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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3

Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!

Med rec or no, you can not shoot someone over a property crime!

NEVER EVER EVER shoot a man for a property crime....love your brothers....invite them in for Tea, and lead cookies. :dance013:



Hawaiian Inebriatti
Death is not cruel, enough.

Death is not cruel, enough.

Hail no!
I invites 'em in for lunch!

E komo mai, tweaker guy!
C'mon by!

My dogs are late fo' lunch.

Mainland laws be different.

Fire at Will!
(Will's da one wit' da ski mask.)

Shoot some scumbag thief here, an' dey t'ink you are da "bad guy."
(Go figure)

You are jus' not mean enough my friend.
Consider this, "you can shear a sheep many times, you can only skin it once."
How you gonna inflict serious pain on some okole who be dead an festerin', in your driveway no less?

Dis an' Island brah, no place to run, no place to hide.
If any blood needs to be shed, it won't be anywhere that I have to clean up.
(Nevah dick aroun' wit a lazy guy)
Specially one as large an' mean as dis guy.

If I got a video, I gonna recover my meds!
And an apology!
An' depending on their attitude, an ear or two.
Woof Woof Woof!:D

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Well-known member
I Turn Around for a Minute....

I Turn Around for a Minute....

And we have the mods here.....nice work guys....

OK....which one of you assholes called the heat?

Jeez...I can't even comment or reply....but I will anyway.

With all due respect crop security is a necessary topic.

That's why I have a pile of dogs,...who just sit around evey day getting fat on my dime.

The hedges and sight traps are my first line of defence. You can't steal what you can't see. What you don't know about. That is 80% of the battle. Shit....

You think I wouldn't love to open this place up? Have all 21 in the gulch???? That's my wet dream.

Even thou I am legal, I still hide my plants so they can't be seen from ANYWHERE off my property....come right up to my fenceline and you won't see shit....go ahead....I checked already.

The dogs are 10%...more for show. Sure come over that fence....that 10% will maul your ass. See the first page (or second) for my comment on that.

The other 10% is off topic.

And Weez....

I've met you and you dogs....


Not scary....sorry...I calls 'em as I sees 'em....


Active member
sorry bro, probably was me, jojo is just illustrating the for real shit that is the wild wild west in some parts of BI. basically, if you are not invited onto someones property, then you probably shouldn't be there, but if you really don't know the area then it can be scary.

ok, back on topic. i can't remember reading OH, but do you still run ferts during season or are you all about prepping plots beforehand...you write so much i would probably be sitting here all night trying to search for that info :) easier this way, i ask, then wake up, and hopefully see the answer, den no need look lol

i remember back in da day, da braddahs used to time all of their grows here when still had sugarcane around the fertilizing schedules from the plantations...they said that even thogh the plants grew huge, they would just cut um right before cane harvest...only thing they said was that sometimes the ferts the plantations would use made the pakalolo harsh...just what i heard, as cane was way done by the time i got around to doing things :D

aloha brothers.


Active member
Sorry If in any way what I said was off topic.
And I would Never shoot anyone, or use a gun to harm someone. :) Just so you all know. :)


Well-known member
LSY...are you high yet? :wave:

Those little regrows you have in....still have a ton of time left to run. We aren't even to summer. I'd bet you money they'll get more than 3 ft. Now go burn that groundhog up.

The two holes with early flowers have me over a barrel. There are two things I can do. I could rip them up and put a new plant (or plants) there, or I can let them grow and get whatcha' get. I could knock the flowers off...but there wouldn't be much left....just a couple of bottom branches.

What I should have done was plant those two holes a couple of weeks later. Real easy solution.

No way to put lipstick on that pig.....Ouch. Seven of these aren't mine....but I get to pick,.... so let's just say I don't have to eat my mistakes. :)

Hawaiian... Less about ferts. More about prep. Dog shit and Osmicote 14-14-14. I'd rather feed them early, get them tall, and when they bud, slack off. When they start to bud 2 half strength 0-10-10 flood feedings. Then straight water.

Sugar loves N. They put 48-0-0 in the water. Every time I go in...Time release comes with me. That's it. I've heard the same thing about sugar weed being harsh. I don't think so...but I'm not "objective".

