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MMPR Commercial License

i uised to do construction. smoked weed with all my foreman, job supers and all the guys on the crew

Oh I don't think that comes as a surprise from your attitude and posting history.

If I owned a construction company I'm not gonna put my workers lives and my business in danger because you want to smoke up on the job. What you do on your own private time is not my business once you're on the clock its different.


Active member
that would be tough^^^ to only smoke at home or the club, i mean there is other things in life that sick folks like to do and should do to keep happiness of sorts in perspective. I still have to go to doc appointment in vansterdam which is a 5 or 6 hour trip both ways. Say i cant smoke a doobie on the ferry in my car like normal then that would be issue.....
Personally I think people should be able to smoke wherever they want as long as it wont affect others. Thats the argument that will be used. Second hand smoke in a public place...What about the children!?...Oh wont somebody please think of the children!!!
I really don't see being able to smoke in public places. Some cities/towns may make bylaws regarding this as well. Think about the campaign against second hand tobacco smoke, do you really think that it will be different for mj? I don't think that the argument of being sick and needing meds wherever you happen to be will fly.
Just speculating.


Active member
lol...no construction work for me anymore..

Strictly office job...and no issues for me at work as I'm legal for VALID reasons...they would rather have me at work than on disability.
that would be tough^^^ to only smoke at home or the club, i mean there is other things in life that sick folks like to do and should do to keep happiness of sorts in perspective. I still have to go to doc appointment in vansterdam which is a 5 or 6 hour trip both ways. Say i cant smoke a doobie on the ferry in my car like normal then that would be issue.....

I'm gonna look into this this week as its pretty interesting. Look I have to problems with people smoking weed on the job or even in public but you have to take responsibility as we all know when you're high as a kite you will fuck up but fucking up at home is different than when you're on the job where safety is a concern.

If I owned a company that crunched number for other like say an accountant I wouldn't want my employees smoking while doing someone taxes.

The other issue and this comes from an employers view is the smell of the smoke. We already have no smoking regulations in the work place on top of that second had weed smoke does get you high.

Say I own a store/restaurant and I allow one or two of my workers to smoke as they have a prescription but they come in stinking like weed and the customers start to complain about the smell. Now the business is getting weird looks and possibly loosing customers.
Actually Doc B. just last week a human rights tribunal hearing was lost against a Gator Teds bar n grill in Burlington ONT. for not allowing the patient to medicate on the patio infront because of patron complaints.
Quebec actually has it going the other way at this point but only due to a different law they have saying you can't discriminate against any palliative care no matter what it is.
But the rest of the country will most likely go the way of Ont.

Would be a different circumstance if you're talking edibles imo as there should be no reason for anyone to bitch much less attempt to deny even in the most public of places, n I guess 1 might even be able to put up a good fight if it's over vaping, but fact is smoke is smoke n aside from patients rights pp need to think about civic responsibilities too.
Like has been said you can't smoke tobacco anywhere anymore, most likely you won't be able to smoke anything legally in the same areas eventually.
Frankly when ppl stop caring about thier civic responsibilities to the ppl in society around them what would give any such person the idea that anyone would or should care about them and thier "rights" as a patient.

Be some interesting case popping up in the future on these matters I'm sure.
Even already seen attempted unionization n shit for med patient workers.
Not sure how far any of it'll fly in the end though.

cheers all,................................................gps


Well, you cant loose your job if your doctor prescribes a certain medication to you. Your employer would have to make certain arrangements to accommodate your medical needs. Otherwise you could sue for a number of reasons.
However, you have to inform potential employers of the drugs that you are prescribed and they have every reason to decline your application if they feel that you would be unfit for the job.
I would imagine that there would be no smoking outside your property or a licensed "club/dispensary" once the new program goes into effect.

Sorry bro, you couldn't be more wrong. And trust me, I hate to correct you on this.

I fought long and hard to get my MMAR and working for a big company, I thought I'd do the right thing and contact HR with my intent to use my medicine on the job (I work an office job, the only physical activity is taking piss breaks and my lunch break). They gave me a defiant NO and said that employment law trumps my MMAR. I looked into it further and it's true.

Employers CAN still terminate an employee if they use cannabis, even if they have an MMAR. I contacted Tousaw but he couldn't offer too much advice and suggested talking to a lawyer who has more of a focus on employment laws. I talked to a few and they said it's a tree I wouldn't want to embark up. They said I would basically get slaughtered in court. I really thought that having a federal authorization to possess and smoke that I'd be protected, but as long as I'm scheduled for work I can't be "intoxicated".

