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Do you really believe this crap? The researcher is not a real researcher he is a quacker....
This was posted more then a year ago and I showed it was all just made up lies.
I won't bother again because most anti-GMOers don't want to know the truth, they want to find WWW articles that bolster and support their version of reality.....
There is no GMO Cannabis being grown and sold in Uruguay that is for sure, or anyplace else. If you search IC you can find a half dozen different news articles about GMO Cannabis, none were true, none has ever been found and lab tested even though it was looked for by real scientists in Italy.
I showed why the articles were lies in every case.
I can lead you to the truth, but I can't make you drink.....


I would love to see proof that none of this is true. Any links to the threads where you disproved it?? Thanks.

Didn't you own Hortapharm?

Steve Elliot writes a lot for various cannabis publications in the nw. He is an avid activist.


You can find the links on IC.
I wrote a long reply to you and accidently deleted it while trying to find real facts to include, I am to lazy to do it again, you can if you care for the truth?
Steve Elliot lifted the story from one written by William Engdahl March 2, 2014, this guy WE is a loonie and maybe dangerous. Steve is just an idiot to believe him.
For example:
Engdahl stated in 2007 that he had come to believe that petroleum is not biological in origin, which is the theory supported by the majority of petroleum geologists and engineers. Instead he now believes the hypothesis that petroleum is geological in origin, produced from carbon, by forces of heat and pressure deep underground. Engdahl calls himself an "ex peak oil believer", stating that peak oil is actually a political phenomenon.

He (WE) has been connected with many Crazies in the past. I know his story about GMO Cannabis is not true at all.

Last edited:


I'm confused Sam.

By definition, aren't feminized seeds a GMO? When you're taking a chemical and changing a plants sex, i.e. changing it's genetic disposition to be female, isn't that a GMO?

Just curious to hear your take on this.


Well-known member
No, GMO is physically altering the plants genetic sequence by inserting (or deleting) specific genetic code. In a lot of instances the inserted genetic code is coming from a completely different organism.


I'm confused Sam.

By definition, aren't feminized seeds a GMO? When you're taking a chemical and changing a plants sex, i.e. changing it's genetic disposition to be female, isn't that a GMO?

Just curious to hear your take on this.

No you do not change the plants sex you do change the plants sex expression and that is not GMO, anymore then polyploids are GMO, they are not.
It is only hard to understand if you do not live and work with these terms on a daily basis.
GMO is normally genes not found in Cannabis added to a Cannabis plant, like a Cannabis plant that glowed in the dark.
Anyone that thinks feminized or polyploid Cannabis is GMO needs to rethink their opinions.


You can find the links on IC.
I wrote a long reply to you and accidently deleted it while trying to find real facts to include, I am to lazy to do it again, you can if you care for the truth?
Steve Elliot lifted the story from one written by William Engdahl March 2, 2014, this guy WE is a loonie and maybe dangerous. Steve is just an idiot to believe him.
For example:
Engdahl stated in 2007 that he had come to believe that petroleum is not biological in origin, which is the theory supported by the majority of petroleum geologists and engineers. Instead he now believes the hypothesis that petroleum is geological in origin, produced from carbon, by forces of heat and pressure deep underground. Engdahl calls himself an "ex peak oil believer", stating that peak oil is actually a political phenomenon.

He (WE) has been connected with many Crazies in the past. I know his story about GMO Cannabis is not true at all.


There is plenty of proof that gw pharmaceutical is working with bayer(says so right on gw's website). Then bayer agrees to work with Monsanto. Even if no GMO cannabis is available yet these relationships worry me.



Well-known member
So apparently the variety my friend was sent was World of Seeds afghan Special, which is bred with plants that have a mitotic inhibitor which inhibits mitosis or cell division. They classify it as a genetically modified. Although I have found discussion here arguing whether or not this is true genetic modification. I know some plants have these compounds naturally occurring.


There is plenty of proof that gw pharmaceutical is working with bayer(says so right on gw's website). Then bayer agrees to work with Monsanto. Even if no GMO cannabis is available yet these relationships worry me.


So either GW is or is not working with GMO Cannabis, I say no, you say GW works with Bayer and Bayer works with Monsanto so you are worried? Well then keep worrying, because Monsanto has worked with almost everyone in the Ag industry, or with X that worked with Y, that worked with Z, that worked with Monsanto....
Maybe you need to chill out a while and worry about problems that are here and now, GMO Cannabis is not one of these.
I say boycott any GMO Cannabis if and when it is made, but I am not sure you can make a difference, if people want it and will buy it it will be made by someone I suspect. Look at corn and soy in the USA, it is almost all GMO and if there is a boycott, it is not very effective, if that is what happens if GMO Cannabis comes to be then GMO Cannabis will dominate the market?
Specially if the GMO opposition does not even know what GMO Cannabis is or if it is made and sold. None of the anti-GMO-Cannabis people have their facts straight, as there is no GMO Cannabis yet. Look at the title of this thread.....



