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Mrktwiz's *new* 2K/stadium, CoCo SCROG grow log


Whodare & Aero;

Thank you I will look into getting a small recirculating pump....man the BUDSZ are popping if I have time before I fly out tomorrow I will try and post some new pics..and the SMELL of the TANG in (in a high voice and kinda gay) AMAZING.....lol:laughing:


Hey Gang;

Well the girls are just blowing up, the smell is so fruity and tangerine like it is amazing, my OG kush is really looking good and the White is getting frosty (white trichs and very heavy) already...hence it's name....

I had to leave on a business trio so I am trying to find the camera, I will load up some new bud porn for you later today!

Vertical Gardeners United is now taking new member request's, and as the newly elected recruiting office if you want a membership card and complimentary hazing ( too much Ganja and a lot of food) just post in this thread. Currently we are looking for a President and Sargent at Arms our Treasurer is Bobblehead, so all dues can be sent to him...:jump:


ICMag Donor
Hell Yeah! to mrktwiz and all the card carrying members of VGU. I am applying to become a member and the first thing I did was tear out my ducting and dismantle my 4k room, yanking the lights out of the hoods( free the lumens!)and built two shelves and hung 2k and will be dividing the 12x13 ft space into two sides and flippity floppity here I come...You guys and gals and IC in general has made me a better gardener and thanks for helping out. Construction is almost done and I will have to prove myself by posting pics but I look forward to having too much ganja and not hitting my head on reflectors anymore! NS

p.s. picked up some #5 welder specs already, those 1k's are bright! its amazing the difference in light just blasting the room now. Off to work. NS


Active member
would adding an airstone to my reservoir (33 gal garbage can) do anything positive for my stadium grow. I was just reading about how others use airstones but have little experience with them.

Thanks in advance!:thank you:

The answer is no.

You're growing in coco, so what good is bubbling your reservoir going to do? The water is being added to the coco, and is aerated at that point. Even if you had air stones that blew hot air and created "nasties" in your water, the coco will be colonized with beneficials that will handle them.

Anyway, back to the point. Just make sure your nutrients are thoroughly mixed, and you're gtg. That might mean putting a powerhead in your res and having it recirculate your nutrients before they're pumped out... That might be beneficial. I just pump my water into drippers. GH 6/9, and everything stays dissolved...

can we get an update? I wanna see this thing blowing up! :)


Hell Yeah! to mrktwiz and all the card carrying members of VGU. I am applying to become a member and the first thing I did was tear out my ducting and dismantle my 4k room, yanking the lights out of the hoods( free the lumens!)and built two shelves and hung 2k and will be dividing the 12x13 ft space into two sides and flippity floppity here I come...You guys and gals and IC in general has made me a better gardener and thanks for helping out. Construction is almost done and I will have to prove myself by posting pics but I look forward to having too much ganja and not hitting my head on reflectors anymore! NS

p.s. picked up some #5 welder specs already, those 1k's are bright! its amazing the difference in light just blasting the room now. Off to work. NS

Welcome NorthState - consider yourself a card carrying member :)

I have to say I have like 4 old reflectors taking up space in my garage, even a couple of those big SunWings my Hydro guy "raved" about...(eyes roll)....good job on the welder specs, you'll need them and to be honest it really is a safety issue and we want everyone to have good eye site to enjoy bud porn ...heheh.


The answer is no.

You're growing in coco, so what good is bubbling your reservoir going to do? The water is being added to the coco, and is aerated at that point. Even if you had air stones that blew hot air and created "nasties" in your water, the coco will be colonized with beneficials that will handle them.

Anyway, back to the point. Just make sure your nutrients are thoroughly mixed, and you're gtg. That might mean putting a powerhead in your res and having it recirculate your nutrients before they're pumped out... That might be beneficial. I just pump my water into drippers. GH 6/9, and everything stays dissolved...

can we get an update? I wanna see this thing blowing up! :)


OK thanks. I was just cruising the hydro store and saw the airstone pumps on the shelf and was wondering if it would help....I might get the recirculator like you suggested but I am having such good results I am kinda like "why fuck with a good thing"?

Picture coming in 18 minutes....gotta wait for the lights to come on :tiphat:


Ok ready for some DA MA PORN?

My wall of budsz...smell is SO fruity

some close up's I think the single cola is "The White" it is frosty lol, the right photo is just MUCHO nodes and cola formation;

This is as far back as I can get of the room for a overall shot;

I am trying to get the macro function so I can do some close up of the buds so you can see how frosty they already are getting, I think we have about 2-3 weeks more and then harvest yeah baby....

Grow on fellow Vertical Growers United members


Active member

OK thanks. I was just cruising the hydro store and saw the airstone pumps on the shelf and was wondering if it would help....I might get the recirculator like you suggested but I am having such good results I am kinda like "why fuck with a good thing"?

