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Milo Yiannopoulos....What an interesting person.


Well-known member
Cannavore- how would you address the problem about people managing their own health and fitness that I addressed a page or 2 ago. And how much would taxes have to be raised to pay for this?

There are no quotas on your health or fitness levels.

See all this private expenditure under the US? Thats basically a private tax that would disappear in a public system.

None of my images are showing up.....
Google this - OECD Average Healthcare Expentures


Well-known member
Hitler was no worse than Stalin why Socialists try to say otherwise is just mind boggling.

Socialism brings on fascism/Communism.

You think the world is going to end without taxation you want the government to control everything? Well you are for Communism/fascism.

Want to talk about government lies? Hitler is not the founder of Fascism that goes to Benito Mousseline, he thought Hitler was foolish in his ideology of the master race, but eventually he had to work with Hitler, as the world was against him.

We can see what giving the government money and power has gotten us. Look into all the people doing life sentences for selling drugs even for marijuana. Look who's getting patents for marijuana billionaires with political ties.

I'm certainly not defending right wing politicians as both wings belong to the same corrupt bird. Sure I lean towards libertarian but I don't believe we should have a leader at all we don't need a government to have freedom in fact we lost our freedom thanks to Abraham Lincoln he didn't free the slaves only outlawed slavery in the south which he didn't control anyway. Slavery continued in the north and what really came out of the civil war well DC took control of the nation and we have not seen freedom since.

We did just fine before the War slavery was fucked up, but not many actually owned slaves, certainly not enough for the Confederacy to put up that much of a fight with the Union... Slavery was bound to end because even the Southerners had trouble making money when slaves worked for food.

Of course you won't learn the truth of the USA from government run schools you seem to love so much. Government run schools indoctrinate our youth with fake history that glorifies tyrants like Abraham Lincoln. But what can you do? The victors write the history books and indoctrinate the youth.

Obviously you won't change your mind on our authoritarian government when you want them to control even our health care. Funny thing is our government will pay for you to have a sex change but won't pay for you to have liposuction, breast implants or penis implants. Lol, I don't care if someone has a sex change but I wouldn't pay for it just like I wouldn't pay for someone to have breast implants, unless it was my wife but she doesn't need any with her double D's. :dance013:

Of course I probably wouldn't have married a woman with an A cup because I find cleavage sexy as hell so I probably wouldn't have been hitting on my wife when I first met her.

So why is a sex change OK but not breast implants? Even penis implants for men born with micro penises? I feel kind of bad knowing some men have tiny penises can't imagine how they can ever keep a woman. Certainly no different than a man who wants a vagina IMO but only sex changes are provided by Medicare. But I guess the government knows best....:tumbleweed:

rant city

i don't even know where to start


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
rant city

i don't even know where to start


I wouldn't bother trying Cannavore....

Anyway ....Hitler's 'Nazi' or National Socialist Party was all the rage in Germany back in the 1930's, so it is a bit shocking when Socialists of today find out that the most famous National Socialist of all time was Adolph Hitler....


Well-known member
except that he was a fascist as i've just proved with my bullet point post.

throughout history authoritarians have always used the populism of the time to get elected (soviet union used the populism of communism) hitler used the populism of socialism and worker movements. protecting aryan worker rights and slaughtering every one else is not socialism or liberal lol.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
except that he was a fascist as i've just proved with my bullet point post.

throughout history authoritarians have always used the populism of the time to get elected (soviet union used the populism of communism) hitler used the populism of socialism and worker movements. protecting aryan worker rights and slaughtering every one else is not socialism or liberal lol.

It does kind of muddy the waters though when the the exponent of socialism is not exactly following the version of socialism you relate to.

This happens across the whole political spectrum and there seems to be no standards of whats exactly required to qualify as a socialist, a fascist, a lib, a dem, a conservative, a republican etc.
These Champagne Socialists, and Liberal Conservatives are the modern Communist Fascists.....it all gets mixed up, and quite confusing with all of this merging politics.


Well-known member
except that he was a fascist as i've just proved with my bullet point post.

throughout history authoritarians have always used the populism of the time to get elected (soviet union used the populism of communism) hitler used the populism of socialism and worker movements. protecting aryan worker rights and slaughtering every one else is not socialism or liberal lol.
Wasn't Obama a liberal? I'm pretty sure he killed a hell of a lot of people all over the Middle East and Africa. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Wasn't Obama a liberal? I'm pretty sure he killed a hell of a lot of people all over the Middle East and Africa. :tiphat:

Obama's a moderate with Republican leanings and sympathies. So is Hillary Clinton. They both have/had right wing foreign policy.

Neo-liberals are center-right. Not actually liberal.


Well-known member
It does kind of muddy the waters though when the the exponent of socialism is not exactly following the version of socialism you relate to.

