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Minions of the Dark

Hey Lord, can you tell us a bit about your worm bin(s)? Size, feed, quantity of worms etc... I've got a small bin going but want to upgrade shortly, once the weather warms a bit. :)


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Okay Guys. I need some help here. Going to make the plunge and go the distance here. I just built a 12' x 12' compost bin. Going to take all of last years soil, some of which is two years old and dump it in there. Probably be 2000 gallons. (20 100gal containers). The soil test I did on it showed lacking in Ca and Boron. All else was good except the CEC and PH were low. I have plenty of pine needles and regular leaf material. Besides all the old food scraps from everyday eating, what would you recommend.

I was going to replace all the soil for this year by purchasing from Earthworm Soil Factory up in Butte Valley, CA. Was going to replace the vermiculite with the red lava stone. Anyone have dealings with this company? They are not cheap at $198 per yard. I Need 20 yards plus. Yikes..... Give me feedback on this company quickly please if anyone knows of them. Thanks......

Keep as much of the pine needles out of your soil pile.
Little to nothing grows under a pine tree.
The needles acidify the soil keeping most other plants away.

No fats, oils, or bones in pile, just plant material.
Throw in 40 lbs approx. of crab shell for calcium.
Wouldn't worry about Boron, just a trace element anyway.
Then buy your self 5 lbs of earthworms and let them eat.

I don't know much of your soil company, but $200 a yard for good organic soil is the norm.
Call and ask on soil prices early, before the rush and ask them for a quote-delivered price and cash payment.
Maybe at least get the delivery free if not a soil discount.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Hey Lord, can you tell us a bit about your worm bin(s)? Size, feed, quantity of worms etc... I've got a small bin going but want to upgrade shortly, once the weather warms a bit. :)

More of a Ghetto worn pile actually.
6 x 12'
Started with 5 lbs worms.

I have to roll back all the vegetation matter and shovel a scoop at a time onto a trashcan lid and retrieve all the worms, then throw them back in.
Veggie scraps are the best.
They can eat all plant matter including paper products.
But fall leaves are your biggest food source seasonally.
I stock my leaves in large piles through the winter for feed all summer.

Got more EWC than I can use.


New member
Hello Minions, I got offline for awhile on the City and you all moved on me! Glad to find you again. Quick update on me.

I was growing out my Goblin Queen girls, and I ran into several issues that all hit in sequence. Equipment failure kicked in and killed all of my clones and vegging plants. It all happened at a time I was gone working so when I came back it was much too late to stablize. Then I got really sick and knocked off my feet. In that time Powdered Mold somehow got into the flower room. By the time I got healthy it was infested so I had to chop everything down and sterilize.

So now here I am with no plants at all. I am just now popping my remaining 6 Goblin Queen beans. 5 of them have already popped and have been moved into Rockwool in a humidity dome and they are growing quick. Will have some pictures soon.

Reall glad to have found ya again SG!


Maybe too late for your cuts.
Some have misunderstood what I've said about Halo.

Never go over 18/6 with Halo.
Whether seed or cut, go over 18/6 and as soon as you get it back to 18/6 she'll wanna flower and F up your veg time.

Heya SG1 and fellow minions.

Would that apply to the OverLord also?

The reason asking is cuz I have 2 OL about 7-10 days popped, @24/7.

Was going to 18/6 here soon. Any advice please.

or did I fook-up.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Hello Minions, I got offline for awhile on the City and you all moved on me! Glad to find you again. Quick update on me.

I was growing out my Goblin Queen girls, and I ran into several issues that all hit in sequence. Equipment failure kicked in and killed all of my clones and vegging plants. It all happened at a time I was gone working so when I came back it was much too late to stablize. Then I got really sick and knocked off my feet. In that time Powdered Mold somehow got into the flower room. By the time I got healthy it was infested so I had to chop everything down and sterilize.

So now here I am with no plants at all. I am just now popping my remaining 6 Goblin Queen beans. 5 of them have already popped and have been moved into Rockwool in a humidity dome and they are growing quick. Will have some pictures soon.

Reall glad to have found ya again SG!

Hey Kit, welcome back to the minions.
Bummer with all your problems.
Hope the future deals you a winning hand.

There is a 50 post initiation/probation period before you are a full member.
So if something doesn't work, that's what's up.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Heya SG1 and fellow minions.

Would that apply to the OverLord also?

The reason asking is cuz I have 2 OL about 7-10 days popped, @24/7.

Was going to 18/6 here soon. Any advice please.

or did I fook-up.

Overlord is from halo, so I would treat them the same as all other halos.

Drop lights back to 18/6


Active member
Then buy your self 5 lbs of earthworms and let them eat.

Hey, thanks for the info. I have a large burn pile that I have not lit up yet. Has quite a bit of fallen leaves from three liquid amber trees and an ornamental plum. I will have my yard maintenance worker move them from the burn pile to the new compost bin. So what type of wigglers work the best and who has the cheapest prices?

On the old leaves from last year. So I empty 2000 gallons of old soil into the compost bin. Then throw the old leaves on top. Do I mix them up with the front end loader of the tractor? And when it is all mixed up, do I just dump the worms on top? What about covering it with a tarp?