Sugar takes 20-24 months. They work the fields in 2 yr cycles. I'm long gone by the time they burn.
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Damn i luv when the ex goes to her boy friends, lol but im thinking so does he, lmao!

Damn i luv when the ex goes to her boy friends, lol but im thinking so does he, lmao!

Yeah well that groundhog dug it up for the last time, cuz its not to be found now. It started on the other about 4' away, but i didn't mess with it. I figure it will lose interest if i leave it alone. Every time i re buried the other, it just dug it up so it did not really hurt the plant bad and its only 8'' out of the ground. The one around the corner is getting greener and bigger each day. She doesnt know its there.

I was hoping for 3' plants so i hope your right. Its called Gordy's Spice #18. I looked it up but to high to remember the cross, but NL#5 WAS THE FEMALE USED TO MAKE IT. I hate when i do that and usually id fix it, but im to buzzed to correct something that no one will even notice, lol.

So, i have one that will make it and well lets just hope that groundhog finds something more interesting then diggin up my plants man. Maybe a male chuck, as iv only seen a chick mess up a nice weed plant and thats no shit man.

Ok time fur a buzz, peace:jump:im getting:smokeit::canabis:

Say what???

Say what???

Anyone besides me think that LSY needs to back off a little bit on the weed.

I also apologize for my conduct (for which ((in part or wholly)) we got scolded). I'm truthfully not the kind of guy to want to harm my brother....I am however a wiseass that from time to time needs a scolding (a spanking's even better). :)

I enjoy the participants of this thread, but have so little constructive to add that jerking folks around takes up the slack in the time it takes to grow the devil's weed.

If there are others that will join me in an intervention on LSY's behalf.....hallunicatory groundhogs are big trouble, believe me....I know.



Well-known member
That's Just So Wrong

That's Just So Wrong

I enjoy the participants of this thread, but have so little constructive to add that jerking folks around takes up the slack in the time it takes to grow the devil's weed.

I so hear you. Besides gloat, why do you think I do this grow log?

HRM....Your conduct? Your an ***hole. We get that. You live up to the label. I'm proud of you. Intrevention on LSY? No...we should all get that high.

They flew Green Harvest again. The third of the this year.

Girls are doing the summer jump. Trades are cranking, and we aren't to summer yet. Dog shit compost seems to be working.

Pic 1) Elephant. About 9 ft.
Pic 2) Jack. A little smaller.
Pic 3) One of the Thai crosses. She has 9 ft.
Pic 4) Jack x Rodney pulled over.
Pic 5) Kush x Rodney. This one will be a beast.


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Another great day

Another great day

OH them babies are huge man, like really freaking big man:jump: I cant even pick a fav, they all look healthy as hell all greened up and grinnin at the sunshine. Great pic's an like the shovel size indicator, it really gives us more to know what its like standing there. Of course(imagination required):yay:

Here is the start of my re veg's as small and ''Charlie Brown'' looking as they look, i see 3' and maybe a couple oz's for my outdoor quest. Now i will look up the other strain that crossed these little plants, but thought OH wouldn't mind if i tossed em up here.

The first is maybe 8'' and the ground hog has messed with it a couple times now, the last time wasn't to bad at all. If i could get to the hole id burn her out, but way to grown up now. Both look good, but both still not in full veg yet, but saw that we are getting pretty much 18/6 light. But doing well with little to no bugs :)

Oh the second pic is best as far as it has one branch and a bit taller at maybe 12'', but like i said no groundhog attacks. I may put out steel wool in hopes it will poke the fucker and just leave the 1st alone. I dont know any other way to keep it away and i cant swing any fence right now.

HMR ya ever think you might not be smokin enough:snap out of it:.

Thread will start soon OH:Bolt:

Anyone think can hit 3':jerkit:



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Active member
sick bro, looking like they going bust out huge, nice!

mahalo for the in-depth explanation bro, helps to round out my pakalolo knowledge, always nice to hear about old school grows.

i think the guys over on Kona side have it good, lots of straight sun, cool at night, don't hear too much about shit happening over there, still more expensive than Puna.

just happy where im at :D

aloha bro!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
got king kamehameha day off!
what a great day to see some fucking massive plants
thanks for the plants
hey keep your fingers crossed i get the dehuey today... im hoping ot be working late tonight chopping


Well-known member
It's Been Awhile, Since I've Gone and Fucked Things Up

It's Been Awhile, Since I've Gone and Fucked Things Up


Canni...yea the CD sucked. Why do you think I sent it to you?

