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midwest growers unite


Active member
Hi Babs,

i get most of my shit online. Its cheaper. i just like to stop by some of the grow shops every now and then. Makes me feel a little old school when you actually had to talk to someone. There is a place by me that i've been going to for almost 20 years. I've known the guy that owns it and have become friends with him.

i also get my dirt there - shipping for that sucks.


Hi folks. Something new here.

I obtained a quarter oz of something being called "passion fruit." When first purchased it smelled kinda like someone vomited in it. Then that smell gave way to a sweet fruity smell combined with a smell that I call "cat piss." I had several indicators that tells me this strain carries a good concentration of other cannabinoids.

The bag had a few seeds in the buds and two of us tried to grow these seeds. My friend wasn't able to get them going. I managed to get two seeds to pop of four I was trying.

They came up stubby with very wide rounded leaves. Then one of started to flower without any shift in light timing. It would be great if they were male and female.

These two have grown side by side.

One is obviously a female. The other?

pf from seed to the right. AK47 from cutting on the left

top node of potential male

Mid node of potential male

top node of female



bird - spidermites suck balls. the only thing i could kill em with was my hydrohut syndrome. bought some foxfarm don't-bug-me, but it don't work the best even though it is a high seller.

never been to brew-n-grow, but midwest hydroponics is the best shop in this area.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I get most of my stuff at Walmart, Lowes, Menards, and HD. The Seeds come to me direct from overseas.


I stopped by to post a bit of info on my grow. I know you guys don't have all the details. This isn't my diary/blog site where I posts the day by day adventure that is my grow room. So if you're lost, that's okay, so is everyone else.

I repotted call it a transplant if you will my four WW that are a month away from harvest. The soil in the containers had sunk about 2 inches and I was concerned that the loss of the 2 inches would cause my plants to under perform. It only took a few minutes, and now the plants have two more inches of earth to fill.

In the veg box is coming along with 4 ICE and 2 Mazar. They are in flower now as they prepare for the move to the flowering box. So far I have 1 ICE female, and 1 ICE male. The two began showing 1-2 days ago. The male came out first.

The female however had a light accident and stunk up the place. I was like sitting around in an odor free room and suddenly the scent of growing pot filled the air. I checked and a light had slipped and caused a plant to be stressed. I tended to the crying baby. The next day, the plant showed it's sex and she was female.

Nothing really to learn hear other than stressed plants can send out an odor. As soon as I get a second ICE female, I'll move one to the flower room and let the other female produce seeds. Not sure what's going to happen with the Mazar. I may just move any females into the flower room and forgo any seed production.

My perpetual grow expected to have 1st harvest 2-1, with a second 3-1. I may have to shut her down. The veg box isn't tall enough to flower a plant for a full month. Only a week and I'm out of space. Plus, making seeds means delays. I have 8 packs of seeds I need to copy. If I have gone with the WW instead of the ICE, all my plants would be in flower, and my 3rd batch of WW would be germinating. There would be no delay waiting for plants to shed pollen, pollinating the other.

Best of Luck in 2009!


Have any of you guys had experience with worms way hydro store. I have heard it's pretty decent, but still am sketchy of going to a hydro store, because around I wouldn't put it past authorities to write down plate numbers, or follow you home.


Well dk---

In my book, rule one for visiting a hydro shop is a buddy's car and never go straight to your grow afterwards. Do some shopping after the hydro store, pick up groceries, go out for dinner etc.... Prolly overkill, but one can never be too careful.



Active member
you can never be to safe and i still watch what i'm doing. However, i think it depends on where you live and how aggressive the cops are there. i think its way too difficult for most cops in a big metro area to take the time and effort to bust you via a grow store. i think its almost an imposibility. 1st by me they would have to follow my through 3 cities back into a major city. 2nd, think about how many people go there a day - 10 to 100 multiply that by 6 or 7 days a week and thats a lot of people to watch. then just becasue the cops see you there doest give them the right to enter your home. so they would need more probably cause. 3rd - cops are lazy and would rather be looking for an easy bust. the cops around me can pick up a drug dealer on the corner within minutes almost anytime of the day. Or speeders or whatever. How about a Drug Task Force or something like that? you would have to be pushing pounds out of your house on a weekly basis for them to care about you around here. Crack, meth, herion, cocain are all more of a priority - you think any task force is going to spend hours and hours of manpower on a home grower - or even a home grower that grows for all his friends - no way!

ok ok, before someone tells me about how they know this guy that.....

i'm not saying it absolutly cant happen but in a big city with lots or suburbs most likly it wont - unless you live in a small town or the police want to make an example out of you. Or, if you are flaunting it in front of them.

a trip every now and then to the grow shop isnt goin to kill you

but that said and i'm ramblin and high - i still watch my back


Bonsai mothers of the midwest!

Bonsai mothers of the midwest!