So either GW is or is not working with GMO Cannabis, I say no, you say GW works with Bayer and Bayer works with Monsanto so you are worried? Well then keep worrying, because Monsanto has worked with almost everyone in the Ag industry, or with X that worked with Y, that worked with Z, that worked with Monsanto....
Maybe you need to chill out a while and worry about problems that are here and now, GMO Cannabis is not one of these.
I say boycott any GMO Cannabis if and when it is made, but I am not sure you can make a difference, if people want it and will buy it it will be made by someone I suspect. Look at corn and soy in the USA, it is almost all GMO and if there is a boycott, it is not very effective, if that is what happens if GMO Cannabis comes to be then GMO Cannabis will dominate the market?
Specially if the GMO opposition does not even know what GMO Cannabis is or if it is made and sold. None of the anti-GMO-Cannabis people have their facts straight, as there is no GMO Cannabis yet. Look at the title of this thread.....


Not looking towards problems in the future is foolish. By the time there is a problem no one will be able to do anything about it.

Dog Star

Active member
You can find the links on IC.
I wrote a long reply to you and accidently deleted it while trying to find real facts to include, I am to lazy to do it again, you can if you care for the truth?
Steve Elliot lifted the story from one written by William Engdahl March 2, 2014, this guy WE is a loonie and maybe dangerous. Steve is just an idiot to believe him.
For example:
Engdahl stated in 2007 that he had come to believe that petroleum is not biological in origin, which is the theory supported by the majority of petroleum geologists and engineers. Instead he now believes the hypothesis that petroleum is geological in origin, produced from carbon, by forces of heat and pressure deep underground. Engdahl calls himself an "ex peak oil believer", stating that peak oil is actually a political phenomenon.

He (WE) has been connected with many Crazies in the past. I know his story about GMO Cannabis is not true at all.


Those thesis about oil comes from pressure,water and carbon layers are from Russian scientist,its old for 50 years those knowledge,

why to not belive in this?

why to belive to "oil mafia" that oil reserve can be exhausted and there is reserves for only 50 years for instance??

So they can manipulate with market and prices of oil like they do??

If folks will know that oil is renewable than maybe prices will be more stabile and there will be no much hype about this same oil
like its today in a World.

I really wanna know what facts there are so you can proove that
oil is not maded this way but is maded like "old theorie" says,

i just wonder as this story really doesnt look just maded and
to me there is nothing unusual if oil starts shes life in a way
with pressure,water and carbon rock layers...

Diamonds also started their existance in this way...temperature
and high pressure deep in underground...

Sorry for offtopic but i asking myself a lot..and i doubt in all this
theories served by society by defoult.

My signature can explain my thoughts a bit better..

All the best Sam

DS :tiphat:


Ignoring the present will not help, what is it you are going to do to prevent GMO Cannabis? Will it be as successful as the effort to prevent GMO food? In the USA that is a failure, you can't even get a GMO labeling law passed in the USA, and you think you can stop GMO Cannabis? You are dreaming....
I am against GMO Cannabis, but there is none to be against, so I try and worry about real problems that are here today.
If I was you I would find out who sells Monsanto their shovels, and boycott them, they are connected to the Monsanto web... indirectly we all are, unless you do not eat most foods in America, almost all the cattle, pigs, chickens, prepared foods....
It can be done but few bother to do it. Do you? Or are you part of the problem?

Not looking towards problems in the future is foolish. By the time there is a problem no one will be able to do anything about it.


Ignoring the present will not help, what is it you are going to do to prevent GMO Cannabis? Will it be as successful as the effort to prevent GMO food? In the USA that is a failure, you can't even get a GMO labeling law passed in the USA, and you think you can stop GMO Cannabis? You are dreaming....
I am against GMO Cannabis, but there is none to be against, so I try and worry about real problems that are here today.
If I was you I would find out who sells Monsanto their shovels, and boycott them, they are connected to the Monsanto web... indirectly we all are, unless you do not eat most foods in America, almost all the cattle, pigs, chickens, prepared foods....
It can be done but few bother to do it. Do you? Or are you part of the problem?

So your saying since we can't stop them we might as well not try? That's not my style. And I do all my shopping local and at the farmers market. I also grow lots of my own food. I try to be part of the solution not the problem.


I did not say that, you did.
I have been an Organic Biodynamic gardener for over 40 years, but I see in the USA anti-GMO is a failure, you can't even get a GMO labeling law passed in the USA, and you think you will prevent GMO-Cannabis in the future?

