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Milo Yiannopoulos....What an interesting person.

All you need is love.

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right, all right, all right
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead

Did you know that the Beatles, along with many other well known bands in that era, and the entire hippie movement itself, were created and funded by intelligence agencies?

In many cases these various bands' 'members' were sons and daughters of military and intelligence. A well known example that comes to mind is Jim Morrison, who was son of Admiral Morrison.

Study those lyrics carefully. The entire purpose of that song, and others like it, was to undermine the anti-war movement, as well as anyone considering revolting against the corrupt U.S. government.

All of these various well known bands 'originated' from the Laurel Canyon area. There was a military facility there with its own movie and recording studio which is where such propaganda was filmed and recorded.

Charles Manson is another example of a Laurel Canyon asset. The "Manson family" murders never actually happened. It was a psychological operation which seemed to be designed mostly for distracting America from the economic fallout of taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

David McGowan thoroughly explored and exposed this topic in his book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. You can also read all of his research on the following web site:


NOTE: David McGowan was "cancered" within the past few years. As in, he was killed off by cancer to stop his voice and his research. Same thing has happened to other truth researchers who were close to the mark. His web site has been changed to a different format and I can't guarantee that all of the information is still there with nothing having been scrubbed out, however, it appears to be mostly complete. For the full story, buy his book or download it off a pirate site.

Prepare for your mind to be blown.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Its pretty well known ...Dutch Jews helped kick off the SLave trade... Caribbean Islands and Brazil....

Dutch West Indian Company

Jews were also plantation owners through out the South and owned Slaves ....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
OK, I'll bite. First off yeah Bush started the Afghan and Iraqi Wars because of Saudi Arabia funding and creating Al Qaeda most of the hijackers were actually Saudi Nationals including Osama Bin Laden.

But Obama has much more blood on his hands.

I actually voted for Obama on his first term because he promised to end the wars. Obamacare is not Obama's legacy endless wars are his legacy. Sure you can say he's half white but the Wars have nothing to with me, I voted for Obama to end the Wars!!

Then I voted for Johnson this last election because he was the only one against war, of course he had absolutely no chance to win, but he could have won if people didn't have that logic.

that's who I voted for.......


Well-known member
Did you know that the Beatles, along with many other well known bands in that era, and the entire hippie movement itself, were created and funded by intelligence agencies?

In many cases these various bands' 'members' were sons and daughters of military and intelligence. A well known example that comes to mind is Jim Morrison, who was son of Admiral Morrison.

Study those lyrics carefully. The entire purpose of that song, and others like it, was to undermine the anti-war movement, as well as anyone considering revolting against the corrupt U.S. government.

All of these various well known bands 'originated' from the Laurel Canyon area. There was a military facility there with its own movie and recording studio which is where such propaganda was filmed and recorded.

Charles Manson is another example of a Laurel Canyon asset. The "Manson family" murders never actually happened. It was a psychological operation which seemed to be designed mostly for distracting America from the economic fallout of taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

David McGowan thoroughly explored and exposed this topic in his book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. You can also read all of his research on the following web site:


NOTE: David McGowan was "cancered" within the past few years. As in, he was killed off by cancer to stop his voice and his research. Same thing has happened to other truth researchers who were close to the mark. His web site has been changed to a different format and I can't guarantee that all of the information is still there with nothing having been scrubbed out, however, it appears to be mostly complete. For the full story, buy his book or download it off a pirate site.

Prepare for your mind to be blown.

:laughing: uh huh, uh huh :bigeye:

As one of many old hippies still alive and on this site, let me be the FIRST to say "YER FULLA SHIT"! :smoky:


Well-known member
...... and another thing, betcha didn't know that in addition to being hitlers daughter........ I AM THE WALRUS!!!!!:tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
:laughing: uh huh, uh huh :bigeye:

As one of many old hippies still alive and on this site, let me be the FIRST to say "YER FULLA SHIT"! :smoky:

Now the thread has found its way into 'YER FULLA SHIT' territory, and before it lowers itself any further into a vat of steaming unmentionables, rendering itself vastly off-topic, is there hope for it yet?. Can it be rescued/salvaged from the pits of righteous profanity?, or will it be left to wallow in the doldrums, forever seeking 'The Truth', under a barrage of wicked invective?
:laughing: uh huh, uh huh :bigeye:

As one of many old hippies still alive and on this site, let me be the FIRST to say "YER FULLA SHIT"! :smoky:

Did you even read the 17 chapters of in-depth research I helpfully linked you to, before posting this idiot comment?

