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Molecular Sieve Filter


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Even when you move them around? When i fill my column i get dust coming out of the top, not a lot but some.

NONE! The first time I baked em, I ran them through water. Maybe that did something, I dont know...

A6 Grower

hmmmm, i washed mine with butane, ill wash some with water then regenerate them and see what they are like then. When i broke a few beads and saw they turned into dust i thought the dust was enviable and i had to use lots of filters lol.


Active member
This place will make you coalescing filters for the dust

This site doesn't say much except mentions dust build up as a problem that should be handled. There's some other interesting things like breakdown of mol.seieve and regeneration tips but not much really.

Here's the big ones! Scroll down to the one that says "dust filter" removing dust from molecular sieve downstream."

this guy talks about the dust

Dust filter is highlighted here

More talk of dust being a problem
https://www.gpaeurope.com/view_pape...Problems in a Natural Gas Processing Facility

Sorry I failed to find the .2 micron bit on that one, quick Google of "molecular sieve dust filter." The key is to put all sort of different words and ways of phrasing your question into the search. And look atleast 3 pages deep in the results, sometimes the goodies are hidden in the back.

Anyways, with the link I provided, it's proven the big gas companies are well aware of the dust issues and two of those links are companies selling large coalescing dust filters for the molecular sieve beds.

I think the main thing is vibration. The 2 tr21's I have shake the while damn building it seems. Find a way to minimize the vibration is my suggestion.

Once again, sorry I couldn't find the .2 micron on that quick search. I really don't want to spend another 3 days researching it chonkski, sorry bro, much love, but extremely busy atm.


Active member
Yes if you run liquid through em that's where you'll get the most dust as the liquid grinds them on eachother on a micro level. They should be packed tightly for liquid.

.2 micron may not be necessary, that's just what I read somewhere as to how small the dust is and it seemed extremely fine to me.

I'm super ocd and anal, I want to be making the cleanest safest meds possible. Molecular sieve is a ALUMINASILICATE clay. I don't want to be smoking any of that or serving it to my friends. If you have seen me talking about azomite and aluminasilicate in other threads, you will see me stating it's not a health issue unless the bond is broken by humic acid. So I'm not sure if smoking the aluminasilicate will harm you if the bond is still intact but I don't want to risk it. I spent a lot of money on ALL ss parts and ptfe hoses. I also distill everything, and take my purging seriously. I'm making the cleanest meds than anyone I personally know not on forums. I'm not risking any damn dust, that's me personally, only my opinion.


New member
Yes if you run liquid through em that's where you'll get the most dust as the liquid grinds them on eachother on a micro level. They should be packed tightly for liquid.

.2 micron may not be necessary, that's just what I read somewhere as to how small the dust is and it seemed extremely fine to me.

I'm super ocd and anal, I want to be making the cleanest safest meds possible. Molecular sieve is a ALUMINASILICATE clay. I don't want to be smoking any of that or serving it to my friends. If you have seen me talking about azomite and aluminasilicate in other threads, you will see me stating it's not a health issue unless the bond is broken by humic acid. So I'm not sure if smoking the aluminasilicate will harm you if the bond is still intact but I don't want to risk it. I spent a lot of money on ALL ss parts and ptfe hoses. I also distill everything, and take my purging seriously. I'm making the cleanest meds than anyone I personally know not on forums. I'm not risking any damn dust, that's me personally, only my opinion.
the Low Pressure SS Housings 150 psig max with a Coalescing & Particulate Filter Elements http://unitedfiltration.com/ spendy


Active member
The ss ones only go down to 5 microns. I'm not seeing the one your talking about. The polypropylene ones go down to .5 micron. Is polypropylene acceptable for r600 and r290? I never saw any prices either. How much are they? Sorry I'm being lazy but if you already know maybe you can share.

I personally already have 2 catchall 48 cubic inch shells, already got them hooked up. I'm not spending anymore money.


New member
http://unitedfiltration.com quote (The 70 grade elements are formulated to give 95% efficiency against 0.01 microns while exhibiting a low pressure drop). 95% is not 100% ?not shure if this is good enough. price Housing Model smaller( 137 1/4 port)( 138 1/2port $ 300) larger( 147 1/4 port )(148 1/2 port $ 365) Disposable Coalescing & Particulate Filter Elements $ 21 Particulate Filter Elements $11 all have a high load rate how long will they last ? I will start testing this coming week on the dry side between recover port and pump . I spoke with Aaron in sales

Disposable Coalescing & Particulate Filter Elements


Active member
Well sweet, keep us updated for sure. With how much water a large spool of beads will hold and one of those filters the cost would be about the same for 2 48 cubic inch dryer shells and cores.


Active member
Hey you guys using coffee filters and not seeing any dust, what brand sieve did you get? I used delta adsorbent and I'm pretty sure that's what gw got too.

I found some well priced 5 micron stainless mesh, 10$ for a 6x6 piece.. I also found some 1 micron five ply stainless filters that they will make custom size disks of any size up to 6 inches. 1.5" to 3" is the same price though, 62.50$ per disc.a coffee filter starts at around 20 micron and as it clogs can get down to 5 micron.