I had a modified work contract that allows me to consume edibles but I get too messed up (eyes get too bloodshot and dry) when I eat MJ no matter what strain I use or how I prep it. A single puff could alleviate me of my ailments, but if I smoke, smell like weed or even mention my modified work contract my employer will fire me. I let that contract expire and just don't smoke at work anymore. My freedom of speech is more important. What a shitty lesson though. I never thought my employer would draw such strict battle lines with red tape but they did. Some employers don't care, but if they're real a-type assholes then the ball is in their court. Please don't think you're "protected" by law. I feel like more of a pariah having my MMAR than anything. No matter what, society wants to vilify us even if we abide by the law. It's lunacy. :(
Unfortunate to hear about your experience. As as DG I have a couple patients, one of them is in a managerial position with a busy distribution company (forklift use) and his workplace tolerates him smoking his meds in the privacy of his vehicle if he feels the need to do so.
The other gentlemen is a welder, who has to get piss tested since he works in the oilfield, he didn't loose any work even though he had notified his employers as to his medical prescription. Granted he has his own truck and carries 5mil liability insurance.
As for the law and society being against you: it is quite the victimized stance to assume, you can't expect much with such negative attitude. I happen to know one of the better workplace lawyers in my area, he specializes in wrongful dismissal; Since the licenses are authorized by a doctor and issued by Health Canada, which is essentially Canadian government you would have a very strong argument in court. Its not considered an immoral, illicit drug if its been approved by the government. You cant tell me that taking opiates at work and shooting up some H would be considered the same in the eyes of an employer.


Active member
I want to live in a world where human rights trump corporations profits. But that is just me. We are in the fight of our lives for the human condition. Where do you draw the line coffee,honey,cigarettes fuck me crazy puking and spinning etc. lots of folks smoke cigs at work. I am very experienced with it. So i would feel comfortable running a 60 ft fishing vessel while high. That's just the way i grew up,different strokes different folks.Just never liked boxes cause folks and there life's are way complicated Peace


Unfortunate to hear about your experience. As as DG I have a couple patients, one of them is in a managerial position with a busy distribution company (forklift use) and his workplace tolerates him smoking his meds in the privacy of his vehicle if he feels the need to do so.
The other gentlemen is a welder, who has to get piss tested since he works in the oilfield, he didn't loose any work even though he had notified his employers as to his medical prescription. Granted he has his own truck and carries 5mil liability insurance.
As for the law and society being against you: it is quite the victimized stance to assume, you can't expect much with such negative attitude. I happen to know one of the better workplace lawyers in my area, he specializes in wrongful dismissal; Since the licenses are authorized by a doctor and issued by Health Canada, which is essentially Canadian government you would have a very strong argument in court. Its not considered an immoral, illicit drug if its been approved by the government. You cant tell me that taking opiates at work and shooting up some H would be considered the same in the eyes of an employer.

Pardon me for taking some offense to your comment, but the reason why I'm pissed is because I spent the better half of a decade fighting to use marijuana legally (despite never having trouble with the law), simply to humor the stupid laws. Employers can make accommodations, but do not HAVE to. It is their call. I can't afford to fight their team of star lawyers. The company is 15,000+ employees strong and I've talked to someone who's high up in the company who told me corporate HR had me in their crosshairs (he contacted me outside of work because we hit it off).

Also, it feels like you're trying to battle this out with me. Hey, I completely agree with you. METHADONE and other serious opiates were recommended to me by my primary GP when I told him I wasn't drug seeking, that I'd smoke marijuana either way, and that I was looking for anything to help my ailments which wouldn't have an imbalanced ratio of negative side effects. I'm completely open to pharmaceuticals as long as they can be used sparingly and appropriate, but I have a chronic condition and can't be taking opiates around the clock. I tried it in high school (all legally prescribed and very low doses) and I couldn't believe how quickly I developed a tolerance. The withdrawal from even a few days of taking T3s is intolerable, so I don't mix it up with stronger opiates. Despite being an athletic and well sized guy, opiates just flatten me out. I don't even want to be stoned from the marijuana. I just want my pain gone.

Sorry for the tangent. I just feel like no one could have a stronger case and anymore noble intentions than mine. I'm not trying to get baked at work at all. I tried playing it by the book and got my dick stuck in my zipper like a chump. First world problem I suppose... I have a great job, but the clowns running corporate HR are total a-types who love to heckle people and get them to jump through hoops and fill out copious amounts of paperwork.

