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multi-strain perpetual SOG with cfls


East Coast, All Day!
hey thanks for stopping by man! right now I have 6 x 23w cfls in an 18"x15" space. So thats 138w in 1.875 sq ft of space. It's hard to say what an average weight is because I have harvested some that got bad treatment and were less than a gram but I harvested one that was 2 grams and the Resin Hessassin clones I'm harvesting this week look like they will be over an eigth so it's hard to say, but I think my average will be going up very soon. Also I going to be incorporating 2x 55w Plls and expanding my chamber and possibly putting in a few more supplemental cfls.


Subbed - I like what you're doing with your grow. It's super micro, but your plants look really cool. Like bonsai, they have a lot of personality. :lurk:

It's making me rethink my plan. I mean, I have room in my cab for two micro-medium-sized plants... if I'm really active about tying them down or putting them under a screen so that they go horizontal and fill the space with bud sites. But growing in solo cups, I could have 15 going at a time, pulling one or two a week depending on the strain.

Definitely something to think about. Are you happy with the quality of bud you're getting? Do you feel like you're getting enough yield as-is, once everything is cured?


East Coast, All Day!
Subbed - I like what you're doing with your grow. It's super micro, but your plants look really cool. Like bonsai, they have a lot of personality. :lurk:

It's making me rethink my plan. I mean, I have room in my cab for two micro-medium-sized plants... if I'm really active about tying them down or putting them under a screen so that they go horizontal and fill the space with bud sites. But growing in solo cups, I could have 15 going at a time, pulling one or two a week depending on the strain.

Definitely something to think about. Are you happy with the quality of bud you're getting? Do you feel like you're getting enough yield as-is, once everything is cured?

hey man thanks for stopping by, I really appreciatte it. As far as yield, I will say this, I can not keep up with my smoking habit, but every bit that's free helps lol and also I have not ever had my cab filled to the brim on full perpetual cycle. I've never utilized alll my space because I am always starting new seed. That is about to change though. I just expanded my flower chamber and within the coming month, I am about to fill up my chamber with anywhere from 20-40 rooted clones and start pulling 2 or 3 every week.

Im still trying to figure out myself if a whole lotta solo cups is better than a couple medium sized containers. Im going to start doing some testing on this soon... will let you know.

I will post some pics in here tomorrow.


Well-known member
Hey Sour. If I may toss out some more advice for you. I would go with less numbers and a bit bigger in size. Solo cups are tough to grow in. They dry out quickly. They are easliy overwatered. With 20 or more it can become a real pain to keep them watered correctly.
You can get much more yield by just going a bit bigger.
Here is an example of 2, 13 day old clones that are ready to flower.
The pot on the left is about half the size of a solo cup, the one on the right about twice the size of solo.

Look at the size for just 13 days. A hand full of these will yield way more and require less work than 20 or 30 solo cups of plants.
You could really up your yield by just using correct pots and vegging a bit longer.
I have a feeling your "chamber" is not great at keeping a steady environment. Coupled with the solo cups and watering issues you are holding yourself back.
Are you PHing your water? Do you realize that those soil mixes you are using need time to "cook" to be able to have your plant use the nutes properly? Source of water? R/O? Well? City? All things I mentioned before in detail.
I gave you a bunch of advice earlier when you asked but I see you have followed none of it. I am not sure why.
There are several things you will need to change to be able to actually produce some smokable meds.


East Coast, All Day!
Hey Sour. If I may toss out some more advice for you. I would go with less numbers and a bit bigger in size. Solo cups are tough to grow in. They dry out quickly. They are easliy overwatered. With 20 or more it can become a real pain to keep them watered correctly.
You can get much more yield by just going a bit bigger.
Here is an example of 2, 13 day old clones that are ready to flower.
The pot on the left is about half the size of a solo cup, the one on the right about twice the size of solo.
View Image
Look at the size for just 13 days. A hand full of these will yield way more and require less work than 20 or 30 solo cups of plants.
You could really up your yield by just using correct pots and vegging a bit longer.
I have a feeling your "chamber" is not great at keeping a steady environment. Coupled with the solo cups and watering issues you are holding yourself back.
Are you PHing your water? Do you realize that those soil mixes you are using need time to "cook" to be able to have your plant use the nutes properly? Source of water? R/O? Well? City? All things I mentioned before in detail.
I gave you a bunch of advice earlier when you asked but I see you have followed none of it. I am not sure why.
There are several things you will need to change to be able to actually produce some smokable meds.