I'm going to call the five ply company on monday and ask questions. They are in berkely. It's the same company that makes the ptfe coated mesh that was discussed in the ai thread.

I'm thinking for the price, why not go 3" for better flow? Have one per pump and pack a few coffee filters to get some tension on the beads so they don't vibrate as much.

I'm super excited about this find but now I gotta figure out a good way to seal the edges of the pad to the sspool. Any good ideas? Can I get liquid ptfe that will harden? How do I make a gasket that will fit the ss filter snug and sealed against the sides of the spool?
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Active member
Ok just did some pricing. For about 200$ each, total, you can have a 3"x12" spool that will hold 2 pounds of sieve and you'll get down to a 1 micron SS dust filtration!!! Omfg yes! All SS and that spool will easily fit in an oven! That price includes the spool, clamps, gaskets, ss 1 micron filter pads, and 2 pounds of sieve of you get a 5 pound pale from deltaadsorbent. That company sells a special cleaning agent but I'm sure some rubbing alcohol and an air compressor would work great. Can't wait to call and ask a slew of questions!

The rsi ss sieve filters only go down to 100 micron and one that holds 1 pound of sieve costs damn near 600$ and when the sieve deplete you can't replace it.

I know 200$ may sound like a lot but it will last you literally your lifetime if you take care of it!
Hey you guys using coffee filters and not seeing any dust, what brand sieve did you get? I used delta adsorbent and I'm pretty sure that's what gw got too.

I found some well priced 5 micron stainless mesh, 10$ for a 6x6 piece.. I also found some 1 micron five ply stainless filters that they will make custom size disks of any size up to 6 inches. 1.5" to 3" is the same price though, 62.50$ per disc.a coffee filter starts at around 20 micron and as it clogs can get down to 5 micron.

I'm going to call the five ply company on monday and ask questions. They are in berkely. It's the same company that makes the ptfe coated mesh that was discussed in the ai thread.

I'm thinking for the price, why not go 3" for better flow? Have one per pump and pack a few coffee filters to get some tension on the beads so they don't vibrate as much.

I'm super excited about this find but now I gotta figure out a good way to seal the edges of the pad to the spool. Silicone should be acceptable or no?

Couldnt you wedge the pad between a filter gasket and the end cap? Or is it too thick? If so I'd just go all out and get a filter plate kit from bhogart (or china )


Active member
Well that would greatly reduce your flow if it was pressed against your npt end cap. I had thought of getting 3x3 little spools and a removable screen gasket. Take out the stock screen and pit in the filter pad and wrench that bitch down tight. Then there would be 3 inches of spool between the filter pad and your npt cap. Idk if a filter plate kit would work how we want it to for this purpose but I'll look into it.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
We ordered some larger beads to compare performance, but we ran the trap/mol sieve drier after a Haskel in single stage at .36 lbs recover rate per minute using the small ones. We will report back on any differences.

Too soon to tell how long before bead reclaim, as it is on a fresh new system.
Moving post from Haskel thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6907511&postcount=336

This is a better thread for the mol sieve specific questions/comments. After answering a previous posts question about mol sieves I posted:

I am currently building a new system. I am not sure where I am putting the sieve. GW's set up was my plan but the sieve dust issue has me concerned about the sieve on the liquid side. Any thoughts here guys?

Edit: I am moving my question to the mol sieve thread so we don't trash this really good Haskel thread.

A6 Grower

Im using my mol sieves on my pre recovery pump side to remove moisture from the butane vapor and protect the pumps from butane oil mist. they are just 2 1.5x24" columns(one for each pump) packed with beads and filters to keep dust from going into the pumps. I also still use emerson ek032 filters on the out and in of my pump for many reasons including dust.

For liquid i've been adding a few inches worth of beads to the top of my column. I separate the beads from the material with about 10 coffee filters wrapped up in a patty like way(hard to explain but it filters awesome) and with more filters on top on the beads so protect them from the 40psi butane coming in. I also have more coffee filters at the bottom of my column followed up buy more filters in a filter plate on top of a 5 micron filter. Im not seeing any signs of dust in my collection pot, and even when i run already ran stuff for a cleaning run and meticulously look around for any signs of dust i dont see anything.

Ive also tore my pumps apart and saw no signs of dust in them either. A snug pack is important, but not to tight. Dont pack the coffee filter to tight on the vapor side or youll slow recovery down. I regenerate my vapor beads every week and usually my 800g in beads pick up 15-20g in water. The liquid ones get regenerated every night in the vacuum oven at 150-180F, i also use the smaller beads for liquid and the bigger beads for vapor. Idk the sizes off the top of my head sorry.
I am wondering if different brands of sieve are worse about small dust than others?

Do all brands get dusty?
Do some brands have larger dust that is easier to filter?

What brands are you guys running?

How many companies really make the beads? Are some brands just re-branded beads from just one or two manufactures?

B Flo

New member
We used Delta brand 3a beads attempting to remove h2o from ethanol and noticed a slight amount of dust. We have not tried any other brands yet to report on.