....it's "other partner(s)"...:smoke: (no one is settling for "taste" when they can "eat for free"...

Not to mention, there is no new set ups....there's existing........and then there's dead quick...

Same the world over........

Can't walk in anywhere and "set up".......Not going to happen, anywhere in world on any scale.......(You have government, and then you have the people already controlling 50 others............)

There is no such thing as "new" ops....anywhere..(of considerable size...)

Above not cut and dry........there are variables...local could set up something smaller (couple acres or less), and might be okay, but, would be sold to same people anyway, so.....they would have knowledge....then some will try to dump it themselves......there's a few..........5 acres here, 10 acres there, family, village deals....(anywhere, name it), but, again, if not dumping it to them, and came on radar, might be easy way to get a new necktie.....:smoke:.......

Lot of people forget how cheap life is in most parts of the world.......not even worth pennies...offenses and insults......infractions...mistakes?....not dealt with well......

Best never to make one.

It is a very, very small world........always a ladder....ladder always ends somewhere, regardless of where one is............Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, etc.........


Good story.......sure people will enjoy.
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The truth is Julian you can't pay off everyone,their's always going to be somebody new that's going to crawl out from some rock somewhere wanting a piece and it does not matter how big or small your organization is....you know it's just the price of doing business for a long period of time....always someone thinking about you and what you got and what your doing,if their in a position of power then you better have your bribe money.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Actually, I was humoring you.....and trying not to be a prick about it, (Mr. Nice Guy is on vacation.....You guys are stuck with me for now......:smoke:)

I assure you......your speaking of things beyond your level of knowledge and understanding.....(pay grade as it were....)

The truth of the matter is this my friend, and, we will leave regions and names and references out of this because this is dealing with extremely sensitive material of great interest to observers...Let's use your avi as an example:
Al.......You worked for Al?....you worked with Al?.....and someone "crawls out from under a rock"......He's going to be put back under that rock as soon as you let someone know...


(Outside of US and Canada......political or military status would not make a difference.....)

(Or maybe.........they would know better than to crawl out in the first place due to ones location, which alone insinuates who you know....)

As above.....in any region, and country, it is broken down into a mere handful....

Mexico?......could name em on one hand.....Central America?....more than a couple, but, guarantee they answer to North or South....

Independents?......sure, a few...(who are indirectly associated with the handful indirectly, even without their knowledge in one form or another....)

US? Canada?........knowledge?...fine...great...sure.....you move to the rest of the world and it's always only a handful.....story above?....I know those names and regions......I'm not in my 20's :smoke:...

I could even break down South America, Central America, and Mexico for you....and a little of Asia...........(Not as cut and dry due to variables which shouldn't be discussed, and are a little complex.....Asia not. Is cut and dry......)

I bet I could even name the landowner from the above story :smoke:....(that's actually a very old trick question and a common joke....:smoke:)

The lesson I would suggest for today on this topic is why it should not be discussed in the first place any further..........

Surpass?.......feel free......but I think you might already be behind schedule......

Besides.....I'd be very, very careful what you wish for.......

If you were as wise as you believe, you would seek different knowledge and achievements....

Because I wouldn't curse anyone with mine...

I hope that was reasonable enough.......really was trying not to be a complete and total prick........(Left things out :smoke:.....)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
BritishColumbia said:
Be carefull what you wish for,yes i want to eat a little and no way shape or form do i wish to be rich/position of power "BiG SHOT" who holds the strings.

So you wish to achieve nothing?.....

So you wish not to be rewarded for excelling at your chosen skill set?.....

So you wish to receive no respect, no furtherance of your field?

So you intend not to do the best you can in the world?....

Because those things are what bring the above...

the 20's shows now my friend........

The good news is tomorrow you will think differently from today.....next month different from tomorrow, and next year from next month and so on......

The above states: I am average, I will settle for mediocrity...I wish to achieve nothing...

Worse......it states and I wish the same for my family and future family and loved ones....

Of course now you will say "No...I didn't say that, you took it the wrong way, I didn't mean that".....

That's what the above means when people say it....

I don't want this, I don't want that, etc.....but then it gets revised :smoke:....and so on and so on......
The thing is i have never met any successfull person that i respect legit or other wise and the reason being is they have no values/morals and
I fail to believe you have made it to mid 20's in the modern day and the above is true.....

If that is indeed the case.....quite possibly you need to alter your view of the world....(Your stating no person you have ever encountered has values and morals?.....................quite possibly maybe you should direct that focus upon yourself...and why you feel that way because I see dozens daily whenever I leave the house.....

Successful?.......well there's your problem right there......

Every person on the planet will define "success" in a different way
......and.......none of them would be wrong...
their childern are out off control as they were raised buy dead beats who spent decades working and sacrificing their kids all so they could have some money in some bank and that's a dissgrace,
You sum up others entire lives quite easily...........

The question to ask yourself instead is how would they sum up yours :smoke:......

Herein lies the world :smoke:
you see i always try to tell people that being good at something like making money/business/job ECT does not make you smart as life is alot more complex
And who then determines what, and who is smart?....

