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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Packn :wave:
Heh heh - Beavis - he said Bobblehead - heh heh hehe Thx buddy! Trying to keep things greased up good :biglaugh: - Hey, I ran outta pixie dust - u got any angel dust to sprinkle around :canabis::biglaugh:

Hiya Alex :wave:
Ahhh - sounds like it's payin off sooner than that - bigger growarea - a bigger spot opened up in the basement? :woohoo:

Weekend update:
GDP day 47 flower

She is yummy smelling - colas turning purple - getting close.

Blockhead day 40 flower

Golden Skush day 15 flower

A bit of a strange event with this one - checked her runoff and the EC was 2! She's been flushed once, looks like she needs another, hasn't gotten any ferts yet. This has happened off and on for the last few years - I only buy FFOF soil. I'm starting to think that if the bag of soil gets wet in storage - the additives break down quicker and the EC goes up. Any other ideas?

That's all 4 now - :wave: -MGJ


Registered Medical Patient
Hey MGJ...sorry ive been so absent lately in here, but everything looks stellar bro!!!!BH looks amazing, as does the GDP...I got my eye on that Skush tho...shes gonna be a killer girl i think!!!!Anyhow, keep it up my friend, Ill be seein ya...Peace

- Z


Active member

wow...looks dee-lish!! :jump: :rasta:

you sure can grow, sir! :bashhead:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Z :wave:
Hey, thanks for stoppin in and for the props! Glad you like them - they are good girls :muahaha:

Hiya Sleepy :wave:
Thanks buddy! Dee-lish - getting hard for me to keep the Fiskars at bay - she smells that good - for some reason I can't get the purple to show as strong as it looks to the eye...

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks my friend - hey, U Sleepy and Z-man grab a purple cola and fire up the VaporCannon - I'm gonna pop some brownies in the oven....


MrG, they just getting yummier and yummier every time I look on this thread and Sleepy.... gee whizz babe that bud sure looks like I could eat her now!!!

Maybe one day I will grow up to be a real grower like you guys...LOL

Catch ya soon Addy

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Impressive buds Mr G

Very frosty

Could be condensation as well bro, My bale of pro mix gets damp now and then for no reason as well

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Alex :wave:
Wow - congrats on the new digs :woohoo: A see an overgrow coming your way... :canabis:

Hiya gixagal :wave:
Thanks my friend - I'll put up more pics tomorrow, the gdp getting purple grape colored. U wanna be a real grower - girl - take a look in the mirror!!! Thanks for the wonderful compliment!

Hiya Dr D :wave:
Thanks my friend - U 2! A few times when I've picked up soil, it was pretty wet, the only thing I can think of, but it could be something else too that I'm just not noticing...

Thanks folks, be back tomorrow with more pics... :wave:


Man o man MrG

Did you check out Sleepy's pic? Squirming in my seat, sleepy;) Phhhheeeeewww, right back to reading these threads (gix shakes her head, and forces her attention back to the lovely bud on show here!! )


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya gixergal :wave:
The pic Sleepy posted was the Grandaddy Purple on day 47 - have the latest pic below at day 52 - I think you will approve :smile:

Here's today's update:

Blockhead day 45 flower

She's low on N a bit early, the tops are swelling daily. Nice old school pine aroma,

GDP day 52 flower

She's really purplin up! Can I wait another 2 weeks? :biglaugh: Her tops are still putting on the weight...

Golden Skush day 20 flower

Still burnin leaves a bit - she'll probably make it, but won't have pretty leaves - next round I'll use a bit more Light Warrior in the soil mix.

L8r :wave: -MGJ


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
surpreme brotha she never done that for me kool but again my lights on temps never get below 80 - 82, lights out whatever house is never above 73 - 74


Registered Medical Patient
Holy Fuck dude, the girls are lookin great!!!!The BH looks juicy as hell, and the GDP looks so pretty with that almost black purpling!!!!Veeeddy nice...lol!!
However, the GSK is still my fave for some reason...I love her structure, looks like shell produce massive kolas!!!Lookin forward to following her progress man, great work..Peace

- Z

buzzed day

thats just great enjoy it i bet you will !!!! peace
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Major :wave:
Thanks my friend! Temperature must be the difference - the last month temp has been mid 70's lights on and mid 60s lights off. Much thanks to you, she is the most colorful girl I've grown yet :yes:

Hiya Zeus :wave:
Thanks for the kudos buddy! I'm lovin the color on the GDP too! Glad you like the GSkush, her shape - I tilt my hat tip to Core :wave: for his tipping instructions.

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks mate! I'm sure I will! :rasta:

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks buddy! Yup, the buds are filling in nice and tight :woohoo: Not much longer :rasta:


Active member
Heya MGJ :wave:
Had to stop by and check ya out,,, and im glad I did!!
Just stellar!!!!

How are they smelling??

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Anima :wave:
Glad you stopped by bro! Thx for the props - the GDP has a wonderful fruity aroma - a bit different than what I've grown before - and the Blockhead smells like pinesol cleaner. Both chunked up nice - I think I'll take them down this weekend.

Preharvest update:

Blockhead day 50 flower

She looks ready - mostly cloudy trichs.

GDP day 57 flower

I'll chop her on day 61 - :yummy:

Golden Skush day 25 flower

Finished tipping her branches last night. She's hanging in there - giving her light ferts for now.

Thanks for looking - next up harvest weekend :woohoo:


Active member
MGJ!! WHAT IT IS MY BROTHA!! Holy cow the BH and GDP look KILLER!! I can smell the GDP from here! Little tip on the Skush, shes a a funny plant, some phenos dont really kick in for 20 30 days, dont give up on her yet and i just started a LOT of seeds so i will find a killer pheno for ya!

loks killer as usual bro!



Nam myoho renge kyo!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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