Thanks for all the info. Another convert to the Minions of the Dark methodology. ;)


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Hey, thanks for the info. I have a large burn pile that I have not lit up yet. Has quite a bit of fallen leaves from three liquid amber trees and an ornamental plum. I will have my yard maintenance worker move them from the burn pile to the new compost bin. So what type of wigglers work the best and who has the cheapest prices?

On the old leaves from last year. So I empty 2000 gallons of old soil into the compost bin. Then throw the old leaves on top. Do I mix them up with the front end loader of the tractor? And when it is all mixed up, do I just dump the worms on top? What about covering it with a tarp?

Thanks for all the info. Another convert to the Minions of the Dark methodology. ;)

What is stopping you from re-amending your old soil.
$200 and a month of cook time.
Worms will take a long time to make that old soil useful.

I would take 1 yard of used soil for a worm bed, till in a butt load of leaves.
Tilling in leaf is food storage at depth incase they get too dry on surface.
Then top with as much leaf as it will hold.
Worms live, eat and shit in the top 6".
Need shade and moisture, they do the rest.

Red wigglers are the master composters.
They eat and crap better than any other worm.
Google them up in you location, should be plenty of local worm farms.


Active member
What is stopping you from re-amending your old soil. $200 and a month of cook time.

Thanks for the suggestions. I would re-amend the old soil, but I would still need another 12 cu yd. of soil, so I don't have enough. Bumping up to bigger smarties this year, 200's. So I figured I could take the old soil and let the worms do their magic. In that manner I have good fresh reserve soil to use in the future, or to mix with this years soil next year which will need amending. Do you think that is a good idea?



Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the suggestions. I would re-amend the old soil, but I would still need another 12 cu yd. of soil, so I don't have enough. Bumping up to bigger smarties this year, 200's. So I figured I could take the old soil and let the worms do their magic. In that manner I have good fresh reserve soil to use in the future, or to mix with this years soil next year which will need amending. Do you think that is a good idea?


You mentioned a front end loader tractor.
If you have one, cuts a shit load of work out.
Great for mixing big batches.

To make your 10 yards of soil of any value from worm activity would require 100's of pounds of worms and many tons of vegetation, let alone about 2-3 years.

Even if you choose to do as planned, I would re-amend prior to worming.

Either way, you are heading in the right direction.


Nice ramps SG1. Those will help alot.

Cut down a little Noc and a GoblinGirl just now.:woohoo:

I know they're not much, but will work for me.:dance013:

Have another Noc veggin' and 2 OverLord seedlings.
+ trying to get 2 noc clones to root. It'll work this time.

y'all have a great weekend.


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New member
Hey Kit, welcome back to the minions.
Bummer with all your problems.
Hope the future deals you a winning hand.

There is a 50 post initiation/probation period before you are a full member.
So if something doesn't work, that's what's up.

Had to do some asking around to find where ya went and find out what happened to ya. I didn't want to lose you as a contact man you are good people. I look at the problems as just a bump in the road, I was building a career in my field and am still doing good in it and starting to turn a profit on my business so things are good there. I can deal with bumps in the road as long as there is still forward progress..

Goblin Queen was looking like it really loved the Aeroponics setup with heavy nutes, I wasn't showing any signs of burn and it just soaked them up and was REALLY looking forward to them. Original 6 beans gave me 5 females... Hope to get the same on this set of 6. I am also considering popping some Nocternal too and seeing what I come up with. I will be documenting with pics and video, hope to give the Minions something to look at.

I will get past the initial post limits, but only joined the forum for you and the minions so might take a bit. Most places will allow for youtube vids though so we will see what I can do to update.

Hope to get more genetics in the future to make up for my loss but we will see what the future holds. Trying to get the last of the money together to get out to the Cannabis Cup in CO this year still.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Nocturnal update continued.

Here's some Goblin Queens
Only 12 confirmed females from the mutated hoard.

Dark City Diesel babies and assorted cuts.

The seed sexing on GQs are inconclusive.
The high mutation rates eliminated 50%
What was left was 12 females and 7 males.
1 yard of used soil for a worm bed
Started with 5 lbs worms. Red wigglers are the master composters.

Veggie scraps
paper products
fall leaves
Tilling in leaf as food storage at depth incase they get too dry on surface.Worms live, eat and shit in the top 6".
Then top with as much leaf as it will hold
month of cook time.
Need shade and moisture, they do the rest.

Worms will take a long time to make that old soil useful.

I have to roll back all the vegetation matter and shovel a scoop at a time onto a trashcan lid and retrieve all the worms, then throw them back in.
I combined two of SG1's posts on how to compost incase anyone else wants some directions or a recipe.

Just have a couple questions.
1. What does 5 lbs of wigglers cost?
2. Should you avoid cardboard or ink paper? paper towels ok?
3. How often do you moisten? I assume you use tea's and water.
4. How long does it take for the worms to make the soil usable?
5. When the soil is going to be used did I see that right you sift through it to retreive the worms to add into the next batch of soil in the composter? Is it ok if some of the worms make it into the final pots?
6. Can they survive outside over the winter?
7. Do you have to turn over the soil every week or two? Mix it up?
8. What is the best depth of the soil? How high or low should the pile be? 1 ft- 3 ft?

Thanks to all that help contribute.

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