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Mushroom Trips



set & setting, along with your current state of mind are the main factor in what type of experience you have...until you've taken them a few times and get know what to expect, it's not a drug to be taken in public or parties...positive surroundings without distractions like ringing phones or obligations of things you have to do, along with a positive attitude will play a large role in a good experience the first time around...if you find it getting too intense it's important to remind yourself that it's just the mushrooms talking to you and that everything is going to be fine (because it is)...never had a bad trip after more than 2 dozen cubensis strains taken approximately once a month over the last 5 years by first educating myself on them and then keeping things in a positive state of mind/environment...im talking about cubes though, no experience with blue meanies or amanitas and i really have no desire to mess with those

my first experience with mushrooms was the first truly spiritual experience of my life and came out of it enlightened (as i still usually do)...the ld50 is pretty high for shrooms so they're relatively safe from a toxicity standpoint in that it would take a substantial amount to even come close to overdosing on so that's one less thing to worry about in your mind as well...i'd skip the shroomery and begin learning at mycotopia.net but that's just me...growing your own will also put your mind at ease more in knowing where they came from and what they've been through before getting into your system...a pressure cooker is the best investment to make when doing your own, and i'd say skip pf tek and start rockin the popcorn tek as it doesn't get much easier than this, with easy expansion into grain2grain transfers and spawning to coco coir [pictured costa rican @ 14 days from innoc from spore(syringe, not a transfer)]

it's not a high...it's an experience

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Thanks for all the great info and posts everybody. Now I have to do alittle reading into them and try them out in the future.


I prefer acid to shrooms.. It seems like a more controllable thing once you know how to handle it. With shrooms, sometimes its great, sometimes it sucks.. Visuals are different too. Shrooms seem more natural, I always get weird like incan/aztec/south american indian-esque designs and patterns always in wild colors and stuff. Visuals from cid are just so much more intricate and complex. And then theres the mind set part, shrooms tend to confuse the fuck out of me while acid kinda speeds you up and it seems like you have a clearer outlook. Til you eat so much that your thoughts all start trailing together.. lol.

When youre getting full blown trails with every sense while sitting in a room with lots of disturbances (ceiling fan, TV going, windows open so a breeze is coming in, window blinds rattling, feeling your shirt/boxers/blanket all over your skin, etc.) you could fuckin go insane with all of those stimuli stacking and trailing until you get things settled down. Wayyy too much "input" lingering on all your senses, and even in your thoughts will freak you right the fuck out.

It's the time that it takes for the time IN BETWEEN each second to pass that will drive you crazy. Analyzing EVERY SINGLE bit of information interpreted by every single sense will make time DRAG on forever, making the whole concept totally irrelevent.

Ehh.. eat enough of either one and youre fucked, lol.


St0n3r said:
dont eat them if you cant handle whats inside your head

Best advice on this whole thread.
You got issues of a real nature, don't be tripping unless you are a fully aware, mature person.
Can you handle living out your worst fear in your mind?
Stay peacefull


Ganja struetu?
the last time i tripped shrooms my friend forgot that he had taken shrooms, thought he was in a dream, smashed his one of a kind guitar, and completely trashed his room.
when he finally when to sleep, he woke up about 5 minutes later and said "WTF DID I JUST DO???????"

basically he thought he was dreaming so he could do anything. just keep this in mind, dont forget that your are on shrooms.