This happens across the whole political spectrum and there seems to be no standards of whats exactly required to qualify as a socialist, a fascist, a lib, a dem, a conservative, a republican etc.
These Champagne Socialists, and Liberal Conservatives are the modern Communist Fascists.....it all gets mixed up, and quite confusing with all of this merging politics.

or he wasn't a socialist at all and hated the left. political terms in america have no meaning on purpose. its to keep everyone confused and divided worrying about things they shouldn't.

it's real simple in america once you cut through the bull shit. there is no real left representation. both parties have shifted to the right. the "center" in america is basically what republicans were 30-40yrs ago.

Democrats are made up of corporatists and neoliberals and a smidge of actual liberalism and some scattered far left socialist and communist people movements, no actual elected commie or socialist representation. Mainstream democrats are centrists at best and moderate Republicans at worst.

Republicans have gone further to the right because the Democrats became the moderate Republicans. Modern Republicans are made up of corporatists, neoliberals, neoconvervatives, theocrats with a smidge of actual conservatism and american libertarianism.

Both parties are corrupt. But when looking at the issues objectively, it should be no surprise the democrats have better policies. But then again when you've been propagandized like some of the people in this thread to believe mainstream democrats are communists, you won't listen to anything they say.

champagne socialism = corporatism = neoliberalism it's all the same shit. handouts and subsidies for the rich and free market capitalism for the peasants.

Wendull C.

Active member
Obama's a moderate with Republican leanings and sympathies. So is Hillary Clinton. They both have/had right wing foreign policy.

Neo-liberals are center-right. Not actually liberal.

Obama is what? Hold the phone, explain that one to an ignorant pot head please...


Cannavore I commend you on your efforts.

But you are wasting your time with these people.

They will only suck you into their darkness and distract you from your own personal peace.

Have a good holiday season and remember no one escapes from their karma.

Oh yes, what the world needs is LESS being nice and MORE offending people.

Agreed. I've met so many supposed "nice people" who are actually nothing more than fake assed snakes with daggers clutched firmly behind their backs. What the world needs is more outspoken people like Milo, who are not afraid to speak truth to power. The world needs people who don't give a shit about who is offended when there is something truthful that needs to be said.

You will notice those who most despise Milo and want to destroy him, feel this way because he's gay, and as a gay man, he not only opposes the "fag agenda" (his words), but speaks out against it at every turn. He's not "playing ball" and helping along the agenda, thus he is an abhorrent aberration to the agenda pushers.

Personally I find it sad that his outspoken views make complete sense to you, but again, to each his own.

Apparently you haven't caught on to how Various Cocksuckers, when they can't attack someone's argument, will instead attack that person instead, cherrypicking some offhand comment he made and making a huge deal of it like we should focus all of our attention on that outrageous thing and ignore all of the other truth he's speaking. I'm not stupid enough to fall into that trap. Are you?
Obama's a moderate with Republican leanings and sympathies. So is Hillary Clinton. They both have/had right wing foreign policy.

Neo-liberals are center-right. Not actually liberal.

The truth is they are all puppets, and none of their stated "policies" matter, because they are all working for the same team. They only spout whatever rhetoric appeals to their chosen fan base/marketing demographic, based on opinion polls and trial balloon results, thus sucking hapless fools into the idiot "red vs blue team, R vs D" bullshit pro wrestling drama. As is desired, the result is confused peons arguing with one another in circles about nonsense, changing exactly nothing.


Well-known member
Obama is what? Hold the phone, explain that one to an ignorant pot head please...
Just off the top of the dome...

- Expanded Bushes 2 wars into 7 or 8

- Obamacare is a repackaged right wing health care plan.

- Used the espionage act to go after whistleblowers

- Cut hundreds of thousands of public (government jobs) and grew the private sector by millions of jobs (wow what a hard core socialist!)

- Bailed out Wall Street after they crashed our economy

- Cut the deficit in half (something fiscal conservatives pretend to be about)

- Doubled the stock market (again something conservatives say theyre about)

- Passed weak pro-wall street regulations

- Allowed offshore drilling

- Expanded the drone program

- Did nothing about the NSA

- Did nothing about money in politics

- Didn't close Guantanamo

- Did nothing about the Patriot Act

- Police Militarization

- Pro TPP

- Pro Libyan regime change

- Armed "syrian rebels" who later gave all those weapons to ISIS (the US armed ISIS)

- Deported 2.5 million illegals, which is a record. (Deporter in Chief)

- Signed the NDAA (repeal of habeas corpus and allowed indefinite detention of citizens)

- Drone bombed a US citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki ---- Trump actually did the same thing already)


Well-known member
The truth is they are all puppets, and none of their stated "policies" matter, because they are all working for the same team. They only spout whatever rhetoric appeals to their chosen fan base/marketing demographic, based on opinion polls and trial balloon results, thus sucking hapless fools into the idiot "red vs blue team, R vs D" bullshit pro wrestling drama. As is desired, the result is confused peons arguing with one another in circles about nonsense, changing exactly nothing.

Sure the policy matters. That's basically all that matters. Republicans are going to raise taxes on people making $75k or less. They want to cut "entitlements" aka earned benefits. They think climate change is a liberal or chinese hoax. Trumps been talking about getting rid of the Iran deal since he became president.... These are not good things and are objectively worse than the policies of the democrats.

