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Well I had 4/5 of the Hashberry F2s, one was a runt so I just tossed it with the one that didn't germ yet, also 2/3 of the remaining SDOGs popped too, they're both pretty small and looking stunted in comparison to the 3 Hashberrys, the remaining I tossed as it was a under-developed seed and I have 2 that did survive so woo hoo.

When I get home tonight (time permitting) I think I'll transplant them into some 16oz cups and get them vegging under some more intense light (just a single 26w 6500k CFL for germination). It's exciting to start back up again, I think these gals (fingers crossed) will enjoy the 150w cab when it's set up.

Also, Baba, do you have a PS3? After I finished the last main level in LBP the name I came up underneath for the score was "Bababooey144" or something, I know it was bababooey and 3 numbers. Probably coincidental, but I'd love to play ya sometime if not.


Horse-toothed Jackass
DJ: ive often thought about using an aero cloner. it would allow me to skip the step of rooting clones in peat pellets. those 18 site ones arent too expensive to buy, and looks like u can make em with stuff from hd. i have an aerogarden (bought it used) that i have used to root clones before, its pretty sensitive to temps (too warm and cuttings wont root) but that was when my room was warmer than it is now. i might have to break it out again and give it another go, im always looking to tweak my setup.
The cano's pretty sweet, although you cant get big rips out of a bag (i guess thats the point though). might have to start using it again, although ive been focusing more on bongs lately. :rasta:
That Vapormatic is totally retro-cool! must be a hoot to fire that thing up. except for the writing, most people probably wouldnt know what it is...

RE: i wonder if you could throw a little space heater into ur grow, if you have room. one with a digital thermostat wouldnt be too expensive, maybe $30, and it would shut off when it hits the desired temp. you wouldnt get those pretty colors, but your turnaround would be normal. they do draw some ampage though, and u might not have the amps to spare (wouldnt be worth it if it kept tripping the breaker).

LI: alas, no, i dont have a ps3. they are pretty sweet though, what with the bluray and all. i have a 360 and play online with friends though. that other bababooey must be another stern fan: it's from the Howard Stern show.



Active member
sweet pics gents

So, saturday i'm sitting around baked out of my mind watching football and i smelled something buring. Ran downstairs and there were flames shooting out of one of the outlets on my wall. i flipped the breaker on the main house and it stopped! i had the 1k watter attatached to it and the washing maching. Dont know why the circut breaker didnt shut it off but thank god i was home! not only did it burn the fuck out of the outlet but it melted the timer, the cords and part of the fucking wall.

So, now i have a Diesel, fruity, and burnt rubber smell really going on! I'll call this batch "the electric" or something like that. I can just hear the peeps now saying "damn bro this shit is so dank it reeks of burnt rubber and grapefruit, with a hint of burnt porwercord and drywall"


Buteo Jamaicensis
thats seems to be the norm lately, shit popping on people and them just catching it. my ballast was blown and running for a day awhile back, caught it right before it could get worse than a high pitched whine.


Horse-toothed Jackass
JU: man, stories like that really bring out the noia in me. thats why i sometimes get nervous when im away from my grow for an extended period of time; i imagine that ill come back to a burning home.
why do u think the breaker didnt trip? did you replace the breaker with a larger amperage that your wires couldnt support? was it the ballast? i need to know these things so it doesnt happen to me...
Good thing u were home at the time, bro.

AB: what's a blown ballast? it was whining? does that mean it would have caught on fire eventually?

Yeah, i noticed icmag changed its color scheme too. freaked me out at first, thought icmag got hacked there for a min... i like this new look though, getting used to it.


Active member
Was a lil' worried!

Was a lil' worried!

I missed the memo too! It kinda felt like that "one day" when I tried logging on to OVERGROW! Scary! Thank god it's just an upgrade... Thanks guys! The site looks wonderful! I can't wait to use the ICMAG radio! peace, love.......s.free


I saw the title of a topic "Upgrade coming soon", I was just leaving for work and planned to read it that night only to come home and find the upgrade had already taken place. I might need to post this, or it may already have been (Just got home, and this is the first thing I've checked) but when you click last page or whatever it loads the very first of the thread, and that's sort of annoying. Other than that it looks pretty nice..

I got the 3 Hashberry F2s and the 2 JLP SDOG F2s transplanted into 16oz cups and vegging under 2x 23w 6500k CFLs. I guess this round it's the battle of the F2s, which lady will win my heart? Stay tuned to find out. Lol


Active member
Baba - dont know why the breaker didnt shut off. probably becasue i caught it so fast. I' having the worst luck with hardware this grow. had a 600wt bulb blow, 2 timers broke and almost a fire...WTF......

hey where do alll you guys get your vaporizors?


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
lost- i just flipped my first round of sdog f2's. got some cuts for next round and am planning on doing a f3 run to have a nice large gene pool to select from


Active member
it was shitty old wiring - the outlet was 50 years old. i replaced it and havent had a problem since...

i also lowered the amount of juice running through there...

Uncle Remus

Hey guys...Just saw this thread and was wondering if a proud citizen of the Peoples Republic of Illinois can join MURDA???

Would love to share some knowledge and techniques with you peeps

Someone drop me a line...Gonna start reading this thread all the way thru

C U peeps around


Horse-toothed Jackass
Im getting used to the new look, i kinda like it. variety is good.
took a min to find out where my gallery went. thought upload pics wasnt working but it does, thats good.

JU: 50 year old wiring? ah, ok. im safe, my wiring is modern. hate the thought of flames spontaneously shooting out from my outlet. whew.

UR: a fellow Illinoisan! welcome.


my newest tub of flo (maybe a few nycds in there too). clones are yellowing. N deficiency? i think so. added some more floramicro. hope they prosper. still cant get it dialed in...


this tub of flo clones has been in for some weeks. not thriving either, although i will get some good smoke from it, just not as much as i should. spots maybe a mg deficiency? added some epsom salts. i think the prob with this tub was that the clones were flowering when put in, so stretch was minimal. lightproofed my room since then so hopefully clones will still be in veg when put in the closet.


the thai stick. the phosphoload is really working, getting some actual buddage now, not that you can see it. leaves are yellow because of light burn but also because it needed nutes, so put some more in - not too much cause it stretches when it gets a shot of nutes.


my poor single Super Star in soil. not thriving, but not dying either. did the fact my room wasnt lightproofed affect it (it sits under flouros but when it was daylight the room got brighter so maybe it thought it was on some weird 12/12 cycle where the night was only a little less bright than the day)? im rambling here. hope it makes it, it was a gift from a fellow icmagger.


10 nycd clones rooting. im still working out the kinks in cloning, sometimes i can get them to root in a week, sometimes it takes 2 weeks or more. sigh.


one of my sdog f2 seedlings. i need to repot these, bury them up to their necks, but my bag of soil is buried under 2 feet of snow and ice. i have friends in the SW where its hit 80 this past week. did i tell you there's an icicle taller than me hanging off my roof? yeah, its been that kind of week.

murda, murda...
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