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Mike Vick & Barry Bonds


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
To think that theres no collusion in keeping Barry out of the game is crazy. Who in their right mind wouldnt want the most feared hitter in baseball in the playoff stretch?? and for league minimum ? Im sure it will be worth close to a hundred million to Barry by the time hes done with the league in court.


To think that theres no collusion in keeping Barry out of the game is crazy. Who in their right mind wouldnt want the most feared hitter in baseball in the playoff stretch?? and for league minimum ? Im sure it will be worth close to a hundred million to Barry by the time hes done with the league in court.

League minimum??
Sorry...we are talking about Barry Bonds, right?
Do you seriously think for one second Bonds is willing to play for league minimum??
Do you understand that league minimum is $400,000?

Again, I am not blaming Bonds for using steroids (which he did do!). I am just saying that he has gotten most of the public ire because of who he is, what he's accomplished, and how he behaves.

Again, you also can not overlook the BBWAA. In 1942, they voted Joe Gordon as MVP over Ted Williams.
In 1942
Joe Gordon batted .322 18 HR 103 RBI 88 Runs .491 SLG
Ted Williams batted .356 36 HR 137 RBI 141 Runs .648 SLG
Ted Williams won the triple crown and led the league in Runs. Know why he did not win MVP? Because the writers hated him. :mad:


Alot of folks think Barry's a bad guy. He just didn't like how the media treated his father so he gave em shit and didn't kiss their asses. He's paying for it now. But I still don't know where "Baseball" is going to hide his 7 MVP's.


Active member
Linenoise - Barry has stated that he would play for the league minimum and he would donate his salary to charity. He and his Agent has said this publicly. So the answer to your question in yes, Bonds would seriously play for the league minimum.

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