There is one good upside about Trump and GOP control though. It's expediating revolution, as more and more people are actively discussing politics and are paying more attention to the political process. The media's Russia witch hunt and their non-stop coverage of Trump is backfiring. If we played lesser of two evils politics and voted in Hillary, we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion right now.

I've had my guillotine sharpened for years now. Just waiting for every one else lol :tiphat:

Wendull C.

Active member
Just off the top of the dome...

- Expanded Bushes 2 wars into 7 or 8

- Obamacare is a repackaged right wing health care plan.

- Used the espionage act to go after whistleblowers

- Cut hundreds of thousands of public (government jobs) and grew the private sector by millions of jobs (wow what a hard core socialist!)

- Bailed out Wall Street after they crashed our economy

- Cut the deficit in half (something fiscal conservatives pretend to be about)

- Doubled the stock market (again something conservatives say theyre about)

- Passed weak pro-wall street regulations

- Allowed offshore drilling

- Expanded the drone program

- Did nothing about the NSA

- Did nothing about money in politics

- Didn't close Guantanamo

- Did nothing about the Patriot Act

- Police Militarization

- Pro TPP

- Pro Libyan regime change

- Armed "syrian rebels" who later gave all those weapons to ISIS (the US armed ISIS)

- Deported 2.5 million illegals, which is a record. (Deporter in Chief)

- Signed the NDAA (repeal of habeas corpus and allowed indefinite detention of citizens)

- Drone bombed a US citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki ---- Trump actually did the same thing already)

So, basically, any dumb shit he did must be blamed on his conservative inner child? No true liberal would do all those evil things so he must be a republican... I get it now.

Wendull C.

Active member
Cannavore I commend you on your efforts.

But you are wasting your time with these people.

They will only suck you into their darkness and distract you from your own personal peace.

Have a good holiday season and remember no one escapes from their karma.


Yeah, like folks who leave racist rep messages and act holier than thou? I am sure all your cosmic karma is perfect genghis, your not a hypocrite at all. No way...


Well-known member
So, basically, any dumb shit he did must be blamed on his conservative inner child? No true liberal would do all those evil things so he must be a republican... I get it now.

the "dumb shit he did" is basically a list of republican wet dreams... so yeah.
the dude is a moderate with republican leanings even by his own admission. if he or hillary clinton were in european politics they'd be members of conservative parties.

the neocons wished they could have gotten involved in 7 different wars.

his "legacy" in Obamacare is a repackaged Richard Nixon plan that was backed by conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and guys like Newt Gingrich.

in other words the "liberal" Obama's shining achievement is a republican idea lol.


Well-known member
Just off the top of the dome...

- Expanded Bushes 2 wars into 7 or 8

- Obamacare is a repackaged right wing health care plan.

- Used the espionage act to go after whistleblowers

- Cut hundreds of thousands of public (government jobs) and grew the private sector by millions of jobs (wow what a hard core socialist!)

- Bailed out Wall Street after they crashed our economy

- Cut the deficit in half (something fiscal conservatives pretend to be about)

- Doubled the stock market (again something conservatives say theyre about)

- Passed weak pro-wall street regulations

- Allowed offshore drilling

- Expanded the drone program

- Did nothing about the NSA

- Did nothing about money in politics

- Didn't close Guantanamo

- Did nothing about the Patriot Act

- Police Militarization

- Pro TPP

- Pro Libyan regime change

- Armed "syrian rebels" who later gave all those weapons to ISIS (the US armed ISIS)

- Deported 2.5 million illegals, which is a record. (Deporter in Chief)

- Signed the NDAA (repeal of habeas corpus and allowed indefinite detention of citizens)

- Drone bombed a US citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki ---- Trump actually did the same thing already)

Alright, at least we have some common ground, you know the left is just as corrupt as the right.

Although I prefer Ron Paul over Bernie Sanders though I did vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary and he did get the votes in my state just not the bullshit delegates. Of course I probably would have gone with Johnson in the end as Bernie Sanders was not as against bullshit wars that have absolutely nothing to do with freedom here in America. He was also going to raise taxes even if it would only effect the rich the rich will never move their corporations back to America with even higher taxes just for them.

Socialism might work out just fine if it's on a global scale, but then half the people on Earth will have to die, Hitler knew it and he tried but the rich worked against him so they can live like Kings. As unfortunate as it is a Socialist paradise requires a lot of death unless you want to turn the USA into Cuba then it will be somewhat peaceful other than the countless attempts to overthrow Fidel Castro.

Marx did have a decent plan of course the rich don't see eye to eye, they don't want to be equal they want to be royalty along with their families. Makes no difference where their business is forced to move, they want to be filthy fucking rich not only for themselves but generations to come.

If you think the British Royal Family or the Saudi Royal Family wants to live amongst the peasants, you are sorely mistaken.

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