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Mrktwiz's *new* 2K/stadium, CoCo SCROG grow log



Well to be honest I am a little embarresed with my stadium grow, the nodes are really stretched out and I don;t think I am even going to get what I was going to get back when I was horizontal(?). We still have a few more weeks to go to (shrug) maybe they will swell up some more, I think it is the strains I used a lost of kush and heavy sativa lines and I need more indica to add yield and I am getting bushy plants where I would prefer a single cola strain with minimal side branching (any sugggestions?) I have a whole veg room ready to go with the same main strain (tang or tangerine) so I am going to have to run that BUT after that I am dipping into my seed stock 1st choice will be (and PLEASE feel free to comment or make suggestions):

1) Sour Diesel1 x (DC x Skunk) CFP Seeds - (I only have 10 of these)

2) Cheese(?) (20 seeds) - Tanska (Danish breeder I know)

3) NL x Mango (10 seeds) (?) - Too much haze?

3) I also have some Carmelicious x WW (Like 5 seeds - supposedly killer from a guy in Germany)

4) P Paki x Nepalese - I know nothing about this strain was just given like 5 seeds

) I want to run a Bog - Bogglegum or a ReZ Chemdog 4 D or Chemdog IBL but I am really broke atm, grrrr.

Well anyway I will post some more pices but I think I will be lucky to get 1# per 1K.....I am going to up plant counts but I am getting dangerously close to 100 plants and even living here in Santa Cruz I don't want to fuck with the Feds if something happens.

Thanks gang we will see what happens, more pics tomorrow.:comfort:


Anything I can do ta help Bro , just holler.....


DHF, do you think my yield issue is partially related to the strains I am using? If so, do you have any recomendations of better strains? (see last post of my seed stock)

I also realized my lights are about 5-6 inches too FAR from the lights, I am using a square stadium design. We are going to try and re-design the next run and use a more octogenal design, and add a shelf (higher plant count) AND stack the 1K bulbs. I am holding very steady with my EC; Temp; lows at 68, highs 81, Humidity; pretty steady at about 58% (flowering room) and I re-circulating the air in the room about once e very hour and exhausting it (scrubber)....maybe we will get a lot more than I think but I don't think so....we will see.

Any suggestions DHF or anyone are welcome.

thanks gang


Active member
DHF, do you think my yield issue is partially related to the strains I am using? If so, do you have any recomendations of better strains? (see last post of my seed stock)

I also realized my lights are about 5-6 inches too FAR from the lights, I am using a square stadium design. We are going to try and re-design the next run and use a more octogenal design, and add a shelf (higher plant count) AND stack the 1K bulbs. I am holding very steady with my EC; Temp; lows at 68, highs 81, Humidity; pretty steady at about 58% (flowering room) and I re-circulating the air in the room about once e very hour and exhausting it (scrubber)....maybe we will get a lot more than I think but I don't think so....we will see.

Any suggestions DHF or anyone are welcome.

thanks gang

he he... I hope you don't mind if the apprentice steps in here...
for a stadium using 1k's... I believe northern farmer kept his stadiums 6.5' wide. So his furthest shelf was 3' from the lamp. He only had like 1-2' to walk down the middle. If you haven't seen Northern Farmer's stadium, look it up.

Holding steady with the EC? What's that mean? I don't know what fertilizer regime you're using... anyway, my plants never get more than 1200ppm, and I generally keep it around 800 for regular feedings. So I guess I'm asking how high your EC goes, b/c it doesn't matter if it's steadily too little or too much. :)

What about pH?

Temps aren't too out of control, but if you can keep them at 71*F at night, well that would keep them within 10*F.... And that's the goal for optimal growth.

RH% is good... You might wanna take it down lower though now that ur finishing up. If you up it to 70% in the first 4 weeks, you'll see increased growth, b/c the plants won't be losing water to transpiration. All their energy will go into growing.

Your air exchange needs the most improvement. The air in my rooms is exchanged 2x a minute... Compare that to 1x an hour... The plants need CO2, and if you're not supplementing with it, then you need to keep the room full of fresh air. That's night and day, because at night they shit out the CO2 they didn't use during the day, and you need to extract it.

Anything else I can help with just ask... :tiphat:


he he... I hope you don't mind if the apprentice steps in here...
for a stadium using 1k's... I believe northern farmer kept his stadiums 6.5' wide. So his furthest shelf was 3' from the lamp. He only had like 1-2' to walk down the middle. If you haven't seen Northern Farmer's stadium, look it up.

OK then I am good their I am no more than 2" from the light.

Holding steady with the EC? What's that mean? I don't know what fertilizer regime you're using... anyway, my plants never get more than 1200ppm, and I generally keep it around 800 for regular feedings. So I guess I'm asking how high your EC goes, b/c it doesn't matter if it's steadily too little or too much. :)

  1. I meant "Environmental Control's not nutrients my bad....I don't have a wand to check for EC's; only PH (I keep that at about 6.1)...so I have to go by looking at the plants, they look good other than some possible mag deficiancies.

What about pH?


Temps aren't too out of control, but if you can keep them at 71*F at night, well that would keep them within 10*F.... And that's the goal for optimal growth.

