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Mike Vick & Barry Bonds


Active member
I started to talk about this in another thread but I decided to open up my own so I can get others opinions on the matter.

Does anybody think that it is messed up that Barry Bonds got kicked out of baseball for "alleged" steroid use (yes, we all know he used roids) and Mike Vick murdered and fought dogs and didn't get banded from the NFL? I am from San Fransisco and loved watching Barry Bonds so you could say that I might feel more strongly than most about this. With that being said, don't you guys and gals feel that what Mike Vick did is way worse? I think Barry Bonds got over penalized and Vick is being let back in to NFL when he shouldn't.

I am not saying that Vick didn't serve his time because he did. Also, he deserves a second chance at life, but I don't think that new life should include football.


in the thick of it
I think what Vick did was horrible. However, as stated earlier he served his debt to society. He didn't cheat to enhance his game as Bonds (or nearly all other baseball players have done). It's not like he killed or tortured people. Seems like we as society would have been more forgiving of him if he had taken human life. I'm not excusing his horrible actions, but he's been penalized.
I'm a HUGE football fan...and I've hated Vick being in my division....and not because he was "amazing" but because the press was constantly talking about how incredible this dirt bag was....just like his brother....who happens to be a thug too! I don't care where he goes or if he is even in the league. The fact that he paid his debt to society should be enough to allow him back in the game.


Active member
So just because somebody cheats they should be banded from a sport? Should every spit-ball throwers be banned also? How about the runner on second that steals the catchers signs, ban also? Nobody ever proved that Barry did anything, why did he get banned? Just recently Manny Ramirez got caught with estrogen pills which are used to hide hi testosterone levels which are a sign of steroid use. He got suspended for 50 or so games. Why such a big difference in policy?

Vick did some thing way worse than cheating. He killed and tortured animals, gambled on dog fighting, and had drug deals and usage on his property. I believe athletes have always and will always search for an advantage however they can find it. Such is the nature of an athlete. As far as role models go, I would rather have my child modeling themselves after Barry Bonds then Mike Vick.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Im with you Bulldog. What they did to Barry sucks. No one has proven anything and Barry was quietly blackballed. Now we will never know what could have been.
I say look back and tell me when you ever saw a better match up then Eric Gagne (juiced to the max) and Barry Bonds (juiced up ). Gagne throwing over a hundred... Bonds fouls one off over the right field fence. Gagne comes right back at Bonds ... throwing over a hundred and Bonds smacks the ball into the bay. What more could a baseball fan possibly want. For this we blackball Bonds ? Fuck football and micheal vick

I hope Barry sues them and soon the official name of major league baseball becomes BarryBall.


Active member
lol, I couldn't of said it better myself.

That at bat was legendary. I saw a ton of Barry's big home runs. 500,600, 660, 756. I will never forget them.


in the thick of it
I suppose what I was trying to get at is this....both Bonds and Vick were wrong. I used to be a huge baseball fan...until the strike...then I was done with it. I don't think anyone who gets caught cheating on the game should be allowed to play. There are far too many people that would gladly play sports for a living and not cheat or do screwed up things...and would be actual role models, who cared about their integrity and the love of the game. Ramirez is just the latest dirtbag...ban his ass too. How can anyone validate a players statistics when they've used steroids or other banned substances?
I'm not a fan in any way of Vick, but if he has satisfied the governments punishment then leave the bastard alone. If some team picks him up, they'll have to deal with it.
As for Barry...anyone who watched him play baseball from the beginning and saw how scrony he was to become this massive dude has to know that he had a little help gaining.


Pleasantly dissociated
i say leave both those guys alones, they both helped their sports but both fucked up, both have paid the price, leave them alone

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Barry has been shafted

25 years from now, he will have the same ground support that pete rose does tp get into the hall of fame. Look at Jim Rice, he should have been inducted 15 years ago


Barry and Mike fucked up. Mike fucked up worst but he's paid a "Kings Ransom." Mikes a football player, that's his trade. If he was a carpenter and fucked up at his gig, he'd get fired from the company. However he would still be able to be a carpenter somewhere else right.

Barry use the juice but so did alot of guys. Barry gets blasted cause he's not the media darling. I have this one point about the whole steroid thing.

If there 200 MLB player on the juice and Barry hit for more HR, RBI's and Av. He's just plain better. You can't tell me 7MVP's are bogus. If they don't vote Bonds into the H.O.F they should burn it down because he's the best player I've ever seen and I see Pujols every day.


