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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

looks very nice how dose this ML smell ???


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother ...?? Hope all is well over yer side of the tracks.. Its been a lil bit since i been by. Hope oyu destroy the borg and get to gettin on with yer always awesome grows.. I like the c13 and c99.. lol at yao ming with dreads good one... ill bbl to peep some more bling... ohh and murder, death, kill the borg... peace..


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya BeAn :wave:
Thanks for the props my friend! That's a good point on the Cindy - hadn't thought about it - :yes: for bringing it up - can't wait to :rasta: her frostiness! Be safe be happy BeAn!

Hiya N.Kron :wave:
Glad you stopped by mate! Gotta take a pop by your grow and check out your big girls. More height always pays off - someday I'll have the room to grow 5 footers like some of our friends here... Someday! Thanks for the props!

Hiya Core :wave:
Thanks much for the support buddy! Easy to put a positive spin on the garden - with the extra light, extra height, and extra plants I think I'll be A-Ok. Only 2-3 weeks left for the C13 and C99... :woohoo:

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks my friend! You're right, what's left is doing great. I'm sold on the extra lumens - think that's helped a bunch too. And lots of good wishes from my mates :yes:

Hiya Alfred :wave:
Good to see you! Como va? Doing fine over here... Thanks for the fine comments - means a lot. And the Reeferman G13? I'm definitely interested, let me know, and thanks for thinking of me!

Hiya Major :wave:
Yes, she sure is frosty :muahaha: , after I rub her stems she smells a bit like Strawberry Diesel. She is filling in nicely too!

Hiya Sacko :wave:
Thanks for visiting mate and for the props! Glad you like the C sisters - they are both favorites of mine too! Death to the borg!

Be safe be happy my friends! :wave:


yyeaa!! i just stop to enjoy ya great setup Mr GJ !! very good work, so i just can say that im glad to see so much quality! keep growin!!!
:lurk: im watchin ya shoW!
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awesome thread.. totally sex.

i love the pix, the healthy ladies, and the yields!

a real pleasure breeze through.


West Coast ICer
Hiya MGJ

How you doing mang? I am just getting over the move and it has been a while since I had a chance to say hi.

Hope all is well my friend and I am still enjoying the french press. hehehe

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Haha, actually it still is C99 female x G13 male :D sorry for all the confusion but thats how it was, I can still remember how fat that C99 mom was of all the seeds, theres still a lot of them in a very safe place, partner just found an amazing "baseball bat" pheno from there, gonna make some seeds using that one as the mother plant, Underground should have a C99 male to use...much love friend...

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat


Hi folks
Sorry for the absence - life is taking a lot of my free time - just a quick note to say I'll be back later to reply to the friendly posts and post an update.

In summary - had to chop the C13, she developed problems, better to chop than to spread around. Rest of the ladies are doing fine, frosting up, update later today. :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey MGJ,

Yea life has taken up a lot more time for a lot of our friends here on ICmag. I feel like for this past month people have been a lot more busy with work, family and school, Myself included.

Sorry to hear about the C13 but you gotta do what you gotta do. cant have things spreading that you dont want.

Cant wait for the update buddy:wave:


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya High Lowlander :wave:
Thanks buddy - it's my kinda bling! Stay frosty!

Hiya RealSupreme :wave:
Welcome to the garden, glad you could stop by! And thanks for the props buddy!

Hiya gnarly :wave:
Thanks for visiting with the kind comments! Totally sex - I'd settle for a good solo session (duck):pointlaug

Hiya damakkus :wave:
Hey, thanks for stoppin by, good to hear the move is done, betcha your new setup is killah! I'm doin ok - and sure glad you're enjoying that french press! IMO it makes coffee almost as good as 420 :woohoo:

Hiya Farmer John :wave:
Whoops - I knew that - got my plants crossed :bashhead: the only confusion is between my ears - nothing new there :pointlaug I'm saving a nice male to hopefully make some seed this summer - want to tag my best cindy girl, C13, and an AB G13. That should keep me busy for a while! :laughing: Much love to you and yours my friend!

