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midwest growers unite

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Got 'em friday! Doing carnival, snow dog bx1, Blockberry (if they ever put out tails), LA Confidential, SourBlueberry(sour queen x BB) x Chem D bx1, C4xC99, F13, and one or two to be announced.
Maybe: Blue Moonshine, Grape Krush, the JLP F2's, SD IBL x Mississipi Mud, SD IBL, or SD IBL x AK47.
What would you guys pick for the top 2 out of the 6 maybes?


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Retardo Motabon said:
Got 'em friday! Doing carnival, snow dog bx1, Blockberry (if they ever put out tails), LA Confidential, SourBlueberry(sour queen x BB) x Chem D bx1, C4xC99, F13, and one or two to be announced.
Maybe: Blue Moonshine, Grape Krush, the JLP F2's, SD IBL x Mississipi Mud, SD IBL, or SD IBL x AK47.
What would you guys pick for the top 2 out of the 6 maybes?

Blue Moonshine Please please please please. I always wanted this strain, but couldnt afford it. So Looking at awesome pics and grow of it will do.
Then i would have to say Grape Krush.

Oh did i say BLUE MOONSHINE :rasta:

One more thing

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That's a ridiculous lineup RM, sounds like fun bro.

The JLP f2s were waiting safely so likely gonna pop a nice sampling of things tomorrow. Probably will run them all in hydro alongside the cuts in coco that we'll be starting in a week or two.


Horse-toothed Jackass
MURDA it is, I guess. Sorry, Cannabeard. At least now you can use it in clever ways, you know, when you need a synonym for violence. :rasta:

PS420: That's some beautiful country out there. IL is mostly plains, but there's some good patches of forest out here. If you had some land abutting a forest you could get away with a lot. It'd take thousands of cops to search a forest on foot, and even then they might miss a small patch. With chopper and plane flyovers, so long as you're subtle you should be ok, unless you're unlucky. :joint:

Retardo: I guess people want the BMS cracked, so I'll go with them.:rasta: But my second choice would be the SD ibl x Miss Mud. I've heard a lot of good things about the Miss Mud.

Haven't checked my safe addy for JLP's giveaway yet, but im hoping they're there! :joint:


i'm aboard on the train...

yo pokerman check out the farm if you want to see some sweet pics. i haven't uploaded them here yet. one of my unrooted og clones that i rushed into flower still in the peat puck didn't make it, so i replaced it with one of the rooted purple wreck clones. only got 2 og's but the bud should be worth it.


Active member
lc00p4 said:
first and foremost, who do some of you think you are? coming into our thread and telling us you don't like our name. you guys do know there is a group called fuckem which is a little bit more offensive, but it's supposed to be...

if you haters don't want to stay here and share good info, knowledge, and wisdom, leave please... start your own group and see how long it takes before you come up with a fancy acronym.

First off ...OUR thread, I thought it was for ALL the Midwest peeps....this is exactly what I didn't want to happen...and since I am the most recent one to have said it, so I feel it is aimed directly at me...If you actually read what I said this comment wouldn't have sounded/read so harsh......I tried to make my point as unoffensive as I could as to mot piss anyone off, evidently I didn't do a very good job. I am sorry that I even spoke up. And if you look at the members that actually had a say in the name, I would say that it is a few, a minority, compared to the whole of the group, since it did take a little while for people to find this thread.....And from your comment, the think [box] think, in your sig....to me is laughable...because that is exactly what I was trying to do and allow everyone else in on it.

MURDA it is, I guess. Sorry, Cannabeard. At least now you can use it in clever ways, you know, when you need a synonym for violence.

This was a little more coothfull and I appreciate it, and kind of think it was funny ....thank you for the consideration. Stay cool

As for everyone else, and the others that gave me positive rep stating that I spoke well and didnt like the name either...a big thank you....But I guess not everyone thinks like us

For a nonviolent group to have a name associated with the most violent act out there is pretty ignorant, and maybe I will find a new and better way to express this hobby that we all love.

Peace and love, and good health to all....even Koopa, I say that because I singled you out (because I felt you did me) I have no hard felling towards any here....keep doing what you love and I hope we cross paths in a better tone next time....one love my Midwest peeps


Horse-toothed Jackass
Cannabeard: It's all good. I still think you have a cool name, for some reason. Stop by when you can, spread the love, sharing and caring is what it's all about, when you come down to it. We're all in this together, even if we don't know it... :joint:


But murda can mean so much more than just killing another human, our acronym besides standing for what it does can stand for murdering the competition, or we have the killer weed.
Its just an acronym that catches attention do to it being taboo, i dont think anybody was ever like murdering people is cool so lets tag or growing association with it.

