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Mind Blowing News - indian tribe discovered in brazil



I bet they were freaked the f out. It's cool to hear about people like that, I really liked the movie Mel Gibson made Apocolypto. Living off in the jungle like that, crazy. I wonder what kind of ancient belief systems they have.

Don Cotyle

Naw, they were just gonna shoot down the giant dragonfly and feast for a month!!!

Yea lets give em Jesus and measels and send em all straight to heaven!!! WTF!!!


Registered Med User
I wonder how there females look... some tribal girls are fine as fuck then others have slumpy jug syndrome.


free your SELF
med_breeder said:
I wonder if that plane that snapped the photos,
was like a UFO to them. I wonder if after they explained their encounter to their tribe mates, they were looked at as we look at people who claim to have had encounters with UFO's in our society.<------man that was a run-on sentence

I'll go you one further.

What if the UFOs we see in our society today are the regular transport of another section of the human race that long ago broke off and lost direct communication with us? Just like us and that tribe...but on a larger/higher scale.

They are still as much human as we are. We have just been shielded off from each other for so long that one tribe (society) no longer believes in the existence of the others.

Now we are being revealed to eachother once again.

Man, this blockhead is some strong herb. :joint:


Registered Med User
They should land the helicopter and have some people hop out in those anti-disease suits..... Theyd freek out and think we was aliens!! if they do they better video tape it, that would be some priceless footage , ha ha ha!!
Just dont drop a coke bottle, ever seen the gods must be crazy? Then one of the tribesman will have to walk it to the edge of the world and destroy it.


Active member
Weird_Scottie said:
Just dont drop a coke bottle, ever seen the gods must be crazy? Then one of the tribesman will have to walk it to the edge of the world and destroy it.

Thats a good movie,its pretty crazy we are still finding tribes.They looked crazy too,all red and I saw one all black guy.They are probably cannibals.


Non Conformist


( crying my eyes out ) Leave Brittany, I mean the tribesmen alooooone! Jus leave em ALOOOOONE! WAAA-HHAAAA! LEAVE EM ALOOOONE !!! lol I don't know yall, I kinda find it hard ta believe that there are people any where that haven't been influenced by modern man in some way. Even if they refused the ways of modern man, they still have seen it in some form er another. I know they've seen a jet fly over, even if they might know what they are, they seen them. Later, BC

OG bub

ICMag Donor
who knows.. how could we even compare or try to figure out what they think..

I agree they should be left alone.. that most likely wont last tho, n thats pretty sad.
its all real interesting tho imo, n I think its verry cool they are out there like that.. kinda makes me think about how much we have yet to discover in this world.

Peace bub.


stoned agin ...
i remeber reading about the yanomamo in napoleon chagnons book, they were like this ... it was wild he lived with them for long periods, he learned the language and met some real characters. scary sometimes too. and they got high, it was really wierd how they did it.
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Collie Man

I think its soo crazy that these people are still living like this. I mean I have nothing against them at all I think its straight as shit! But just imagine pulling up to one of there huts in like a lamborghini, they would be like what the fuck???
But anyway my friends dad back in the day like in the 70's or 80's he went to peru or brazil..forget which one but he went on a hunnymoon with his new wife. First of all this guy is very smart and LOVES the outdoors and different culture and very smart about plants and wildlife. So him and his wife and some guy thats was from the region were canoeing down some river and all of a sudden some crazy tribal guy runs ahead of them. Then their guy talked to him in some language and they were all yelling and everything and then the guy let him take their other canoe that was attached to theirs. Well after the went down the river a bit the guy told my friends dad that they wanted the girl and him. But the guy talked the crazy indian dude out of by letting him take the other canoe. When he told them this she broke down crying and they spent the rest of their honeymoon in a hotel. But anyway a couple weeks before the trip some indians captured a white couple and klled them...then ate them...
Isnt that just nuts? Just imagine being captured by these people...


stoned agin ...
i like how they use the blowpipe and poison darts to pick off monkeys in the trees, but i couldnt eat a monkey, id feel too much like a cannibal.

you cant just go in their with modern civilization you will ruin those people. besides its a violation of star fleet prime directive :spank:
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