Hey man, not quite sure what exactly your point was with that post. I appreciate the advice but it seemed like you were trying to call me out or something.

1st) I have produce smokable meds... and enjoyed them... and have more curing... and more ready to be harvested... sooo...

2nd) Im well aware of how my soil mix works and yes i did let it "cook" the proper amount of time.

3rd) My cab is pretty steady, I haven't read a temp above 75 since my troubles in the beginning of last summer. Granted, it is winter but still I think you could consider that "stable"?

4th) I remember your previous advice. As far as water, where to start... Ph no i do not regularly do because in organics as long as your mix has proper compost levels the microorganisms figure out the rest, please don't try to tell me otherwise. I don't think you read the 200 something page sticky in the organic section.

For source, I either run left over water from water bottles laying around or my tap water through a brita water filter then aerate the water for 24 hours or so before adding anything, such as, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, pro-tekt, compost...

And as far as container size, first off, there are many many methods to growing buds and many people have succesfully done it solo cups, check out the dr. bud threads.

I don't doubt that i could potentially increase yield with larger containers though... I am going to begin experimenting with this now that I have expanded my chamber.

Like I said in my previous post, I'll post up new pics tomorrow

Thanks for stopping by.


Well-known member
Speaking of calling someone out. I will let you continue to harvest your sub 1 gram yields and be on my way thanks.
Good Luck! It will be needed.


East Coast, All Day!
Could you point out the part where I called you out, please?
I'm pretty sure I agreed with you on some things and simply stated that theres different methods to growing which can all be succesful. I.e, hyrdo/organics/coco or vertical/horizontal lighting or SOG/SCROG/LST/supercropping/topping. It's relevant man, I was simply saying thanks for the advice, it is good advice, just not all of it can relate to my style of growing and thats okay because it has it's own place.

I was not bashing on you or your advice man, chill out.

Alright enough drama, heres the pics as promised.

what do you guys think? looks like more than a gram to me lol




Here's some group shots of my new mothers. Would you look at that.... there not in solo cups! OMG.



If anyone would like individual pics of these or what strains they are, I will gladly do so. See ya guys!

Oh and btw negative37dba,
You're gonna laugh at me, but I've pulled 2 g's off a hempy solo cup. Now this was my first try with hempy buckets and was random bagseed grown in it. If I filled up my whole cab with hempy solo cups( can fit close to 40 or so) and had enough clones for all of them. On the low end let's say I can only manage 2 g's per clone (which I know i can do better than this next time) 40x2= 80gs! Last time I checked that's almost 3 oz's! Now say I could get an 8th from every clone, which is very possible, 3.5x40= 140! Thats 5 oz's....
Oh and those pics I posted, those buds are way larger than the one that came out to 2 g's so i'd say my goal of and 8th off every rooted clone isn't that far off.


East Coast, All Day!
And don't take any of this the wrong way man, like I said in my other post, I do plan on experimenting in flowering out in bigger conatiners, like the ones in the final pics.


looks like progress in the last picture.. they look like already they are ahead of the last ones and have a bit more room to grow some roots. I think that should help you out quite a bit. I think you're gonna like the square pots..


Lovely! She's all bud, and only, what, 10cm tall?

What is the strain, and how do you keep them so short? Do they just adapt to the small container size? Maybe it's time to go read the Dr. Bud threads you mentioned.


