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MSNBC NEWS:Why the medical marijuana industry opposes full legalization

MSNBC NEWS:Why the medical marijuana industry opposes full legalization

  • Big business money and monopolies

    Votes: 26 59.1%
  • Happy cannabis users

    Votes: 18 40.9%

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  • Poll closed .


Active member
Marijuana legalization advocates won some major victories in the last election, but a new report from Politico is spotlighting the divisions within a still emergent industry.
Legal marijuana vending appears to be splitting into two camps: medical and recreational. Though both sides have fought the federal law which still classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 illegal drug, medical marijuana dispensary owners have a financial interest in keeping their selling rights exclusive. As Byron Tau reports in Politico, this has driven some in the medical marijuana industry to fight with authorities against further legalization.
Legal in 18 states, medical marijuana has had a big head start on recreational marijuana, which became legal in Washington State and Colorado only last year (and is yet to be fully implemented in either). Since California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, the industry has ballooned. This is thanks in part to medical marijuana’s virtual monopoly on legal selling rights, which keeps prices high because of scarcity and lack of competition.
In Maine, for example, where medical marijuana was legalized in 1999, a proposed measure to legalize the possession of small amounts of pot–by sending the issue to statewide referendum–failed to pass in the legislature by a handful of votes earlier this year. One of the measure’s key opponents was the Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine (MMCM).
“The main objections came from the fact that the bill was not built around Maine’s medical marijuana industry,” lobbyist for the group Paul McCarrier told Politico. “Philosophically, we’re not opposed to the decriminalization of marijuana, but the devil is in the details.”
The bill was not only going to legalize the possession of up to 2.5 ounces (or six plants) of marijuana; it was also going to grant licenses to cultivators, retailers, and laboratories. McCarrier told the Morning Sentinel when the measure was still pending that the bill threatened to put Maine’s medical marijuana industry out of business by being preferential to recreational dispensaries over caregivers who give the drug to small groups of patients.
Full legalization advocates see the MMCM’s objections as purely self-serving. ”There are people who are benefiting financially and would prefer to see nothing change that,” said Erik Altieri, northeast communications direct for National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).
As it stands, the U.S. marijuana market (legal and illegal) is a $30 billion dollar industry, according to a March study from the Oregon Law Review. If allowed to be farmed professionally, says the study, that $30 billion-worth of pot could be manufactured “on the order of $100 million, or something like $20 per pound, which is about one percent of the current amount paid to illicit marijuana growers in the United States.” Simply put, state revenues from legal pot could be enormous. So could profits to medical marijuana dispensary owners if they can keep other players out of the game. With the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, more dispensaries mean more competition means lower prices.

Maine isn’t the only state to experience infighting among marijuana advocates. The Cannabis Action Coalition’s executive director Steve Zarich opposed Washington State’s 2012 ballot measure. And though efforts to stop legalization were unsuccessful in Colorado, existing dispensaries were granted the privilege of turning themselves into recreational shops before others could apply for licenses.

“It is a necessary but fascinating footnote in history that some of the most active opposition is oddly coming from those who are fellow travelers of the road, shall we say–those who enjoy and use marijuana, be it for medical reasons or recreational,” director of NORML Allen St. Pierre said in April.
But both sides have a common enemy. Federal law still puts anyone who grows, sells, or possesses marijuana in danger of arrest. Though Attorney General Eric Holder said in 2009 that “it will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana,” the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is still making raids.
Just last Wednesday, DEA officials raided several dispensaries in Washington State, NBC News reported, seizing business records and thousands of dollars-worth of medical marijuana.

Please check out these valuable links before voting!

7 good reasons below to get you to think about voting NO before it is too late!
These are all informative links below
Legalization in Canada, how are things there now?

Why was cannabis made illegal?

Monsanto Poised To Take Over Commercial Cannabis Growing In All Legal States!

Building the Walmart of Weed. featuring GrowOp Tech.

Hiring commercial growers at a starting annual salary of $35,000.

Trailer full of weed stolen by cannabis guru!

