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Mister D's Vertical Redemption


Active member
that's really interesting:
- it looks like there's no party for UV (at least in the form of low 15W cfl) and the research I've done have lead me to the same result: negligible / inconclusive... well 20€ it's not the end of the world - I may do some experiment in a box and public results, so that nobody else fall for it if it's useless...

-on a side note, I've got ICE CREAM too, 3 seeds cooking, so I'll show you what they do once they finish in my environment (12/12 from seed, 150W) and you can compare phenos/results.

Meanwhile, I'll be watching you closely ;) and our common friend sgapetti. Thanks for still answering small-timers, it really does a difference for us learners

best regards sir,

Veg N Out

The bloom room took a hit this last week. I topped off the res, but forgot to adjust ph. As a result the plants were being fed @ 8.5 ph all week. Lots of yellow leaves, and noticable lack of growth. Sucks but such is life..... Need to catch up on defoilation anyway.

Way to keep it positive:laughing:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Dyyymn MD...that's gotta be a few hundred in genetics.....I think you should find a keeper or two!


Active member
that's really interesting:
- it looks like there's no party for UV (at least in the form of low 15W cfl) and the research I've done have lead me to the same result: negligible / inconclusive... well 20€ it's not the end of the world - I may do some experiment in a box and public results, so that nobody else fall for it if it's useless...

-on a side note, I've got ICE CREAM too, 3 seeds cooking, so I'll show you what they do once they finish in my environment (12/12 from seed, 150W) and you can compare phenos/results.

Meanwhile, I'll be watching you closely and our common friend sgapetti. Thanks for still answering small-timers, it really does a difference for us learners

best regards sir,

Give it a shot and document your results :biggrin:. That's the beauty of this website, people trying things and sharing the results. Noticed you were growing out ice cream also, i'll definitely be following your progress with them. From the grows i've seen it shouldn't disappoint. I actually prefer to help out the small timers. They are more open minded to new ideas. I find alot of growers with some years under their belt become set in their ways and unwilling to learn new things.

Way to keep it positive

Got to roll with the punches :biggrin:. You doing a thread anywhere these days?


10 points for silver :biggrin:. My girlfriend brought a girl home for us :woohoo:.

Can we keep it on topic..sheesh.

Booty and buds go together like cake and ice cream my man :biggrin:

General Update - All is well here at D farms. Forgot my camera at the grow so no pics for now, i'll get some up in the next couple days. I did something I thought i'd never do again, took a consulting job for one of major players in my area (What can I say everything has it's price....). He is planning to open a new dispensary in another state and asked if I would design a grow space to feed the needy. I'll still be around if anyone needs help, just won't be at my gardens as often for a couple months.


Active member
Mega - I've bought around 300 seeds in the last couple months, to the tune of about 800 bucks (seed bay/boo must love me :biggrin:). Should be one or two mothers to be found in those. If not at least it will give me an idea of what strains to dig deeper into.
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Active member
Whats up vert brothers and sisters. Have semi-free moment and thought i'd throw up a few pics from a couple days back. As some of you know i've left the comfort of my home state to help design and build a new grow facility for a good friend of mine. Well i'm not going to let that get in the way of sharing the dialing process with you guys :biggrin:. So without further adue.....

The veg room humming right along. Love ebb/flow for it's simplicity and reliablity. Along with my chow mix it's a match made in heaven. Most of these are the seedlings shown earlier with the usual clones mixed in. The bigger seed plants will be cloned and put in flower either this weekend or next, depends if gro bro has enough time...... About 50% of them have shown sex already, the rest aren't far behind. I have my eye on a couple of them that just fucking reek aready :biggrin:.


The two bigger plants are cenex, shaved their legs and tossed them in the breeding room before I left. The front right plant is bogglegum, in case anybody wanted to see her normal growth pattern. Behind that is another cenex. I put these and a few more plants under another t-5 after the picture.




Active member
Took some more clones of jack, and romulan, tank of each. Plus a few DMK for headies :biggrin:. Planning to crack some more seeds also, so I left my self openings for those. My room seems to be evolving into some sort of perpetual seed popping madness, which honestly is driving my OCD fucking nuts. Bobble finally got off his ass and is now coming hard for first place again, not sure i'm ready to give up the crown:laughing:. Just motivation for me to get off my ass and find the next super elite rack worthy clone.


The ugly side of things.... Three of my chem seedlings have the typical fucked up leaves. I'm probably just going to kill them, as they are much slower and weaker than the rest of the plants. Most are very healthy with no leaf issues, and about 4 times the size. One of them smells just nasty, like rotting meat and skunk :biggrin:.



