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midwest growers unite

Uncle Remus

Baba: CMH are great...Been using a 400w in my closet since last spring and I love it...Runs a little cooler than a reg HPS IMO...Aircooled hood keeps temps with 2deg of rooms abient temp...Smoke QUALITY has really improved, taste as well as the buzz...Yeild is about the same...They DO NOT run on electronic ballasts...Highly recommended for smaller grow

I use 80w tube flouro's for veg and find that they work great...Just keep the tops of your plants within 1-2 inches...My total cost for my veg lights was about $40 including bulbs

Here's some pics of Reservoir Seeds Double Strawberry Diesel...Day 30, from clone, 2-3 weeks veg, flowering under 400w CMH, bubbler using Res' "recipe"...This pheno smells EXACTLY like fresh strawberrys...If you close your eyes and take a big sniff, you can picture the strawberry in ypour hand:

Whole closet, 2 C99's on the left, DSD crammed in on the right:




Main cola:


Side buds:



ICMag Donor
Uncle Remus-great shots of cindy. very frosty stuff. does it smell like pineapples or grapefruit?

bababooey-master before moving on, there is a learning curve with all styles of growing, coco is no exception. it's difficult to get the perfect amount of runoff with the right nutrient levels with the same pH. also i only do run to waste and it is a lot of water if you don't have a source near by. enzymes eat dead root matter so you can reuse the medium and feed at the same time. you are right-h2o2- is good to rid of fungus and kill nasty shit in your system.

all you need is a good timer-cheap pump- a large rez -aquarium heater-air stones/pump-1/2" tubing-hole puncher-drip lines-drip stakes, then plants on trays to collect runoff. easy hydro setup. check pH and plants for 5 minutes a day.


Horse-toothed Jackass
OC: What do you mean by a 'manifold'?
I looked up that blumat system: http://www.growstore.com/detail.asp?itemnumber=445
They'll water everything within 10 inches of it. Does this mean they're only used for large plants?

WC: Are you on a homemade drip system now? I'd like to see your implementation of the blumat drippers. Seems like they would be good for tree-style growing...

UR: Wow, Uncle, are you saying I can get plants like that with a 2-3 week veg under my 80w of flouros? I know that if I get them real close the clones WILL veg. But I have them hanging on wires now, so its a pain to raise and lower them. I think I'm going to get some tow straps (straps that have buckles on them). I use them to hang my HIDs, but I think now's the time to get them for my flouros. :joint: I bet that DSD was 8-10 inches tall when it went into 12/12. If I can get nice bushes like that, I wont have to run so many clones either... Or, I could veg it less, less than 2 weeks, which would work better for my rotation... I gotta think about this.
You've just about sold me on the CMH too. They're not too bad pricewise, and I think I'm about due for a bulb change anyway... Well, sometime this year at least.

RE: I like the idea of just mixing a res once a week or so and being done with it. When you check ph, are you checking the ph of the runoff? If it's off, do you then change the ph of the res? What does the aquarium heater heat? I thought the res should always be cool...
Also, do you have a separate res for the plants that are being flushed, or do you flush all your plants at the same time? If you're running different strains, some might finish quicker than others, but I guess if some plants have more amber trichs than others it's not the end of the world, so long as everything's fully mature...

BTW, anyone watch the Super Bowl? Pretty good game. I was rooting for the Cards a bit, just because they were the underdog, but Pitt made some big plays down the stretch to pull it out. Here's a question: do the Cardinals do well next year, or was this just a fluke? I'm thinking they might be a legitimate franchise from here on out, which is as astonishing as the Detroit Lions becoming a good team. Sorry, you Michiganders...
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Uncle Remus

reddy: The pics in my last post are Dbl Strawberry Diesel...My Cindy pheno is dank candy/pineapple with a definate skunk odor (thats an understatement) if harvested between 40-45 days...45-55 days she gets more like skunk/rotten mango, and its pretty much impossible to hide/cover the odor...MUST be stored in a jar especially if harvested later

Baba...When its almost time to flip my clones, they are basically touching the bulbs...When they are this big I ALWAYS have a fan blowing directly on the bulbs to keep them cool...You can keep your hand touching the bulb for as long as you want...Cool to the touch...Just be sure to watch out for burning/hot spots where the fan flow might not be reaching

My first setup in this closet...Tried to keep EVERYTHING inside a 2ft x 4ft closet...WHEW talk about cramped



Horse-toothed Jackass
UR: Wow, those plants are right up against the flouros. And just a fan blowing on them wont cause leaf burn? I think I have a spare fan around here...
That last shot really gives you an idea of how small a space you're working with. So you've got 2 DSDs and 1 Cindy in there? 3 plants in 3 tubs? Took a look at your growlog, I know you scrogged your last run, but if you can pull anything close to that harvest x3, then you'll be set. :joint:

Did a bubble bag run a week ago. Here's a pic of all the frozen trim/immature buds in the bags, with snow on top.


