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Mites with two weeks left in flower...


Active member
Well just like I wrote in the title... There's about two or three weeks left until my harvest... I found a small infestation of these things... I have never had these before so this was a total surprise to me... From what I have been reading most things say to just try to ride it out until harvest... I cut a good twenty fan leaves off that I found the mites on but there wasn't really any webs formed yet... Like I said its day 49 of flower and I like to take them till 65-70 days usually... This hasn't ever happened to me yet so I don't really know what to do... Should I let them go another two weeks... I looked this morning after I took all those leaves off last night and I couldn't see any yet... I know I didn't get them all... Please help...

the gnome

Active member
what kind of mites?

if its spider mites, use no pest strips, they will take em out fast and no residuals.
wont kills egg so a re-treatment later is needed.
how many plants are you talking? how big is the garden?
Let it ride. Just make sure to stay on top of them. Constant visual inspection defoliating anything you see, no pest strips, and vacuuming with a hose attachment. You can make it through just be diligent against the little bastards.

PS... Make sure to give the area a good cleaning before you put more plants in.


aka "Doc"
I have had great success in "showering" the mites away with water. Not the velocity of a fire hose, but greater than what comes out of spray bottle. Mites and water are not friends.

I took the plants outside, gently sprayed them with water (hose with spray attachment), let them drip for 5 minutes, then back to the grow environment. I did this in the morning and once more before they went to sleep. Also by removing the more infested buds/leaves--you will stop some in their tracks.

Or...if it is just one or two plants, I kick the nasty ones outside and shower with water daily until they finish, that way the ones inside are safe (but then I put on my leaf inspector hat--and remove any leaf with the famous yellow/white dots).

Hope this helps...whatever you do, spraying with chems is not necessario being so close to harvest.


defoliate, vacuum, and spray some water If Pm and such is not an issue. You will make it.Sucks though.


Active member
If you're not doing a perpetual than less is better. That's why I hate perpetuals, you have to spray and they are hard to eliminate.

I have and would use Mighty wash or an essential oil like Ed's or SNS 217 if I were three weeks out. 10-14 days would prolly be my cut off in this situation. Also, they like it dry so keeping RH a lil high(not over 70 tho) but w ample airflow, and just a good spray with pure water here and there will keep pops down a bit til harvest when inside the cuttoff for pesticides. Just spray an hour before light on get the fans going to prevent mold.


Well-known member
i agree with the use of mighty wash if ur gonna spray anything, if not take down alittle early. or let it ride!

the gnome

Active member
you can also do a heat treatment like we do for broad mites.
120F for a few hours, plants are unharmed and mites are dead, look in the stickied section in the BM thread, the last 4-5 pages of the thread are on the heat/treat.
retro grow is the one who got the ball rolling with it.


Active member
use no pest strips, they will take em out fast and no residuals.

During flower? Thanks, but keep the no-pest strips in the veg room and not even then for me. Gack.

No residuals? Not hardly... those flowering plants suck it up good and if it's not good for people, it's not good for people to use cannabis that's been exposed to it.

Just spray em off, you're only 2 weeks away. :) Concentrate on finding out where they came from and eliminating them from your veg room and mums.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

the gnome

Active member
During flower? Thanks, but keep the no-pest strips in the veg room and not even then for me. Gack.

No residuals? Not hardly... those flowering plants suck it up good and if it's not good for people, it's not good for people to use cannabis that's been exposed to it.

Just spray em off, you're only 2 weeks away. Concentrate on finding out where they came from and eliminating them from your veg room and mums.

Stay Safe!

so you've never trred the heat treatment
but can weigh in definitively against it when others have been doing in flower and not the slightest prob.

as for NPS,
where's your facts/proof that dichlorvos which is a gas leaves any kind of residuals in a plant....

you've never tried the heat treatment,
but others already have without any problems,
and NPS are going to poison you from a gas that leaves no residual anything?
and you offer no facts to back up your *opinions*

as for your suggestion to spray the mites off.
tell me how you *spray off* mites that are nested inside
the bud structure?
spraying can only take off the mites on the outside.
even on the outside,
mites have plenty of leaf hairs and what nots
to cling to with their many feet.

thinking of the the amount of water pressure needed to spray the mites off the bud.
ever wonder how many resin heads your gonna knock off in the process

so you'll hose down your buds without getting rid of the mites
and not solve the mite problem
but does get rid of the resin glands you've worked hard for

thanks but I'll pass on that one if I ever get some spider mites


aka "Doc"
Light water spray guys....not fire hose velocity! Think light rain...not a storm with thunder and lightening. Those trichs are resilient...to a point.


