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Mr. Soul Bringing back Brothers Grimm!!

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Active member
Eh might be jumping the gun on that, we still got people getting busted for shit even in legal states so. I'd really look at all the angles. Stay safe soul and welcome back! I gotta say after watching your interview I appreciate your approach compared to many breeders I have seen.

Just do like rare dankness and setup a out of state distributer and site in Europe.

Or do like dj short and send them to resellers.

I appreciate when breeders have their own shops but in the states realize the risk I don't think it's worth it.

That said legalization is coming here in canada. You can setup the shop here, or parner with someone here. Seeds are a real grey area here. They know we have to grow dope to produce them but aren't concerned because it's seeds not dope


Well-known member
Premium user
I truely hope they didn't just ban Mr. Soul his posts dissapeared! He was answering questions and everyone on here recommends breeders from all over.

Let us not forget than Gypsy Nirvana himself took advantage of the hiatus Mr. Soul took when he copied the Cinderella 99 and sold it in the GN03 collection. Dutchgrown was permitted to do the same here as well.

If Nevil showed up on here would he be treated the same? Forced to pay to use the site or get banned? I hope that's not the case as a boo and bay customer dating to seedsdirect something like that would be very upsetting maybe others will voice their opinion as well.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The thread were Mr.Soul went all Diva on us is gone... He was like: "a mod needs to give me 50 posts so I can pm, until then bye bye" paraphrasing him... He already had thirty something posts and started to ego trip hardcore... Too bad the thread was deleted, should have stayed up imo...

Lets just hope the seeds are better than his personality, which frankly does not matter so long as his seeds are as good as the hype.


^^^^^^^^^^^I would say your comments are a little off base here. I read every post he made, never threatened to leave if he didnt get pm's. and certainly did not ego trip. He just wasnt aware of the way the whole pm system works here. It does suck, but I do see why they have it... helps weed out lots of unwanteds to a degree. This is a bummer , I wonder if he deleted himself ? seems he would have posted something here. Likely he will surface again in some venue. Stoked to have been a part of this thread, I hoped we were helpful to mr.soul in some positive way.
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Andinismo Hierbatero
Mtn, if you had read all his posts, you'd know what I'm saying is true...

Google cache is your friend...

Anyways, like I said, I don't care about his personality so long as the seeds deliver


What the heck is going on these days? They just deleted every single one of his posts. Is this the kind of site you guys are running now?


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'm not so sure if Mr.Soul got banned or if he himself asked to be deleted; he did seem in a rush to get access to the pm function before reaching 50 posts... someone even asked him why he thinks he should be given special treatment, to which Mr.Soul replied something along the lines that he did not want to be perceived as a primadonna lol...

what shocks me is that people asked the guy tons of legitimate questions so as to help him reach 50 posts smoothly, he ignored most questions though; he had over 30 posts already, and suddenly got some sort of lack of patient attack and that was it...

it is kind of unjust to the mods to blame them for Mr.Soul attitude imo... or saying the forums are going down the drain because everyone is not accepting the new Messiah of seeds...

having said that, I'll probably end up buying his seeds anyway hehehe... people will put up with some shitty behavior from seeds sellers if the seeds are good, Rez comes to mind hehehe...

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
If it was the site that axed him I'm sad..

If its him that left, well not a good impression left there dude, he had 33 post, 17 more and he's there. I had 17 questions, at least.

As for retro and 90's....isn't that what folks are looking for pre 98 bubba, pre 2000 Kali mist and sensi star. Doesn't everyone miss the real Cinderella 99? Jericho, I guess you are just happy with all the new no high poly hybrids. To each their own.

I for one will be purchasing the genetics. But it would a been a lot cooler if Mr. Soul had stuck around and become a pillar of our community. He had a golden opportunity here. Just mention of his seeds resulted in five pages of excitement in only a few days. Had he answered questions and maybe posted some pics, he would of sold anything he made for years to come.

Yada yada

Jericho Mile

I'm not so sure if Mr.Soul got banned or if he himself asked to be deleted; he did seem in a rush to get access to the pm function before reaching 50 posts... someone even asked him why he thinks he should be given special treatment, to which Mr.Soul replied something along the lines that he did not want to be perceived as a primadonna lol...

what shocks me is that people asked the guy tons of legitimate questions so as to help him reach 50 posts smoothly, he ignored most questions though; he had over 30 posts already, and suddenly got some sort of lack of patient attack and that was it...

it is kind of unjust to the mods to blame them for Mr.Soul attitude imo... or saying the forums are going down the drain because everyone is not accepting the new Messiah of seeds...

having said that, I'll probably end up buying his seeds anyway hehehe... people will put up with some shitty behavior from seeds sellers if the seeds are good, Rez comes to mind hehehe...

The New (old) Messiah of seeds. Love it. It wasn't long ago when Nevil was the New (old) Messiah of seeds....and next?

...in a few more years Rez will come back to take the crown. The soap opera goes into another decade.

Jericho Mile

If it was the site that axed him I'm sad..

If its him that left, well not a good impression left there dude, he had 33 post, 17 more and he's there. I had 17 questions, at least.

As for retro and 90's....isn't that what folks are looking for pre 98 bubba, pre 2000 Kali mist and sensi star. Doesn't everyone miss the real Cinderella 99? Jericho, I guess you are just happy with all the new no high poly hybrids. To each their own.

I for one will be purchasing the genetics. But it would a been a lot cooler if Mr. Soul had stuck around and become a pillar of our community. He had a golden opportunity here. Just mention of his seeds resulted in five pages of excitement in only a few days. Had he answered questions and maybe posted some pics, he would of sold anything he made for years to come.

Yada yada

Yes. I am more than happy with my own stuff. I invested well over the years...I can't argue. I stopped buying seeds over 5yrs ago. It was becoming redundant.


Active member
...as is Soul. So 90's. His genetics are everywhere. Unless bringing something new to his lines...what's the point/all the excitement? Retro.

People must be bored

Bitter much? You've got the attitude of a bitter old has-been.

His genetics may be everywhere but try finding a c99 in its undiluted form the closest you will find is Moscas which was made from 2 "f2" lines which is in reality probably like an f10 and has been bred in god knows what direction. Or a11 yeah that pretty abundant these days or dtc99, where are you finding this trove of grimm genetics oh wise one?

If your not interested that's fine but if you are just going to show up and put everything down why don't you just spare yourself the typing and go shit on something else.

Jericho Mile

Bitter much? You've got the attitude of a bitter old has-been.

His genetics may be everywhere but try finding a c99 in its undiluted form the closest you will find is Moscas which was made from 2 "f2" lines which is in reality probably like an f10 and has been bred in god knows what direction. Or a11 yeah that pretty abundant these days or dtc99, where are you finding this trove of grimm genetics oh wise one?

If your not interested that's fine but if you are just going to show up and put everything down why don't you just spare yourself the typing and go shit on something else.

Bitter about what? You have this picture in your head...but it's just that: in your head. "has been"? Has been what? What are you even talking about?

As for putting anything down. Read your own posts. You are posting on a relic site.

Dude...I don't even consider you. Do you not understand that? Perhaps you have a grow thread somewhere? Somewhere I could learn to consider you or your opinion of things? Help me out....or like I told you before....


Active member
Jericho why do you even bother?

You seem like one of those guys that can't handle when no one wants to oogle your titties or treat you like a god for your half assed pollen chucks you filled pages with. Its hard to come to terms with no one caring any more.
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