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Stems Analyst

pretty bud, and pretty tasty, but not really that strong


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Glad this thread is up mosca was a good guy when he was here.. I Hope life's treating him well. I grew some mosca flavors back then. All great puffs. I had some good stuff in my seed stash that I donated when I got sick. I'm trying to find the dude see what he has left. I'll bbl peace and puffs



I had germ problems with C99. Popped 3 and only 1 sprouted and stalled out 2 days later. Praying for better results with the last 7 seeds.

I ran into the same issue with my C99's a few months back. Did you try the BX or F1's? I went with the F1's and had 2 sprout out of 6 or 8, can't remember off hand. Started 4 of another breeders strains and was 4 for 4. Luckily though, I got 2 females from the 2 that sprouted and both are quite nice so far. One is SUPER fruity with both having very dense flowers.

I harvested the two seed plants a couple weeks ago and have them curing in jars now. We'll see which, if either of the 2 will be a keeper. I have mothers of both at the moment. I have 12 clones of one of them running in my 3 x 600w tents and they are going great.

Hopefully you'll have better luck with the rest of your seeds.


Active member
I found a mosca c99 bx that's smells just like a grape blunt wrap. Fantastic pot but not what you normally think of when you think c99. I've never seen anyone else talk about a grape c99.


I found a mosca c99 bx that's smells just like a grape blunt wrap. Fantastic pot but not what you normally think of when you think c99. I've never seen anyone else talk about a grape c99.

Could the grape pheno be the fruit punch one? Or did you have pineapple and fruity phenos as well? I dont' think I have ever smoked C99 anyway haha :)


Active member
Could the grape pheno be the fruit punch one? Or did you have pineapple and fruity phenos as well? I dont' think I have ever smoked C99 anyway haha :)

I thought it might be the fruit punch but I don't know it smells mostly like artifical grape candy.

I had 2 females, the other one looked more like classic c99 but it did not smell like pineapple, it was kind of bland in smell and taste, not a keeper.

I know Moscas c99 is a Mish mash of c99 in breeds from 2 other people, maybe the line was polluted at some point with another strain. I'm going to try a few more this summer.

I will buy someone else's c99 so I can compare, this c99 the only one I have ever tried.

I did dutch grown s killer queen redux and that was much better, smelled a lot like pineapple.


thanks for the reply, its always appreciated!

I have seen some diaries where they say some are bland like that, but then the odd one reeks. I believe i will find a fast finishing fat pheno which reeks of something if they all germ :D fingers crossed anyway haha :watchplant:


Active member
Take my observation with a grain of salt I only grew 2 of them. I looked at many pictures of the c99 bx most are just ok looking. My grape one looks real nice lots of resin. I'd say you have to sort for a keeper most I have seen looked like my bland pheno, the bland pheno won't win any beauty contests but it's decent enough.


Do you have any pictures? I will post my germ results and throw some pics in of how i get on for future readers lol


Active member
No pics. My grape pheno mother has been unhealthy for months. I've been trying to nurse it back to health enough to take cuts but I just can't get it to bounce back.

I never took pics of the other pheno, the only time I take pics is when I find a really nice plant. If a plant is just meh it's a one run and done.


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Premium user
I thought it might be the fruit punch but I don't know it smells mostly like artifical grape candy.

I had 2 females, the other one looked more like classic c99 but it did not smell like pineapple, it was kind of bland in smell and taste, not a keeper.

I know Moscas c99 is a Mish mash of c99 in breeds from 2 other people, maybe the line was polluted at some point with another strain. I'm going to try a few more this summer.

I will buy someone else's c99 so I can compare, this c99 the only one I have ever tried.

I did dutch grown s killer queen redux and that was much better, smelled a lot like pineapple.

Ran all mosca cindy the f1 and bx1 and both smell improper as far as original cinderella is concerned. He has the grapefruit down pat but that isn't the one I am interested it at all! I did find 1 I liked out of like 6 packs f1 and bx1 but that is far from stable.

Certainly the original reeked of pineapple and hawaiian punch.



Well at least they all germed, I did lose one trying to doctor the shell off it though. Bit stretchy as they under some cheap LEDs at moment


Well-known member
Premium user
Could the grape pheno be the fruit punch one? Or did you have pineapple and fruity phenos as well? I dont' think I have ever smoked C99 anyway haha :)

Absolutely not that grape you are talking about is the unwanted grapefruit pheno. The Fruit Punch smells and tastes like you are drinking Hawaiian Punch, the red shit!

I found 1 in the mosca f1 but it was stretchy and a low yield but still had that taste. I bloomed like 4 packs of f1 and bx1 and only found 2 or 3 plants that stood out as similar to the real tastes of the original. They are there just a great deal more scarce.

With the originals I would say 8/10 had the sweeter tropical smells. With the knock offs its like 1/10 these days because people were not using large plant counts when they went about reconstructing the c99 atleast that is my theory.


Active member
I would say it is more likely that breeders "bottlenecked" the C99 according to their tastes and desires.

I would assume that Mosca was very much a fan of the grapefruit pheno and likely bred his C99 line in that direction accordingly.

What you call "the undesirable" grapefruit pheno, I would surmise is Moscas "grail" in the C99 line.

The fact that his C99 is priced much lower than his other strains also indicates to me that he realized most people disagree with him and want the "fruit punch" or "pineapple" pheno which he likely had more or less bred out of his C99 line by that point.

But that is just my interpretation.

As Jericho said in the other thread:
Careful with the term "knock-offs" though. I highly disagree with your use of the term in this context.

Mosca's C99 is not a knockoff at all. It is just Mosca's version of the C99. Since Mosca might prefer the grapefruit traits in the C99, he likely bred his C99 in that direction.
That doesn't make it a "weak knockoff" it just makes it Mosca's C99 and not Soul's.

I have said it elsewhere but:
PeakseedsBC has a great reputation and I can vouch for him in terms of business practice and dealings. Mike was awesome and a treat to do business with.
His C99 is very promising and I am looking forward to discover what it holds.
If you didn't find what you liked with Mosca, I suggest peakseedsBC next.
There are indeed a few other C99 versions on offer, some also from reputable sources, but to me, the peakseeds version tickled my fancy and sounded most promising (Mike claims it is from leftover frostbrothers stock while frostbrothers claimed to have gotten the leftover Bros Grimm stock).

Maybe it is worth a look for you too.