I know i for one am all about peace, and have seen nothing from koopa but mad respect, i think he just got offended, because this thread is pretty awesome and so is the group and he took your statement as knocking our group.




cannabeard, you seem to single yourself out for no reason... by our thread i meant all of us in the midwest crew prior to your discovery of this thread. only for debate sake? you said you weren't trying to stir up people's emotions, but you want to start arguing over it? you aren't thinking outside the box if you keep dwelling on the name and how you feel it doesn't have positive meaning. look how many pages, posts, and members we have. plus it's an acronym...

dkmonk is on the right page. see how he thinks outside the box? the name has certainly attracted a lot of attention because look where we have come. i've met the coolest people here, so why change now? murda is taboo...

now this thread is scattered with filth from haters. we were always about a positve movement and so far it still is. just because some of you guys feel offended, doesn't mean you can try to tag negativity to the name. we aren't about that, so please stop trying to step on toes.
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I'm not trying to perpetuate the argument but it is worth noting that 'Murda' is not a word at all. If it is alluding to the word "Murder" I would hope (and the positive tone of this thread also suggests it) that the name is satirical in nature. The slang term 'Murda' when associated with something as inherently nonviolent as Marijuana culture, I feel, is more of a commentary about the absurd vilification the production and consumption of said plant has received in most modern societies. At a less analytic level it is also true that this thread was started after the 'F.U.C.K.E.M.' thread and that the name M.U.R.D.A. is probably more poking fun at that group's own seemingly offensive name.

That said I personally don't use the term 'M.U.R.D.A.' to refer to this thread/group and I don't really see any need to force people to use the acronym (and as far as I can tell no one is forcing anyone to do anything here). 'To each his own' is a tired cliche but it holds true in this case. When I first saw this thread I thought the acronym would be something like "M.U.G." since the thread is titled Midwest Growers United. But honestly I don't see a need for an acronym at all and so I don't mind if some people use one and some don't. Regardless of what name we use we are all, in this thread, growers in the Midwest; and I think we can all agree that that in itself is a good thing unaffected by the label you apply to it.

Now back on topic here is a pic I snapped a few days ago of my overgrown space:

The tallest plants are Green House's Strawberry Haze, they were all between 4"-7" inches when going into flower and after just 20 days the tallest 3 are between 38"-42". Simply absurd stretch. The odd thing is there are two phenotypes that are hardly stretching at all (under 24" while their sisters are 3ft+), which brings into question the authenticity of the genetics...

Ignoring the stretch I've definitely got a better feel for the limits of the room. I was shooting for 14-16 plants and I think that would have been easier to manage but a bit of luck got me 19 which is definitely overcrowded for this space. Luckily all the plants are more or less healthy and exploding with growth and soon I'll hopefully have some bud porn to share with y'all.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
many would disagree since treason or even rape are considered worse in some circles.

at least we're not the Retro Active Plant Engineers

idk, im ripped and i feel u guys should squash this. it doesnt say murda on the thread title so refer to our midwest click however the fuck you want.

pull together guys for the good of my lungs!


Buteo Jamaicensis
dontstepongrass said:
at least we're not the Retro Active Plant Engineers

finally someone with some humor :laughing: technically, its Dr. Gs thread, he started it. MUFF, MURK, MURDA, MACK, MORK, MINDY, you know whatever suits you, as long as that M for midwest is first whats it matter? not much in my eyes :joint: bad news fellas looks like the FFAs will be no go's :badday:




A midwest thread. Cool. I'm in Indiana, and have had a few grows. I haven't posted much, but have learned a lot from here and when Overgrow was up. I keep trying to improve.

I started with 3 48 watt CFLs. Then I tried 100 watt hps. Now I am going to try 400 watt hps. All have been in a box. My 1st was an old fridge. Then I built a box. I'll be in a new fridge now. I use a bubbling bucket, but am not married to it. Usually I use rockwool cubes in a netpot, but have used just foamrubber. I typically use a dayton blower with a scrubber, but this time I am using the fan on the fridge to push air through a scrubber.

My strains have been limited. Mostly derrived from NL. I smoked some 20 years ago, and fell in love. The sweet taste is intoxicating and leaves you wanting more, and the high is intense, foggy and lingers.

Right now I have 4 NLXBB sprouted from amsterdam that were in a drawer for more than a year. I am waiting on a new bulb and then they will go in the fridge. I am going to try the 30 plant 400 watt perpetual grow.

If anyone would like to help me diversify my portfolio, and is within driving distance maybe we could meet for a beer or a buz and I would gratefully try your seeds. As far as the name...I am certainly drawn more to muff than murda, but that's only because the smell is so intoxicating.



M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i'm not going to beat ya up for it, but asking to meet face to face with other ic'ers on your first post throws TONS of red flags in my face. maybe thats just the paranoid pothead talking...

in the words of Kur(d)t Cobain: "...just cuz your paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you..."