Active member
Justa6655321 - Why?

Shawkman - Leave them alone? Am I bothering them somehow? Both have paid the price? So shouldn't bonds be able to come back?

Here is my point about Barry Bonds. Imagine you are Barry Bonds and in 1999 you are one of the Elite players in baseball. You work hard your whole life to get where you are, then all of the sudden, Mark McGuire and Sammie Sosa start hitting 70 home runs. You think to your self, dam, how are these guys getting away with this? I have way more skill and natural ability yet these guys are making history. So, what should I do???? If baseball didn't want Barry Bonds to take steroids then they should have done something about it 3 years before his 73 home run year.

There should be no * next to his name. Just as there is no * next to Hank Arron's name either. Not sure if people know this but Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs in a 158 game season. Arron hit his in a 162 game season. No * there. No * next to Mark McGuire's name. Why Barry?

Another point, in from the early 50's until the late 80 and even into the 90's guys were using affedrin (sp) in order to get a leg up. Now that is also not allowed in baseball. Should all those records get * by there name also? The thing about baseball is it is a skill sport. Strength has something to do with it, but just because he took steroids does not mean that his 760 something home runs shouldn't count. It takes a ton of skill, and longevity to get to the level Barry Bonds was at and no player in baseball is even close to that right now. The only play that has a chance of getting there is Albert Pulos. Has anybody tested him? He is huge.


Active member
707 corridor - Ummm, yes he has been banned. He got blacklisted under the table. You think the Giants would have really let him go when he was filling every ball park he played in? His agent even up intil the all star break was talking about how Barry would love to return to the game. He wants to come back but has been black listed, period.


Well-known member


I don't care where he goes or if he is even in the league.

Vick needs to go to whatever team/city has the least amount of dogs. Like a junkie, he needs to stay away from things that could make him excited, and cause him to relapse.

If Vick does get picked-up by an NFL team, the odd's of him succeeding are slim to none. No ordinary team would give Vick the possible chance of success and overcoming his monstrous past.

He needs to go to a team like New England or Pittsburgh where he would be surrounded by professionals in the locker room. Both Bill Belichick and Mike Tomlin would force Vick to act like a man, and walk a straight-line. New England would be better, because Belichick doesn't really care how the fans feel, he only cares about his team. And no other coach in the NFL is better at insulating his players from the media world than Belichick.

I just hope he doesn't end-up in Tampa. We have enough problems without a Mike Vick.



The Hopeful Protagonist
How much stronger do steroids make you ?......10%....20% ?

Vick fails as a human being, Barry just tried (illegally) to get better at his trade. There are/were alot of cheats in baseball, but because Barry broke records he was singled out moreso than the rest.

If you ask me, the most exciting time in baseball was the race to beat Marris's 63 home run record between Sammy and Mark.....2 guys you KNOW were juicing without a doubt.

A record that stood from 1961.....would it still stand if steroids weren't in the mix ?

Who knows...

Barry's numbers will forever be flawed now, fairly or unfairly.


Barry has not been Banned from Baseball. If that were to happen there would be a pretty good uproar against Sammy, Mark, Manny, Palmeiro to get banned as well. Since it hasn't happened, and I hope it doesn't, none of these guys deserves to get banned. Being banned in order to entertain us is not the fairest of deals.

The Giants let him go because the massive amount of bad publicity and legal troubles that Barry would be going through up until he left. Everyone knows this.Its the same reason why no one will sign him to come back. Also he arguably didn't have too many seasons in him left. Unless he became a pinch hitter or a DH in the AL. The Giants were looking for a rebuild after Barry. Keeping him would have tied up some precious salary room.

Also I live in the heart of Giants territory. I don't hear any of them crying for Barry to come back. It seems like the Giants in not signing him again were the first to blackball him.

Randude101: I agree. They'll -put an asterisk agaisnt all those who got caught. I don't like the idea of the asterisk because I think it's easier just to acknowledge this era as the Steriod Era. It was fun while it lasted.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I believe it was a mix of collusion and the bad PR that was in the news everyday (Thanks Senate Judiciary for clearing that all up with our tax dollars) that worked against Barry getting signed.

He could have been a DH in the American League for 3-4 more seasons at the very least....maybe have 800 home runs total....wow....800 home runs !?!?!?!?!?!


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