Active member
The racks are still doing their thing also. Can't say i'm overly happy, but all of cenex are flopped completly over, just hanging from their weight. They will be chopped next week sometime. The romulan and jack still have 3-4 more weeks to go. Not sure how long everything has been flowering honestly, but it seems like the IMID treatments early in life may have delayed/elongated flowering a bit. Have to check my notes to be sure though. It definitly had an effect on yield as a result of the abnormal growth patterns. Not to say that my yield will be bad. Cenex is hard as fucking rocks :biggrin:, and the jack and romulan are well on their way also. Just more hash material than normal as a result of sucker branches popping out every where all through flower.



Little side branch of cenex a week from harvest. Likes to make golf balls....


Lil bud of romulan about 4 weeks from harvest

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Active member
I finally had to turn on my dehumidifer last week. It pulled 65 gal. out of the air in 4 days :biggrin:. Had only gotten down to 60% RH when I left..... I'm sure it's probably caught up by now and things are in the 40-50% range. Anyway I mention this for two reasons. 1. It feels good to know my dehumidifer can do that :laughing:. 2. I had about 10 blumats decide to randomly flood on me since I turned the dehumifer on. This got me thinking more about why so many people have issues with blumats, yet me and friend of mine havn't had any real serious issue with them at all. I won't pretend to understand the science, but my theory is that changes in relative humidity and possibly temps, influence the sensor in blumats. Both me and my friend have sealed rooms where generally speaking temp and humidity are constant 24/7/365. Most growers i've read about having problems with blumats run unsealed rooms. As a result they experience temperature/humdity flucuations that result in malfunction of the sensors. As bobble has mentioned the more blumats you have the greater the potential for problems. Being my grow is remote this is unacceptable for me. I already have the pondliner pool to contain any floods, but reliablity is highest on my priority list. I've decided to retire the blumats in the near future. I'll defintely use them again, but not unless i'm able to monitor the garden every day. Growth rates are outstanding when they are dialed in. That said bobble has come up with the next lastest and greatest solution to our problem in the form of gravity fed dtw. I already have an idea of how to implement this into my racks. If ya havn't already, check out bobbles thread to see what this solenoid gravity fed dtw nonsense is all about.

Havn't forgot about the breeding room either, or tree room at the moment....


Still need to replace the blockbusters with vert bulbs (I have them, just havn't done it). Five 600's in there, and everybodies happy. Considering tossing another bulb to make six, light meter is coming out next visit. 10" max fan for intake, exhaust is tee'd into the bloom room's exhaust (have pics of that also that i'll upload at some point). Still only have one 14" max fan doing both rooms exhaust, will piggy back the other one on while i'm visiting next time. Apparently the other side of the room isn't going to upload right now, i'll edit it in later if I remember.

Edit to add the other side of the breeding room :biggrin:

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I come from the land where the oceans freeze
that is serious update. i hear ya on the blumats...i didnt have the patience to dial them in and when i was using them well, i didnt spend nearly as much time down there which i enjoy doing...

good luck on your out of state prospects


Active member
that is serious update. i hear ya on the blumats...i didnt have the patience to dial them in and when i was using them well, i didnt spend nearly as much time down there which i enjoy doing...

good luck on your out of state prospects

Figured I was due for a big one :biggrin:. Actually have lots more to share, just not enough time to type out the captions. Life is insanely busy atm. Ironicly I havn't had hardly any problems with the blumats. Took a few days to dial all of them in, then just minor adjustments were needed on a few of them. I've had a couple small floods (5-10 gal. lost) caused by over adjustments, but other than that they did really well for me until I turned on the dehumidifer. Still this is a remote grow, and I need to know shit is working while i'm away. Love blumats, they're just not the best option when you aren't there but once or twice a week. They will be implemented at another garden in the coming months. Still debating the merits of going over to dtw based on bobbles solenoid idea or turning the racks in a vertical ebb/flow system. Both have advantages and disadvantages......


Active member
Silver - I've been staring at that picture for a good 5 mins, and I keep wondering to myself, is quazie modo is going to whip out a dick bigger than mine? Or just serve me a beer off those gigantic tits? :laughing:


Active member
Nice update fratello, rooms all over the place:laughing: Hopefully you find some time when you get back home to share the development in your breeding room:biggrin:
Take care S

silver hawaiian

Active member
Silver - I've been staring at that picture for a good 5 mins, and I keep wondering to myself, is quazie modo is going to whip out a dick bigger than mine? Or just serve me a beer off those gigantic tits? :laughing:

Ha! You're lucky if ALL you get is the beer from the massive titties, though I'm not sure those are even legitimate mammaries.