The same people that sent you to prison for pot, will now sell pot to you!


Active member
All this chickenshit ignores the terrible fact that they put people who use ganja either medically or for fun in jail. They also keep this plant on schedule 1. Quit your damn bitching and legalize for adults. Dear medical, grow the hell up, the above terrible facts overrule your greedy complaints. Quit putting people in jail for cannabis and allow any adult to grow their own. Peter Tosh is still right and your complaints are completely wrong.


Active member
I do not believe you have all the facts sir.
People will still go to jail when it is legal.
Read a bit more please!
If you follow tosh for info you are surely lost!


if it smells like fish
its all about the money still....fuck em I can grow my own and don't really care what the law says....its my duty to break unjust laws ..I aint a pussy


Active member
I totally agree. Fuck what the gov't or what any side says and do what you feel as long as no-one gets hurt. And that don't mean butt-hurt by any means.

$$$ screws everything.

But I couldn't vote in your pole because I think the answer is both. I don't think those two choices have to be mutually exclusive.


Well-known member
So, the medical scene isn't about helping people after all, it's all about the Benjamins.

Who woulda thunk it?


Active member
just like the medical marijuana card holders that think they can go around selling weed to anyone and everyone.. and when they get caught.. they are like i have my card im legal..

ya.. to smoke it. and possess it.. but not to SELL IT.. lol..

same thing will happen wen legal.. except.. they will say.. its legal to smoke. illegal to grow.. and it will be treated like cigs.. if caught selling untaxed cigs in NY.. they choke you out till you die..

unless we can some how get them to treat it different then alcohol.. we are screwed EITHER WAY.

i say grow your own.. fuck the laws.. especially the ones that say no guns and weed together.. if cops can have guns and shoot unarmed people and shit.. then i think we have the right to defend our life. money. and medicine.


Source link that please.

Shaggyballs, for once you're actually right- many people who control the medical cannabis industry fear full-scale legalization because they know the kind of profits they drive can only exist in this weird grey-area between state and federal laws. Having said that, you really don't need seven threads of yours with all of the links to prove this idea.

Washington Dispensary Owners Against Marijuana Legalization
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Fight Legalization...Again?
Why the medical marijuana industry opposes full legalization

All I had to do was spend a slight bit of effort on Google to find that. The bullshit really is only surface-deep.


ICMag Donor
So, the medical scene isn't about helping people after all, it's all about the Benjamins.

Who woulda thunk it?

This isn't true at all...

When people who under state law can grow their own and not get arrested vs some sort of federal regulations coming down the pipeline that make it to where it can only be grown in a pharmaceutical type environment...it will not only take it out of the hands of those patients who need it and can freely get it - but when it is resupplied they will have zero say on what strain, quality, production methods, etc...

Why should a MEDICAL patient - sacrifice their health and well being for some person to gain recreational rights?

I agree that no one should be put in jail for it - but remember, the government is out there saying, "What can we do for the people today" - no, politicians are saying "What campaign contributions can we gain by writing laws and regulations that indirectly make it so only corporate giants are able to participate" ....

Yes, it's good to move forward - I just think it's got to be done with precaution and with a astute awareness of how those cronies all work.


The ONLY legalization I see being of any true value is making cannabis the same as a tomato...THIS is legalization.

The alternative if we are careful, is that cannabis becomes the next poppy....where it is fully legal to buy and purchase pharmaceutical derivatives of the plant from your local pharmacy, but still entirely illegal to grow or produce or refine on your own.


As a medical user - I think many people would agree - keeping things the way it is now, is at least understood and remains a system that has largely been designed state by state ballot initiatives by the people for the people.

It's a situation where they now see the $$$$$ signs - and they aren't looking to help us - they are going to line their pockets.

I think it would be wise to be cautious on how we approach any form of regulation that falls anything short of what I defined as true legalization above.



Active member
This isn't true at all...