Did you do any research at all?

Of course not. You just spouted your ignorant opinion instead, like a typical arrogant fool.

A man dedicated his life to bringing this information into the open, and you just casually dismiss it with the wave of your hand, accompanied by an insult. Pathetic. Despicable.

Is it your goal to permanently associate the word "Aryan" with the word "moron"?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Did you know that the Beatles, along with many other well known bands in that era, and the entire hippie movement itself, were created and funded by intelligence agencies?

In many cases these various bands' 'members' were sons and daughters of military and intelligence. A well known example that comes to mind is Jim Morrison, who was son of Admiral Morrison.

Study those lyrics carefully. The entire purpose of that song, and others like it, was to undermine the anti-war movement, as well as anyone considering revolting against the corrupt U.S. government.

All of these various well known bands 'originated' from the Laurel Canyon area. There was a military facility there with its own movie and recording studio which is where such propaganda was filmed and recorded.

Charles Manson is another example of a Laurel Canyon asset. The "Manson family" murders never actually happened. It was a psychological operation which seemed to be designed mostly for distracting America from the economic fallout of taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

David McGowan thoroughly explored and exposed this topic in his book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. You can also read all of his research on the following web site:


NOTE: David McGowan was "cancered" within the past few years. As in, he was killed off by cancer to stop his voice and his research. Same thing has happened to other truth researchers who were close to the mark. His web site has been changed to a different format and I can't guarantee that all of the information is still there with nothing having been scrubbed out, however, it appears to be mostly complete. For the full story, buy his book or download it off a pirate site.

Prepare for your mind to be blown.

wow! like the Area 51 of Rock n' Roll.......
butt I'm sorry, not buyin' that at all.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
wow! like the Area 51 of Rock n' Roll.......
butt I'm sorry, not buyin' that at all.

Damn, got me thinking now...Hmmm, ...do aliens have rock bands?

Maybe they rock that area 51 out regularly? But how would we know?

ITS ALL TOP SECRET!....Shhhhhhhussshhh!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'd have been more inclined to believe that the govt has been the cause of so many young rockers dying continually, but I'm sure that this has been covered in another thread already.......


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Stoner...

I was just tripping out on some idea of a bunch of aliens hooking up at Rosswell/Area 51, where they are detained, they start playing music together, and make a band to get around the boredom...

My mind tends to run off on these odd tangents from time to time.


Active member
Hey Stoner...

I was just tripping out on some idea of a bunch of aliens hooking up at Rosswell/Area 51, where they are detained, they start playing music together, and make a band to get around the boredom...

My mind tends to run off on these odd tangents from time to time.

Sounds familiar....



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Hey Stoner...

I was just tripping out on some idea of a bunch of aliens hooking up at Rosswell/Area 51, where they are detained, they start playing music together, and make a band to get around the boredom...

My mind tends to run off on these odd tangents from time to time.

and you know me Gypsy, given a coupla hours I'd probably be able to find a pic or two proving that :)


NOTE: David McGowan was "cancered" within the past few years. As in, he was killed off by cancer to stop his voice and his research. Same thing has happened to other truth researchers who were close to the mark. His web site has been changed to a different format and I can't guarantee that all of the information is still there with nothing having been scrubbed out, however, it appears to be mostly complete. For the full story, buy his book or download it off a pirate site.

Prepare for your mind to be blown.

Hold on, "they" have the means to assassinate someone with Cancer ... but "they" can't kill a website or get rid of his books?

Wouldn't "cancering" someone be a horribly inefficient way to off someone?


ICMag Donor
Roswell (NM) and Area 51 (NV).....~1434 km (891 mi.) desert/high plains between the two. Conceivable music could travel....maybe aliens were the original ELO?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Elvis was a human/alien hybrid created in a laboratory in Sweden. Colonel Tom Parker, alias Dries Van Kujik, was his handler.
Elvis had both male and female organs and four nipples. His music was designed by aliens to suppress certain thought centers in the human brain, to make it easier for the aliens to control humans.
Ricky Nelson and Eddie Cochran were both 'clone brothers' of Elvis.

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