This is the 75u trim. The 160u trim that came before it was greenish and gritty.


The 20u is looking good!


Nice little piles of wet poo. :rasta:


Cozy Amnesia

Hey midwest growers, hows it going?

Would any of you fine gentlemen know how the Kansas vs. Baylor game turned out?

Here's how we grow in the bread basket of emerica:




Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
Wake n' Bake set-up....

Wake n' Bake set-up....

:joint:here's my set-up in the mornings......

at 1 o'clock of the picture is a "Domina 13" male & letting mother nature work for me so i can collect some Domina 13 pollen.

Ice for my bubble bags again letting mother nature do the work for me b/c i dont have a fridge in the house im growing in.

"White Domina" it was pollinated with "Domina 13" pollen. Then 24 hrs. later it was put in front of a fan for 1 hr. and rotated evry 20 mins, so the extra pollen doesn't pollinate my whole garden. when the white pistils turn brown and shriveled up it means the pollination has taken. Hope this helps.:joint:

Mt Toaker

Nice phil, good idea with the fan blowing off the extra pollen. . . I feel like the resin would stick a lot of it to the plant. Still, great idea! I don't get those ziplocs full of air though.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
let mother nature work for u...

let mother nature work for u...

I don't get those ziplocs full of air though.

ziplocks are full of water for my bubble bags..frozen outside. Hope this helps.


To whom it may concern, some ppl have asked if i can get more of them vaporizers from Joey bag of donuts. Joey did stop by a couple of wks. ago and he sed them vaporizers sold out very quick. He did have somethings that fell off the trucks though and they were boxes of steaks and filet mignons so I took a box of each. I will let ppl know if them vaporizers ever fall off the trucks again. Hope this helps.


Cozy ---

It looks like you moved on out of the green monster! Are you still running the 150w or did you upgrade? Also, let's see some pics of that sexy little Herer clone! Any info on it? Doing a selection on JH is a bitch, but once you find a good pheno, you'll never let her go!



Well I think my major problems are behind me. I thought I remembered how to do things, but obviously made some mistakes. The biggest mistake was my poor NLXBB that got cooked by 120 degree box when exhaust fan failed. I should have proven out my cabinet before putting good genetics in it.
Patience would have been helpful.

My other major mistake was putting nutes to tender little plants too soon.

In the end I'm not in too bad shape. I have a 2 1/2 foot tall plant from some pretty good bag seed that is less than 4 weeks from harvest.

I managed to get 5 clones from the NLXBB while it was in bloom but before I cooked it. All 5 rooted, and are now in bloom. The new growth is goofy looking on these, but so far it looks like they will be compact. I am a little concerned that with all the stress, the flowered cloning, and the goofy growth, that I will get goofy buds.

I will hope for the best, and also hope to get a mother out of the 5 clones.

The bagseed plant stretched a little much for my cabinet. Instead of tying her down, I topped her, and am trying to get the top to root. I was left with about 8 main colas at equal height.

The biggest and bestest news is that a buddy gifted me some rooted cuttings. 3 blueberry and 2 trainwreck. I will admit I am not that up on modern strains. I have smoked each of these, and found them to be great.

I'm sorry to say I fell in love with NL almost 20 years ago, and can't shake the fascination. A farmer buddy of mine bought some seeds from a catalog (before the internet) from that guy in BC. He planted them in his corn fields.

That sweet piney taste...OMG...and the 4 hour truly stoned high. I truly believe it ruined me for life. I cannot turn down fine tasting bud. Hopefully I can continue to progress and get a perpetual harvest. I might even learn to love something else.

Here's to good friends who drop off rooted clones, and to good pot. Hopefully we all can have the liberty referenced in someones signature where a founding father liked to sit on his porch and cop a buz.

Cozy Amnesia

Cozy ---

It looks like you moved on out of the green monster! Are you still running the 150w or did you upgrade? Also, let's see some pics of that sexy little Herer clone! Any info on it? Doing a selection on JH is a bitch, but once you find a good pheno, you'll never let her go!


Thanks man, yeah out with the old in with the new. I still got the 150w but I'm upgrading to eather 300 or 400w soon, once I find a job, lol. I have no idea what pheno the Jack Herer clone is, but I'm hoping for the best, everyone has had nothing but high praise for this strain!


Jayhawks won 75-65. Collins broke the school consecutive free throw record with 35. It was too close for comfort toward the end.

Oh they did, did they...hehehe

Midwest growers, lets show the world how it's done...