Picture coming in 18 minutes....gotta wait for the lights to come on :tiphat:

I don't wanna come off like my answer is the only answer... but it's the right answer... ha ha... :) You air stone will work too, it's just not necessary to recirculate the nutes 24/7... Looking great in there! What a jungle!


Active member
how many weeks they been in there so far? those look a little further out than even three weeks...

But, it looks like your gunna kill it everything is looking real nice...


how many weeks they been in there so far? those look a little further out than even three weeks...

But, it looks like your gunna kill it everything is looking real nice...

WhoD - You know I think their at 7 weeks....I was hoping to harvest in 2-3 weeks more BUT I kinda agree with you. I vegged about 1 to 2 weeks to long, that was a small mistake, so we wait a bit longer I think I'm going to kill it also, next time, (like DHF says, it's all about plant count for top yields) I am adding a THIRD shelf and possible stacking a 600 on top of each of the 1K's to add a total of 3200 watts, I will prolly have to UPGRade the exhaust fan to a much higher CFM to control heat but hey you wanna go big you gotta THINK big!

Thanks for the input Whodair! A couple more pics;

and another WALL OF BUD can you say "HELL YEAH"

...and can I get an AMEN from the congregation..hallelujah!:blowbubbles:

Enjoy all....


Active member
OK here is the yield 1491g or in English just over 52 Oz and for all you gpw types 1.24 gpw so a long way short of 2 gpw but im sure it will come!

That's from the end of that grow you posted a pic from. Clearly even Heath needed to dial-in his rooms. This really boosts my confidence. :) 1.24gpw is great, but we're talking about a guy that pulls 1.5+gpw.
Last edited:


I told you bro, innovative yet simple enough for your or me to pull it off. :) Welcome aboard.

You know Bobble I've heard and seen lot's of post's mentioning his work until I actually started listening to you and DHF and a few others here and THEN actually saw some of his grow journals HOLY FLIPPIN COW, he was/is(?) an amazing mind, how utterly creative yet simple his designs overall are, yet they are based in a deep knowledge of growing and engineering.

I was just thinking what an amazing experience it would be to just be able to sit and smoke a bowl and have a cup of coffee or something else and just pick his mind for en evening.

I am blown away and now want to tear my room up and start all over or buy a bigger house so I can run different vertical styles all at the same time, like DWC tree's I really want to try that some day.

LOL I am kinda all jacked up on coffee and Heath Robinson atm ...does it show?

BTW - their are a few peeps here on IC that are my mentors/guides/hero's and your one of them also Bobble :jump:!


Active member
Thanks bro... It would be cool to have Heath come by one day... ha ha... I could only imagine burning a few J's with DHF and Heath. I would have to record the conversation so i didn't forget anything.

lbs off an apartment sized grow


Wouldn't it be great if we could get DHF, Heath and maybe a couple more peeps on a Web Cast and have questions submitted by interested grower hobbyist's etc? I've often thought their might be a need/niche for a local Medical MJ radio/interweb/public TV show for helping people grow their meds and answers questions related to the wide range of topics surrounding this emerging area.

And you are SO right if I ever had a convo with DHF or Heath (and they would allow me) I would definately tape it, cuz my memory is shot to hell.


love machine
ICMag Donor
ahhaha not sure how i miss this one but looking great there mrktwiz, remind of my 2k stadium when i ran the tent :):)



ahhaha not sure how i miss this one but looking great there mrktwiz, remind of my 2k stadium when i ran the tent :):)

Red - A lot of my room was inspired by you and Selhemployed also.....with dialing in help by DHF and Bobblehead I am making good progress, I am hoping to get 3#.....but we will see my plant count is not that high this run but I am adding another shelf next run :laughing:


New Pic's Time..ready for the frostiness?

New Pic's Time..ready for the frostiness?

OK all here we go a few update snaps, I am hoping my buds are going to fill in a little, it looks like I may have stretched them too much as the nodes seem to be a bit far apart and not filling in, well this is my first time and I might have to look at different genetics like some diesels of hybrid diesels, any way on to the pics;

The White (drool frosty);

I think this is 90 day F2 (old school cut but looks nice);

OG Kush..I don't care what anyone say's I like this cut;

ok some group shots;

one of the TANG's (Tangerine - Sativa/Indica cross VERY fruity);

and for your laughing pleasure my burnt and duct-taped down vest, YES those mutha-flippin bare bulbs do get hot;

I think I still have as much as 3-4 weeks to go (sigh) we will see, I hope they fatten up a bit...I am thinking of possibly giving them a bit of molasses but...(shrug) I just don't know.

Have a good night all!:dance013:

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