I've seen small business owners and large corporate employers simple permit people to smoke marijuana and never cared to get their employers to sign any sort of specialized employment contracts. Just a proverbial nod of approval and some trust. I sit at a computer all day, there's no harm that I could do... ugh.

***EDIT I should add that I'm from BC. All of the lawyers I talked to said I shouldn't pursue this and to do what I can to live without it. Kind of sucks to give up, but I'm in no way prepared to duke it out in court. I have a mortgage and a baby on the way. I can suck it up, but it's still painful on a personal level. Never thought my employer would leave me stranded***
First of all I'm not arguing or "battling" it out with you. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, but as you have indicated above you are making a choice to stay at your current position (most people have bills and kids as well) as well as not to pursue this issue through legal means. Regardless of this, I personally wish you all the best.
I'm not much of 1 to tote any company line including the corporation of canada, just to let you know it's not realy an issue Iplan on ever having to deal with, but I understand your position, and how badly it must feel.
If your biggest issue with taking action against the company is solely based on financials of court proceedings etc. you may want to look into any local human rights advocacy groups n look at taking the issue b4 the local human rights tribunal for a hearing.
The advocacy groups are in place to help handle any paper work aswell as representation during and even after the hearing depending on any settlements, rulings etc.
It can be done little to nothing with the advocacy helpers bu a claimant n will cost the company the entire time also.
Might be a way to get yourself taken more seriously by the company n maybe even earn you your "rights" to medicate as many othes need to daily just to even get to thier jobs.

Dunno, it might help ya out, like I said I understand your position n not wanting to make waves at a job you feel you need to keep.
It's just a suggestion you can choose to persue or not.

Good luck to ya no matter what you choose.



I don't know about you guys but I don't even get high when I smoke anymore.
I get "normal" more focused and alert. As crazy as that may sound. My wife told me I was the only guy she's ever met that smokes and drives faster.
There is no job that I have done I couldn't handle, after smoking.
I have built some sick shit after smoking.
Doing concentrates gets me some what high.

Worst the smoking in public will get is only being able to smoke where smoking cigs is allowed. I do this already and feel everyone should.

As for the guy smoking in his car on the ferry.
Top deck back of the boat is best.
There was 7 people in 3 groups back there my last trip over.


Active member
Half the time the elevator are not working lol. The guys on the ferry have seen me for enough years they just wave and smile. One day i was looking at my new zenit tube and the capt walked by my window and was looking in, he stopped smiled asked me what that was i told him a lot of fun when i get it home, He said wow glass is some fancy these daze and walked off.....smoke em if you got em....

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Just because you have a prescription doesn't mean you're going to be able to smoke it anytime you want. Just like other drugs there will be warnings especially when it comes to using machinery, tools and vehicles. No employer will let you work while high if it jeopardizes people lives.

Think you're gonna be able to smoke you're medicine while doing construction work? LOL...

God knows that NEVER happens LOL....Smoking bud while working ,driving OMG NOOOOOO..lol :dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's rare for me to get high now which really really sucks!!! I know there is better bud I just can't find it ..headband 707:comfort:

I don't know about you guys but I don't even get high when I smoke anymore.
I get "normal" more focused and alert. As crazy as that may sound. My wife told me I was the only guy she's ever met that smokes and drives faster.
There is no job that I have done I couldn't handle, after smoking.
I have built some sick shit after smoking.
Doing concentrates gets me some what high.

Worst the smoking in public will get is only being able to smoke where smoking cigs is allowed. I do this already and feel everyone should.

As for the guy smoking in his car on the ferry.
Top deck back of the boat is best.
There was 7 people in 3 groups back there my last trip over.


Active member
Well, u guys with office jobs need to look closer and investigate your own HR policies.... Canada's discrimination laws have toughened over the years, and most companies are towing the line.

Most big companies have anti-discrimination clauses regarding disabliities and/OR and medication, illnessess, etc. etc.(canes, wheelchair),language issues etc

It is all in how you approach it...And your HR policies....I figure if I have to sign THEIR HR policies...well they will work for me too..

I work for a LARGE company...

I was told, policy is DON'T ASK, Don't Tell....Be prepared to show your paperwork should you be challenged. If you feel comfortable talking to your MGMT, that is up too YOU.

That was from the VP of HR.

God knows that NEVER happens LOL....Smoking bud while working ,driving OMG NOOOOOO..lol :dance013:

Read up on the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Even if you're prescribed drugs that make you drowsy and nothing is done about it like you getting a different job position where you're not a danger to others you and you're employer can still be charged for violating the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

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