never had a bad trip off of shroom. I prefer them to LSD anyday cus frankly the older you get the more problems you have to deal with (ain't life great). Personally I like to goto a park or sit around and just chill with friends. Everything in my opinion definetly lights up, going to the park the trees are glowing, the grass is swaying, and I am fucked up. Good stuff but the problem is that it seems there are a lot of fake shrooms going around, so I would suggest reading up on them before indulging.
Might be taking some mushrooms this weekend. I have a chance to get them real cheap, I would buy a shitload but I don't have much money. I'm real excited though....
Shrooms are great. Just know your limit. I tend to eventually push every drug I do to the limit. Shrooms at the limit much like a few other things, are very fucking intense. I learned ALOT from these intense trips I have had though. Everytime I have one I say "I don't think I need to get that high again" But the shit I learn or realize about the world and reality I have been boxed into, the more inpower I feel against the unseen enemy and I know I will trip hard again. Smash you are so on point with the stimuli overload, shit is a trip when EVERYTHING is now being interpereted compleletly differently than you expect it to. At this point, everything looks "wrong", nothing feels the way it should when it touches your body, nothing sounds rights, etc. This can all be enjoyable in small lil trips but when you get overloaded like this all at once and every second continues to show you how time doesn't matter anyways it can leave you feeling lost, and very confused, but I always make it out...a lil more crazy...or maybe just a lil more sane...

I Used To Grow

Active member
One trip I ended up on a mountain...sittin in my car..listening to the Gospel channel on XM..man, I really thought I had the Holy Spirit that time.


After reading all the great posts, the only other question I have would be is there a common mushroom strain everyone is using? It seems there are 100's of types and I was wondering what the top shrooms were for a first timer?
Shrooms, XTC, and weed are all I need...

I personally know a guy who tripped on a tab of Thomas Jefferson and has permanent brain damage till this day...
Some people can't handle pychedelics. You should always start with a low dose of any drug and then move up if you can handle it.

But one tab? Damn, gotta get me some of that.....


ya, i would start with like 2 grams and keep going up by half a gram. i had a lot of fun my first time on only 2 grams. it was like seeing the world through the eyes of a child. everything is so fascinating.

i wouldnt worry too much about picking an exact strain for your first time, just watch your dosage.

thats crazy about the acid. mustve been laced with something.


Active member
420inprogress said:
Shrooms, XTC, and weed are all I need...

I personally know a guy who tripped on a tab of Thomas Jefferson and has permanent brain damage till this day...

One tab huh?
Sure. :jerkit: :wallbash:
what makes you doubt that statement above ^^, a good dose of cid can be small enought to fit on the head of a pin... so when you can get fucked off of something a small as this . i think its possible to get fried over something as big as a stamp, shit that could hold like 50 doses


a common mushroom strain everyone is using? It seems there are 100's of types and I was wondering what the top shrooms were for a first timer?

stick with p. cubensis sp. all of them are about the same potency-wise, the main differences being fruit size and heartiness/aggressiveness of the mycelium on various substrates, and potency is more dependent on when you pick them (get them as the veil is breaking or before!) and how they're dried/stored...i'd stay away from amanitas (amanita muscaria, the alice in wonderland lookin shrooms) unless you're prepared to gamble with the whole heaven/hell thing

and preferably have a scale for first times dosing...body chemistry plays a big role in how psilocybin effects individuals...i have a friend who can't get off on anything less than 5gr dry while most people eating the same thing are good at 2gr...take a gram, wait, and adjust from there...you could take 2 grams and not be where you want, but instead of eating another 2 grams sometimes something as small as .5gr is enough to take it to a whole new level so measure things out the first few times if you can cuz what "looks" like a certain amount can really be deceptive depending on the density of the strain you have dried up
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common shroom strain is only known by people who research different types. Personally I have had enough to know I like pslocylobin, I like to shroom out. But I the best I had were the red ones with white spots those made me fry my balls off and see ebony midgets crawling out a sewer and going into a gas station and getting beer and then going back to the sewer. I was really fucked up. So for a beginner if you get those you may want to pass or just eat like 1-2 grams maybe less. It also depends on how the shroomies were handled and what state they are in. Some people like to get extra dry other somewhat dry. I personally like the not sodry but dry type. Eat them with something or by themselve, they taste like atheletes foot as a comedian said once. I eat them with pop tarts or on a pizza (AFTER ITS COOKED!!!) Personaly though I like to chew them up and leave them in my mouth for a bit then swallow them, I heard that you get a fast reaction if they stay on your tounge.