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MrDank's Medicine Closet

Hindu Killer

Active member
Nice......looks like you done very well. Yields? Hmm I just smoked some BF for the first time a few days a go...and love it. Why did you cut it???


Active member
I let the Blowfish go because I never catch myself smoking out of that jar as much as others. She really is great, not too much bad to say about her, but when I am picking through over a dozen of the best strains around, "really good" just can't cut it. It has to be a "absolutely positively the best stuff I have smoked in a while" kind of thing for me to keep something after 2-3 grows


luv the work, mr.dank... recently got a nice jar of the katsu bubba myself, still hoarding and toking this one every night :)

DANK earth flavor... love this stuff.


Active member
Nice to see my friends drop by :)

Something interesting from a friend a few weeks ago. We were hanging out at a show and during set break his girl told me that they haven't been puffing hardly at all anymore. They just got real bored with it and their tolerance was through the roof they said. I was kind of shocked at what I was hearing, and then immediately it hit me that I have only seen them with a jar full of the same strain. After pointing that out, they quickly realized why they just don't enjoy it as much anymore. I sent them back home with my list and told them next time they come to town they can have what they want.

Variety really is the spice of life


No doubt , Dank . Strain burn out . Gotta have a plethora of nugs to keep tha burn out in check , however I find myself topping bowls with Bubble quite frequently . Bummer , as this gives way fer .....yeep , higher tolerance .



ICMag Donor
"They just got real bored with it"..... We try to toke as many different strains as possible. Hardly ever toke back to back same strain joints. Always seem to get real high all the time. Stoned right now. lol
Great pics of the ready buds Dank. Always love to see whats the fire.


just don't molest my colas..
all of those dried nugs look top notch man. Nice to see you still getting new strains in and always looking for the best of the best.


Active member
Hindu Killer said:
What are the top strains then for you Mr D??

In no particular order:
Golden Goat
Bubba Kush
OG Kush
Black Domina

OUt of those I catch my self smoking the OG and Afkansastan the most as of recently, but this next batch of GG coming along is looking real promising


Damn bro your thread is rockin :D! That Afkansastan looks and sounds incredible... Candy apple kush :bashhead: ...... sounds D-licious... speakn of D did you ever decide to run the ChemD? I felt the same way on the BF..

All the best,

Hindu Killer

Active member
Cant help but think/imagine what these other strains taste like compared to BF...which Im thinking is good smoke. Would like to here more about the Afkani. Seems like it would be a good OD contestant.

Bract Doctor

New member
Heheheh, Afkansastan. You and I prolly crossed paths a few times, or some of our amigo's did for sure. I remember sending some of this shit back to Cali packed in pickle buckets with some growers that were freakin floored by this, had to be the same or close. I ran it outdoors and didn't get all the males pulled. The group wanted the beans as much as the dope tho. The smell and stone description is dead fuggin on tho. I wish I could find something even closely resembling this now. heheheheh very nice show MrD

Bract Dok


ICMag Donor
Ya know Dank, Sometimes I just start at page 1 and surf this thread. Very informative and great pictures. Skill? tons and some of the healthiest greens I ever see. Thanks Dankster for all the effort and knowledge you've dropped on us. Your truely a gem of our culture. Keep up the good work and I personally wish you the best. Pace