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Mtnxbiker's Micro ScrOG w/C99


Hey everyone!

This is my second grow using this setup.
It's a 6x23W CFL using rubbermaid tubs.
Last grow I did 12/12 from seed and ended up with 32 grams from 2 small plants. This time I have been vegging them out and will be using a ScrOG to get the most out of them.

Here they are now at Day 45.
I just re-potted them and put in the last two CFL's. Their growth is really starting to take off now.

This is also a 100% Organic Grow.
I'm using Biobizz bio-grow and bio-bloom as well as the occasional liquid karma.
Soil is 3 parts soiless mix, 1 part perlite, and 1 part worm castings. I also added lime, kelp meal, blood meal, and bone meal to enrich the soil.

Thanks for looking


Very healthy looking plants! I'm in the process of setting up 3 of those Rubbermaid "pods" ATM!

What ratio do you mix everything at? Keep up the good work! :rasta:

I'll be watching this whole thread :lurk:

Were did you get C99 from? I've wanted that strain for a while now...


They are Joey Weed's C99 which I ordered from Hemp Depot.

80% soiless mix (similar to sunshine no.4)
10% perlite
10% worm castings
2tbs/gal Lime
1tbs/gal Blood meal
2tbs/gal Bone meal
1tbs/gal Kelp meal


I fertilize at every watering starting after the first couple weeks, usually after the first leaves start to turn yellow.
Nutes are Biobizz Bio-Bloom and Bio-Grow. I'm gonna stick to the grow schedule I got with the nutes.


Lou Dog

New member
Z0Z0Z0 said:
Your plants look good in the pictures you posted. Any updates yet ?

ZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZO of &T? Good to see some fellow growers from the temple.

It's R_S by the way.
everything looks great man, i have the same setup going to run myself with those same pots, your day 45 ladies inspire me man....can't wait for an update i'll be following this for sure :lurk:

i have cheese from seed myself, did yours look like this at week 2?



I'd say that you are on track for week 2

I decided to make an update,
Here we are at Day 49:

Here is the ScrOG screen that I'm about to put on. Right now, I'm trying to find an easy way to hold it above the plants.

They look perfectly HEALTHY! Those screen's should really do the trick. You will definately be happy with the yield from those pretty girls! Keep it up! :rasta:

I would cut a coat-hanger and fix it to the pot then to the screen for each plant, that way you could remove each pot for watering, etc,
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screens look awesome, are you going to LST or top them at all? or just work them into the screen with moderate tie downs/seperations of branches?


Thanks for the comments everyone! :wave:

No LST or topping, at least this time around. Topping just seems so unnatural to me. I would have considered LSTing if I ended up with only 1 female in order to fill the screens out better, but as is i'm not sure it's necessary.

Here's a pic with the screen on. I'm guessing i'm less than a week from switching to 12/12. What do you guys think? I read you are supposed to flip when the screen is about 3/4 full. Does this mean the screen is 3/4 full of growth tips or just 3/4 full in general?

Day 51:



Active member
I'd say you could flip the lights to 12/12 pretty soon because c99 is heavily sativa and will probably stretch a bit in flower so keep training it for the first couple weeks or so until the stretch slows down...
Sativa or not, when scrOG'ing the buds grow from the bottom of the screen to the light, so if its 18 inchs, that is 18 inch buds! Although using CFL's they won't get that big....point is, yeah they stretch but not in the way it would if it was grown regular. Growth is CONTROLLED by the screen! Catch my drift?

I personally would VEG for AT LEAST 2 more weeks! Trust me, It will be worth it! Best of luck to ya and remember to smoke some for me!

BTW I just ordered some C99 for myself and I can't wait to try her!
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sigh, i just wish my plants would get as big at yours mtn, but I havent given up yet...check out my thread, they are at 21-22 days in that picture. They are more developed now obviously because its closer to the 4th week but picture uploads were down. see what you think, thanks man


Day 59 Update:

I decided to make the switch to flower is I was worried the plants would outgrow their space if I did not do so soon. Here they are at Day 5 of flower:

I've got some questions for those of you who know more about scrogging than I do:

How much longer should I continue tucking the plants under the screen?

How many bud sites should cram into the screens? The area of the screens is just over 1 sq/ft.

When should begin cutting the bud sites that wont make it to the screen and the foliage under the canopy?


chees and rice man!! Those SUCKERS are like trophy winners!! They are so perfect looking no yellow at all and are like NEON GREEN!!

i love it! Im currently making a micro PC grow and ill for sure be "stealing" your soil mixture :p heheh Thanks for the great mix man ! Ill be adding 20% pert because ill be doing the SOAK and DRAIN method of watering. where you set the entire cup/bucket in water fully wait for bubbles to stop then take it out, drain for few minutes then set it back in its home.

Great grow dude..



Thanks!! :D

And I just realized I made a small error when I wrote down the soil proportions, it's actually 60% soiless mix, 20% perlite, and 20% worm castings.

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