I would try to start at the first step which is GMO labeling laws for all products and crops. That is maybe what you should spend time trying to make happen instead of wasting time worrying about GMO-Cannabis that does not even yet exist it is not grown or sold.

Pass a labeling law, and if GMO-Cannabis is ever made it will have to be labeled, then you can avoid it. I live in the EU and we do have GMO labeling laws and no commercial GMO crops grown in Netherlands as far as I know. I grown my own corn, tomatoes, beans, and a few others, like Cannabis, I am sure they are not GMO. But am sure that if people can think of it someone will do it, lets be sure when they do it is labeled as GMO Cannabis then consumers have a choice, if they really care, few Americans seem to with GMO foods. I personally would avoid it.
But if you eat beef, chicken, pork from a USA supermarket, or big restaurant, I bet you are eating GMO fed animals?

So your saying since we can't stop them we might as well not try? That's not my style. And I do all my shopping local and at the farmers market. I also grow lots of my own food. I try to be part of the solution not the problem.


Well-known member
How long did it take the US to get medical cannabis?

How long after did it take the US to start having states recreational cannabis?

It took decades but it happened, the US was a legal and medical cannabis failure for decades.

I think its only a matter of time.

IIRC Boulder outright banned gmos, thats a few steps past labeling.

Monsanto has much deeper pockets than the gmo labeling movement. It nearly passed in Oregon.

We also have the NON GMO verification, we do care.


How long did it take the US to get medical cannabis?

How long after did it take the US to start having states recreational cannabis?

It took decades but it happened, the US was a legal and medical cannabis failure for decades.

I think its only a matter of time.

What is only a matter of time?

IIRC Boulder outright banned gmos, thats a few steps past labeling.

Monsanto has much deeper pockets than the gmo labeling movement. It nearly passed in Oregon.

We also have the NON GMO verification, we do care.


Hey I am no geologist and I really do not even care enough to try and figure out the truth, but most geologists disagree with him for sure.
William Engdahl is a jewel...
Engdahl argued that the problem with global warming is much exaggerated...
He has also been a long-time associate of the LaRouche movement.
And writes for the Centre for Research on Globalisation.
If you agree and like these guys, great, for you, not me I think they are nuts.
But I respect peoples rights to be nuts. As long as most people do not think he is correct.

Dog Star

Active member
Nuts is OK... those that acting that "they are normal and other are not" those folks made me worry...

True expert diagnosis and psyche evaluation,didnt know you are a shrink between those
DNA plant reaserches...

So if person think different than those "matrix" information you have or he have different oppinions than for sure its a looney... asking myself is there is possible to think in different way than Sam Skunkman thinks...

All the best



Nuts is OK... those that acting that "they are normal and other are not" those folks made me worry...

By nuts I just meant a lack of common sense.

True expert diagnosis and psyche evaluation,didnt know you are a shrink between those
DNA plant reaserches...

I said I think they are nuts, I did not diagnosis any evaluation, I just said what I think, I stick to that.

So if person think different than those "matrix" information you have or he have different oppinions than for sure its a looney... asking myself is there is possible to think in different way than Sam Skunkman thinks...

Your english leaves me guessing, but take a minute and answer if you have read the writings of these folks at the LaRouche movement, and the Centre for Research on Globalisation?
Or Mr William Engdahl's other writings?
Do you agree with them? I do not.
People can think how they want, and yes some are looney, of course some are. But If someone says somethings that are just not true, like the when climate denial folks say man is not involved, I will say what I think.
People used to think THC was biosynthesized from CBD, now they agree it is from CBG not CBD. But they were wrong and believed they were right. The same with THCV, people thought it was stronger then THC, THCV does not get you high.
Lots of people are wrong all the time, myself included, but none of that changes what I think about Mr WE and his cronies, they are lowlife in my opinion. I think plenty of people are not normal, I did not even say I was normal although I think you implied I thought I was normal and others are not, I do not think that way. I should say I think what he says is nuts, is that better? I am sure he is a fine upstanding guy as a person, just a joy to be around, and the guy you would want to be you neighbor if you lived in Germany like him.

All the best



Well-known member
Unfortunately in the States it was mostly out of the layman’s hands. The US Supreme Court ruled that GMO’s could be patented and the FDA declared that GMO’s did not need any special regulations. I’m sure the powers of the lobby had a lot to do with this and also in the failed labeling legislation. GMO’s are now so intertwined in the food chain here it would be a very hard thing to do (so they say) and the bottom line is just that…the bottom line. There is a movement but it would be hard to be totally GMO free unless you raised everything you consumed and weren’t a diabetic.