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Mike Vick & Barry Bonds



barry bonds is just a free agent from what ive seen becaouse the giants could come to agree with a contract. they were going to be above the sal cap becaouse bonds wanted more money. hes still a free agent. i would love to see bonds again to play for the giants again. i just hope the 49ers get back as they used to be. they need a good qb and not a cry babby that gets hurt over anything.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Igro, have you ever seen the movie 61* ?

It is one of my all time favorite movies.

Ahh shite, brain fart....61...thanks Ran....actually I haven't seen it. Pretty good, huh?

Roger Marris was one of my favorite throw-back players....baseball of yester-year was a completely different animal.

Such is progress....I think :laughing:


Active member
barry bonds is just a free agent from what ive seen becaouse the giants could come to agree with a contract. they were going to be above the sal cap becaouse bonds wanted more money. hes still a free agent. i would love to see bonds again to play for the giants again. i just hope the 49ers get back as they used to be. they need a good qb and not a cry babby that gets hurt over anything.

There is no salary cap in baseball. As for Bonds being kicked out, yeah, hasn't happened. I don't really care about steroids personally. Baseball players have been cheating since there was a game. I'd rather see some amount of PEDs permitted under doctors use, but if you go out on your own you are will be banned. Would be better for the game and safer for the players.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Maybe because Barry Bonds cheated at Baseball and Michael Vick didn't cheat in Football?

I would like to see a "Steroid League" for all sports....see what can really be done--

Great, then Lance Armstrong can do his juice in peace hehe.


I look at Barry Bonds as a victim of his attitude more than his steroid use. Lots of players that used steroids are still around playing. That alone is not the reason for his being blackballed. It comes down to this, is it worth hiring BB on your team knowing full well all of the bullshit that will come with him and the possible morale issues your team will have (was TO worth it to the Cowboys, not in my opinion, he destroys team morale).

In fact I look at the steroid issue as not a failure of the individual players but as a failure of the league. Owners knew it was going on...hell, anyone that has ever hung out in a real gym knew it was going on. By not addressing it they put the players in a horrible situation...do it and compete or not do it and possibly lose millions of dollars. The players did what humans do...what they had to.

I think Mike Vick will have a hard time getting a job. He wasn't exactly the poster boy for NFL behavior towards fans anyways. Same issue...does your team want to deal with the possible morale issues...does his talent bring more to the table than his persona possibly damages the team. If you are the Raiders back in the 70s he is probably worth the risk, if you are the 2000s Cowboys, fuck no, you learned your lesson.


Active member
707corridor - that is just retarted. He got blacklisted period. If you think he is just a free agent then in five years when he is eligible for the hall, will he get in? He is the best player to possibly ever play the game, he deserves to be in the hall first year. Will that happen? No!!!!! Because he got blacklisted, period. Don't believe that the Giants wanted to "rebuild". They went three seasons without Barry Bonds and had a record under .500%. If there is any astrix next to Bonds name it should be one stating that he should of had 800 home runs. And by the way, baseball has no salary cap, and the Giants are no where near being taxed for to high of payroll.


check this out... speaking soley on the impact of SPORT in regards to wins and losses...

Barry 'alledgedly' cheated the game. Never been proven... not yet anyways... not like Pete Rose 'cheated' the game. (Though i don't think betting on yourself to win is 'cheating' in the sense the outcomes of the games are comprimised, but he was definatley breaking the rules associated with being a person in charge of running a MLB ball club.) GAMES/RECORDS WERE POTENTIALLY COMPRIMISED, PERIOD.

Vick hasn't been found guilty, or even 'alledged' that he cheated the game. Nothing he has done has comprimised the outcome of a football game during game play. NOTHING.
He was found guilty of dog fighting - not making an illegal forward pass. While his off the field activities are big blow socialogically, he hadn't been found to 'use a different sized ball', or anything of that matter to damage the purity of the outcome of the game.

has vick even signed with a team yet? how sure are you he's not being blackballed by the owners... that the commish is doing what he is doing as a 'front' so that Vick can not sue and say his civil rights are being kept from him.....


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
when barry was using roids they all knew. And it was ok cos there wasnt a steroid policy in MLB, and on top of that it was an even playing field cos all the others were using too. So idk what the big deal is clean house and give em all a chance to redeem.. as for vick thats a bit more touchy cos there are animal lovers and you cant tell them diff. But animals are killed everyday on farms slaughter houses and in animal shelters.. why are those guys not in jail? And if they were should they not get a second chance? please no arguments.. Im just commenting i personally dont like either player.. I did enjoy watching barry go for the record.. peace..



I can't really compare Barry Bonds crime and punishment to Michael Vick's. Barry Bonds used steroids and cheated and gets a fierce tongue lashing from fans and talking heads here on out, Michael Vick owns a house that operates dog fighting and he does prison time. Personally I don't feel like they haven't done enough to Mike Vick. I really have no problem with what he did to be honest. Barry Bond's crime was cheating his sport, and Mike Vick always played his game fair.