When people who under state law can grow their own and not get arrested vs some sort of federal regulations coming down the pipeline that make it to where it can only be grown in a pharmaceutical type environment...it will not only take it out of the hands of those patients who need it and can freely get it - but when it is resupplied they will have zero say on what strain, quality, production methods, etc...

Why should a MEDICAL patient - sacrifice their health and well being for some person to gain recreational rights?

I agree that no one should be put in jail for it - but remember, the government is out there saying, "What can we do for the people today" - no, politicians are saying "What campaign contributions can we gain by writing laws and regulations that indirectly make it so only corporate giants are able to participate" ....

Yes, it's good to move forward - I just think it's got to be done with precaution and with a astute awareness of how those cronies all work.


The ONLY legalization I see being of any true value is making cannabis the same as a tomato...THIS is legalization.

The alternative if we are careful, is that cannabis becomes the next poppy....where it is fully legal to buy and purchase pharmaceutical derivatives of the plant from your local pharmacy, but still entirely illegal to grow or produce or refine on your own.


As a medical user - I think many people would agree - keeping things the way it is now, is at least understood and remains a system that has largely been designed state by state ballot initiatives by the people for the people.

It's a situation where they now see the $$$$$ signs - and they aren't looking to help us - they are going to line their pockets.

I think it would be wise to be cautious on how we approach any form of regulation that falls anything short of what I defined as true legalization above.


agreed ... i said it before in another thread.. about the same topic..

LEGALIZATION.. is going to be treated like ALCOHOL.. and guess what.. moonshiners still get busted and do time...

if anything they are just trying to figure out a way to tax the fuck out of it.. and then they will fuck us all by legalizing it in a specific WAY... not as a medicine.. but as a recreational DRUG like alcohol..

the problem being.. it isnt anything like alcohol.. but we get a bad name.. because why? because of the kids who wana be spicoli.. ? lol

it should be considered like a tomato. but even then.. they will never do that.. because they want the insane taxes they make.. if it was treated as a tomato is treated.. they would make a few bucks per oz.. they wana make just as much as the grower is..!!!

they plan for everything.. and the RICH. are the ones controlling everything..

until the government is dismantled it will never work.. and not just HERE. but the ENTIRE WORLD needs to figure out a new way to govern themselves in a way were it was ment to be.. for the people BY the PEOPLE... not FOR THE RICH.. FUCK THE PEOPLE

and in the end.. thats what will happen with weed.. FOR THE RICH.. FUCK THE MOM AND POP GROWERS who have the best weed in the country.. fuck them we want yields.. and turnover.. we need to pull 8 crops a year.. so we send out immature nug fuck it .. thats CORPORATE WORLD. its fucked..

and until people stand up. and say fuck my medical card BULLSHIT.. and grow either way. or support your local growers by buyin DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE..

people dont understand.. we could shut down APPLE tomaro no problem. just boycott.. and stand your ground. and they will go right under.. b ut we all have to be on board. its a very simple way to do things.. but to many people have these huge egos.. and need to be right.. cause mommy and daddy fucked them up as a kid by being a little too hard on them haha.

people want to believe they have no power.. and they say.. i dont vote because IT DOESNT MATTER... it might not. but... if you dont vote.. nothing can change. if you dont try.. nothing changes..
but.. you vote with your dollar on a daily basis.. u support dunkin donuts.. and mcdonalds.. or subway.. or walmart..

when u could spend a few bucks more.. and support your local businesses.. to keep AMERICA going.. instead of being cheap.. and destroying america because your a cheap fuck? lol. i know it might be more expensive.. but if u get your entire family on your plan.. and it keeps extending like the GG4 did.. man we could really really do something cool here..

i think the only way to take over the government. would to do a BETTER JOB without there help. thats all im saying lol.


Well-known member
Here in Washington state the government views medical marijuana as the enemy. They are opposed to patients growing their own medication and want to eliminate the dispensaries entirely.
They want a monopoly on growing and selling marijuana limited to a few people approved by the liquor control board. They expect patients to buy the overpriced garbage at their state stores.
The only bone they are willing to throw the medical community is that they will be exempt from sales tax.
The only reason this didn't pass last year was because a few republicans vetoed it. This year they will try again. I am appalled by their greed and complete lack of compassion.


