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Mr.P's revamped/rejuved grow spirit 11 come take a look


i dont even monitor the humidity in my veg tent. sometimes theres water running down the inside walls when i open it up. 60 percent is fine in veg, dont want it to be more than that for any extended period of time really. i came back from a trip one time to find that i had my veg tent dialed too high so the fans werent running as much as they usually do and it was probably 90 % in there had some dead leaves showing some mold thats about all. no big.


ty nameless, yea i think i figured out how to quickly drop the RH, all i have to do is open the dor and turn on the fan in the window and it drop 10% in less then half an hr :) ty tho for the info, i have never watched either temps/RH so its all new to me and im trying to make my grow as seemless as poss cha know? ty for stopping by



alrighty so this morning while tending the ladies i had an appifany, I didnt have enough light in the veg area. SO HOW TO FIX IT? go to the local HD and get all the stuff ull need right? lol i did find that i with running a nother light i had to make it to where i can plug both lights into the same timer. i was able to find a 1into3 plug on a swivel (fucking awsome) and another 1into 3 for the extinsion cord to be able to plug both P-strips. so now as it stands there are 4x100 mini cfls in the veg cab now. temps ^ a lil but RH% down funny how that works huh? lol. roots are just starting to hit the holes on the bottom of the lil pots, so i figure sunday will be TP day. so enough rambling on to the pics right? here they are :yay:


P.S any Q's or comments appreciated :dance:


pics it wouldnt let e attach for some reason..


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hey folks well the transplant went well. i did 3 out of 4. the 4th i am going to play with and try to really bush her out to take clones. the others are in there 2gal smartpots for the rest of there lifes. they are still on 18/6 for at least 2 more weeks to get taller. they are deff liking being under the 250w. nice temps and lower rel RH% and i am happy. I will be germing seeds tonight. I use the ole tupper wear + paper towl= win for germination lol. here is a couple of pst TP pics. I do think they are going to like there new 2 gal homes. the other one will get a gradual tp but i do belive it will be into a 1 gal pot at max :) enjoy

Mr P


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yeah looks like they need at least another 2 weeks. im sure they will grow alot quicker under the new lights though good job.


alrighty well my poll has since been removed from my page :( and all of ur imput is lost :wallbash: but i did wing it and i chose strawberry caugh, g13Xhashplant, Mr. Nice, and my own Berrygirl (Dj short Blueberry Fem X EarlyGirl Male) will give ya pics if they pop
:party: so yall send me poss vibes :)



just TPed the 4th clone this AM, and i am still waiting for the seeds to pop. hope everyone is doing well :).

stay safe and green.



well there is nothing like a dead thread :( oh well tho i will just keep posting. 9/11 seeds poped and are now in there homes till sexing. 4 clones i started out with are doing greatand seem to love the 250w.

on a side note i think i have WAY TO MUCH RH. when lights are off they get up to 77% and i know that these are sup to PM. i do have 2 fan running 24/7 for airflow with the door cracked 2-3inch to allow air out. but what can i do to get the RH down? i know + heat = less RH but my temps are PURFECT and i dont wana mess with those. anyone have any good ideas or tips?




wowza is all i can say, they have grown inches in the last couple days. i will post pics in a couple days to show the difference :) but they are LOVING the 250w. and just so yall kno the outside tempos are in the 90's today and 100+ tomarrow and my inside temps are right at 80 with NO EXRACTION what so ever. i must say i am sooooo happy with clf's so far. i think 1 more week of veg and those ladies will be ready for flower (i hope). ty to whom ever is still out there watching.

any tips advise would be awsome. untill then stay safe and green


P.S if i didnt mention before 9/11 germed and are in there pots, and i am just waiting for them to pop up throu the soil :)


yeah nice germ rate. glad your temps are in check too. about the humidity mr p. if airflow isnt enough to battle it then youll have to get it below 60% by the time the flowers get any size to them. try getting those little buckets that take moisture out of the air, they work ok for small stuff. if they dont help there might be some diy type options but you might want to start saving for a dehuey... they throw alot of heat though. maybe you could have it in the opposite corner of the bedroom or something, i dunno... i can tell you that the last run i did i didnt use my DH at all and constant airflow through the tent with the AC for the house running was enough to keep it in check. hope that helps some


yea ty Nameless, i found out that i had the therm/Hydrom on the outside setting lol. i have run it now for lights off/on now for 24 hrs and its down to 45% at night and atm temps 84 and a 20% RH lol temps outside are 90+ and 100+ tomarrow. but yea i liook into those buckets things. i remember seeing the comercial for those. ty for hanging out buddy



the ladies are loving the 250w man i never should have used hid lighting lol, but plants are looking fantastic. and 4/9 poped ou of the soil out of the 9 that started growing tails lol. but in lue of not having all 9 pop i did throw 3 more g13XHashplant beans to germ. let see if i can have 9 ish seedlings lol. I hope everyone is having a good week/weekend. as always stay safe and green


ps pics will be monday if they keep growing at this rate ill be flipping them then.


well they did slow down for a quick min but flower pics will be here sooner then later :p i trimmed up the bottoms of all the plants last night and there all about 9-11 inches and larf free. its funny that there all pretty much the same height and shape even tho 2 were fimmed/ lst'ed and the others were just lst'ed

Seeds: well even after trying to germ my last G13X HP's they didnt pop either. so i have 4that are off and running. 1 Strawberry cough, 2 g13X HP and 1 mr nice. Ima keep my finger crossed to no males.

I do think i will get a couple more clones and have my legal limit. right now im under and i can have 4 more :)

I will give an update WITH PICS when i start flowering, ill do this cause we all know what vegging plants and seedlings look like :p

untill then stay safe and green



alrighty well here is an updated pic recount of how they have done over the last 3 weeks.

we start at 9-25 and we end with pics from tonight. I did trim all the larf off last night then gave them a good feeding. so here is the pics :)




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