Hiya ZeusOGrefugee :wave:
Thanks much for the kind words my friend! Yeah, gotta love a good Cindy, and WallyDuck did a great job with these seeds. Wait 'til you see the latest pic of her :woohoo:

Hiya N.Kron :wave:
Ain't it a killah NK? More news on poor C13 with the update, coming up next... Hope you enjoy!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Update: TAPS C13

Update: TAPS C13

Sorry it's been a while. One thing that's taken up some of my time is a good thing... Usually it takes a few weeks before I have to transplant after the initial planting of a rooted clone. Thanks to some threads mentioning the benefits of trichoderma on roots (thx bartender!), I went to my local shop and they recommended Down To Earth's Granular Root Growth Enhancer. Contains mycorrhizal and trichoderma fungi. Long story short I had a bunch of small plants to transplant after 10 days! WHen I had to water them every day, I pulled them out and the container bottom was full of fluffy roots. So I've added another product to my stable - going to use this stuff on outside plants this summer too.

The cabinet today does not look much different than in this picture from 2/8:

5 days ago I opened up the cabinet and saw this poor C13...

Last time I saw her 2 days before she looked fine - now the leaves on one side are dried and brown right into the depths of the buds :yoinks:. Almost looks like she got too dry, but only on one side. Since the last thing I need is to lose the others to mold or other disease I chopped her. Gonna wait a couple days for the container to dry and I'll check her roots out. I'll dry her buds and maybe use them for oil or extract.

The remaining plants are enjoying the extra room, and all are looking healthy most with a very good coating of frost. I grabbed some bud shots...

Airbourne G13 / Amnesia99 day 40 flower

All the plants are frosting up, these two better than my last few runs. The amnesia99 undergrowth was heavily pruned and the upper buds are now reaping the benefits - getting phat and phrosty.

C99 day 40 / FFA day 37 flower

Both of these look sweet - this C99 pheno is looking much frostier than the last one I harvested, and that one was no slouch! FFA is developing a nice bat shaped cola...

GoldenSkush F2 / Memory Loss-2 day 40 / Memory Loss-3 day 33 flower

Looking at the GoldenSkush I can see a resemblance to the Sourbubble pheno I grew last year - the buds have the same furry lamb's ear shape - the shape doesn't show well in the photos. She's not going to produce a lot, but looks to be quite tasty. Both memory loss plants are on track for a nice main cola, gotta love it!

Ever have one of those months where there seem to be more appointments than days in the month :bashhead: Hopefully that will change soon - exactly one month before we expect the contractors to start rippin up the place - hmmm, I can see I need to make a fresh batch of cookies sooner rather than later :biglaugh:

Thanks for visiting!!! Cya :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
man that sucks about the C13, was looking like a great plant. Any idea what is causing this?

BUt bro, the rest of your plants are looking top notch, the memory loss is looking................................................ damn I forgot

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
C13 is very sensitive, nutes, ph etc. it has happened to me too...like C99 she dont need much nutrients, just much love. In the end you'll notice that less is more


The Tri Guy
Hey MGJ, nice to hear of your plans on the ABC G13, now if ya could get an F-13, a sour D, and a magnus exile, you could make a Sour ABCDEFG13 lol.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
MGJ, man you have some killer stuff going. Too bad about the loss, I'll mourn with you :joint:
Top notch as always man.... love your thread.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Dr Dog :wave:
I think Farmer John must be right. I probably slipped the C13 some of the heavier G13 feed by mistake. The rest of the girls are still looking good - pics coming up shortly. Thanks for the support buddy!

Hiya Farmer John :wave:
Good to cya! You must be right - probably overfed her by accident. Thanks for stopping by with helpful advice!

Hiya GMT :wave:
ROTFL - too funny! Sour ABCDEFG13, and how about a sweet and sour version too? :biglaugh: :muahaha:

HIya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks for the support my friend - we'll keep the mourning short - we have the technology - we can grow her better - faster - stronger - whoops, sounding like a TV commercial :pointlaug

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Weekend update:

Weekend update:

Day 45 for most of the ladies, with the longer dark hours, I'm hoping another 3 weeks will be all that's needed.

Cabinet shot day 45

All is well - no signs of returning borg - I'm not letting up on the vigil :dueling:

Airbourne G13 / Amnesia99 day 45 flower

C99 day 45 / FFA day 42 flower

Golden Skush / Mem Loss 2 day 45 / Mem Loss 3 day 38 flower

Not much to say except they're all frosting up nicely - surprised to see some purple on the Golden Skush ( :yes:Bonzo:yes )

Cya later :wave:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
lookn great brotha keep an eye on the lavender Sir says hes found just a very very very few nanners 1-2 type thing. i have yet to see any on mine ive been growing her for 7 months now.
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