East Coast, All Day!
looks like progress in the last picture.. they look like already they are ahead of the last ones and have a bit more room to grow some roots. I think that should help you out quite a bit. I think you're gonna like the square pots..

thanks man, these are my mothers. they are veggin away and being cloned. normally my method is to clone the shit out of the mothers and then fill my flower chamber up with all the little clones. but after many different people saying I should try bigger containers I will give it a go! next flower run, I will take the already established mothers and flower them out in the bigger containers. I will replace the mothers with a clone of each and the remaining clones will be flowered out as normal, no veg time, in solo cups. When all is said and done will do some averaging and figure out what works better.

the only down side i see the the bigger containers is that i obviously can't fit as many. I can cram 40 18 oz solo cups in my flower cab. I would be lucky if I could fit 20 of those square containers. they would have to average more than double the weight of the solo cups for me to consider it.

the other issue i'm experiencing is i don't have enough veg room to support vegging out 20 clones in those big ass pots this is why i typically flower out non-vegged clones in solo cups.

I think the difference between a non vegged clone in those square pots and a 1/2 or 3 week vegged clone in those square pots will be pretty drastic.

Im also looking into things called tree pots. they come in many sizes, similar to size of solo cups but have much more volume so the roots would have more space. this might be my ticket!

either way thanks for stopping by!

Lovely! She's all bud, and only, what, 10cm tall?

What is the strain, and how do you keep them so short? Do they just adapt to the small container size? Maybe it's time to go read the Dr. Bud threads you mentioned.

thanks for stopping by man! yeah i measured from where the bottom of the bud starts to the tip and its about 4.5-5 inches. thanks to trusty google that equals out to about 11.5 cm.

the strain is Resin Hessassin by weedbeat. this was my first pack of seeds and at a great deal! $25!! they are kept short because they are given no veg time, in small solo cups( not much root space) and are kept very close the lights to prevent extreme stretching. once they get too close i lower them down a bit. I usually prop them up usually cd and videogame cases. makes it easy to adjust how close they are to the height.


yah sounds like you just need to do some experimenting to find out what works best for you. I would think running 20 in the bigger pots would probably yield more than 40 solo cups and the quality could be better as well. Will be interesting to see what your results are. Sounds like you have some good ingredients and knowledge of organics and stuff, whatever you choose to do I'm sure your finished product will keep getting better.

In my setup I can fit 6 plants in 2 or 3 gallon pots, or about 12 plants in 1 gallon pots sog style. I can yield a little more with bigger containers and less plants, but not a whole bunch more usually. Next run I will probably do more in smaller containers because I think I'll have more strains.


East Coast, All Day!
yeah i only have like 6 or 7 bigger pots to work with this round so it will be some experimenting for sure, but i plan on ordering these things called tree pots. they are 4 in wide and 10 in high. they are .44 gallon. almost a half gallon! and i could fit 32 of these in my flower cab. or they have a 3 by 8 in one. i could fit 66, but i think that experiment might have to wait one more round...

and yeah i also run the issue of too many strains. im gonna have to start figuring out which ones aren't quite good enough..


East Coast, All Day!
nice micro grow, man :)

thanks bro! It means alot to hear that. I've put a lot of time and hardwork and little bit of money into this project lol. It took me a few times to dial it in, and honestly, I'm still not fully dialed in but I'm getting closer and closer! I'd say my soil mix helps alot.

Here's a little update for you guys. These three bitches were put into flower today. All the way in the back is BKGK Bx1 and the front two are two phenos of GDPxQuerkle.


Clones were checked yesterday and I had pretty good success considering how cold it is. Success rates go as follows:

BKGK Bx1: 4 out 5 rooted
CBxDB Bx1: 1 out of 3 rooted
GDPxQ (pheno 1): 2 out of 3 rooted
GDPxQ (pheno 2): 2 out of 3 rooted

As you can see the Carolina Blue x Digi Berry Bx1 is gonna be a pain in the ass. Kept her in veg in hopes of being able to take some more clones before she gets flowered out, just in case. I've heard too many stories of people throwing out runts/mutants, and then when it comes time to smoke they are phenomenal!