Upon further review, it looks like John Belushi with a pillow stuffed up under his manzier.

When it comes to Oktoberfest cuties, I always did have a special place in my boner for this girl, up front:


..though the one in the middle looks like she could take a punch.
D, I really dig your clone setup very nice. Fish tanks look like a much better option than tray/dome setup.

With the Blumats were the flooded pots totally wet, or part dry and part wet? Because, the trip on the Blumats that I experienced was not so much a sensor malfunction as it was a localized environmental problem. What happened was the coco mix dried too rapidly causing the sensor to call for water. The pots were 3 gallon Smart pots which puts the dripper fairly far, not sure of exact distance ATM, from the sensor. The drippers then only moistened a small cylinder directly below it and the water ran straight out the bottom. Since the moist cylinder was the easiest path for the water the sensor never felt enough moisture to close the dripper. The result of course is a flood. I experienced this due to dehumidifier use and it really sank in when i accidently left a fan pointed straight at a pot overnight. It caused the exact condition I described.

Anyway, it seems to me anyone growing remotely with Blumats would want to consider a sump in their pond liner base. Collect any flood and return it to your rez.


Active member
Nice update fratello, rooms all over the place Hopefully you find some time when you get back home to share the development in your breeding room:biggrin:
Take care S

I find myself most focused when my plate is overflowing. Kind of a preforms better under pressure type person. I'll be back and forth for the next few months, so updates will continue :biggrin:. The breeding/selection process is going to start in the racks due to the trees filling almost the entire 12x12 breeding room. Should be some interesting things to see in the next couple months, especially excited about two of my destroyer plants :woohoo:. They both resemble the mother I had awhile back. One of them is a dead ringer for smell when you rub the stem. Also one of the con chem seedlings smells so rancid it makes me want to gag a lil bit when I brush up against it. I LOVE it!

Ha! You're lucky if ALL you get is the beer from the massive titties, though I'm not sure those are even legitimate mammaries.

Upon further review, it looks like John Belushi with a pillow stuffed up under his manzier.

:laughing: classic

When it comes to Oktoberfest cuties, I always did have a special place in my boner for this girl, up front:

View Image

..though the one in the middle looks like she could take a punch.

That girl up front makes me want to visit germany :biggrin:

D, I really dig your clone setup very nice. Fish tanks look like a much better option than tray/dome setup.

With the Blumats were the flooded pots totally wet, or part dry and part wet? Because, the trip on the Blumats that I experienced was not so much a sensor malfunction as it was a localized environmental problem. What happened was the coco mix dried too rapidly causing the sensor to call for water. The pots were 3 gallon Smart pots which puts the dripper fairly far, not sure of exact distance ATM, from the sensor. The drippers then only moistened a small cylinder directly below it and the water ran straight out the bottom. Since the moist cylinder was the easiest path for the water the sensor never felt enough moisture to close the dripper. The result of course is a flood. I experienced this due to dehumidifier use and it really sank in when i accidently left a fan pointed straight at a pot overnight. It caused the exact condition I described.

Anyway, it seems to me anyone growing remotely with Blumats would want to consider a sump in their pond liner base. Collect any flood and return it to your rez.

Thanks bro. I like the fish tanks also, best option i've found for me personally. As for the blumats, I glad you brought that up. In my case the plants entire pot was soaked and it was steadily dripping away, but your example could be effecting others. If the blumat isn't watering the whole pot, you should rethink your chosen media. My chow mix wicks water very well. So well in fact that I only flood the bottom 4" of a 10" pot and the top still gets wet.


I guess my Oldtimer`s disease kicked in bout the orca film and your warm glow from the painted walls Bro......but....

BST says the orca wins hands down over reflectix and I just can`t see it , but if it does.......Proof`s in da puddin......now.....

Glad yas`re figuring out why the blumats went wonky on yas/or it seems plausible why they fucked with Bobbles constantly and went well for you....... anyways.....

I never wanted my Bro`s to encounter problems , but rather make things easier in an otherwise stressful situation of croppin....so....

My apologies for stressin blumats as the failsafe grow setup that it`s obvously not , although I`ve got waaaaay more folks killin it with em than the few that aren`t , but I digress.....

Killer update my buddy , and hope all yer ducks fall in a row for dialed and hoonin pheno`s found from the breedin project.....

Thanks for the update and info Bro.....
