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(Mossy's)Friday Night Show



and if you ever come to Amsterdam let me know ?
Ha ha..if they ever put an AF Class in the Cannabis Cup..I will be up there..
then you will have to go on vacation.
If I give you plenty notice..you can grow a bit extra stash..:headbange
It has always been an ambition.

We used to have a cannabis cafe in the next town to us..
we used to go every saturday afternoon...
There is something so peaceful sitting in a bar with a load of people smoking dope.
Broke my heart when it got closed down. :petting:

tribute to my growing skills ? lol i yust plant the seeds and nature dus the rest
:yes: :yes: :yes:

smoke report on the Haze some people will taste it soon for smoke report
i already know how it is lol

I need to check to see if he ever did come back. He had been gone a while last time a checked...
It has been a strange year for it hasn't it.
Old faces just gone. Maybe they will turn up again.
Did I tell you I spoke to DimeBag...?
He was around at the time of your wedding.
He sounds like he is having Big Fun..:cool:

Got some spare time now, so I'll try and get some of these pics sorted for friday... Been doing everything but sorting these pics... Its a lengthy job....
Ha..get the girls laid down first..
weve got all winter to leer at the photos..:yummy:

The trich coverage and bud structure are from the Lady G1.
Worth remembering..impressive trics..
girl that looks that good has to taste Fine..IMO...:biglaugh:


TF.....................IT'S FRIDAY..........Bud Party..............:party:

Just been cleaning the Wizz I took down before I went to the UK.
The rollie on the end bud is made with the chuff off the seed rolling.


Me and the dog went for a walk..so I took it with me....:joint:

Stoned.....:kos:........and Starving....
I could eat a scabby horse....:beat-dead

You know how we say karma goes around and comes around...
My m8 walks into a bar last night and here is Our Ripper behind the bar..
he shoots into the back when he sees my m8..
the barmaid says he has just been made under manager of the place.
My m8 and the Owner of the bar are good friends..
looks like it will be a very Temporary job then..huh..!

karma jumps up and bites you on the Bum..:nanana:

Don't steal from your friends..:noway:

Have a great weekend everyone...:joint:


You know how we say karma goes around and comes around...
My m8 walks into a bar last night and here is Our Ripper behind the bar..
he shoots into the back when he sees my m8..
the barmaid says he has just been made under manager of the place.
My m8 and the Owner of the bar are good friends..
looks like it will be a very Temporary job then..huh..!

sweet mate :D


ICMag Donor
Here's my contribution to this week's friday picture show

Day 42

Lady G1 x Masterlow







I spy seeds! :woohoo:


I'm aiming to take her down between 63 and 70 days, so only a couple weeks left.

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Nice pic guy's

karma goes around and comes around indeed :laughing:
the sad thing is why he stoll it? if he ask you ,you problie give him some:joint:


ICMag Donor
Nice flowers there guys! :yummy:

Wish I had a cannabis cafe in the next town... I bet that really changes your perspective.. I've heard a couple different places that Spain is one of the friendliest countries to cannabis people...

I had some stolen too. Was likely a friend of the family... We had a big riding party while some of the plants were drying, and thank God they didn't take much more than the mold salvage loose stuff.. They didn't find the strings of framework in the other room... :)

Well they did but not until I had gone through it pretty well. I had to leave when i was just about done jarring, and I thought, I'll come back and finish tomorrow... I'm kinda our of jars anyways... Well the next day I got screwed, lost about a cubic foot of hanging space... Wasn't a drop in the bucket... :smoker:

I'll be more careful in the future. Hopefully next late Sept and October won't be so dang wet, and I'll be able to dry at the plots....

Didn't get the pics sorted yet, but I'll work on it this evening.. The mrs is at work and I'm home alone with the doggie... I've got to pick her up so no drinkin... I can smoke though... :smoke:

I'm going out for a walk w/ the dog... Gonna stick around for a few to finish the pipe... I'll try and get some garden shots up this evening... Scouts honors... :D

Hill Temple Collective-- OG Kush x Jamaican Jam (test)


ICMag Donor
Got a question for you guys...

Sent out for some Deep Chunk seed a couple months ago. Sent a money order and it got lost in the mail.. It had a different name on it of course... I got the refund check back , but its not made out in my name! Is there any way I can still get my money back? Any good excuses?

The wife suggested I just go to the bank and ask, and say I didn't want my name to be on it because it was porn or something. Might be able to find if its possible.. My sister in law works there, she may be able to help... :smoke:

Sombich... :D



ICMag Donor
blynx, are those root trapper bags?

Congratulations on the seed! Who's the father?

Hi Pipeline,

The bags are not root trapper bags (never heard of those before). They are homemade growbags I make out of panda film scraps. I like them because they are durable, I can make them deeper than regular growbags.

I used the same pollen that I used to make the Masterlow F3s

The pollen was very viable and Lady G1 is very receptive and a prolific seed maker, so I'm expecting lots of (Lady G1 x Masterlow) F2 seeds.


ICMag Donor
Cool! How deep are they? How many gallons?

When I make them and they are layed out flat, the dimensions are 15" tall x 10" wide.

When they are filled with soil, the dimensions are 13" tall and 6" in diameter.

I estimate they hold around 2 gallons of soil.


ICMag Donor
Container dimentions would be measured with the bag filled with soil...

Did a little calculation... 1.6 gal

It wouldn't take much bigger and you could get lots more root space... For example, with 2 inches greater diameter, 8 inches, with the same depth, you get 2.83 gallons instead of the 1.6 gallons with 6 inch containers! I'd say that would be enough to give a better return on yield... If you made them 15 inches deep that would be even better! :smoke:

Anyone want a taste from my pipe? I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach... :D :smoke:



Doing what we do because we are who we are
im spewing i don't have any pics for friday night show mozzy... had a run in with the police and cleaned house just to be on the safe side.... something tells me they will come around... was gonna post my skunk#1 x auto AK47 i made... it was a secret cross i was doing... i only got 15 seeds.. will be handing 5 to a close friend from this site and the other 10 will be dropped by my self later in the season :)


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear that, shroom! Glad you're at least here now and alright... Best to play it on the safe side for sure... I bet that skunk 1 x auto ak is a winner, looking forward to seeing it!


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Sorry to hear that, shroom! Glad you're at least here now and alright... Best to play it on the safe side for sure... I bet that skunk 1 x auto ak is a winner, looking forward to seeing it!

thanx pipe i hope they turn out nice :)