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moonshine mix


Active member
I feed mine in veg and transplant into a soil mix.
Where even then I still suplement what is needed.
So definately add food in veg.And as needed towards the end.
If it needs it.
Bubba ussually runs out of calcium fast(about 1 month into flower it's a Cal hog) which looks like N def. So make sure to have some cal mag handy.
Hope that helps.


Active member
mysta177 said:
I would say stronger. i have not veged more than 2 weeks with this mix. What strain are you running? Are the all fading?

Im runnin Rezs Mass Skunk Kush and Basic Kush.. the only parts fadin are the two first single leaves that show after the cotyledons(sp?), so maybe this is normal.. I havent grown from seed in awhile.. but the plants do look healthy though..


Active member
Well as long as they are healthy keep her going...and let us know how its turning out. I won the strawkush, doublekush and sour/ogka beans so im going to need some 411 on your grow. Man you got a real keeper....and if I reme that long night on that thread.....that you got them for free???


New member
Hello everyone this is my first post but I have been following this thread for a while now and I have to say that the results from the MSM look most impressive and I can't wait to see if I can get anywhere close with my first MSM grow.

Anyways I was wondering if I should mix Dolomite Lime at the beginning with the basic original MSM 3 bag mix? Also I don't have tap water all I have access to is Well Water and Drinking water and Distilled water. Which of these types of water would be best to use after the pH is adjusted accordingly? And what types of supplements would I need to add to the water to make up for nute def's?
Sorry in advance for the Newb Q's :pointlaug


Active member
Cal mag added to distilled water or drinking water will work fine.
Should already be the right ph straight out of the bottle.

I can't seem to find any Bubba pic's in veg.
But just feed towards the end as needed and it will be fine.
I was thinking if it's already in the pot with the soil,it's too late.
So you'll just have to ait and see if any extra food is needed towards the end.
I add calmag and pure blend pro bloom towards the end if they need it. and it works great.
The cal mag is important because once it runs out of the mix.
Yellowing starts and the buds suffer.
So as soon as you see the upper leaves start to pale add some cal mag and a little Budswel or Pure Blend pro to fix it.


Active member
What up yall!

Just thought I'd let everyone know I just repotted 3 Strawberry Diesels using the MMM. They had been in 1 gallon pots of coir. No more GH for me; at least for now... My SSSDH lady will get switched over to MMM in a couple weeks too, then I'm flipping the lights and the show will begin!

Thanks for the tip on the cal-mag JDOG, I've decided to use RO water, so I'll need to pick up a bottle...


just wanted to know if i should add any lime to this mix.and has anyone tried it with the starter mix yet? i can't wait to try this mix


Active member
Anybody used MMM for outdoors. Depending on how much and how frequently it rains could cause problems with the mix, right? Seems like the success of the mix depends on how much you water, and you cant control the weather, so? If it rained too much it might wash out too much of the ferts and screw things up. Anyone know whats up. I remember MM saying he did the mix outdoors. Wheres he at?


Active member
BBWluva said:
just wanted to know if i should add any lime to this mix.and has anyone tried it with the starter mix yet? i can't wait to try this mix
Im trying it now with the starter mix with a nice deff. I have not tasted it yet but I know it will be bomb.

headees said:
Anybody used MMM for outdoors. Depending on how much and how frequently it rains could cause problems with the mix, right? Seems like the success of the mix depends on how much you water, and you cant control the weather, so? If it rained too much it might wash out too much of the ferts and screw things up. Anyone know whats up. I remember MM saying he did the mix outdoors. Wheres he at?

Outdoors I only one person who did it. He had overwater signs fast due to rain. But it depandes where you live. I know you could do it outdoors with success. Start it up and post about it so more peeps can see the idea of KISS ogranics!


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Active member
did the overwater signs go away? Did he have deficiencies due to overwatering like this thread says? Was it a good mix for outdoors?

ps. started a thread in the outdoor section, but doubt it will stay up long. Thanks for the info. MM needs to chime in on this one.
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question for mysta177

question for mysta177

hey mysta do you add lime to this mix? it seems like you wouldn't need it but i don't want to take a chance.thanks


Active member
I have never added lime or anything else to this mix...Just H2O and a lil cal mag at 30 day flower ohhh and sprinkle some fruit and flower in the soil at around day 30 also.


Active member
Glad the lime question came up as I was just about to ask.

So.. no lime huh? IME with every medium I've used (less hydro) I've had to add lime or plants are ugly as shit by the end of flower while I battle pH issues. FFOF, Promix HP/BX. I've been adding about 1.5 cups of lime PER BAG in my latest mixes. I still pH when I feed...

mysta and others, your results obviously speak for themselves, this just goes against everything I've learned playing with peat.

I'm doing a lot of transplants this weekend and want to be sure I don't F this up. That bug inside of me wants to add lime and see how it goes... but it's a 20+ plant run of nice strains.

Anyone else care to chime in?


Active member
hmmmm......Lime huh?? Hey Moon you care to chime in here????
Good point streach. You cought my attention when you said some plants look like shit toward the end. A couple my strains do it sooner than others of course. When I read the fruit and flower box it mentions to add some later into flower so thus is what I did. My plants look a lil better but lime....might not make it look like that to begin with??? I might have to do a side by side run.
Hello, Is the black gold AND the foxfarm planting mix required or just one of either of them? I think there both the same thing right?

Im thinking of trying this outdoors also but controlling the watering would be difficult,does the soil HAVE to be fully dry before watering again? my outdoor plots get a lil rain and dew every morning but the ground is usually pretty dry by night.

also how would I go about testing the PH of the dew/rainwater? :chin:
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Active member
Can you substitute happy frog for the ff planting mix?
Also does ANYONE know how the mix does outdoors, Ive tried to find info on this and even started a thread in the OD forum, and have gotten nothing. Thanks.


Active member
i just switched over to RO water cause my tap is horrible.. so with this mix and RO water, what do i have to add to the water so i wont get cal mag definicienies?
Im already using
black strap mollasses
liquid karma