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Motion Detector to turn things off


do you have the red and the brown wire together? IF so I think thats wrong

turn your pm's on so we don't have to do this in here


Active member
Who is the electrician here? Who deals with this kinda stuff everyday? His cabinet is metal, how is that going to start on fire? As long as he isn't stupid about how he does this there will be no fire hazard if the light is on and the exhaust is off.

Good thing there's nothing flammable inside the growbox. :jerkit:

I'm done here, good luck with your quest for stealth.

You would think hes your son or something. Im sure hes well aware of the fact that the lamp gets hot.


Lol, I just had to.
Update so far:
It appears that the motion sensor needs certain amount of resistance otherwise it just continues to power. The relay is so sensitive that any amount of power will trigger the coil. The only way that the motion sensor does not trigger the coil is when I run a light fixture in parallel with the relay coil

So far I have taken suggestions to get myself a 320Ohm 1/2w resistor from the local radio shack and that has not worked. For some reason, the motion sensor needs to be hooked up to a light bulb of some sort. The only solution is to get myself a light bulb and hide it, or to get myself a resistor that will stop 30w of power. I am starting to think that hiding a 30w light bulb might be the solution.
It would appear that to get this whole thing working right that I need to get a new motion sensor. A company named Brazix seems to make a motion switch that works (also works with CFL's which the big box stores' don't). Here is the link from Brazix, http://www.brazix.com/saving_devices/switch.asp
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Final post:

I finally got the Brazix motion detectors except it doesn't detect motion like I thought. There is a serious delay in the whole system, or it doesn't detect motion at all.

It seems like this idea is bust. Thanks for everyone's input.

Besides, for those that were concerned about heat. I can see where that would be a problem, which is why having the light and fan connected to the relay would have been a decent solution.

Anyways! Thanks all!


You know Fireburner, I wouldn't try to hide the light bulb. I mean, what's so weird about having a motion activated light in your garage? I think it would make the whole situation a little more legit.


WOW I think you got it back wards ( just suggesting ok ) black=power in red brown is switched coming out then feed the power to the rely this will move the contacts and open it or close it which ever you select but black should be power in to the sensor ( but I am not there to help sorry ) I hope you get it sorted out
WOW I think you got it back wards ( just suggesting ok ) black=power in red brown is switched coming out then feed the power to the rely this will move the contacts and open it or close it which ever you select but black should be power in to the sensor ( but I am not there to help sorry ) I hope you get it sorted out

That wasn't the problem. The problem was these motion detectors put out a few volts of current thus activating the coil.

Another member has suggested that I get one of those 24v motion detectors and hook up a 120/24v transformer to do it. That might actually work, but I just gave up on it. I ended up concentrating my time on other areas, such as making the box stealthy.


ok I think would be a good thing to make it better any way. If undetected then who cares if its still running. Take care and best of wishes in everything you do.