707corridor - that is just retarted. He got blacklisted period. If you think he is just a free agent then in five years when he is eligible for the hall, will he get in? He is the best player to possibly ever play the game, he deserves to be in the hall first year. Will that happen? No!!!!! Because he got blacklisted, period. Don't believe that the Giants wanted to "rebuild". They went three seasons without Barry Bonds and had a record under .500%. If there is any astrix next to Bonds name it should be one stating that he should of had 800 home runs. And by the way, baseball has no salary cap, and the Giants are no where near being taxed for to high of payroll.

To be fair, the reason Bonds will probably get ignored for the HoF (at least for the first few years)is because of his relationship with the writers. They can cite the his steroid use as a reason for keeping him out. Bonds receives the ire of the purists because he (for good or bad) broke one of the most cherished records in sports. McGwire will also be denied the HoF, since he broke the record first, but Barry has gotten the most because of his personality, his relationship with the press, and his smashing of TWO such coveted records.

I say all this as someone who really despised Bonds, but over the last year or so, I've gotten over it a bit. I do think that out of all the big names of the steroid era, Bonds was probably the guy that needs 'roids the least. He was a perfect 5 tool player that every scout dreams about. I have no doubt in my mind that he did steroids, his body transformed in the same way Sosa's did.

As for being blacklisted, I think you are inaccurate in this assessment. I will agree that no one wants to sign him, he is not really worth the baggage. But as far as a collusive effort? No way. Looking to his possible denial ino the HoF, that is not related to the owners, Gm, and so forth. HoF is determined by the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) and nobody else. This goes back to what I was first saying; like it or not, if you are a total dick to the media you could very well be denied into the HoF if you give them ample excuses. not saying that is right, but it is the reality of the situation. :)


First of all you have to be officially retired before you get on the list to be voted on.
I have actually heard that he hasn't retired yet officially as to prolong the time between now and when he gets on the list for voting in hopes that the writers are little more lenient I've heard this is why Sammy hasn't officially retired yet either.

Also I never said anything about Salary cap. i know baseball doesn't have one. someone else in ANOTHER post mentioned that. I mentioned Salary room in general.
Plus when a team Rebuilds...it doesnt happen over night. It takes like you mentioned like 2 or three seasons. Come on...I hope you watch more baseball then I'm assuming.

In all unlikely hood I bet his perjury case gets dropped.

Wow Bull dog I also like how you only jumped on me when I even mentioned I dont like asterisks and mentioned Barry shouldnt be banned, which he isnt...like many others have said. You should read the post a little better next time.

Hey Grayskull- I think your right and wrong I guess lol. They have records that Barry was on the "The Clear" program (But didnt know exactly what he was taking) but was funny is that that PED wasnt a banned substance by the MLB when Barry was using it. I've always liked that little part of the story. Good point on the whole civil rights deal with Vick. I hadn't heard that angle.
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Active member
They have both done their crimes and now they are paying the consequences.

I think it's fair to let Vick back into the NFL because his conduct had nothing to do with football. It's the same reason why it's fair for MLB to ban Barry, because his conduct had everything to do with MLB on so many different levels. Atleast he gets to keep the cash and his freedom!


Active member
Sorry 707 if you felt like I jumped on you, i didn't mean to. All I am saying is for the last three years a team could pick up Barry Bonds, the best hitter in baseball history, for the leauge minimum. Why in the world would a team not take advantage of that? Purely because of the baggage? I think not. If that were the case then no team would pick up Vick either.

I truly believe that baseball put out a silent black list and Barry's name is at the top of that list. Maybe this is because if they banned Barry they would have to ban like 100 other players. Instead of doing that and ruining the game of baseball, they just blacklisted Bonds.


i think vick should have been took out to the middle of nowhere and let the remaining pits eat his ass alive and bonds should be fined and kicked out for a year or two then allowed to return if any team would want him ,but thats just me


Active member
One other point that I would like to add that some other people touched on is Barry Bonds never had anything proved against him. Also, he never broke any rules of baseball. Now they have rules against the steroid he was taking, but not back when he broke the record. With those two things in mind why did he ever get any static for anything?


Active member
Sorry, have to disagree that Alex Rodriguez will be Barry. He has another 10 years of great play before he gets close to any of those records.


Manny and Big Pappi appear to be next in the parade. It is sad that individuals are being crucified when it was the system that was broken. Performance enhancing drugs are everywhere in this society...how many musicians/public speakers don't do beta blockers? How many school kids get Ritalin or whatever? How many military pilots aren't jacked for long missions?

The message is clear, win at all costs...just don't fucking get caught cause then we got to make an example out of you so we can keep up the we are a morally superior nation...:wallbash:

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