Grey...The headband went off as soon as it saw the sun. It should be ready in a couple of months. The cuts I took off them have all rooted, and they are doing fine....as I hang my head in shame...inside.

Now when do I get to taste your latest? :wave:

Hawaiian...around where on BI you be?

LSY... I see you started your log. Gotta have faith...you'll get them bigger than three. Now go throw some time release on those. Want me to send you some?

We're on the downhill slide. Yesterday was the longest day of the year. For us it was a big 13 hrs and 25 minutes.

Each year as this trip works itself out I find myself drawn to one particular part of the garden. Like it calls me. This year it's the gulch. The plants on the bottom are bigger, but I did that last year and I know how it ends.

No doubt about it....Rodnette and her kids have my full attention. Rodnette is only about six ft tall, and she wants to flower... She will need a few more generations to adjust to our photoperiod.

His kids are the way to go. Rod as the daddy, with some already adjusted mothers, and we look to go long with none of this early bud shit.

Rod's kids at the house show big differences in structure...and all I have here is one of each. I hopefully have a bunch more in the cane. I want to see....and smoke...all the faces of Rodney.

Speaking of the cane, this goes against my rules, but we're gonna start checking them soon. I am VERY curious to see what took and what didn't. More on that later.

Summer's here and it rained yesterday evening. Tommorow the trades should came back and we are looking for next week to be dry, hot, and sunny. Back to perfect growing weather.

Pic 1) Rodnette
Pic 2) Diesel x Rod
Pic 3) Hash Bud x Rod
Pic 4) Kush x Rod
Pic 5) Pair of Jack Herer. Hope they count this as one.
Pic 6) Next on my to do list...harvest coffee.
Pic 7) this evenings sunset...another crappy day ends.


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Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3

Wazzup buddy
Things are good might have a sample to taste today even i gotta into the room and check before i head up towards the crater... If somethings snappy ill bring it and were getying high today about 4

Otherwise itlll be tomorrow. For sure.

The dehuey is rad... 70pint frigidaire... Got the rh lowered from 75(!!!!) to wherever i want between 40-50. The control is nice...

Talk at you in a bit


Active member
Hawaiian...around where on BI you be?

let's just say between honokaa and naalehu :D

East Side Baby :)

hope you don't mind, these are from a couple of weeks back, they are a lot bigger now...schromfrosts in the first few pix

last pix is of my TKx(SensiStarFrost) cross, she was my #1 in last seed cycle and tastes like budder/cream when done, i haven't seen her done outside yet, but this will hopefully finish...she is revegging i think but we see...she gets PM, she has it there, i know what to do, just gotta take care of it before it gets outta hand...schromfrosts don't give a fuck, but this is the second generation from seed already, so they are used to the windwards wet sides :)

this is my medical friends grow, two scripts...trash can grows :)

fed purely stutzman's and water, almost every watering/feeding, used promix and cinder.


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Active member
shit, that last pix wasn't the #1...ok first pix should be...:), she looks to be reveging, i was hoping for an early harvest to smoke, but its all good, let um go :)

pix #2 is of a pure moloka` frost female that my friend needs to replant into something bigger....she is in a 2 gallon pot, and killing it, believe it or not, that one may get the biggest/tallest out of all of these if given the space :D

pix #3 is of my big kanaka friend who is 6'6" and has some andre da giant hands almost...schromfrost leaf

pix #4 is the pre98 bubba, she is tasty :)

pix #5 is of some goodies i hand carried back from Maui :D

pix#6 is because i know you like dogs, here is my boy :) he is not a chihuahua :) best damn dog i ever had, period.

aloha brother, you take care over there, might make a trip sooner than later :)


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Down to one re veg, but its the better of the 3 so im glad i put her in a different place. Once shit dies down il take care of that damn woodchuck, if im still living here.

Luv the pics man, i want a damn coffee tree in my yard. I think i could give up the season change to be able to grow just about anything there and i didn't think i could before. But there would be just way more shit i could do there.

Looking great bro


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