GHS TrainWreck, Dutch passion BlueBerry, GHS BigBang

Two TrainWreck up front and BigBang in the back under 600watts


What's up everyone?? I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday.

I haven't had much going on besides a consistent string of frustrating unsuccessful germination attempts. Although I realized my place was a little more dirty than I ever want it to get, and I'm assuming that had something to do with it. After a nice hard cleaning I dropped 5x Mandala hashberry f2s into a clean shotglass with a few drops of superthrive and peroxide, the same way I've been doing it, wait 24hrs and drop 'em into a peat puck. After 48hrs in the pucks 3/5 are above ground and I figured while I was having some luck I'll drop the remaining JLP SDxOG f2s I have, which is down to 3 after 4 never made it.

I also got my fan/filter from htgsupply a couple of weeks ago, so I'm ready to start setting up the cab. Because of the time constraints of the holidays (lots of stuff to do), I was only able to take off the drawers and saw through the inside shelf to get it out of my way. Still a ways to go on that but I hope to have it setup and running by early Feb.

Dr. G

Active member
astartes said:
Dr. G ---

Great to see ya back up and at it! What did you finally decide upon to get out those grout stains?

100% bleach no scubbing lol it worked well


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
facelift said:
I get most of my stuff at Walmart, Lowes, Menards, and HD. The Seeds come to me direct from overseas.


I stopped by to post a bit of info on my grow. I know you guys don't have all the details. This isn't my diary/blog site where I posts the day by day adventure that is my grow room. So if you're lost, that's okay, so is everyone else.

I repotted call it a transplant if you will my four WW that are a month away from harvest. The soil in the containers had sunk about 2 inches and I was concerned that the loss of the 2 inches would cause my plants to under perform. It only took a few minutes, and now the plants have two more inches of earth to fill.

In the veg box is coming along with 4 ICE and 2 Mazar. They are in flower now as they prepare for the move to the flowering box. So far I have 1 ICE female, and 1 ICE male. The two began showing 1-2 days ago. The male came out first.

The female however had a light accident and stunk up the place. I was like sitting around in an odor free room and suddenly the scent of growing pot filled the air. I checked and a light had slipped and caused a plant to be stressed. I tended to the crying baby. The next day, the plant showed it's sex and she was female.

Nothing really to learn hear other than stressed plants can send out an odor. As soon as I get a second ICE female, I'll move one to the flower room and let the other female produce seeds. Not sure what's going to happen with the Mazar. I may just move any females into the flower room and forgo any seed production.

My perpetual grow expected to have 1st harvest 2-1, with a second 3-1. I may have to shut her down. The veg box isn't tall enough to flower a plant for a full month. Only a week and I'm out of space. Plus, making seeds means delays. I have 8 packs of seeds I need to copy. If I have gone with the WW instead of the ICE, all my plants would be in flower, and my 3rd batch of WW would be germinating. There would be no delay waiting for plants to shed pollen, pollinating the other.

Best of Luck in 2009!

Im sure you seen this but just in case you have not. This might help you out with flowerin some males in the same grow?



Horse-toothed Jackass
JU: brewngrow is always a nice store to go to, the staff is always helpful.
i know what you mean about being afraid to go to the store; only one verified incident where cops followed a guy home from a hydro store and it was some foreigner who immediately admitted to the cops and let them in the house. its safe, really, and brewngrow also sells brewing supplies and a lot of people brew their own beer.

PB: how do you know the strain carries a lot of other cannabinoids? the type of high, or a mass spectrograph?

FL: would having a second veg cabinet, used as a male flowering chamber, solve ur problem? is that ur problem, u need a separate 12/12 area for males?

LI: sorry to hear about your germination problems? i use the paper towel method myself and it works pretty well for me, i dont know if it would help in ur situation because ur method sounds very thorough.

This is a little project i worked on over the weekend: a colloidal silver generator. this is two silver wires sticking out of styrofoam shoved into the mouth of a jar of distilled water.

shot of the water

u can see the silver wires in the water.

Five hours later you get this.

the wire looks tarnished/dirty where it was submerged into the water.

Looking to self some seeds, maybe one clone out of every batch. im not gonna harvest the pollen, just leave it in there and hope i dont get too many seeds. it's not breezy in there, i have a circulating fan but its higher up (sucks cause it doesnt really move the branches, but that's fine with me i can always prop them up when they get too heavy).
Last edited:


this shit is bumping like godzilla in my trunk. rims chopping, kicking like damn they know karate.

sweet progress everybody

booey - that silver generator is dope. i need to try that sometime.


does anyone know if you upload pics from a phone to your comp, then to icmag gallery if the information is then stored in the gallery from your phone?


Booey - silver generator looks sick!


yes there will be information, abot what kind of phone, or camera, etc, but not the phone number most likely, there are programs out there to see whats in there besides the pictre. and depending on yor level of paranoia yo can get rid of that information
i think this might be the right prog http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

can anyone recommend early finishing outdoor Strains?