Active member
so you've never trred the heat treatment
but can weigh in definitively against it when others have been doing in flower and not the slightest prob.

as for NPS,
where's your facts/proof that dichlorvos which is a gas leaves any kind of residuals in a plant....

you've never tried the heat treatment,
but others already have without any problems,
and NPS are going to poison you from a gas that leaves no residual anything?
and you offer no facts to back up your *opinions*

as for your suggestion to spray the mites off.
tell me how you *spray off* mites that are nested inside
the bud structure?
spraying can only take off the mites on the outside.
even on the outside,
mites have plenty of leaf hairs and what nots
to cling to with their many feet.

thinking of the the amount of water pressure needed to spray the mites off the bud.
ever wonder how many resin heads your gonna knock off in the process

so you'll hose down your buds without getting rid of the mites
and not solve the mite problem
but does get rid of the resin glands you've worked hard for

thanks but I'll pass on that one if I ever get some spider mites

I think he's against the "No Pest Strips", not the heat treatment. He might not even know about heat treatment, but I agree, "No Pest Strips" are a "no-no" in flower for sure. However, the heat treatment works without chemicals, in veg or flower. Kills mites & their eggs. Like Gnome said, go to Broad mite thread to read about it. Basically you heat room up to 120 degrees for an hour or two, by turning off A/C, fans, ventilation, and leaving the lights on. That should bring temperature to around 105 F, depending on your climate. Then add electric space heaters to increase temps to 120 F. Takes a little trial and error to get temps to 120, but once you have it dialed in, it kills mites without harming plants. Just don't overdo it and go to 130 or 150...120 is sufficient. Depending on size of room, you may need multiple space heaters, available @ Home Depot. Don't get ones with thermostat that automatically shuts off at certain temperatures. And get a couple of thermometers to measure temperatures in different areas of the room, as they can vary considerably. Heat rises, so if plants are on the floor, raise them by putting something under them: other pots, milk crates, whatever you can come up with.


Active member
so you've never trred the heat treatment
but can weigh in definitively against it when others have been doing in flower and not the slightest prob.
Back the truck up buddy. Quote where I said anything about heat... positive or negative.

as for NPS,
where's your facts/proof that dichlorvos which is a gas leaves any kind of residuals in a plant....
I can F'ing SMELL it on the plant. You're telling me that cannabis has some magical property that excludes the vapor from entering it? Get outta town.

As for spraying? He's 2 weeks from harvest.
I'll take a couple mites in the bud over some chemical any day.

Mighty wash? 2 weeks before harvest. GACK! You may not be able to taste it but I can. Wow.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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aka "Doc"
My vote is no on Mighty Wash--found it not very effective...maybe it was the way I used it, but I had better results spraying plants with plain everyday water...than spraying Mighty Wash followed days later with Mighty Rinse. The plants sprayed with Mighty Wash/Rinse had a funny displeasing aftertaste.


Active member
My vote is no on Mighty Wash--found it not very effective...maybe it was the way I used it, but I had better results spraying plants with plain everyday water...than spraying Mighty Wash followed days later with Mighty Rinse. The plants sprayed with Mighty Wash/Rinse had a funny displeasing aftertaste.

Yeah, and mighty wash won't work if it's been diluted, and perhaps old mighty too could lose efficacy. Maybe store had bunk stuff...

But I watched mites literally dissolve under my dissecting scope when misted. I recommend only plain water rinse/spray (gentle of course) during last week, or with water & H2O2 (esp. if chem pesticides were used). I never had any taste issues with mighty up to week before harvest. I have also used essential oils (rosemary, thyme, clove, ect. NOT NEEM!) up til about 7-10 days followed by good couple rinse/sprays w no taste issues.


Active member
Thank you all for the replies... As for the size of the garden, it's pretty small with only 4 plants in it... Only 1of the plants has the mites and it is the only plant that is bedded in fox farm ocean forest soil... That is the only thing I did different this time and it was actually a test of sorts to try out that soil compared to the other soil sunshine mix4... The plant that has the mites is the only plant in that soil so that's what I'm thinkn is the cause of this... Anyway it's been a few days now and things are going better then I had even hoped... I have only seen a couple since... I have decided that I will just take that 1 plant down a tad early but only by a week... What will happen to the mites that are left when I do harvest this sage n sour plant... Will they just die or flee or what... Last question. Is what should I clean the entire room down with a bleach solution of some sort... Thank y'all...:tiphat:


aka "Doc"
If my garden was that size...then water spraying would be my first line of defense--followed by defoliating infected leaves with eggs. IMHO, anything else is pure drama...as your harvest will not be greater with any other alternative.


Active member
Yeah I agree with u except I just can't seem to bring myself to spraying water on the plant... Won't the buds get bud rot... Trust me, I've had my fair share of bud rot... I think I'm just gonna let it ride like isaid there's only less then a week and ill take her down... What's gonna happen with the mites once I harvest that plant though... Also would it not be a good idea to trim this plant where there are plants that are vegging close by...thank again ...