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MicroSOG DrBudGreengenes Stylie.

Hempy, do you reckon it's best to have spiral bulbs at an angle like that or horizontal at the top of the grow? Not sure meself but I only have room for the latter so here's to hoping.. Nice grow setup by the way :D
I just try to keep them 1 to 2 inches from the plants. They are a lot flatter now that the plants are taller, and it gives much more even coverage as I begin to get rooted clones to populate the SOG.
The first clones are starting to swell, and the difference between a clone and the seedlings is amazing. The seedlings yielded 7-10grams dried per plant with wide nodes and not a lot of fill in. This super bud seedling is going to be one giant budsicle. Alternating nodes and better growing skills I guess. :jump:



Just Call me Urkle!!
Thats a nice lookin bud broski.. yea I think the 2nd time for both of us is turning out better
Superbud Clone week 4 of flower. Just starting to fatten up and build trichomes. This clone will easily yield twice what it's seedling parent did. Much tighter nodes and fatter bud growth.

The smaller plants are all clones from the flowering seedling taken about 3 weeks into flower. They are very "stalky" and look like they will form many popcorn buds rather then one big budsicle. Still in the stretch period, they are 3 weeks into flower.

Everything is budding out nicely, fatten and crystal time as they start week 5.

Unintentionally supercropped this little clone in week 2 of flower. It stayed really short and will have the best bud density by far. All of 6 inches high. This Superbud would make a great PC grow strain. No skunk in the smell, it smells like vanilla and berries, and will stay really small and be loaded with bud sites if you flower at 1-2"

JackKerouac said:
I like your pictures comparing seed vs. clone bud density. K+

There is no comparison, the clones are going to yield a lot more. I guess I would need to veg out the seedlings until alternate nodes begin to form in order to get a similar bud density.


hey hempy I have followed all of your threads, I am wondering what is your preferred method of growing, is it dr bud style, or your bucquet? It seems the dr bud style is a bit less to maintain since you dont have to water as often?

...mine are coming along


hempybucquet said:
The smaller plants are all clones from the flowering seedling taken about 3 weeks into flower. They are very "stalky" and look like they will form many popcorn buds rather then one big budsicle. Still in the stretch period, they are 3 weeks into flower.

I'm confused.. you took the clones from the seedlings while they were in flower? did you put them straight in to flower or veg them out a bit first?

I kinda got confused after you said the first batch of clones died and you took the second set.


Active member
Did the yield come even remotely close to 1gpw? Or was that a big lie that DrBud had you guys believing and hopelessly chasing?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Clowntown buddy... come on dude reread DrBuds thread and you will see that he says to achieve that you need to have your strain dialed in which my Thunder Goo is so you will see real soon over in my thread...


Active member
What's there to re-read about "any idiot with half a brain and any strain" ... "7 grams/plant is EZ" ... "2-4gpw is EZ with any strain" ...?

Seriously, you don't think I understand the concept and importance of dialing in a strain, room, etc? If you want to learn how to go from being a non-grower to a grower, maybe DrBud has something for you. If you want to learn how to become a respectable grower with respectable skills, you're following the wrong guy who's out for fame, "plagiarizes" threads, makes useless YouTube videos, and so on. Ever notice how most of his larger plants are in 1 gallon pots, and not 20oz bottles?

Why is this guy needing to lie so much, and needing to avoid answering questions regarding EXTREMELY WILD CLAIMS he makes so much? Is it because he's full of wild exaggerations that got out of control while trying to seek attention from those who don't know better?

It's great he wants to help and teach, but don't talk it up and act like a university professor and disrespect people while having the skills of a kindergarten teacher.

DrBudGreengenes said:
This is a EZ example of the truth....
ANY Idiot with 1/2 a brain a 430HID and an Ebb & Flow table can grow more than 1GPW....

4x4 table...holds 144 4" rockwool cubes
7 grams dried is EZ with any strain.
So we take 144 x 7 we get 1008
144 cuts
Producing 7 grams dried
is 1008 grams per 8 weeks from a 430HPS
that is 36 ozs
2,25LBs so still sooooooo Hard to understand a SOG done correctly?
1008 / 430 = 2.34 grams per watt
10 grams per cut ...
1440 / 430 = 3.34 GPW
The same thing can be done on a smaller scale with CFL's
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hey thundurkel looking greath brother keep it up, it seems every thread that mentions this method has someone in it mouthing off, these personal attacks are so juvenile, and cluter so many threads......try to ignore them brother and keep on keepin on


Active member
These aren't personal attacks my friend... it's called reality, and I'm just showing you what reality looks like: nothing even remotely close to 1, or even 2-3 GPW that the good "Doctor" promises for "any idiot with half a brain". Sorry to rain on your parade, but "keepin' it real" like they say...

I think I've told this story/dialog once or twice, but I'll tell it again:

Patient: Doctor, doctor!
Doctor: What can I help you with?
Patient: It hurts when I go like this (while twisting his arm into a very unnatural position)
Doctor: So stop doing it!

In other words, if you don't want to be "attacked" on your hideous, extreme, wild claims that you can't and won't back up, then don't make those claims... or back 'em up.

There are certain things (well, most things) that some people say or word better than me, so I like to quote them rather than trying to say it in my own way:

FreezerBoy said:
Orga_Nerd said:
Excuse me but nowhere on the forum rules or anywhere else does it say that you must back up claims.
Excuse me but, where do you come from that you don't have to back up your claims? I've lived all over the world and have never heard such a thing. When you make a claim it's up to you, and you alone, to back it up.

FreezerBoy said:
Orga_Nerd said:
If i ever make any kind of claim on here i sure as hell dont have to prove anything to anyone on here.
While you get points for declaring your position openly, your position renders every statement you make meaningless at best and unworthy of attention.

There's a word for it when someone cannot or will not back up their claims. Several actually: balderdash, bullshit, cowardly, disinformation, fiction, lies, nonsense, obfuscation, prevarication, valueless, worthless ... the list goes on and none of them are good.
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