Yeah I am working on a tighter temperature range but so far it is about 69 - 81 right now.

RH% is good... You might wanna take it down lower though now that ur finishing up. If you up it to 70% in the first 4 weeks, you'll see increased growth, b/c the plants won't be losing water to transpiration. All their energy will go into growing.

Your air exchange needs the most improvement. The air in my rooms is exchanged 2x a minute... Compare that to 1x an hour... The plants need CO2, and if you're not supplementing with it, then you need to keep the room full of fresh air. That's night and day, because at night they shit out the CO2 they didn't use during the day, and you need to extract it.

I can adjust this easily to increase the air exchange by how many times my scrubber fan comes on and for how long, I'll increase that. Later on I plan to get a larger fan 500 - 750 cfm or so to better facilitate air exchange.

Anything else I can help with just ask... :tiphat:

Does ANYONE think that strain selection has anything to do with anything, I think so and I am not real pleased with these current strains, opinions, feel free to suggest a few strains from my seed stock I mentioned earlier in the thread.

Thanks gang - Mrktwiz


man.. what a killer grow, and setup you have!!


Thank you AW means a lot coming from you, wait till you see the next run we are working on continous improvement and I will up the plant count as well.

Peace brother!


Bobble.....couldn`t have said it better......Mrk.....Don`t beat yourself up , cuz there`s a certain degree of learning curve in any new setup , WAY before dialage is ever approached and conquered.....

It`ll come........The 1 thing I`m gonna try and beat in folks head is runnin 1 strain/variety at a time , and nail that bitch......takes a few runs at least ta know how much yas can squeeze out of her , but believe me it`s worth it........

If yas wanna run different shit , do it in another room.....Simple , babyshit.......I mean hell.....1 bare 600 that all ya`ll small grow maestro`s like Aerohead and Marlo have the potential of over 2 lbs per harvey......that`s a buncha small rooms yas can run a month behind each other and pull 2 lbs a month outta each 1 of em once dialed , so on and so forth , up to 3 lights per small room with even more increased yields.......

I know not from strains Bro , but unless you grow a plant several times , you`ll never know what it`s capable of......some are finicky sativa-ish bitches that can`t take the nutes , and then you get the more indica dominant plants that won`t grow for shit without MEGA veg no matter how much juice yas shove up their ass and don`t stretch for shit once flipped , so it`s all about doin it Bro , and findin out what it takesta fill your room up with miniature Xmas trees covered in mid size donkey dicks ,side by side , above and below , with very little reflectix shinin back atchas come harvey.......

Not a better strain/variety for production than a good 50/50 hybrid, and there`s plenty out there from the right folks....Veg`s and stretches well , then swells up accordingly ......

Now get ta work damnit.........LOL.....Lookin fer great things outta yas MRK....



New Pics

New Pics

Ok here is an update I think we are going to chop Friday possibly, most of the pistils are red, and hazy got to find my microscope to look at them more closely, got some burn from the M.O.A.B. but buds did swell some, still trying to figure out exactly when to chop, oh well on to the BUD PORN!

OG (fire) Kush;

Wall o Weed;


and I forget....lol

be careful with those hot bulbs boys n gurlsz;



once you find the strain YOU like to smoke... then growing it will be most enjoyable & yields should go up accordingly.
i learned that usually a bigger container and a longer veg time will almost always increase yield on any strain.
try to veg them a little longer or add plants to the mix.



Yep I plan to do something exactly like that, although I did veg for almost 4 weeks ( a BIT too long I think) we are going to do some re-arranging and design change to better get the 2K lights a bit closer and more efficient in relation to the plants. Definately HIGHER plant count, actually going from 3 Gal SmartPots to 2 Gal. for higher plant counts so (shrug), and some strain re-arranging.

I chopped some of the more done girls this morning and as I type I am trimming (sigh) so here we go massive arthritis trim scene lol.

Later and remember -----> WINNING!


Thanks Compost....we should have some trimming pics this weekend. Me and 2 other guys are going to try and take care of those beotch's this Saturday. I'll post final total yield after drying and curing in about 2 weeks or so. Already planning changes and upping the plant count for next run, prolly going to re-organize the square design into a more Octagonal design and adding another shelf, upping my scrubber fan to at least 750 cfm an get a larger INTAKE fan, gotta help them ladies breath right and get my temps a bit more under control.


Question on "Flip-Flop" method

Question on "Flip-Flop" method

ok I am going to admit I just don't understand how this works, you can run two bulbs off of one socket and "flip" them???

Can anyone help me understand this or point me to a thread that describes it please? I know I am a noob about this!:thinking:

:thank you:


space gardener
There's a couple ways to flip flop:

(1) Is running 2 seperate sockets and bulbs off one ballast with each bulb/socket in 2 different rooms. Each bulb is lit for 12 hours but the ballast runs 24 hours. This is most common and used by growers with multiple rooms so they can run the ballasts full time and double the flowering capacity of the ballasts.

(2) Is more based on conserving energy where the lights are flip flopped in the same room to light different areas 6 hours at a time while keeping the 12/12 schedule. This could also be used to control temps during the summer while still growing large plants.

Either way, flip flop requires 1 ballast and 2 bulbs and sockets.