That's all for now. See you guys later.


honestly man . ive goten 19 grams off a solo cup.. but i used 1000w hps.. but i had it in the corners so it wasnt in full light or anything.. but the more light u add to ur micro the better.. i have a friend. that took a piece of glass.. and used it like a hood . made it so the lights were above the glass. and he did a SOG under the glass.. and put 16 CFLS in there.. and had a 6 in fan from homedepot sucking the hot air from the top part of his micro box.. and let me tell u .. it was a very sick idea to section off the lights from the plants with glass so he could run 3 times the amount of CFLS without having sooo much heat .. it worked oout great.. he was runnin 26 w cfls.. it was like 400+ watts.. and he got 300 grams.. off 60 clones in a 3x3 in a raised bed.. only single cola plants pretty much .. .....


East Coast, All Day!
thanks for the advice man. yeah i think my biggest limiting factor right now is light intensity. I'll be fixing that very soon.

got a few questions tho, just want to clarify. he was running roughly 400 watts over 9 square feet? If thats the case, makes me feel a bit better amount my low light numbers atm.


regarding your CBxDB...
I ran this in my last run. I popped three, ended up with 1 lone female. She was ugly. I mean, beat with he ugly stick after falling out of the ugly tree over on mutant island kind of ugly. I did some LST and leaf picking to her (my set up is a rubbermaid tub set up with 280 watts of cfl, so headroom can be a problem), which I found out was not a good thing to do with this strain. I chopped the top 2/3 of her at 56 days, put the bottom back in the box to keep maturing (honetly, I probably could have gone to 63). I did a tester and WOW! She is fucking amazing. So amazing, that instead of finishing out that lower 2/3, I pulled it immediately from the flower box and put her into reveg; I know I have my blue, and hope she is around for a long time to come. She is a definite keeper, and with what I learned on my first try with her, I know I can increase final yield. ON the first run, I wound up with just under 20 grams dry, but I know I had a hand in lowering that total.

I guess what I'm saying is two fold:
1. You're gonna love the CB. Looks aside, this is some hit you in the third eye and make your nose go numb smoke.
2. Be gentle. I didn't have a problem with her being nutrient sensitive, but any other stress (including the ones I created) seems to confuse her for a day or three. leaf picking is a no no.


East Coast, All Day!
regarding your CBxDB...
I ran this in my last run. I popped three, ended up with 1 lone female. She was ugly. I mean, beat with he ugly stick after falling out of the ugly tree over on mutant island kind of ugly. I did some LST and leaf picking to her (my set up is a rubbermaid tub set up with 280 watts of cfl, so headroom can be a problem), which I found out was not a good thing to do with this strain. I chopped the top 2/3 of her at 56 days, put the bottom back in the box to keep maturing (honetly, I probably could have gone to 63). I did a tester and WOW! She is fucking amazing. So amazing, that instead of finishing out that lower 2/3, I pulled it immediately from the flower box and put her into reveg; I know I have my blue, and hope she is around for a long time to come. She is a definite keeper, and with what I learned on my first try with her, I know I can increase final yield. ON the first run, I wound up with just under 20 grams dry, but I know I had a hand in lowering that total.

I guess what I'm saying is two fold:
1. You're gonna love the CB. Looks aside, this is some hit you in the third eye and make your nose go numb smoke.
2. Be gentle. I didn't have a problem with her being nutrient sensitive, but any other stress (including the ones I created) seems to confuse her for a day or three. leaf picking is a no no.

thanks for the advice bro! yeah since she gave me a hard time cloning and was a little bit behind the others, I decided to leave her in veg for a bit longer so she could bush out a little more and get another shot at getting some clones.

what size containers were you flowering in?
and you say not to LST? so you are saying just let her do her thing, don't tie her down at all?


I flowered in 1.5 gallon soil (I take 2 gallon poly grow bags and trim them down a bit). Vegged in 6 inch square pots and potted up to final pots 5 days before light flip.

As for LST, I don't think it did me any favors. This may be the pheno that I have, but in remembering other CBxDB threads, dank.frank also says these do best when left to their own devices. Maybe if I was a little lower stress in my low stress training....but definitely stay away from leaf picking through veg.