Life is not as complex to some.........and is more for others......and some?....don't know and couldn't care less.........
but some people just can't open their eyes to the truth
What truth?....

Whose "truth"...

Mine or yours? :smoke:

Ones views and opinions on the world change day by day, and continue to throughout their life until their last day...........

Maybe sometimes we shouldn't cling so tightly to views and beliefs which may not exist tomorrow....:smoke:...
because their to weak so they spend their whole life lying to them selves
Many people do and say and think many things for many reasons.......

Summing up anothers life in such a way is purely unflattering speculation....
and what does this have to do with growing?everything because money is the motivating factor.
I wouldn't agree.......

Most larger growers started as small growers, continued because they liked it, did well because they were good at it, and, went on from there......

As with anything in life....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And I'm just saying maybe your not seeing what you think your seeing ...:smoke:

Ahhhhh perception....it's a bitch, ain't it?.....

A slight change in you, completely alters everything you see in others sometimes... :smoke:
BritishColumbia said:
Honestly i'm just suprised that making money is not what everybody says or thinks it is
Well........that statement my friend relates an internal issue.......one I understand.......nothing knew....

And what did you think or say it was?...

Obviously you have or had some expectations which have not been met.....and, I have news for you......

Money is just money.

Sounds simple enough, and, all would say "Duh"....but they might be missing the point..........as most seem not to understand many things at points in their life.....

Personally.....:smoke: I think the problem is your just not making enough...:smoke:, because when you are, it is what most say and think it is :smoke:....but, again...it's only that....just money.......

What you do with it and how you think of it more important......

As above.......one can either bathe in it.....or they can take care of family with it......

One can either live in and drive it........or one can use it to further themselves and their interests and their families interests (school, hobbies, etc....)

Unless there's enough......it's usually one or the other.....

When good money?....well, then a choice not necessary....

When serious money?....well, then both and some left over :smoke:

My recommendation lately is for many to spend a couple days floating on their back napping in a pool in the sun :smoke:......

Does wonders for the mind....reflection......ones take on life....

But, what do I know :smoke:...
It's just disappointing that I've been working hard for the last six years and sacrificed alot when most people that age are having fun/parting ect i was struggling and finally i've opened my first small business and the pressure is on and it most likely will not go away for at least 10+++
Welcome to adulthood.............

10?.......could be 20....maybe 30........

Maybe business will do well......maybe will fail......maybe......you'll have a split/divorce, business will fail, and dog will die same month.....

(Don't fuckin laugh...happened to me.....dog was worst actually...:biglaugh:)...

And then what?.....

Tasks and duties and work and business is merely what one does when they have to....

We think of it as "life"

Nah.........life is what your doing when your not doing the above and is free....

Refresh: People spend all their time and effort into such things, only , as above, in the end?......possibility the things they spent their life on being gone anyway....

And then what?.....

(Some will read that and draw numerous things out of it..........when really all that is/was relayed is "what if".........You "do the right thing"......and focus your attention and efforts on such things....and, then, god forbid....should one experience a loss?...........all that time was wasted............(per se).......)

No this because working.....no that because busy....didn't do that because building business....etc, etc, etc.........

And in the end?...

Might not matter anyway...after allll that.

Makes one question "life" sometimes.......:smoke:..........what is important....what is not......how one thinks, should think........perceptions of the world and people around them.......

Just sayin......
you know but it is what it is and growing can be a great thing and so can life but i guess it's the small things that have a way of picking at it but at least i can take comfort in knowing that i've accomplished more then most my age,that's something eh....but enough of this negative talk....let's get back to growing.
The above isn't negative...........and, it's all related to growing........outdoors more than indoors.....


That's the easy part.....

Knowing who one is and their limitations and their capabilities and their place in the world all is directly related to growing....

And a little more difficult at that.

I'm a believer in the 4 Senses of Self :smoke:....so...accomplishments?.....well.....some feel good about their accomplishments until they look around sometimes......

20's?.....I know a 28yr old attorney who just bought a 5MM home and was bumped up to Vice President of a major corporation....vacations 4 months out of the year.....

What about the 22yr old that has already toured the world 4 times....

What about the 24yr old (sports) signing 8 figure contracts......

What about the 25yr old making 5MM a film?.......

Ones place in life is always only as it is.......

Key to it all seems to be being able to be as happy as possible regardless of where that is, what accomplishments one has, or has not made, and how much money they have........

Business is doing well?....great, have a party......

Business failing?.......happens, take a vacation :smoke:...enjoy life.......

Father passing?.....well, he had a long good life....was a good man.......limited pain........another cycle of life which one can't prevent......

Everything is only what it is.....no matter what we do, think, say, feel......and continues to be regardless of what we spend time on thinking, saying, feeling, and doing....

Don't fool yourself and join the ranks of the unenlightened....

It's all about growing....:smoke:

(And now, back to your regularly scheduled comedy hour.......with a commercial break from our sponsor......"itch be gone"....for that annoying occasional itch your ass gets from everyday life...."itch be gone"....."what can ya do"....."itch be gone"....side effects include introspection and amusement.....should not be taken with alcohol......discontinue use and contact a psychiatrist if amused for more than 72hrs)

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