Well-known member
then speak up to state and federal authorities to get something done about it?
The Feds still consider cannabis a Schedule 1 controlled substance with no medical value. They don't want anything to do with what Washington does. So the politicians herencan do whatever they want.
The state authorities refused to let anyone from the medical lobby testify at their hearing to get rid of the medical cannabis system. Doctors, caregivers, and providers were outraged but there was nothing they could do about it. Every medical user including myself was left feeling angry and powerless. The legislature cares about only one thing and that's making money.
In the last 20 years in Washington there has been a number of grassroots citizen movements to make it harder for the local government to raise taxes without approval from the public. The Democrats have had to cut and cut and cut and it's been hard for them to get taxpayers excited about another tax hike. So they see cannabis as a way to generate massive amounts of tax revenue without letting the citizens choose.
I sympathize with them because a lot of good programs have gotten cut but they did have it coming. They did not do a good job of justifying their tax increases and it seemed arbitrary and unfair a lot of times. Putting a large tax burden on families and small businesses.
They have smeared the medical cannabis community portraying it as dangerous, unregulated and unsafe while their state system uses the old liquor control board to regulate. The liquor control board system was voted out a few years ago because it was a terrible failure. But they want to use the same system for their legal stores.
As a medical cannabis user I consider lumping my medicine in with booze is offensive.
Their rules are so strict and taxes are so high only the growers will be able to make a profit. The guy who's been consulting me to get his business started is losing so much money. No one opening a store will be able to make any profit for the first 5 years. Prices in the dispensaries are $10 a gram. Prices in the state stores are $20 a gram.
Washington state is trying to make itself a model for legalization for the rest of the country all they've done is exposed the flaws in everyone's idealistic dreams. Giving the government a monopoly on a sacred gift from the creator like cannabis is turning out to be a dangerous thing.


New member
Technically california dispensaries are supposed to be non-profit lol. I don't see much compassion from anyone in that state since I moved from it years ago! If legalizing it means taxing the growers first and the dispensaries second, meanwhile lowering the price for medical patients I'd vote for it a million times over.

I don't need that much to have a personal supply and anyone trying to profit off of a non-profit system deserves to be taxed as much as possible.


Active member
Washington's War on Medical Patients

Don't kid yourself, there is a war on non-taxable cannabis.
The current agenda is to shut down medical cannabis and force you into recreational, and to be forced to buy from dispensaries only!
How you ask?
All Medical Dispensaries MUST CLOSE
74% reduction in personal plants.
66% reduction in Co Op plants.
Why you ask?
Recreational stores made $360 MILLION dollars this year.
It is all about the tax $$$$$$$$$$$ dollars $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is why I stated to VOTE NO OR ELSE!
Read more here:

We will continue to be assaulted, you should be scared, you should react.
Our votes are more powerful than their greed!

The thing to do here is boycott recreational stores!
just boycott recreational stores.
this won't bring back the dead, but you aren't pandering to their will either.
'they' can suck rocks as no sales means no tax income. period. ever. zip. nada.

they created new criminals with their rec scheme, ffs, it's you and me.

All I have to say is "Once they take it from you, just try and get it back! "
Good luck WA.
Note to other states VOTE NO OR EXPECT THE SAME FOR YOU!


if it smells like fish
Technically california dispensaries are supposed to be non-profit lol. I don't see much compassion from anyone in that state since I moved from it years ago! If legalizing it means taxing the growers first and the dispensaries second, meanwhile lowering the price for medical patients I'd vote for it a million times over.

I don't need that much to have a personal supply and anyone trying to profit off of a non-profit system deserves to be taxed as much as possible.
but there is so many now the prices have dropped a lot..making it cheaper for the consumer...yeehaw..theres like 16+ pages in the san diego reader of med mj ads.. for one example guerilla glue is 150$$$ oz...that's very reasonable ..I grow my own but I sometimes sample stuff....always looking for the new next best thing